Chapter 8

At noon the next day MinYue strolled into the restaurant that his old assistant chose for the meeting with MinYue's Chief Marketing Officer, Daniel Woo. He didn't have much time to get ready this morning because he woke up fifteen minutes before the appointed time, so he simply threw back on his clothes from the day before and headed out of the hotel.

Daniel was already waiting patiently when he saw MinYue walk towards him wearing a wrinkled suit. He looked closer at his boss and recalled that was the suit he was wearing yesterday at work. Daniel's jaw dropped. 'Since when does the boss man care so little of his appearance? Also, wearing the same clothes as the night before usually means...' he immediately stopped saying that to himself. In all his years of working for this man, he had never seen him show any interest in a woman, so why would he now.

"I may have had a bit much to drink last night at my brother and sister-in-law's party." MinYue states as he sat across from Daniel.

Daniel didn't think about it anymore after his boss stated that, and went straight to business.

After a few minutes they were interrupted by the waiter who took their order. Since MinYue just got up not to long ago he ordered breakfast while Daniel ordered lunch.

After eating quietly Daniel picked up right where he left off, "Sir, as I was saying earlier we need to choose an actor for the commercial shoot for our new monitorless computer." He then proceeded to hand over a few files with photos and information on a few of the actors/actresses who said that they would be willing to star in the commercial.

MinYue flipped through a few of them quickly, then paused on one that showed a familiar face. He immediately put the rest of the files down. "This one."

Daniel looked at MinYue with a raised eyebrow as he grabbed the file, then lowered his head to the file and flipped it open. MinYue normally just pushed the files back at him, and would tell him to choose, so the look of surprise was plastered clear as day on his face. "Sir? Ms. Lu is an excellent choice. She is quiet popular. I have had her shoot a few of our other commercials. Do you happen to know Ms. Lu?"

MinYue looked up with a confused face, which startled Daniel. His boss was showing a completely new side that frighted him. What happened to his expressionless boss who was on time, and never wore wrinkled clothes?

MinYue was grumbling internally when he saw his marketing officer make several faces, as if trying to think of what to say next. "Daniel, I met Ms. Lu at the party last night. She is going to start at the office as my new assistant on Monday. So it makes sense to have her be the actress in our commercial." Daniel nodded after hearing this, and was about to reply when MinYue spoke up again, "Now that it's settled, is there anything else that needs to be discussed?"

"No Sir."

"I will head out first then. See you tomorrow." MinYue stood up, and headed to the front counter to pay the bill.

Daniel just sat there wondering if this Ms. Lu had done something to his boss. He was like another man.