Chapter 9

Around 1 o'clock Cera's manager Jeremy gave her a call informing that the job that he signed her up for accepted her as their model to shoot their commercial. Cera agreed, and then told her manager that this will probably the last job she will accept for a while.

She then sprawled out on her bed. After she left the party last night she couldn't get MinYue out of her mind. When he touched her chest, and she felt his body react to her. She had never felt anything like that before. 'Ahhh, what's wrong with me! I still even have his room key!' she screamed internally.

Suddenly her mother Jamie walked into her room, "Cera, when are you going to get out of bed!?"

Cera sat up at her mother's loud voice, "Mom?"

"Your Father informed me last night that he is allowing you to work with MinYue Park. So you won't be able to take many jobs at RS." Jamie sat on the bed next to Cera, "Also, do join us for Lunch!"

Cera looked at her mother with worry. She was afraid that her mother wouldn't approve, "Are you okay with this, mom?"

"Of course not! What can I do though. Your Father already said yes!" Jamie half shouted this as she slapped her hand on her knee.

Cera didn't want to anger her mother further. She was quiet for several seconds before speaking, "I really want to do this mom. Please forgive father."

"I know honey, but the business world is not suited for women. If you want to leave it at anytime, let me know. I will help you!"

"Okay mom, I will." she said honestly, "Shall we go eat now?" Cera was trying to get her mother to think about something else.

Her mother nodded and got up from Cera's bed. Cera stood up and followed her mom to the dinning room where her father and brothers were waiting.

"It's about time! I am starving!" Mason complained.

"Mason watch the way you talk to your elder sister." Leo snaps. He had been listening to the boys argue for ten whole minutes now.


Chase had a hard time holding in his laughter, "Yeah Mason." he whispered.

Mason glared at his brother, "Shut up!"

"Enough!" Leo's patience was wearing thin, "You two are going to force me into an early retirement, and then neither of you will take over Lu National Bank!" Both brothers instantly stopped what they were doing.

"Let's eat!" Jamie put on a smile as she sat down across from her husband. Cera took a seat across from Chase, and to her father's right. The food was then brought out by the many servants, and spread out across the table.

Cera couldn't help but stare at her two younger brothers that sat across from her. Mason had blonde hair like their mother, and blue eyes like herself, and their father. While Chase had the opposite. Green eyes like their mother, and the same hairstyle as their father. No one would be able to tell that these two were twins, unless they knew them their whole life. They looked nothing alike, and acted so different. Except when they fought. She was grinning while she was looking at them. Mason noticed and glared at her with evil eyes, "What are you smiling about?"


Her response angered him, and he stuck his tongue out at her. They both then noticed that the temperature in the room seemed to drop, and turned their heads to see their father. His eye lids where lowered just enough to make him look pissed. They could sense that this definitely wasn't the time to goof around. They both looked down at their plates, and began to eat quietly. 'I wonder if mom and dad fought because of me?' she thought to herself as she picked up her sandwich, and brought it to her mouth. She loved honey ham and cheese sandwich bites, but since the atmosphere wasn't the greatest she didn't taste the flavor as much.

After Lunch Cera spent the rest of her day wondering if she was the reason her mother and father seemed off. She wanted to do something to make them happy again. She rolled around on her bed, and pulled the room card out from under her pillow. 'I should return this. He may need it? Can it wait until Monday? Also I think I should try my hardest at this, and prove to my parents that allowing me to work for MinYue was the right choice!'


MinYue arrived at his hotel room door a little after 2, and reached into his left pant pocket. 'It's not here?' he then reached into his right pocket and felt his keys and wallet. 'At least I have these still.' He then shrugged his shoulder and headed to the lobby to have another key card made.

"Sir, when you check out we will need both room cards back." the lady at the desk said as she handed him the new one.

"Okay." he nodded as he grabbed the key card from her. 'Does she have it still?' he asked himself while making his way back to his room.

Monday morning came fast for MinYue. He almost flew out of bed when his 5 o'clock alarm woke him from his dreams. 'Another night alone.' was the first thought that entered his mind. Before he met her he rather enjoyed being alone, but now he wanted her by his side. He stretched out his arms across the empty bed. He was lonely.

He slowly sat up, and made his way to the closet to get ready for the day. The only reason why he was staying at the hotel was because the renovations to his place were still underway. He couldn't wait to go back home, but at the same time he wanted to make it their home. 'Uh, this is what love is?' he thought to himself as he pulled out his navy blue 3 piece suit. He wanted to look his best today.