Chapter 10

Cera walked into the lobby of Park Industries at 8 am sharp with her laptop case strapped around her right shoulder. The interior of the lobby was a beautiful sight. The Marble fireplace off to the right, and then the floor to ceiling windows along both sides of the entrance doors. Large gray tiles on the wall behind the receptionist's desk with 3D white letters, "Park Industries". The desk itself was another whole thing of beauty in itself. The dark cherry wood, and the white marble top that matched the fireplace. She made her way to the desk and looked at the lady behind it. "Miss, how may I help you?" the lady looked at Cera with a bright smile.

Cera looked at the lady's name tag, "Mrs. Jin, I am here to see MinYue for a job interview."

Mrs. Jin's eyes widened as she heard the young lady say "MinYue" instead of "CEO Park." Never in her whole career here had anyone called their big boss man by his first name! She coughed slightly, "Miss, let me call up to CEO Park's floor. Please sit over by the waiting area." She then pointed to the seating over by the fireplace. Cera nodded, and turned to make her way to the closest chair. She sat down, and pulled at her navy blue skirt making sure that it wouldn't get wrinkled. She decided to go with blue instead of black this morning. She didn't want to wear black and white on her first day. Since it would match her hair to much, and she was afraid that she would be to monochromatic. She then made sure all the buttons on her blouse were neat and in place before looking up at Mrs. Jin, who was now on the phone. Mrs. Jin noticed Cera smiling at her, so she returned the smile as she was listening to the male voice on the other end of the phone. She then said goodbye to the man, hung up the phone, and waved Cera back over.

"Miss, CEO Park will see you now. Do you need assistance getting to the elevator?" Mrs. Jin asked as she handed Cera a pass.

"No, I should be good. What floor?"

"His office is on the 8th floor. Head down this corridor and the elevators should be to your left." Mrs. Jin instructed as she pointed to the hallway behind the wall with the fireplace.

"Thank you, My name is Cera Lu. It will be a pleasure working with you from now on!" Cera introduced herself confidently and then turned to head in the direction Mrs. Jin just told her.

Mrs. Jin was shocked at the young girls confidence. She has never had someone who was coming in for an interview announce that she would enjoy working with her. 'Did this girl already know she would have a position? Why did she call it an interview then?' she questioned to herself as she spun herself in her chair back towards the phone that has started to ring.

Cera found the elevators quite easily. She pressed the button to call the elevator and then proceeded to look around. Even the space by the elevators looked extravagant. 'This whole building is beautiful!' She slightly jumped when the elevator made a ding sound to notify the person who called it that it was approaching the floor. She chuckled at herself for zoning out at the decor, and then entered the elevator, and pressed the 8 on the number selection panel. There wasn't to many other people at the moment because it was after work had already started for the day.