Chapter 11

When MinYue received the call from Mrs. Jin, his heart race sped up when she informed him of a young girl in the lobby who asked to see him about a job interview. He tried his best to sound natural in front of Daniel Woo, who was in his office helping him with the mass amount of paperwork that needed to be done for the day. "My new assistant will be up shorty."

When Daniel heard this from MinYue he was reminded of Saturday. He didn't know weather to smile or keep a straight face. He kept his head down, "Mmmh." He continued to sort out the files before him.

Only when he heard a light knock at the door did he look up. "Come in." MinYue tried his best to sound gentle which caused Daniel to face him. Then the door slowly opened and a black and white haired girl walked in with 3 inch navy heels, and navy skirt, and a white blouse. He looked at her, and then back at his boss. They had matching clothes on! He looked back at her, and then once again at MinYue.

MinYue had no expression on his face. He was to busy with his thoughts. 'I am so happy I decided to wear this suit today! We look like a couple with our matching outfits. This is destiny!' When he wasn't saying anything Daniel cleared his throat. MinYue glared at him, and then turned to look at Cera with a smile, "Did you find my office okay?"

"Yeah, once I reached the 8th floor I just asked a few of your subordinates what office was yours. They all looked at me funny, but now I see why. We seem to have the same taste in clothing." she pointed out the thing he was thinking about just moments ago. "I see you guys have a lot to go through, shall I jump right in and help?"

Daniel wanted to say yes, but MinYue surprised him once more, "No, the office space just outside is yours. On the desk is a welcome packet. Please read that first. Let me know when you're done, and I will give you a tour as my father instructed on Friday."

"Oh, I will do that then." She turned around, and headed back to her new office.

MinYue was watching her through the full length window that was next to the door. He had a clear view of her sitting down, picking up the packet on her desk and flipping through the pages. For some reason he thought it was strange at the pace she was going through them. His left eyebrow slowly started to crease as his right raised. Giving him a questioning appearance.

Daniel noticed that his boss had stopped going through his stack of papers, so he looked up to see MinYue's expression. 'I am going to die of a heart attack if I continue to be around him while she is here!' he whined to himself as he pulled his eyes off MinYue, and back to his work.