Chapter 12

Thirty minutes later Daniel had finished his stack of papers. Before he could say anything MinYue spoke up, "Daniel, now that I have Cera as my new assistant I won't need your help anymore. You can return to your position." Daniel was happy, but at the same time a little sad. 'Not even a thank you! I see how important I am!' While he was complaining MinYue continued as if sensing Daniel's feelings, "Thanks for your help today. I appreciate it." Daniel looked up at his boss who was busy staring out the window into the next room. 'You're so obvious!'

Daniel then excused himself and left the room. As he was walking past he couldn't help but smile at her. 'Good luck, you have no idea what you are in for.' Cera smiled back politely, "Is MinYue done?"

"Yeah, we just finished. How about you? That binder looks pretty big."

"It's 256 pages to be exact."

"And you read that in 30 minutes!?"

"Yeah, I have a photographic memory."

"Oh." Daniel looked at Cera, "That's got to be awesome."

"It comes in handy." Cera says as she stands up, "Well I am going to inform MinYue that I am done."

"Okay see you around, and Welcome to Park Industries Ms. Lu." Daniel took a half bow while still keeping eye contact, and then made his way towards the elevator. It was on the opposite side of the floor. He had to walk down the hall, around the corner of her office, which opened up to the cubicles. In the center there is a printer/fax machine, and off to his right was the floors kitchenette. He looked in and saw a woman in her late twenties talking to the head graphic designer, Adam. He smiled and kept walking. He passed the water fountain, and two men were standing next to it. As Daniel passed he heard one of them, "Did you see that hot young lady walk into CEO Park's office? I wonder if she is going to be his new assistant?" Daniel wanted to tell him "You have no chance buddy!" but just kept on walking 'You will find out soon enough.' He had a slight smirk on his face as he pushed the down button to call the elevator. His office was on the 7th floor along with CRO Sun. (Chief Risk Officer)


Cera lightly knocked on the door that separated her office space from MinYue's. She only stood there for a few seconds when she heard, "Come in."

She took a deep breath, and opened the door. MinYue was still sitting on the white L-shaped couch that was in the center of his office. Directly behind him was his desk. It was a dark brown with an aged slab of wood on the top. It looked very beautiful. Cera was busy looking around the office so MinYue didn't disturb her. He had a slight smile as he was following her eyes around the room. Off to her right was a liquor cabinet, and then to her left was a balcony that had two reclining chairs with a small end table in-between them. She then shifted her gaze back to the white couch, in front of it was another slab of aged wood serving as a coffee table, and a black shag rug below it. She took a few steps into his office before speaking up, "Sir, I finished the welcome packet, and I have a few questions. If I may?" MinYue nodded. "I noticed that on page 15 it mentions an apartment available for employees at my pay-grade that is included with employment. May I know what they look like? Also, on page 47 the relationship regulation is pretty much nonexistent. Does Park Industries not care if a superior dates a subordinate? Everything else was well put together. I have a lot to live up to if your previous assistant was this thorough."

MinYue smiled, "David was truly an excellent assistant, but not perfect. As for the apartment, it's the complex on 2nd street. It's three street down from the building. I can take you there after work, if you would like? I can also arrange movers to help you get settled in. We don't have rules against dating here at Park Industries." Cera was standing about 4 feet away from him, so he was a little upset at the distance. He patted the spot next to him, "Come sit." Cera nodded, but didn't sit right next to him, but a cushion over. His smile faded for a second. "How did you read all 256 pages in 30 minutes? Photographic memory?"

"Yes, and I would appreciate you showing me the apartment…..Oh, by the way." her voice became very soft, and her cheeks turned slightly pink, "I left the other night with this." she pulls out the blue room key from her skirt pocket, and extends her arm to him.

When he saw the card he couldn't help it, his heart filled with warmth. 'She kept it.' he took it from her, and noticed that the blue seemed to have fade on the corners. 'How many times did she hold it?' His eyes seemed to glow, and Cera caught it. He cleared his throat, "Thank you. I had to have another made, and the lady at the desk told me that I needed both room keys when I check out. My bungalow is currently going through renovations, so I am staying at the hotel." he explained.