Chapter 14

After lunch MinYue informed Cera of a business meeting that he had to attend to. He wanted her to accompany him, so he could introduce her to his subordinates that he works a little more closely with, and for her to take notes. She agreed and followed him to the meeting room on the 6th floor after they stopped back at her new office on the 8th floor, so she could grab her laptop. When they stepped off the elevator they walked into an open room with a water fountain in the middle, and to the right were stairs that lead to the 7th floor where CMO Daniel Woo, and CRO Mary Sun's offices were. Behind the stairs was an Office that said CFO Tom Lang. (Chief Financial Officer) Besides the meeting room and the open entry way, his office was the only one on this floor. Cera was a little impressed. 'A whole floor to himself! Well except his assistant of course.' On the left was an all glass meeting room. Cera spotted Daniel sitting with his back to them. As they walked closer she could see a few other faces, but most of them looked unfamiliar to her. When they were touring the building most of the Chief officers were too busy to meet her at that time.

MinYue pulled the door open for Cera, allowing her to enter first. There was only one open chair at the table, so Cera let MinYue sit there. Before he sat down he pulled a chair that was against the wall and placed it by his side. Cera nodded at him, and sat. Only when she had a comfortable position MinYue took his seat. "Begin." his frosty voice only said one word, and the whole room went quiet.

The first one to give their speech was Daniel. He talked about the upcoming commercial for one of their products. He then turned to Cera and informed the rest of the group who she was, and that she was going to be a part of the commercial. When he noticed MinYue's glare he jumped to another topic. He talked about the sales of a few other products, and then quickly ended his speech.

As each individual gave their speech MinYue looked emotionless on the outside. A few of the people in the room would stutter from time to time, and some would ramble off at the speed of light. Which made it a challenge for Cera to keep up with her note taking. Sometimes she would shorten words while typing to keep up. Suddenly MinYue spoke up, "Slow down when you speak." Causing everyone in the room to suddenly look in his direction.

The CIO Ryan, who was talking at the moment started to sweat. He was already nervous enough because he was relatively new to the company as well. He still wasn't used to MinYue's cold aura, so he spoke faster than he normally does.

When the meeting ended it was already 5pm. They had been in there for 3 hours. Cera's fingers were a little sore for typing so much, but she was happy with the fact that she was working as an assistant and not as a model. Her dream was slowly coming true. If she could prove to her parents that she was a capable worker, she wouldn't have to continue dressing up, and layering her face with make-up only to sit in front of a camera. She never understood why her mother enjoyed that lifestyle. She wanted to make a name for herself in business just like her father. He was the owner of the only National Bank in Ahmeri. She wanted to accomplish something on a level like that. So why not start here at Park Industries. They are in control of PACE, a popular appliance company. As well as Mark, the top leading electronic company. They recently released their own security system called Mal-ark, and the new laptop PaC (pack), as well as their famous home computer Mack that had been around for years. Park Industries is also in charge of a few other smaller companies as well. Cera was impressed with the mass amount of responsibilities Ming-Fa had entrusted with his second son. MinHe was in charge of the hotels and restaurants, while MinFeng was in charge of the film industry. Ming-Fa personally kept an eye on the martial arts school he owned until he retired and hired his nephew Ming-Lee to take over. Ming-Lee was the only son of Ming-Fa's sister Tiana. So he treated him like he was another one of his sons.