Chapter 15

MinYue wanted to get her apartment key from the manager, and sort out a few more things before heading with her to the apartment. So instead of waiting around for everyone to introduce themselves, he stood up, adjusted his jacket, and left the meeting room.

Cera stayed behind to personally introduce herself to her new coworkers, "Hi everyone, My name is Cera Lu. It will be a great pleasure working with, and learning from all of you. Please take care of me!" she bowed in front of everyone there.

"Nice to meet you too Cera. I heard Daniel say earlier that you are a model? Is that correct?" Mary Sun questioned as she looked at the young girl before her. 'How is a model capable of being the CEO's assistant?'

"Yes, but I also graduated from AUA this year. (Accelerate University of Ahmeri) I graduated at the top of my class with two degrees." Cera immediately cleared any doubts the people in the room had. AUA was the top university in all of Ahmeri, and was incredibly hard to get into. Some of the people in the meeting room didn't even get the chance to go to that school.

A black haired man who was quiet and seemed uninterested for the most of the meeting suddenly spoke up, "You said your name was Cera?" he stood from his chair, made his way from the back of the room, and stretched out his arm to shake the young lady's hand, "My name is Tom Lang, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to knock on this fellow graduates door." he gave her a small smile, "But of course I graduated a few years before you."

Cera smiled when she heard him mention that he attended the same school, "I certainly will!"

Tom then excused himself from the meeting room, "I would love to stay and chat, but I have a few things to take care of before heading home for the night. Nice meeting you, Cera." He turned towards the opened door, but turned his head slightly to look at her before walking towards his own office.

After he left another person stepped forward to introduce themselves, "Hello, I am the CTO Mark Fa (Chief Technology Officer) here at Park Industries. It will be a pleasure working with you Ms. Lu." the 40 year old man said as he shook Cera's hand. "My wife would love your hair! She has been really big into changing her style recently. May I ask if it's dyed?"

"This is my natural hair color. I inherited it from my father. You may know him, Leo Lu of Lu National Bank."

"Yes, the only bank I will ever do business with! Your father is a remarkable man. I can see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I can't wait to see you in action young lady! Now I would love to stay and chat more, but this old man must hurry home to his wife's cooking before the little ones eat it all on me!" he says with a smile on his face before he makes his way out of the room.

Cera watched Mark leave before turning back to the few remaining people in the room. When she turned her eyes landed on a young man who had made his way to her side when she wasn't looking. It was the young man who MinYue yelled at earlier to slow down. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He reminded her of her younger brother Mason. She couldn't help it, she smiled brightly at the young man. In return his cheeks slightly turned pink. 'Oh how cute! I wish my brother was like this man!'

"Hhh….Hi, my name is Ryan. I am the Chief Information Officer. I work with Mark. The man who just left. Pleasure to….to meet you Ms. Lu." he shyly said stuttering a few times. He thought that she was pretty the moment he laid eyes on her, but when the Big Boss man pulled out the chair for her, he was slightly taken back, 'Big boss man must like you.' he thought to himself as he was reaching his hand out to shake hers.

"Pleasure to meet you as well Ryan. If it's not to rude of me, may I ask your age?"

"I'm 22. I am relatively new to the company."

"So you're only a year older than me! That's great!" Cera noticed that she seemed to the youngest one there, so when she found out Ryan's age she was happy. Someone she could relate to. She instantly wanted to be his friend.

Mary Sun was a little shocked at Cera's age. 'She was hired at only 21!' Mary worked hard to become the CRO here at Park Industries, and now a young little thing just walks in, and get a job like that! 'How is this fair! I am six years older than this girl!' she grumbled to herself while keeping a poise face. 'And on top of it, I am still single!'

The last person to introduce themselves was the COO. (Chief Operations Officer) "Nice to meet you Ms. Lu, my name is Al Jin. You probably have already met my wife, Lucy, at the receptionist's desk."

Cera's eyes gleamed as she heard Al speak, "Your wife is truly beautiful Mr. Jin."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

After 20 minutes of talking with everyone remaining They all decided to head out for the day. Cera felt truly happy that she had met such amazing people on her first day. She was chatting with them while heading towards the elevator. Mary Sun, and Daniel went up the stairs while saying their goodbyes to Cera, Al, and Ryan.

Just as she was about to step onto the elevator with Al and Ryan she remembered her laptop in the meeting room, "Oh, I almost forgot my laptop. You two go on ahead!" she then dashed out, and ran towards the room while the elevator doors closed behind her.

When she had successfully retrieved her laptop she headed back out the door, only to run right into Tom Lang.


She had ran right into him, almost falling backwards. His two strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her upright, "Why are you in such a hurry?" his worried tone escaped his lips.

She didn't answer him right away. Her eyes were closed as if preparing to hit the hard floor. When she crinkled her brows as if questioning why she wasn't on the ground, Tom couldn't help but smile. His heart started to pick up the pace. 'She is just too cute!' Cera then opened her eyes to see Tom holding her in his arms. She turned bright red, and then pushed herself from him and bows deeply, "I am so, so sorry Mr. Lang. I was in such a hurry that I ran out of the room before looking."

He chuckled, "Cera the walls are glass, and you still didn't see me?" Cera hung her head in embarrassment. "Where are you heading? Home? May I accompany you?"

"No, I still have to report to MinYue. I will take a rain check though! I am moving into the apartment building soon. Are you staying there?"

Tom was silent for a little bit. 'She called CEO Park by his first name!' he then patted her head, "Cera, I will accept your rain check. And yes I do live in the Paradise Apartments building. What would you like as a welcoming gift? How about we go grab a bite sometime?"

"Sure! That would be nice! I gotta run Mr. Lang!" she then quickly turned on her heels, and took off towards the elevator. Tom stood still for a few minutes. He didn't want to embarrass her further when they would meet up at the elevator. 'I wonder why she calls him by his first name, but me by my last? She did agree to dinner though. Maybe they are childhood friends. That's why she calls him by his first name?' Tom couldn't help but smile as he moved towards the elevator. He heard the doors shutting as he was nearing it. He looked up to see the light moving from the 6 to the 7, and then to the 8. He then sighed, and pressed the down button to call the elevator back.