Chapter 16

Cera was extremely embarrassed when she ran into Tom that she was trying her best to hide her red cheeks. She even agreed to go to dinner with him. 'Oh my gosh, does that mean he is interested in me?! He is cute, but why? Why did I agree? Oh my gosh! What do I do?' she then brought up her laptop to her head and leaned her head against it. The elevator door opened on the 8th floor, and everyone who was busy with work earlier were now gone. The lights were dimmed, and the floor was extremely quiet. Normal employees work from 7am to 5pm, Chief officers worked mainly from 6:30am until 5pm, but sometimes would stay later if needed. Her schedule was set off of MinYue's. He would mainly come in at 6am and the time he left was never consistent. Her predecessor David said that sometimes they would be working from morning to night. She picked up her head, and made her way through the room, took the sharp left and walked down the dark hallway to her office. She then saw that the lights in her office, and MinYue's were still on. She set her laptop down on her desk, and then walked to the door that separated their offices. She peeked into the window to see him sorting through a few files at his desk.

Knock, knock.

When MinYue heard the light tapping on his door he looked up from his stack of paperwork to look at the door. He didn't say anything, but he looked at his watch and then back up at the door. She was talking to them for a whole 35 minutes. He desperately wanted to know what was said. He then looked back down at the file in his hand, "Come in."

After hearing his cool crisp voice allowing her to enter, Cera poked her head in first before walking into the room. "MinYue, are you still busy? Do you want any help?" she tried her best to sound confident.

When MinYue didn't look up she didn't continue to talk. She just made her way to his side, and stood quietly next to him. He had one arm resting on his forehead while the other was holding the file he was staring at. He paused for a second to look at her. When his eyes met her slightly flushed face he was shocked, but then grew angry. 'Who made my woman blush!' he lost all control over his body, and stood straight up, causing the wheeled chair he was just sitting in to fly back against the wall.

His sudden movement scared Cera, and she jumped. "MinYue, is everything alright?" Her question went unanswered again. He reached out his arms towards hers, pulling her into an embrace, and rested his head on her shoulder. She was dumbstruck. Just as she was about to open her mouth he pulled away.

"Shall we go check out your new place?" MinYue asked as he lifted his head from her shoulder. He had lost control over his own actions, and realized that it frightened her, so he pulled away and changed the topic before she could say anything.

"Oh, okay." she simply answered him and then turned to leave.

MinYue grabbed his suit jacket, and followed her out. He had no idea what she was thinking at this moment. He was terrified that he just scared her away from him forever. He turned off the lights to his office, and shut his door. He looked up to see Cera waiting patiently by the light switch next to her office door. He was surprised at the fact that she looked calm. "Cera…."

Before he could say anything more she cut him off, "MinYue, I am sure you're under a lot of pressure. Your father has entrusted you with a large amount responsibilities. As your assistant, I will help you carry that burden. Consider me your right hand man!" she said this with confidence, then she placed her right hand against her chest with a thump.

MinYue didn't know weather to cry or smile, "Thank you Cera. I may need to lean on you from time to time. Is that alright?"

Cera nodded. He had just confirmed what she had thought. 'This man must be so stressed. That's why he did what he did just now. I will be his safe place when he has had enough. I will assist him whenever he needs, because I am his assistant. That's my job!'