Chapter 28

Cera was slightly buzzing from the alcohol she had ingested while gaming with the guys. She rolled around on the bed thinking about how she let MinYue kiss her, how she simply closed her eyes, 'Do I like him, or am I just thinking that I do because he has been so nice to me?' She couldn't get him out of her mind so she pulled her phone out of her pocket for the first time since she left work. She saw the two missed calls and three texts from MinYue. She clicked the message app, and read the messages:

[Is everything okay?]

[Cera, can you call me?]

[I want to talk to you.]

She rolled around a few more times on the bed before holding her phone above her head, and staring straight at his name that was staring back at her. 'He is good looking, successful, and sweet. But! He is my boss! I don't know what to do!' She was way to nervous to talk to him, and her thoughts were unclear on how she felt about him. Just as she was deciding to not call him her phone slipped from her hands, and was about to land on her face. She attempted to grab it before it fell on her face, and in the process one of her fingers tapped the green circle below his name to put the call through. After just one ring his deep voice came through the line, "Cera? Hello?"

She didn't answer at first so he continued, "Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"I am fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you wanted to talk to me?" she wanted to ask him why he had answered so quickly, but she didn't know if her heart could take it. If he asked her out over the phone she would decline immediately.

As if he could sense her feeling MinYue asked something different than what he wanted to, "My place will be done with renovations tomorrow morning, would you be able to arrange some movers for me?"

"That's all?"


"I can arrange that for you. Good night MinYue."



"Good night." Before she could reply MinYue hung up the phone. She rolled over onto her stomach and closed her eyes with a heavy sigh. She raised her head to look at the time on her phone. It was midnight. 'He answered the phone only after one ring this late at night!'

MinYue was sleeping when a very special ringtone awoke him from his slumber. He shot up, and grabbed his phone shortly after the song started. When she didn't answer him, he grew worried. But after she did he could hear the slight worry in her voice. He decided not to confess, and ask her about finding a moving company for him. Even though tomorrow was a Saturday, and she didn't have to answer to him, she still agreed. He then said his goodbyes and hung up. His raised his right hand up to his heart when he felt this slight sting. 'I thought when I kissed her that I made my feelings very clear, but we were so rudely interrupted! I need to try harder to win her heart. She will be mine!'

After getting all worked up after the phone call he was wide awake, so he made his way to the hotel gym. He ran on the treadmill for 45 minutes, and then did 100 pull-ups. Since he was the only one in the gym he had removed his shirt before hopping up onto the bar. As he was pulling himself up you could see the muscles in his arms bulge, and his abs tighten. He wasn't ripped to the max, but he had just enough muscle to please the eyes.

After the 100th pull-up he jumped down from the bar, and his chest glimmered with sweat. He took four large steps to the far wall that had his water bottle, and raised it to his lips. As he was drinking a young lady walked into the gym. Her eyes popped at the sight the heavens had blessed her with. MinYue on the other hand was turned off by the eyes that were practically drooling at him. He set his water bottle down, and put his shirt back on. He no longer had any desire to be in the same room as someone like her. He grabbed his water bottle, and practically bolted out of the room, without saying a word.

Once in his room he stripped down, and jumped into the shower. It was 2am when he finally crawled back into bed for the night.