Chapter 29

That weekend flew by for MinYue, from moving back into his bungalow in the Blue Water Lilly residents, having lunch with his father, to accompanying his sisters shopping on Sunday. When he was out with them he made sure to pay attention to their likes and dislikes. He wanted to take notes as what would be a good gift for Cera. While they were out Aleaha and Anna dragged him into LUX a jewelry store. While they were pointing out necklaces and earrings for themselves MinYue came across a ring that grabbed his attention. The color was the same as her eyes. He then was flooded with thoughts of her. "Anna, Aleaha?" he paused thinking if it was really okay to ask them, 'She would be their sister-in-law soon, so why not.'

By now both his sisters were standing next to him looking at the ring, "Whatcha need?" Aleaha asked.

"I want to marry Cera Lu. Would this suffice as an engagement ring?" he said while tapping his finger on the glass.

"Ma….Ma….Marry! Brother, are you sick?"

Aleaha raised her hand to feel MinYue's forehead, but he pushed it away, "I shouldn't of asked!"

MinYue was about to give up on the ring, but Anna spoke up finally, "It matches her eyes." MinYue turned to Anna, and she gave him a bright smile, "I think she will like it."

MinYue turned to the sales man that was on the other side of the counter, "I will take this."

The sales man smiled, "Sir, do you want to know the price first?"

"No need, it's prefect. Wrap it up before I change my mind."

After hearing that the sales man quickly unlocked the glass case, and grabbed the box the ring was in, "Sir, it's a size 6. Would we need to have it resized?"

MinYue didn't answer because he didn't know her size, but Aleaha spoke up, "We are the same size, so it will fit just fine. No need to resize." MinYue turned to look at Aleaha with wide eyes so Aleaha explained. "At the party I saw a ring she was wearing, and I liked it. She let me try it on."

With the confirmation from Aleaha, MinYue had successfully purchased an engagement ring, now all he needed to do was get Cera to fall for him. And since his sisters were in the mood to help, he asked them several questions on how to win a girls heart.

Over the weekend Cera prepared herself to turn down her boss. On Monday morning she walked into her office a little after 5am. The door that separated his office from hers was opened, and she could overhear him on the phone with someone. She flinched slightly when he started yelling, and then he slammed his phone onto the desk. She watched him pace back and fourth before turning towards the door. When he saw her, she thought he would call her in, or apologize for his behavior, but he just shut the door in her face. She stood there for a few seconds, but then she heard someone's footsteps coming down the hall. She quickly sat down at her desk, and flipped open her laptop.

A few seconds later she heard a tap on the door frame to her office. "Cera your here early this morning." Tom Lang's deep voice rang sweetly in her ears. She looked up from her keyboard and greeted him with a head nod. He walked into her office, and continued, "When do you want to grab a bite with me? Any plans for lunch today?"

"I normally get lunch for MinYue and myself, I could ask him to have a lunch break on my own today." she looked at the door, and then sighed.

Tom knew what that sigh meant, "Not in a good mood this morning?" he asked while staring at the door.

Cera turned back to Tom. He was wearing a simple white button-down shirt and a pair of black trousers, but it looked good with his black hair and light green eyes. She smiled at him, "How about we do dinner tonight?"

"Sounds good, I will book a restaurant. I will meet you here after 6?" he waited for her confirmation, and then turned on his heel to leave.

"Tom? Did you come up here for something? I can go ask him if he is ready to accept…."

"It's okay, I will call him later. Let him calm down." Tom said to her as he was waving his arm in the air and stepping out of her office. His back was turned to her, so she didn't see his smile that had increased in size when she asked that. He couldn't admit that what he came up here for was to see her before work.