Chapter 30

MinYue made the effort to show up to work before Cera, hoping to have alone time with her. When his phone rang at 5 in the morning he wasn't to happy, but when his mother on the other end was demanding that she meet and have lunch with Cera, he flipped a switch. He knew he shouldn't of confided in his sisters. Now that his mother knew that he was interested in a girl, she would pester him to no end, forcing him to move up his plans on capturing her heart. He tried his best to explain the situation to his mother, but she wouldn't budge. She even said that she would be at the office today to have lunch with them. He yelled into the phone and then hung up. He was pacing back and forth trying to think of a way of delaying his mother when he noticed Cera standing near the door. He walked up wordlessly and slammed the door shut. He took several hurried steps to the patio door, and whipped it open.

When the cold crisp air hit his face he took in a deep breath, and let the cold air into his lungs. He held it in for a minute before letting it out. The cloud of breath could be seen clear as day as it left his lips. He always enjoyed the fall weather, it helped clear his head.

After a few minutes of standing in the cold he started to feel better, so he went back into his office only to hear a familiar voice on the other side of the office door. 'Tom, what does he need?' he was preparing to open the door when his hand stopped halfway to the door. "How about we do dinner tonight?" her soft voice rang in his ears. 'This woman, My woman wants to have dinner with another man! I don't think so!' He turned on his heel and sat down on the chair. He made several clicks on his computer with a grin. 'She will be too busy to have dinner with you, Tom!' He was so carried away with trying to prevent the dinner date from happening that he totally forgot that his mother Alexa was coming for lunch.

The morning flew for Cera. She mainly stayed at her desk organizing files, and accepting paperwork from all the Chief officers's assistants. As well as handling any emails that were sent to her regarding dinner meetings with fellow CEO's, and other things her job title required.

Noon was approaching fast and her stomach was starting to growl, but MinYue hadn't emerged from his office all morning. She was debating on knocking on his door when she heard a slight knock on her own. "Come in."

The door slowly opened and a slim lady who looked not a day over 50 came into her office. She was wearing a teal dress that matched her eyes, and her blonde hair was pushed up into a bun. "You must be Cera? I am MinYue's mother, Alexa. I am here to have lunch with you two. I hope you don't mind seafood?" she waved her hand and two men in suits wheeled in carts. One cart had a three tiered platter with a variety of sushi rolls on it, while the other had a bottle of wine in ice, along with six glasses, 3 for the wine and three with ice water in them.

Before Cera could say anything Alexa had made her way to MinYue's door, and pushed it open. "MinYue, mommy's here with food!"

"…." MinYue said nothing but got up from his desk, and made his way to the couch. The two butlers wheeled in the trays, and set the food down onto the coffee table. Once done they waited for their boss lady's signal to leave. Alexa waved her hand, and then turned towards Cera who was still standing in the doorway.

"Cera, dear don't be shy. Come, let's eat." she motioned to Cera. Cera turned her head to Alexa and smiled before hurrying into MinYue's office.

Alexa sat on the short side to the couch, so Cera had no choice but to sit on MinYue's side. Alexa smiled at her, and Cera felt that it was odd for his mother to want her to join them for lunch. Before she could ask why, Alexa faced her and handed a plate to MinYue, who turned towards Cera and placed the plate on her lap as if he knew that it was meant for Cera and not him, "Dear, eat this. You must be starving after working all morning. I hope my son here isn't a slave driver. He better take it easy on you if he..."

"Mom, I trust Cera's abilities. She can handle the job requirements quite well." MinYue quickly cut his mother off before she could say something that would scare Cera off.

"Oh, that's great. Having a trustworthy assistant means a lot in the business world. Let's eat." Alexa was quite surprised by his kind words towards Cera. He never complimented a woman besides herself in his 28 years of life. She was truly happy.

Cera looked down at the plate of sushi and as she seemed lost in thought she suddenly saw a pair of chopsticks come into view. She raised her head to see MinYue holding them, "Thank you." her cheeks turned slightly pink, "Mrs. Park, How are you today?"

"Oh sweetie, call me Alexa, or Mom." As Alexa was saying this MinYue had just swallowed a large gulp of water. His eyes started to water, and he had to clear his throat. He ended up coughing slightly, and then turned to his mother with a glare. Cera was caught off guard by her words as well. She just sat there blankly looking at the son and mother duo. Alexa watched the girl's blank expression gradually turn into a blush, and then Cera lowered her head once more only to pick up a sushi roll and stuff it into her mouth. Alexa smiled and then turned to her son, "MinYue, your assistant is so cute! She shows her emotions so easily. I wish your sisters were as adorable as her. Those two argue like no tomorrow. Maybe they should spend some time with Cera."

"That would be up to Cera." at MinYue's words, both mother and son turned to Cera who had been eating quietly.

"Hmm?" she looked up and blinked a few times.

"My mother was wondering if you would like to spend some time with my sisters, hoping that your mannerisms would rub off on them."

"Oh." Cera set her chopsticks down and smiled at Alexa, "Thank you for the compliment Alexa. I am sure with time they will grow out of their habits. My brothers are the same way, I believe it's just puberty."

"You're probably right. But none the less we all should go shopping sometime! I would love to get to know you better."

"Thank you. I would enjoy that." Cera smiled brightly at Alexa once more.

"Alright, let's eat. We can chat more afterwards." Alexa returned the smile and then picked up her chopsticks.