Chapter 31

MinYue was extremely stressed, and worried his mother would say something that would give away his intentions on winning Cera's heart. He wasn't expecting her to ask Cera to spend time with her and his sisters. He wasn't one for drinking while on lunch, but he couldn't help but help himself to the wine that was right before him. Once it hit him, he felt more relaxed. He laid back on the couch and lazily rested his arms on the backside of the couch. Since his mother was sitting on the smaller section of the L-shaped couch Cera was next to him on the longer side. When he did this Cera felt his arm touch her shoulder. She wanted to pull away, but didn't want to cause a scene in front of Alexa. She froze on the spot, and just smiled at Alexa. She didn't even realize that she had picked up a glass of wine as well. Only after the first swallow did she realize that it wasn't water. Her cheeks turned pink at her own embarrassment, and quickly set the glass down. Alexa noticed, "Seafood and wine go well together, don't you think?"

"Oh, yes..."

Alexa had a smile so big that her eyes were almost completely closed, so she didn't quite catch Cera's expression. MinYue on the other had did. He kept his left arm around Cera, but raised his right hand up to rub his forehead. Cera turned at his movements, "Don't mind her, she has always been like this." his voice sounded slightly irritated so Cera knew that he had put up with his mothers antics in the past.

"Okay, Thank you for lunch Alexa."

"You're welcome sweetie! I should probably get going now. Don't want to take up to much of your time." Alexa stood up, made her way to the door, "See you guys next time! Love you son!" she waved her left hand as she closed the door with her left.

Before Cera had the chance to get up herself MinYue used his left arm that was around her shoulder to pull her into his lap. Her cheeks became a blaring red, and she used her arms to attempt to put some distance between them. He wrapped his right hand around her waist holding her in place, and slowly turned his face towards hers. She looked startled, and cute with her rosy cheeks and wavering eyes. He leaned in closer until their lips were almost touching. He wanted to take her, and make her his. 'You are mine! You won't be going to dinner with Tom!' as those thoughts entered his mind he lost all sanity and pushed his lips firmly on hers. Kissing her with such passion that it took her breath away. Her arms started to push harder against his chest, but he held her firm. He parted her lips, and pushed his tongue into her mouth, swirling it around. He was very aggressive with his grip on her.

Just a few hours ago she was certain that she would have the strength to turn him down, but when it came down to it, she couldn't. He didn't even give her the chance to decline his feelings. She found herself being pulled into the heat of the moment, and letting him take control of the situation. She let out a soft "Mmmh" when she thought they were in the height of the kiss. To her surprise after that sweet sound of hers hit his ears he had turned into an excited beast. His lower region started to burn with want. He moved from her lips to stare at her with a burning desire, and then started kissing her neck, and ear, and then he greedily pulled at her blazer revealing her collarbone. He bit onto it causing her to yelp with a mix a pain and pleasure. He thought that he had finally laid claim to this woman, but to his surprise she started to push at his chest again. She realized what she had been doing with her boss. "MinYue, I can't." she pushed with all her might, and managed to break free from his grasp. "You're my boss." Those words hit him like a brick wall as she ran from him. He got up to chase after her, but she had ripped open the door, and slammed it shut before he could grab her arm, and pull her back into his embrace.

All he needed to do was open the door to see her, but the moment she shut it she slumped down against the door and started to cry. He could hear the soft sobs on the other side of the door, and he could feel his own heart ache. 'Why am I so stupid! I just scared the shit out of her! I am so stupid!' He repeatedly pounded his fist lightly on the door as he slid down to his knees and rested his head on the door. He listened to her light sniffles for a few more seconds, but as if she heard his fist hitting the door she quieted down.

Cera was mad at herself for having such a weak resolution. As soon as the door shut behind her she collapsed on the ground and leaned against the door to cry. She only cried when she was angry or upset with herself. It was something she hated about herself. She had given into her feelings, and let him kiss her again. 'Why? Cera, He Is Your Boss! You can't be with him!' she yelled at herself in her head while the tears flowed down her cheeks. She heard a few thumps on the door behind her, and then what felt like someone falling, then a few more light thumps. She turned her ear to the door, and sniffled a few more times. She waited to hear the thumping, but nothing could be heard. She got up onto her knees and pressed her ear up against the door as much as she could, but nothing came from the other side of the door. She wiped her eyes, 'Should I open the door?' she asked herself before getting up to her feet to grab onto the knob.