Chapter 32

Just as she was about to turn it, Daniel Woo started talking as he was walking into her office, "Cera, are you and Mr. Park ready for the meeting?"

She jumped slightly at his words, and turned in Daniel's direction. Just as she was about to respond she heard the door behind her open, and MinYue's cold aurora could be felt behind her. She could feel the goosebumps start at her neck, and shiver all the way down her body. She did another 180 to face MinYue. "Let's go." He lowered his head towards her while he spoke, the bottoms of his eyes were red as if he was just crying himself. She instantly felt like she had done something wrong by leaving his office just moments ago.

She looked back up at him for a few seconds without moving, she had a look in her eyes that MinYue couldn't possibly read. Daniel felt that his presence was no longer needed, so he turned around and headed back down the hallway.

MinYue returned her gaze for another few seconds before stepping to the side, and following Daniel out of her office. Cera remained there for another few seconds after he had left the room deep in thought, she then turned to face her desk and let out a large sigh, grabbed her laptop and ran out of the room after the two men.

During the meeting everyone could tell that something was off with the big boss man, he was extremely quiet, more so than he had ever been. He didn't say a single thing. Not even when the commercial was discussed, or when sales of their new products were mentioned. Not a peep. It was the same for Cera, she kept her head down the whole time, they only thing that could be heard from her was the tapping of the keyboard.

When the meeting was over MinYue stood up, and left the room before anyone could say anything to him. He didn't even wait for Cera. He just got up, and headed towards the elevator. Cera looked at the time on her laptop, 5:30pm. She saved her notes, and then closed her laptop before standing up. Just as she was about to follow after MinYue, Tom walked up to her, "He's really in a bad mood today. Good thing it's almost quitting time. I just have to take care of a few things, then I will be up to fetch you for dinner."

Cera had completely forgot about dinner with Tom, she was so busy thinking of way to clear up the situation with MinYue that Tom completely left her mind. She liked Tom, but it wasn't a romantic feeling. She was about to tell him that she wouldn't be able to go, but since she was the one to ask him she couldn't possibly change her mind now. "Okay, see you soon." She then bowed, and turned to chase after MinYue. She was lucky enough to make it to his side just as the elevator doors were opening. They stepped into the lift at the same time. She turned to look at his sullen face.

"MinYue….." all she could get was his name. She didn't know what else to say. Her thoughts were so mixed up she wasn't even sure of her own feelings at the moment, so she turned her gaze to the elevator floor.

He was hoping the elevator would arrive quickly so he wouldn't have to ride up with her, but unfortunately she was faster. The memory of when she was crying on the floor against the office door entered his mind, and it tore into his heart. When she said his name he wanted to apologize for what he had done earlier, but he meant what he did. He loved her. He just continued to stare forward in the lift. When the doors opened he took several large steps out, and made sure to leave a gap between the two of them. A few people stayed late to finish a few projects, but as they were leaving for the day they bid him good night or good bye, but he didn't answer them. He notice that she returned the goodbyes for the both of them as the other employees were heading towards the elevator. It caused an ache in his chest that made him want to turn around, and swoop her off her feet, and carry her to his office. He knew better than to do that right now, she was still recovering from when he lost control earlier. Not wanting to scare her more he decided to give her some space. He decided not to inform her of the dinner meeting he scheduled earlier today. He would just go solo.

The whole time Cera was wondering if she had hurt his feelings. She was trying to figure out for herself exactly how she felt about him. 'He is my boss, but yet I enjoyed kissing him. He is very attractive, but I know very little about him. He moves way to fast. I want to know more about him before I fall for him. I know what!' She watched him go straight into his office without a word. Something in her chest pained. 'Maybe he is sad. I ran away from him earlier.' She walked up to the door, and leaned against it trying to hear what he was doing, but it was silent. She sighed, and turned back to her desk. 'Better get the meeting notes submitted before Tom gets up here.' She quickly sat down and started tapping away on her laptop, and sending the file to her new monitorless computer.

Not to much longer Tom showed up, "Ready to go?" His smile caught her off guard, and she found herself sitting their dumbly for a few seconds before standing straight up.

"Yes, yes I am." She grabbed her red coat off the chair behind her and hurried towards him.