Chapter 38

When Cera woke up at three in the morning she couldn't fall back asleep. She couldn't stop dreaming about MinYue. At first her dreams were about everyday work with him, and then it would suddenly jump to a scene of them kissing passionately. She would sit straight up in the middle of the night breathing heavy, and embarrassed at the fact that she was dreaming about him that way. Her last dream really did a number on her, they were in the shower together. Naked! So with that thought in her head there was no way she would be able to sleep. She decided that the best way for her to get those thoughts out of her mind was to go to work.

After she greeted Matt she made her way to her office, but then decided to sit on the couch in his office while she sorted out the files. She was right with her thought earlier at home, once she started working she soon forgot all about her steamy dreams.

When MinYue came into the office around 4:40 in the morning she was surprised at first, but the look on his face was too priceless. The utter shock on his face made her smile, and when she noticed how he looked her smile grew larger. His hair was so messy, as if he rolled out of bed, threw on some clothes and left.

She greeted him, and then made her way towards him. When he leaned in closer to her she had the desire to fix his messy hair, but when he raised his hand to push her hair back and he told her she had a stray hair she had a hard time holding back her comment. She wanted to tell him that he should look in a mirror, but decided not to, and turned to make her way to the kitchenette.

She grabbed two cups of coffee, and then made her way back to his office. She leaned against door frame for a minute to admire his handsome presence. He was sitting in the corner of the couch with his left arm up onto the backside, resting his head against it. His right arm which was wrapped in a bandage was holding the file, and his left leg was bent on the couch with his foot resting on his right knee. He looked extremely focused. She couldn't help but let out a sigh as she watched him raise his head from his left arm, turn the page, and then resume the previous position.

When she sighed he looked up from the file to see her leaning against the doorway with two cups of coffee. She had a look that caused him to jump slightly. She had this look of longing, like she wanted to be the file in his lap. 'Am I seeing things wrong?' he thought to himself.

In the next moment she stood straight and proceeded to make her way to her side, "Next week is Thanksgiving. I will call later today to arrange for the turkeys and gift cards for all the employees. So that way come next Wednesday everything should be good to go."

After hearing her statement he nodded, "Sound good."

"Next week is going to be hectic. With only three working days we have a lot to get done. I was very surprised when I read in the welcome packet that the company closes for the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving, and for Christmas Eve and Day. You are a very generous boss." She handed him a cup while sitting very close to him. Closer than she had ever sat before. Her thigh was almost touching his. When he felt her leg graze his he tried to remain clam, he raised his cup to his lips. Hot! He coughed slightly as the hot liquid trailed down his throat, and then he leaned forward to set the cup on the table in front of them. She rubbed his back with her free hand, "Are you okay. Did it go down the wrong pipe?"

He stiffened his back at her touch, and cleared his throat, "Yeah." he then turned to see her worried face.

"How's your hand?"

"Better." he set the file on his lap and raised his right hand towards her to show that he had a small tan adhesive wrapped around his palm.

She wrapped her small fingers around his large ones, and pulled his hand closer to her, "I see." Instead of releasing his hand she continued to hold it while she spoke, "For Christmas this year I will be sending out a questionnaire to the employees after Thanksgiving weekend to see what they enjoyed receiving from the company as a gift from previous years, and then after sorting through their responses I will choose the most favorable item to give them." she paused to look him in the eyes, "For you..."

"I don't need anything from the company. It would be like buying myself a present."

She ignored him, "I am going to personally get you something. I will give you a questionnaire as well. It won't be the same as the one I send to everyone else." As she was speaking she was still holding his hand. She could feel his hand grow warmer the longer she held it. With having said what she wanted she smiled and stood up, letting go of his hand, "Well we have a lot to do. I am going to be in my office if you need anything."

MinYue was left there with his thoughts, 'Did she just hold my hand and say she was going to get me a present? A present from her! I don't care whatever it is, I will cherish it for the rest of my life!' He sat there for a while in the same spot before picking up the file he had previously started to read, and continued where he had left off.