Chapter 39

That week flew by for the both of them. When Saturday came Cera received at text from Tom asking if she was interested in coming down to his unit to make supper together. She agreed since had nothing going on.

Since it was only noon when she got his text she decided to call May to see if she had any plans for lunch, "Hello May, are you busy?"

"Oh hey Cera. I am not to busy…." Cera heard a man yawning in the background and then what sounded like sheets rustling. She immediately regretted calling May.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Sampson and I just got up. He wants to take me to Rine to meet his parents!"

"Wow, when are you going?"

"Next month around Christmas time!" May sounded so happy, and then Cera caught the sound of them kissing. She couldn't help but blush.

"You seem busy! I will call you later!" Cera immediately hung up the phone not waiting for a reply from May. 'Well that was embarrassing! Okay, scratch that, no lunch date with May. What to do to kill some time?' She had woken up at 8 this morning after catching up on some sleep. She felt refreshed after taking a long hot shower, and making herself some breakfast, then lazed around texting Tom until just now. Since lunch with May was out the window she decided to go for a quick run. She changed into her running gear and was now leaning against the kitchen island wearing her tight spandex running pants, and a teal pullover hoodie, with matching teal running shoes. Even though it was only 40 degrees outside she knew once she started running that she would warm up fast. And she was right.

After leaving the apartment complex she ran in the direction of the company. It was only a few blocks away, and she made it there in no time. She paused to look up at the beautiful eight story building that she had spent two weeks at. She let out a large sigh realizing that she had only spent such a short time working here, and she had already fallen for her boss. 'I wanted to prove to my father that I could be just as successful as him, but my heart is weak. I don't know why I can't resist MinYue, I always tell myself when I am alone that I can turn him down, but when I am with him or see him my mind goes blank and I want to be with him. How can I become successful and love you at the same time?'

Monday came, and the workload was twice the size as the previous week. Cera and MinYue both walked into the lobby at 4 in the morning. Al, Ryan, Tom, Mary, and Daniel were all waiting for them at the receptionist desk while chatting with Matt. Before any of them went to their own office's for the day, they all met in the meeting room with a game plan for the week. As they were sitting down the last person to walk in the room was Mark. He looked very tired, and said nothing as he sat down at his usual spot. MinYue turned to Mark, "Kids kept you up late?"

"Yeah, I don't know how much longer I can keep rereading the same bedtime story." He smiled as he turned his tired eyes to MinYue.

"They must love the sound of your voice." Cera's soft voice rang through the room and everyone smiled, except for the only other female in the room. 'Ever since you came here the only time I see CEO Park is during meetings. Before I would go to his office personally to turn in my work, but now my assistant just emails you! How convenient for you?'

"You guys ready to cram five days of work into just three days!?" Daniel tried his best to sound pumped, but what he received back was a room full of sighs

"It's nice to have a four day weekend, but the next three days kill me." Al said as he set a pile of papers on the table.

"Let's get started." MinYue said before taking his seat at the head of the table.