Chapter 40

Several hours later they finally made their way through the giant stack Al had set down on the table earlier. They divvied up the tasks and MinYue gave the final words of encouragement, "We got this. I trust everyone in this room with my life. We can handle just three mere days of work."

MinYue and Cera made their way to the elevator doors with Al, Ryan, and Mark while Daniel and Mary headed up the stairs to their offices. Since Tom's office was on the same floor as the meeting room he was the first one to get to work. He was happy with the way his and Cera's friendship had progressed. They texted each other on a daily bases, and she even came to his apartment Saturday so they could cook together. He seemed to have a slight skip to his walk, and his assistant Ray noticed as he greeted his boss, "Good morning Sir."

"Good morning Ray. Ready for this week?"

"Yes Sir!" Ray had served a few years in the military so he stood straight as he answered his boss's question.

Back on the 8th floor Al bid the two goodbye, and then turned towards his office, leaving Cera and MinYue standing at the entrance of the hallway. MinYue turned to Cera, "Shall we?" he waved his hand to say "After you." and she accepted. She walked only a few steps in front of him, but couldn't help but want to walk next to him, and the hallway seemed so much shorter at this moment than it had ever been since she started here. As they reached her office door she was finally able to slow down enough to be at his side. He noticed her movements, and couldn't help but smile. 'She would rather be next to me!' with this thought entering his mind he placed his left arm around her waist, and pulled the knob to her office.

After pulling her into her office, and slamming the door shut, he pressed her against the door and looked at her slightly startled face. She was so mesmerizing that he couldn't help but lower his face and capture her pink lips. He tasted her sweet cherry flavored chapstick as he sucked on her lips. She made a slight moan, and tried to push him away, but he had tasted the fruit that he had restrained himself from for so long.

After several minutes of squirming in his embrace she managed to peel her lips from his and take a deep breath, "MinYue…." she paused to let out the air out of her lungs, "...I like you…."

MinYue's eyes widened at her words, as he looked down on her flush face. He was thrilled that she had started to return his feelings. He swooped her up in his arms, and carried her into his office princess style. She let out a slight yelp as she wrapped her arms around his neck at the sudden action. Her eyes looked up at his with such surprise that he couldn't help but smile. He carried her to the couch, placed her down, and covered her body with his. He looked down at her yellow blouse and black dress pants. To him they were an obstacle that needed to be removed, he could only think about possessing this girl with all his might. He kissed her passionately while pulling at the buttons on her blouse.

Cera's eyes flew open when she heard the popping sound of one of her buttons. Her eyes darted around the room thinking that he was moving Way to Fast as he made his way from her lips down, kissing her chin, her neck, the center of her chest, and then the top of her right breast.

She caught a glimpse of a woman standing in complete shock through the glass window that was next to his office door. She couldn't quite make out the woman's face at the distance, but she recognized the suit. Mary Sun was wearing a black 3-piece suit earlier during the meeting.

Suddenly MinYue lifted his head, and snatched her chin to make her face him, his husky voice rang in her ears, pulling her eyes from Mary to look MinYue in the eyes, "You belong to Me."