Chapter 41

Cera was so caught off guard by his words that she just stared up at the man who seemed to have lost it. The fire burning in his eyes pulled her in. She then watched in a daze as he started kissing her like crazy, and grouping her breasts.

Mary Sun thought that since it was a busy three day work week she would surprise MinYue with coffee after the meeting. She wasn't expecting that the moment she walked into Cera's office she would catch sight of MinYue so vigorously kissing Cera. She dropped the styrofoam cup, and froze at his aggressive behavior. She could tell that Cera was obviously uncomfortable, and when they locked eyes Mary just stood there silently. She only snapped back to reality after hearing his possessive words, "You belong to me." Her whole body jolted, and she turned on her heels, and ran out of the room.

Cera started to squirm under his body as he was touching her and kissing her. MinYue raised his head to see her pale blue eyes wavering, and darting around the room. He repeated the words she had said, "I like you." His whole body shuttered after realizing he had made a grave mistake in the heat of the moment. He lifted himself off of her, only to pull her onto his lap, "I am sorry." he rested his head on her shoulder, "I lost control when you said you liked me."

Cera remained silent for a few minutes while on his lap before resting her head on his, "MinYue, I do like you, but you move at a speed I cannot possibly keep up with."

"I will slow down. Please, don't run away from me." Cera could hear the worry in his voice.

She lifted her head from his, and pulled his chin up so he could look into her eyes, "MinYue, remember my words from the first day? I will help you carry your burdens, but now not only as your assistant. I want to be there for you for more than just work. I want to know more about you."

He slowly raised the corners of his lips into a very attractive smile that caused her to smile as well. His smiles were contagious to her, she couldn't help it. MinYue slowly raised his right hand to touch the side of her face, "Ask away my dear."

Cera's cheeks grew several shades darker, and she fluttered her eyelashes multiple times after his words. Her voice grew quieter while she tried to hide her embarrassment, "What's your favorite color?"

'She is just to cute!' MinYue moved his hand from her face to the top of her head, and ruffled her hair, "Light Blue."

Cera's heart skipped several beats after hearing his favorite color. It was the color of her eyes. She lowered her head to lean against his chest before asking him another question, "MinYue, what's your favorite food?"


She rolled her eyes, she should of known that!

"What's your favorite hobby?"


She whipped her head back up, "I am not a hobby!"

He let out a chuckle, "No, but watching you work is a hobby of mine."

"MinYue!" she blurted out his name before smacking his chest. Which only resulted in him bursting into laughter. "It's not funny…." her voice slowly to turn into a whisper that he could barely hear.

"You're's not funny….hahaha…."

"MinYue, please….you're embarrassing me."

He stopped laughing and pulled her into a hug, "It's just the two of us Cera, there is no reason to be embarrassed." he released her from the hug, "You're too cute." this time he said it out loud, which caused her to blush a crimson red. "I am the happiest man in the world right now."

After hearing that Cera couldn't help but want to kiss him as to say she was happy as well, but was to shy. Every time they had kissed he had initiated it. She didn't know where to start. In her 21 years of life she had never been with a man let alone kissed anyone on her own.

Her determination showed on her face, but MinYue had no clue why she suddenly went from extremely shy to someone who looked so serious. Suddenly she started to lean in towards him, and closed her eyes. 'Is she trying to kiss me?!' his heart beat increased to a speed that was somewhat frighting. He watched her face slowly inch closer to his, and then he felt her lips brush his, pull away slightly, then press onto his with a gentle touch. She then pulled away with a slight "Mmmh" as their lips parted.

He was so surprised and happy at her kiss that he pulled her back into his strong embrace, "I love you, Cera."


"It's okay if you're not ready to say it back. I just want to let you know how I feel. Now..."He rubbed her back, "Let's get to work."

"Thank you." Cera stood up from his lap, and adjusted her blouse. She noticed that the very top button was missing.

"Sorry, I will replace it."

"It's okay." she placed her hand gently on his chest and looked deep into his gray eyes. "Oh how I wish I could just get lost in those charcoal eyes." MinYue smiled brilliantly after hearing her. He knew instantly that she didn't mean to say it out loud. Her eyes flew open, "Did….Did I just say that out loud!?" she covered her mouth, and then turned around, bolted out of the room at the speed of light, closing the door with a loud bang!