Chapter 42

MinYue was left there laughing. He was so happy with how things were progressing, "Slower is better." he said out loud to himself before turning to his desk. He sighed heavily at the ginormous stack of papers, and files, "Let's get this week over with already."

Meanwhile in the office space over Cera had finally calmed down enough to notice a styrofoam cup, and coffee splattered all over the floor. She tilted her head, and then remembered that Mary had seen them, 'I will clean this up, and then talk to her when I have time.' she said to herself while walking around the mess to head to the kitchenette to grab some paper towel.

The next three days consisted of a lot of overtime and an insane amount of caffeine consumption. They both had put in over 52 hours of work. It was now 5:30pm on Wednesday and both of them were fast asleep on the couch in his office. MinYue was leaning against the corner, with his long legs spread out on the long side, while Cera was leaning against his shoulder, curled up on the short side with his coat draped over her shoulders as a blanket.

Ming-Fa and Leo decided to stop at the company since neither of them heard anything from their children the past few days. They walked into Cera's office to find that her laptop was still open, and was plugged into the charger. The lights in the room were still on, "Maybe she stepped out for a second?" Ming-Fa said to Leo with a reassuring smile.


"Anyways, I am going to check to see how MinYue's holding up?" Ming-Fa was standing at the open door that was in-between Cera's and MinYue's offices. "Oh, I found Cera."

"Huh?" Leo said while turning to face Ming-Fa who had now raised his hand up to wave Leo over in silence. Leo raised his brow, and then walked over to the doorway where his eyes landed on the sleeping couple. His tone turned extremely low, "I see."

"Should we wake them?" Ming-Fa asked with a smile on his face.

Suddenly a grumbling voice was heard from the room, "I am awake, but she is still sleeping." MinYue opened his eyes and looked at the two middle aged men who were standing in the doorway. His eyes turned dark as to say if you wake her I will kill you. Ming-Fa waved his hands back and fourth while shaking his head.

"We will come back later." Leo tried to whisper, but Cera started to stir. She stretched her arms, and the coat fell from her shoulders.

She blinked a few times, and then opened her eyes to look at MinYue, and then noticed his eyes weren't on her but in the direction of the doorway. She followed his gaze and found her father and his standing there. "Dad?" she put a few inches between herself and MinYue, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We decided to stop in since you guys weren't contacting us." Leo raised his hand to rub the back of his head, "I was worried about you, but I guess that I was worried for nothing."

"Yes, you were." MinYue's voice had turned slightly cold at the fact that they had succeeded in waking her.

"MinYue…." Ming-Fa glared back it his son, but then came up with an idea and couldn't hide the smirk that crept up on his face, "I know what?" he clapped his hands together and turned towards Leo, "You and your family should come to our house for dinner tomorrow?"

"Hmm, I am sure Jamie wouldn't have a problem with that." he turned to look back at his daughter, "What do you say, Cera?"