Chapter 43

Cera looked at her father, then at MinYue who simply shrugged his shoulders as to say 'Up to you.' she then returned her gaze at the two men standing in the doorway, "I am okay with it."

"Great! Great!" Ming-Fa grew even more ecstatic, "Are you guys done with work?"

"We just finished not to long ago." MinYue said as he was sitting up from the couch. Cera bent over, and picked up his coat that had fallen, and handed it to him, "Thank you."

"No problem."

"Leo and I are going to stop at La'Rado for supper, do you want to join us?" Ming-Fa wanted to keep watching his son interact with his soon to be daughter-in-law. He was over the moon with MinYue's choice, 'Why didn't I think of her? Leo is my best friend! Oh well, they're together now!'

"Whatcha say kiddo?" Leo asked.

Cera let out a very large yawn, and MinYue turned to his father and Leo, "I am going to take her home. We both have been working non stop."

"That's probably for the best. I don't want my little girl sleep deprived. Thank you for looking after her, MinYue."

"No need, I enjoy having her by my side." After the three other people heard his unexpected words the room went silent. Cera's cheeks slowly changed from pink to red, and she lowered her head. MinYue laughed, and pulled her into his embrace. She wanted to push him away out of embarrassment, but he held her in his arms. "Cera, let's get you home." he said before releasing her gently.

Cera's cheeks burned with the rising temperature of her body. She had never been held by a man in front of anyone in her family before, and now she had in front of her Father! She took several steps away from MinYue, and wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. "Cera, we are going to head out as well." Leo tried his best to sound natural after the sudden display of affection.

"Okay, I love you dad." Cera's voice was so soft that it was barely audible, but Leo knew what she was saying.

"Love you too, see you both tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow Mr. Lu." MinYue bowed at Leo and then turned to his father, "See you tomorrow, Father."

"Yes, see you both tomorrow! Good night Cera!" Ming-Fa was ecstatic, and couldn't wait to sit down at the bar, and talk about the upcoming wedding between the two families. He ushered Leo out of the door.

Cera said nothing else while she watched Ming-Fa practically drag her father out of MinYue's office. She was listening to them chat while leaving her office, and heading down the hallway. She had a slight smile on her face, 'I am glad that they get along.'

MinYue had made his way back to her side, and placed his hands on her arms, "Let me take you home?"

She was going to say that she would be fine walking back, but when she raised her head to see his gray eyes shinning down on her face she quickly changed her mind, "Okay."

After getting her permission to drive her home MinYue lowered his hands, and headed towards his office door, paused to let her catch up, and then let her walk past him to allow her time to power down her laptop, and grab her coat.

They walked down the hallway, through the cube farm, and to the elevator in silence. The whole time MinYue's eyes were staring at her hand that was at her side. The yearning to reach out and hold it only intensified after they exited the elevator, and made their way towards the lobby.

Just as his hand was about to lock onto it's target, Cera turned to face him, "Thank you."

"I haven't even done anything yet to earn you gratitude."

Cera smiled brightly at him before turning forward to continue walking past the lobby to the parking garage. MinYue stood there for a few second before practically jogging to catch up to her. He had missed his chance to hold her hand!