Chapter 44

When he finally caught up she was already waiting next to his black Lykan HyperSport. The car itself was worth 3.4 million and only 7 were made. So naturally when the car came out, he had to get his hands on something so rare. Now that he was thinking about it, the car was no where near as unique as the woman standing next to it. She was one of a kind, and she belong to him.

He unlocked the car while walking up to her, she turned to head towards the passenger side, but before she could pull it open MinYue's large hand came into her line a view, and he pulled the door open for her, "Thank you." she smiled at him and proceeded to enter the car. He smiled, and then walked around to the driver side.

The drive from the company to the apartment building wasn't very long, but Cera had managed to fall into a deep slumber. MinYue pulled the car into the parking lot, and parked in her assigned spot. He shut off the engine, and turned to look at the sleeping beauty before him. He had no desire to wake her, she looked so peaceful. He released the seat belt, found her keys in her pocket, and took off his jacket, draping it over her. He stopped for a minute to look at her keys, they were looped through a carabiner with different colors of ribbon. Gray, red, blue, pink, and purple. His curiosity caught the better of him, because he was just sitting there looking down at her keys. After a few seconds he recovered, and alighted from the car, walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, crouched over, and carefully picked her up, and out of the car. He made sure to walk with extra care to not wake her.

At her apartment door he slowly raised his arm that was holding her legs, and inserted the gray key, 'Okay, not that one.' he wiggled his fingers until he was able to switch to the next key, 'Oh, this one fits!' he turned to key, and the door unlocked. He pulled the key out, pushed open the door, and turned his body sideways to walk into the room. Skillfully he managed to use her heel to flip up the light switch before kicking off his own shoes, and heading towards her bedroom. 'Thank goodness she left the door open.' he sighed in relief as he walked into her room. Balancing on his right leg he managed to use his left to pull the covers back.

After making sure she was still asleep he lowered her down onto her bed, then removed her shoes. He pulled the covers back up over her, and paused for a moment to look at her. Her eyes were still shut, and her breathing was steady. He found himself leaning closer and closer to her face. Just as he was about to kiss her, he pulled back preparing to leave.

He stood up and started to turn, but suddenly he felt a hand grab onto his pant leg. He turned around to see her blinking at him. He was utterly shocked so he froze for several seconds, so Cera looked up at him, the one word that she said to him caused his heart to skip several beats, "Stay."

He turned back towards her and knelt down in front of her, and clasped his hand around hers, "You need to catch up on your sleep."

"And so do you." she lowered her face into the pillow, and the light coming in from the kitchen barely shown on her face, but MinYue could see that her face was bright red. Her voice was extremely low, "Stay here with me?"

He continued to look at her unmoving for what seemed like forever before sitting up, and pulling the covers back, and crawling into bed next to her. He pulled her into his embrace, "Okay." he kissed her forehead, and closed his eyes. He listened to her soft breathing, and within a few minutes fell into a deep slumber.