Chapter 46

By now Cera was standing in his embrace looking down on his gorgeous face. She raised both her hands to rest on the sides of his face, "I love you too, MinYue."

MinYue was rooted to the barstool. He repeated her words several times before he stood up, and pulled her into a very tight hug. He lowered his head against her shoulder, "Please repeat what you just said?"

Cera blushed, and out of the corner of her eye she caught his smiling face. She found herself smiling as well, "MinYue, I love you."

"Yes! Yes!" he raised his head, and lifted her up off the ground while they were still hugging. He spun her around several times, and then sat back down onto the barstool with her sitting on his lap. "Thank you for loving me." he whispered into her ear. His hot breath sent a tingly sensation all the way down to her toes, and she couldn't help shiver.

Cera shyly pushed his head away from her neck, "No….no need to thank me, silly. Now let's finish breakfast."

"Silly?" he chuckled. "Is that a nickname already?"

"Hush." She pulled herself from his lap, and picked up a piece of apple. She looked at it and then back at him, before shoving it into his mouth. He silently laughed at her behavior while chewing the apple slice. He then picked up the other yogurt and a spoon, and added some strawberries before turning towards her. "I can feed myself!" she grabbed the yogurt from him, and began to shovel it into her mouth without looking back at him. She knew he would be sporting his devilish smile.

After eating breakfast as a happy couple MinYue got ready to leave for his house, so he could take a shower and get ready for the dinner at his parents. He didn't want to leave, but she practically pushed him out of her apartment. "Go, go! You need to shower!"

"Do I stink that bad?" he looked extremely sad at her words.

"I have stuff to do as well!" she pushed against his back side after opening her door. "I love you, but I have to get ready for tonight."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing!" her embarrassment took over, and she gained strength they both were surprised at. She shoved him out of the apartment and into the hallway, and slammed the door shut.

MinYue found himself laughing, and he leaned against the door, "Pick you up at 5 o'clock. I love you, Cera."

Her muffled voice came through from the other side of the door, MinYue didn't quite understand, but he guessed that she shyly said, "I love you too."

Today was a great day. He counted the number of times she had said those three words to him, and what felt like a permanent smile was plastered onto his face. He made his way to elevator feeling like a new man.

In the elevator he found himself humming along with the music. When it stopped at the 3rd floor he looked at the person who entered, and he was slightly shocked, "Tom?"

Tom almost stepped back instead of forward onto the lift when he heard a very familiar and deep voice call out his name. He looked up, and found MinYue still in his clothes from the day before. 'Are my eyes deceiving me? But it's really him.' he stepped into the lift, and turned to face the doors, "Good morning Sir."

"It's almost noon."


"You don't need to be so formal with me when we aren't at work."

Tom turned towards MinYue with his jaw hanging. 'What the hell?' he cleared his throat, "Sir?"

MinYue turned his head to look Tom in the eyes, and flashed a smile at him as the elevator reached the 1st floor. "Have a Great Thanksgiving Tom."

Tom stood there until the door almost closed on him, before reaching his arm up to stop the doors. He walked out with a questioning expression before returning MinYue's words, "You too!"

By now MinYue was already at the exit, so he simple waved his left hand above his head. He was tempted to say that he won, but decided to not be so petty. He had only won her heart not to long ago, so he didn't want to jinx it.

He walked to his car, unlocked it, and then grabbed the handle. "Sir? Is that you?"

He turned around to see Mary holding a paper grocery bag, and walking towards him, "Good Afternoon Ms. Sun. Happy Thanksgiving." he turned to face her.

"You as well, CEO Park. What brings you to Paradise Apartments?"

"I am actually just leaving." he raised his arm to rub the back of his head, and his cheeks turned a tad bit pink.

Caught a little bit off guard by his words Mary cleared her throat. The last time she saw him, he had pinned Cera down onto the couch and was kissing her passionately. She remembered the way Cera was wiggling under him. And his roaring voice laying claim to Cera, like he was a raging beast. Mary shuttered slightly, and then took a step back and bowed, "Well I won't keep you then!" she then turned on her heels, and hastily walked towards the entrance.

MinYue raised his brow slightly at her odd behavior, but shook it off and got into his car.

Mary on the other hand found herself wondering about Cera. The girl she was so jealous of in the beginning was now one of the few people she was worried about. 'That poor girl, probably devoured by that...that man.'

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Tom who was checking his mail. "Happy Thanksgiving Ms. Sun." She jumped at his words, and ended up dropping her bag. Tom sighed, and then bent down to start helping her repack her bag. "Are you alright?"

"I….I am fine. I was just lost in thought and was startled by your words. I am sorry."

"No need to apologize."

"Thank you Mr. Lang."

"No worries." They both reached for the last item at the same time, and their fingers brushed against one another. Mary pulled her hand back, and blushed. Tom was slightly surprised by Ms. Sun's behavior today. She was normally so well put together, but this side she was showing was actually quite cute. His thoughts took him by surprise, but he simple grabbed the box of cream cheese, and stood up. Mary stood up at the same time, and he handed her the box, "Here you go."

"Thank you." Mary bowed and prepared to head towards the elevator, and Tom followed. They both lived on the 3rd floor, so she didn't think much of it when he stood besides her while waiting for the lift to come down.

"Making a dessert?"

"Oh, yes. My mother insists that I make my three layered cheesecake for every holiday."

The elevator arrived, and they stepped into it at the same time, "Sounds delicious."

"If you want, I could bring you some before I go to my parents place?"

"That would be nice. Thank you."

"It's the least I can do Mr. Lang."

"Call me Tom."

"Tom." Mary blushed several shades before turning to her door, "What's your apartment number?"


Her apartment number was 300. Her heart fluttered as she put her key into the lock, and Tom turned to continue to his door. She turned to face his back, "See you in a little bit."

"Yes, see you in a little bit." Tom paused, and turned to face her with his smile.

Mary caught her breath, and then turned her head to push open her door. Tom continued to watch her backside slowly enter her apartment, before turning to his side to continue down the hall. 'She is cute, why did I never notice before?'