Chapter 47

Upstairs Cera had just finished washing the tray and spoons from breakfast when her phone started to ring. She quickly dried her hands, and picked up. Her mothers voice was heard on the other end, "Good Afternoon Cera."

"Good Afternoon Mom, how are you?"

"I am good. Your father talked to me last night about your relationship with MinYue."


"Yeah, I can say I don't approve of you working for him, but he is an excellent choice for a husband. If you have children with him you won't have to worry about the need to continue working. You can stay home while he works."

"Mom, MinYue and I just started dating."

"And if you want to work like I did, modeling is so much easier than being a CEO's assistant. If you want, you can come back to RS Entertainment?"


"Anyways, we will see you at the Park Mansion later. I can't wait to talk with Alexa about your upcoming wedding!"

"Mom, are you even listening to me?"

"Of course I am, sweetie!"

"Mom, I am busy. I will talk to you later. I love you."

"Love you too honey!"



Cera let out a large sigh after setting her phone down. Shaking her head a few times she asked herself, "What's up with her?" Cera then waved all her thoughts away, and grabbed her red coat and her purse before heading out her door. 'I should bring something to dinner tonight. Maybe some wine. I am going to need it to get through tonight, so I better get two bottles!'

MinYue stepped out of the shower, and reached for his black towel that was resting on the silver bar. He snapped it in the air a few times before raising it to his head. He rubbed his wet hair, and then patted his body dry. He wrapped the towel around his lower body, and the headed towards the door. After taking 5 large steps he was standing next to his bed. He looked down at the dark brown pants and tan pullover sweater. He decided to wear something a little more casual today, but he was debating on grabbing something else just in case she would wear a dress, or something fancier. He couldn't make up his mind, so he stood there for several seconds.

The water droplets he had missed while drying himself slowly began to make their way down his chest, the curves of his abs, and then trailing along the slight v before landing on his towel, absorbing into it. He lean forward to pick up his boxers, and let the towel drop to the floor. He decided to wear what he already picked out for the evening.

After getting dressed he decided to call his mother to see if she wanted him to bring anything:

"Mom, do you want me to bring anything for supper?"

"I should be good, just make sure you bring Cera."

"I will."

"Alright, I am a little busy here. See you later darling."

"See you later, mom."

He smiled at his phone, 'In four more hours I get to see you again!' he headed out of his bedroom, and into the open spaced office that was at the top of the stairs. 'When we get married we may have to look for a bigger place. I only have the one bedroom.' He sat down at his desk, and pulled open the drawer in the center of the desk. It only had a few things in it. A feather pen, ink, some parchment paper, and a black box. He carefully picked up the little black box and opened it to reveal the pale blue diamond ring. The afternoon sun was coming in through the windows along the back wall, and shinned on his blonde hair, his face looked calm while he sat there looking at the box in his hands. He carefully raised it out of the box, and spun it in-between his thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't move much for the next 40 minutes. He then placed the ring back into the box, the box back into the drawer, pulled out the pen, ink, and parchment paper. He started to write his proposal.

After finishing he quickly reread it before feeling satisfied with his words. His phone started to vibrate in his pocket so he returned the paper back to it original spot next to the black box, and pulled his phone out. The name "The one in my heart" was displayed on the screen. The corners of his mouth raised as he placed his finger on the green answer button, while closing the drawer with his left hand. "Cera."

"MinYue, my mother messaged me saying that they would like to arrive a little earlier than planned so we can all chat. Would you be able to pick me up at 4 instead?"

"Sure." Just as he said that his phone vibrated once notifying him of a text. He pulled his phone from his ear just enough to see it light up with a message from his mom. He also noticed the time, 'So in two hours I can see her!'

"Alright see you soon."



"What are you up to right now?"

"I am actually picking out my outfit for tonight."

"Oh, I see…..I am wearing a sweater and brown trousers."

"That makes it easier for me to decide, thank you."

"No problem."



"I..." her voice changed into a whisper, "I love you."

"I love you too." by now he was standing at his desk, and when he said those words he felt that he was standing at the top of the world, "See you soon."

"Mmmh, see you in a little bit." The phone went silent and he knew that she had hung up on her end. He lowered his phone and turned to his right to look out at the backyard. The trees had already lost their leaves because of the cold, but he still had a smile on his face, 'In the cold you found me, and you brought warmth to my life. Making my days brighter, and my nights better.'