Chapter 48

At four o'clock sharp MinYue pulled into the parking lot of Paradise Apartments. He shut off the engine to his Blue Bugatti Chiron, and turned his head to look up at the four story apartment building. He was excited to see her, but at the same time slightly nervous. His pulse increased as he stepped out of his car, and made his way to the entrance.

Standing outside the door to 408 he was remembering how they had spent the night together here, and how they shared a very playful and fun breakfast together. He didn't even realize that another person stepped out of their apartment. He just stood there smiling at her door.

Al's wife Lucy asked him to run to the grocery store to pick up some apples, so she could make a fresh apple pie to eat after dinner. He waved his wife goodbye before slipping on his coat and heading out the door of their apartment 410. He closed the door, and to his astonishment found MinYue standing outside of the apartment two doors down. He paused before shaking his head as he remembered who recently moved into that unit. He walked up to MinYue, "Happy Thanksgiving CEO Park."

MinYue whipped his head around to face him. Al knew that he had caught his boss by surprise, and couldn't hold back his laugh. MinYue quickly changed his shocked expression for a smile, "You as well Al."

"Are you going to go in? Or just going to stand there?"

"Ah, yeah." MinYue turned to face the door once more, and knocked on it.

"Well then I better get going. Tell her Happy Thanksgiving for me, would you?"

"Will do." Al patted MinYue's shoulder with a smile, and then continued on his journey. MinYue started to fidget while waiting for her to open the door. He lowered his head for a bit, but then heard the turning of the knob. He raised his head to see her open the door. She had a brown, almost black skirt that hugged her curves as it went down slightly past her knees, and a white turtleneck sweater on. Around her neck was a blue stone necklace, and her hair was straight. Without thinking he stepped into the room, and pulled her into a hug.

"Cera, you're beautiful." She slightly blushed at his words, but didn't push him away.

She hugged him back, "Your not to bad yourself."

MinYue pulled away and looked down at her with a smirk, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, now let's go. I don't want to be late."

"Do we have too?"

"Yes." Cera put on her red coat, and moved to the doorway. "Come on."

"Fine." MinYue tilted his head to his right and rolled his eyes.


"Yes Dear." This time she didn't respond, she just turned around and headed out into the hallway, "Hey, wait up!" MinYue stepped out of her place, closed her door, and checked to make sure it was locked before turning and dashing after her. Once he was at her side he grabbed her hand, and held onto it. He smiled at this simple show of affection. To be able to hold hands, kiss, and cuddle with the woman he loved brought him happiness he once never knew was possible.

He continued to hold her hand all the way to his car. He noticed her expression change to a questioning gaze as they neared his car. He leaned down to meet her, "I have three cars."


He unlocked the car, and pulled open the passenger door for her. She smiled at him, and stepped down into the car. He leaned into the car, grabbed her seat belt, and clicked it into place. As he was pulling himself out of the car he paused in front of her face to sneak a quick kiss. He was slightly stunned when she grabbed the sides of his face, and held him there while she kissed him more. Even though his stance was a little uncomfortable he didn't mind. He was rather pleased with how far along they had come in their relationship in only four days. She released him, and then looked into his gray eyes. He wanted to know what she was thinking, but his leg started to cramp. He pulled his upper body up, and out from the passenger side, and closed the door. He walked around to the drivers side and climbed into his seat while closing the door behind him. He started the car, and then rubbed his cramped leg a bit before putting the car into reverse, "You okay?" he turned his head to her with a smile.

"Yeah." He then continued turning his head to look out the back before letting off the brake, and tapping the gas to move the car out of the parking spot.