Chapter 49

They drove for about a half an hour before they pulled up to a large gate. It was open since the residents knew that they were expecting guests. Cera looked at the rows of fruit trees along either side of the long driveway. Even though they bared no leaves or fruit because it was November she could tell that they were apple trees. "I bet it looks beautiful during the summer."

"Would you like to have a picnic next summer here?"

Cera turned to look at his side profile and saw that the corner of his lip had raised a bit, "Yeah, that would be nice." When she finished her words she caught sight of the large house. The front was brick, and the front door and shutters were a dark green. 'So he grew up in this house.' MinYue parked the car not to far from the front door, and Cera spotted her parents car on the other side of a dark blue Mercedes. She looked at the cars in the driveway trying to guess how many people were here. MinYue had already walked around, and pulled open the car door for her. "Looks like we are the last ones here?"

"That's okay." MinYue took Cera's hand and helped her out, then closed the door behind her. They took slow steps towards the door. MinYue was rather excited to have a family dinner with her as his girlfriend. It would be the first of many to come, and with them her title would change from girlfriend, to fiance, and finally wife!

He opened the door without knocking, and immediately lead her to the living room. Alexa, Jamie, Lisa, Aleaha, and Anna were all sitting around chatting. Alexa was the first one to notice the couple enter the room hand in hand. A large grin crept up on her face, "Welcome."

At her words everyone present turned to the two standing near the entrance. MinYue cleared his throat, "Good evening ladies."

Jamie smiled at his greeting, then quickly moved her eyes from him to her daughter, "Cera, come and sit by me. We have a lot of catching up to do." she patted the open spot to her right on the couch.

Cera didn't respond right away, but looked up at the tall man next to her. MinYue looked down into her pale blues becoming lost for a second. He wanted to stay with her, but knew that they were sending him away to talk about girl stuff. "You go, I have to talk with my father for a bit." He really didn't have anything to discuss with his father, but he was sure Leo and his father had plenty to ask him.

"Okay, see you in a little bit." She slowly released his hand, and made her way into the living room. MinYue turned to his right and headed down the hallway to his father's study. He paused for several seconds outside the door before pushing it open. "Father, I am here."

"Ah, MinYue perfect timing." Ming-Fa smiled, "Come in, and close the door."

MinYue closed the door behind him, and walked towards the couch where MinHe and MinFeng were sitting. The room still looked the same as it did when he was a kid. The big mahogany desk at the back of the room, the wall of books to the right, and the large brick fireplace along the left wall. In front of the fireplace were two large leather chairs that were facing one another with a hand carved coffee table in the middle that had the same dark stain as the desk, and then a couch that sat three facing the fireplace. The lighting was always mellow, and relaxing. He sat down on the open seat cushion closest to the door.

"Happy Thanksgiving brother." MinHe greeted MinYue.

"Thanks, you as well." MinYue then turned to face Ming-Fa and the room went silent.

Ming-Fa cleared his throat, and set his glass down on the side table next to him, "So how's it going?"

MinYue knew what his father was getting at, "Father today is the fourth day of our relationship. There is not much to tell. I plan on taking it slow, and really getting to know her." MinYue turned to Leo, "I love your daughter, and I plan on spending the rest of my life with her. I just don't want to rush things."

"I understand. Thank you." Leo was happy with MinYue's response.

Ming-Fa was, but at the same time he wanted a wedding. Even though MinYue was the second oldest he was the most promising when it came to running his company. He wanted MinYue to take over a majority of his empire, while the other two would continue to run their current companies. Both MinHe and MinFeng were happy with his decision, so all he needed now was an heir, "MinYue, what about a June wedding?"


"I know, I know. I'm just an excited old man! It's not everyday that my son who I thought would never settle down, brings a girl home!" Ming-Fa tried to play innocent.

"Dad, give him some time. They just started dating." MinFeng decided to jump in and defend his older brother.

"Don't you dare even butt in child! You're still single, if I remember correctly! So you have no say in this, unless you magically landed a girlfriend in the past few days!" Ming-Fa's words were right on the money so MinFeng shut his mouth.