Chapter 50

"Ouch!" MinHe turned to look at his brother with a smirk, "Maybe you should work on that?"

"I am, she is one of our actresses. Her name is Lyn Lee. Now leave me alone!"

Ming-Fa's eyebrows raised slightly, "When did this happen?"

MinFeng lowered his head, "We aren't dating, but I have been courting her since last week."

"I see." Ming-Fa rubbed his chin as if he was thinking about what to do to help his youngest son. Lyn Lee was a very famous actress that Park Entertainment was lucky to sign on. She appeared in quite a few movies that won several awards.

MinYue who had been listening to his brother and father go back in forth spoke up, "If your feelings are true, she will accept them. Just don't do anything that would scare her away."

The whole room went quiet for a minute, and MinFeng raised his head to look at MinYue, "Thank you."


Just as Ming-Fa was about to offer his support there was a light knock at the door, "Come in."

Ming-Fa turned his head to the door and a young lady dressed in a long black skirt, and a white button down shirt came into the room, "Master Park, dinner is ready. The ladies and the twins were already informed."

"Thank you." The lady bowed and then turned to leave after hearing Ming-Fa's words. Ming-Fa turned to the men in the room, "Shall we?"

One by one they all got up and made there way out of the study.

Upon entering the dinning room the smell of cranberries and turkey entered MinYue's nose. He noticed the rather elegant decorations around the room. The garland hung around the windows, and the leaf wreath hanging above the fireplace. His eyes moved from one side of the room to other when he spotted her long black hair draping over her shoulders. He took several large steps to where she was before he noticed that she had a rather large glass of wine in her hand, and she was talking with her mother and his. She had her back to him so he took the opportunity to and hug her from behind. She jumped slightly, but then tilted her head to see who it was. When she saw that it was him, she couldn't help but smile, "MinYue."

He didn't respond, but raised his hand to run his fingers through a few strands of her white streak. His eyes were filled with love, Alexa and Jamie caught it.

"Shall we take our places at the table?" Jamie turned to Alexa with a slight smile. Trying to give the lovebirds some space.

"Sure." Alexa was smiling ear to ear, "Thank you for bringing the wine, Cera."

"No problem Alexa." this time Cera said her name without sounding shy, and MinYue was pleased with how close they seemed.

He wanted to ask her what they talked about in the living room, but as he opened his mouth his father called them over to the table, "Hey you two! Get over here so we can eat!"

Ming-Fa sat at the head of the table, MinHe, Lisa, MinFeng, Anna, and Aleaha on one side then Alexa at the other end, then Chase, Mason, MinYue, Cera, Jamie, and Leo on the other side. The servants came out with the dishes, apple cider-ginger brined turkey, cran-sage rolls, brown butter brussels sprouts with apple, and spinach salad with toast. In that amount of time Cera had managed to finish that large glass of wine, and stopped one of the servants to ask for more. MinYue turned to her with wide eyes, but she simply smiled back at him.

He decided to have the maid pour him a glass as well since Jamie insisted that he should join in the celebration. His glass wasn't as full as Cera's because he still had to drive her home, and then turn around to go back to his house. Her apartment was closer to the office than his house, but his house was closer to his parents place. He noticed that Cera had slowed down on her alcohol consumption during the dinner. The people around them were engaging in small talk here and there throughout the dinner, and would occasionally ask him a question. He would answer with a short response before resuming his meal. He kept an eye on Cera while eating, and noticed that her round cheeks had turned a rose color, and her glass was now empty again. He could tell that something was off with her, and desperately wanted to ask her. Just as he was leaning over to whisper his question into her ear his brother MinHe asked a question.

"MinYue are you guys planning on heading home right way? Or do you want to stay and chat some more?"

MinYue turned to look at Cera, "I should probably get her home."

Lisa turned to her brother-in-law with a smile, "That's probably a good idea."

"I am fine." Cera tried to convince everyone present that she wasn't drunk, but her face was deceiving her. Whenever she started to feel tipsy or drunk her cheeks would turn pink.

MinYue wasn't buying it. He turned to his Father, "Dad, thank you for having us here for supper. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I need to take care of this little lady now." after saying those words he took Cera's arm and helped her up from her seat. Leo went to stand as well but Jamie grabbed his arm and shook her head as to say let them go. Jamie felt guilty, she knew the reason why Cera turned to the wine.