Chapter 51

Later in the night after saying goodbye to the Park family Leo, Jamie, Chase, and Mason crawled into the family car, and the driver took them back to their house. The only two people who were busy talking on the drive home were the boys. Leo was looking out the window, while Jamie held her head low. Leo would occasionally glance at her out of the corner of his eye, but didn't turn his head. He was to busy wondering why she stopped him from saying goodbye to their daughter and MinYue.

As soon as they arrived at their house the boys ran off to their rooms, while Leo headed into the his study to pour himself a glass of whiskey. Jamie headed up to their room, and lit the fireplace. She was completely lost in thought, she didn't even notice when Leo entered their bedroom and made his way to the closet. Moments later he came out in his evening clothes. He walked slowly towards her, and leaned over the backside of the sofa, "Are you ready to talk about it?"

She raised her head a tad before turning to face him, "While we were chatting Cera asked to use the restroom. I offered to show her the way because I went before, so that way Alexa wouldn't have to show Cera the way like she did with me. I asked Cera to leave the company now that her and MinYue are a couple. I told her that she didn't need to prove anything to us….." she paused and looked deep into his ocean eyes, "I don't want her to go through something like…."

Leo sighed, and walked around the sofa, and sat down next to her, "Jamie, she is MinYue's assistant. Nothing will happen to her." Leo pulled her into a hug, "He would never harm her." he kissed her forehead before leaning on her. Jamie closed her eyes and started to relive a part of her life that she desperately wanted to forget, but also during that part of her life she had met the love of her life. The amazing man before her, Leo Lu.

She went back to the time when she was 21 and had just started at Rong Real Estate. Her father was friends with the Chairman. When they decided on her position Micheal Rong the Chairman thought it would be best to have her be his own son's personal assistant. She was extremely happy to start and soon found out that working for the number one real estate company in all of Ahmeri had it's perks. She was invited to many social gathering with her new boss Roy Rong. She received great health insurance, two weeks paid vacation, a car, and even an apartment. After being at the company for two months Roy had started to openly flirt with her, and she thought that he was interested in her romantically. He would twirl her blonde hair around his fingers, call her beautiful, or take her out to dinner. One night they were in a private room with three other men conducting a business deal. She sat close to him because she was unfamiliar with the other men. After the contract was signed Roy picked up his phone and called one of his secretaries, "Okay, you guys can come in now."

After hearing his words Jamie turned her head to the door, and both Kathy and Veronica came in with very short skirts, and their white work shirts unbuttoned almost all the way showing their bras. Jamie's eyes widened. Kathy walked up to Roy and handed him a room key and turned to Jamie, "Time to break in your new assistant."

"I think it's time." After he said that Kathy smiled and turned one of the other men in the room.

She smiled wickedly, "You're fucking me tonight." she climbed on top of the man's lap and started making out with him. Jamie turned to look to see what Veronica was doing only to have her eyeballs almost pop out their sockets. Veronica was making out with one of the other guys, while another had his hand up her skirt vigorously fingering her. Veronica was moaning, and the guy started to loose it, stood up, and quickly undid his belt and dropped his pants.

Veronica stopped kissing the other man and in a very sexy voice asked, "Who wants to go first?" while looking directly at Jamie.

Jamie herself was at a loss for words, she had heard about people "celebrating" business deals this way, but she thought that Roy was different. She sat there numbly processing all of this.

Roy who was sitting next to her stood up and pulled her up into his embrace and forced a kiss on her. She turned her head, but he grabbed her chin, "I am going to get back everything that I have invested into you with your body." Jamie wanted to fight back but she had no strength against Roy, he was just to strong. Roy picked her up, carried her out of the private room, and into the elevator. He pinned her against the elevator wall and kissed her aggressively while his hands searched her body, "You're mine, don't worry. I won't share you with other men like those two." he pulled her out of the elevator and into a room. Shredded her of her clothes and raped her.

She was too afraid to say anything, and feared that no one would believe her that Roy did business this way.

The next day he helped himself to her at work in his office, and also dragged her to his apartment where he did it for the third time. She finally had the courage to ask him, "Roy, what do you intend to do with me?"

Roy laughed, "Fuck you until you submit to me. I may be married off in the future, but that won't stop me from fucking you. You feel too good to give up." A shiver went down her body as his words repeated in her mind.

That night she waited until he was asleep, and crawled into the shower and cried her heart out. Roy had not only taken her first time, but also seemed to not care. She thought she would give herself to one man, and one man only. Now she would become a mistress! She had completely gave up on herself.

Roy continued to take advantage of her whenever he wanted. Dragging her from business deal to business deal. She had her fair share of witnessing women and men having sex right before her eyes, but as Roy said he was the only one to touch her. She started to go numb and before she knew it several months had flew by.

With how well the real estate company had been doing lately Roy wanted to expand. He contacted Lu National Bank to meet up and discuss a loan to expand the company. He was also starting to get bored with how compliant Jamie had become, so when the son of the owner of Lu National came personally to sign the paperwork, Roy had an idea.

"Leo, thank you for this. I don't know how to thank you, but I can offer you something sweet. If you are interested?" Leo turned his head to look at Roy with a questioning gaze. Roy turned to Jamie with a smile, "You know what to do." that's all he said before getting up, and heading out the door. Leaving a confused Leo and a nervous Jamie behind.

She sat there for a few seconds before getting up to sit next to the man she had met for the first time. She leaned her body towards him, and placed her shaking fingers on his pant leg, "You're name is...Leo?"