Chapter 62

It was early in the morning and Cera was exhausted after their "Morning Workout" that she had initiated. She curled up into a ball, and soon fell asleep in his arms. MinYue watched her sleeping face for several minutes before crawling out of bed, grabbing his pants and phone from the floor, and headed out of the room. He silently closed the door behind him, and walked to his desk. He sat down, and unlocked his phone to see a few missed calls from his dad, and one from his mom. He decided to call his mom back, "Mom, you called?"

"MinYue, why did you hang up on your father? He is storming the house like a mad man."

"I had something important to attend to?"

Alexa had him on speaker phone, and when Ming-Fa heard this he was furious, "What's so important that you had to hang up on me without even saying goodbye! Ungrateful child!"


"Oh?!" Alexa couldn't hide her excitement. MinYue could tell that his mother caught on right away, "Well then we won't keep you. I want another grandchild."

"What do you mean by that...Oh? I see. Keep up the good work son!" Ming-Fa said before Alexa cut the call.

MinYue chuckled at his father's words before pulling open the middle drawer on his desk. He pulled out the engagement ring, and looked at it for a few seconds, and then glanced at his bedroom door. 'Behind that door is the one who will hold my heart for the rest of my life. My one, my only love.' He placed the ring back into the box, and then the box back into the drawer. He looked at his proposal that was next to it, and then picked up his phone once more. He made several calls to various people. As he was finishing up his last call Cera poked her head out of the bedroom door. He raised his finger to his phone, and she nodded her head, and quietly walked towards him. She put on one of his button down shirts, and her hands weren't visible because the sleeves were at least three inches longer than her arms.

"Alright, thank you." she heard MinYue thanking someone.

Then he spoke again, "Yes, that would be great." she tilted her head as she heard this.

"Make sure they are light blue and white." Cera couldn't hide the look of confusion on her face.

MinYue smiled as he spoke, "Yes, and make sure the whole place is booked."

Cera slowly raised her left eyebrow, "I won't keep you. Enjoy your weekend." MinYue hung up the phone, and then turned his head to the side to look at Cera's face. He chuckled at her facial expression, and then pulled her into his lap, and nuzzled into her chest, "Cera."

"MinYue?" she pulled back from him to look into his charcoal eyes, "What was that phone call about?" she fluttered her eyelashes and tried to play cute.

MinYue pulled her back into his arms, and kissed her gently, "You'll find out soon." Cera pouted, and he kissed her again, "I don't know about you, but I am hungry. Let's go eat." he looked at how she was dressed, then added, "And get you some clothes."

Cera nodded, and smiled at him, "Where do you want to eat?"


"You really like that place?"

"You don't?"

"How about I pick this time?"


They chatted while they made their way back into his room to grab their clothes. Cera was getting excited because it would be their first time leaving his place since they came there Thursday night.