Chapter 63

They stopped at Cera's apartment for her to change into some fresh clothes. She choose to go with something more casual not only because it was a weekend, but also because MinYue had changed into a pair of blue jeans and a simple white polo shirt. When she saw this her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She had never seen him in jeans before. So she herself dug out a pair of black skinny jeans and slipped into them and grabbed a yellow three-quarter sleeved shirt with ruffles on the ends, and a v-cut with a string laced back and fourth that stopped just above her chest line. She looked at herself one last time in the mirror before turning around, and opening her bedroom door.

MinYue was currently sitting on her couch when he heard the door open, he turned his head and he had the same reaction Cera did earlier. He shot up from his seat and then froze as she walked up to him. He could hear the clicking sounds of her black short boots as she walked closer to him, but they didn't register, his thoughts were only on how gorgeous she looked right now. Snapping out of his daze only when she was right in front of him, he met her eyes. She blushed and said in a very sexy voice, "Like what you see?"

MinYue was tempted to drag her into her room, and have his way with her once more. In his eyes Cera was the most beautiful person in the whole world. He only had eyes for her. He nodded his head like a big kid, and Cera let out a laugh.

"Alright, now let's go get some food. Where are we going, My lady?" He placed his one hand just under his heart, and bowed like he was a butler or a chauffeur.

Cera let out a round of laughter before replying, "I will just tell you the directions as we go. It's a surprise!" She then grabbed his left hand, and pulled him out of her apartment.

After driving for only 10 minutes MinYue was staring up at the sign for a hibachi bar and grill. It wasn't a place he would normally be seen in, and was happy that he decided to go with a pair of jeans today. 'If I was in a suit I am sure I would have countless people starring at me.' He couldn't believe that she would want to eat here.

Cera could see his thoughts written all over his face, "It's the best place in town. Come on! Trust me."

Once again she grabbed his hand, and pulled him into the restaurant. It had a simple layout with a few booths with their own hibachi grills. They didn't have to wait to be seated, and Cera dragged him to her usual spot. It was the second to last booth on the right. She shoved him into the seat, smiled at him, and turned to sit across from him.

A few seconds later a lady who had aged well came up with a beaming smile, "The usual Ms. Lu?"

"Ah….yes. Oh, and can you add an extra portion of beef and shrimp….and I will have an order of the pork spring rolls, and some fried dumplings as well!"

"We will get right on those Ms. Lu. Is this your boyfriend?" the lady with gray hair pointed at MinYue.

"I am. My name is MinYue Park."

"Wonderful. You two look great together! I am Mrs. Jung. My husband and I have been running this restaurant for years, and Ms. Lu here has been coming here every since she was little with her father, and her two younger brothers."

MinYue finally understood why Cera brought him here, "Is that so?"

"Yes, yes. I remember the first time she came in here. She looked at the menu for only a few seconds before looking me in the eyes and listing off everything she wanted. I was completely shocked to see such a little thing remember the items only after glancing at the menu."

"Her memory is definitely something." MinYue commented.

Cera's cheeks turned a little red at his words, and she lowered her head. Mrs. Jung caught on, and quickly excused herself, "Well then I should go put in your order. Be right back." She quickly turned around and headed towards the kitchen.

"You think so?" Cera's voice was quiet.

"Yes. Everything about you is special. You surprise me every single day. I am fascinated with you."

Cera couldn't hide her embarrassment, and she started to wonder when she had become one of those love struck girls who craves attention from the man she was with, "MinYue, I love you."

MinYue's smile grew even larger at her sudden words, "I love you too, Cera."

Right after his words were said Mrs. Jung came back with two plates of shrimp, two plates of beef, and one plate of vegetables for them to cook on the hibachi, "The spring rolls and dumplings will be out in a minute." she said before turning around to head back into the kitchen. She had a large grin because she had heard MinYue's words. She walked in the kitchen and found her husband cooking the spring rolls. She walked up behind him and spoke slowly, "Ron, I love you."

"I love you too, Judy."