Chapter 64

Cera made quick haste in expertly cooking all her food on the hibachi, and even helped MinYue out. She was a pro at this after all. MinYue had little experience with cooking, and Cera laughed.

MinYue was feeling somewhat embarrassed at the fact that he needed help, "I can't help it. I work all the time, I never had the chance to learn."

"It's okay. The only reason I know how to cook is because of this place. As Mrs. Jung said my dad brought us here a lot. He said that it was only fair to give the chef at home a day off every now and then. I just think that was his excuse, because the food here is really good." She shoved a whole piece of freshly cooked beef into her mouth.

MinYue felt that his cheeks were already sore from smiling so much, but he couldn't help but smile once more. 'She is just too adorable!' He picked up a few green beans and a smaller piece of beef and elegantly placed into onto his plate.

Cera swallowed her beef, and then picked up a piece of shrimp right off the grill and shoved it into her mouth. She didn't bother with the plate. MinYue found it amusing, but warned her, "Be careful, you don't want to burn yourself."

She was now munching on some veggies, so she just waved her free hand as to say, 'I know what I am doing.'

MinYue laughed, and then picked up the beef that he was cooling on the plate and carefully brought it up to his mouth.

'Oh my god! I am eating like a pig, but he eats like a god!' Cera realized how she looked, and was about to apologize when Mrs. Jung came out with their spring rolls and dumplings, "Here you two go!" Mrs. Jung set them on the table and saw Cera reach for the plate with drooling eyes. She let out a small chuckle before turning around to greet another couple who had just took their seats a few booths over.

When Cera saw the dumpling she completely forgot about her thoughts a few seconds ago, and happily dove into them. She only regained her senses when there was only one left. She looked up to see MinYue starring intently at her with a soft expression. She picked up the dumpling and pointed it towards him. He was about to tell her that she can have it, but when he thought about the fact that she was about to feed him, he happily leaned forward and accepted the dumpling. As he chewed it he could tell that the water chestnuts and green onions were freshly chopped, and that the pork was cooked with care. He knew that this Mr. Jung must have been an excellent chef back in the day, and knew how to take care of his ingredients. He was almost tempted to hire this man as his personal chef. He then picked up one of the pork rolls, and shoved it into his mouth. The fresh cabbage and carrots were extremely savory, the oyster sauce and freshly minced ginger paired together excellently. And Mr. Jung used just the right amount of salt and pepper. Without thinking he immediately ate the other spring roll on the plate, not even giving Cera the chance to eat one.

"Hey!" she looked extremely displeased, "I shared with you!" she crossed her arms and pouted her lips.

MinYue chuckled, "I am sorry. I couldn't help myself." he felt truly guilty.

"It's okay." she fluttered her eyelashes before looking him in the eyes, "At first you were eating so gracefully, and then in the next second you were eating just like me! His food is the best, isn't it?"

"I never thought I would enjoy something as simple as a spring roll as much as I just did. Where did this man learn to cook? Can I hire him?"

Cera tossed her head upwards and let out a single laugh before bringing her head back down, "No, you can't hire him. And he learned to cook right here in this restaurant." she noticed MinYue's slight disappointment, "I know it's hard to believe, but his father started this place, and he personally taught Ron how to cook. His father was He Jung."

"He Jung?! The famous chef who made about half of the cuisine eaten here in Ahmeri?"

After MinYue stated this fact an elderly man's voice we heard from the kitchen, and everyone in the restaurant turned to look at the direction in was coming from, "Yeah, my father was a great man and I was lucky enough to learn from him. He opened this place shortly after I was born, and I have been here ever since." he looked MinYue in the face, "So I won't leave! No matter who asks me to be their chef. You will just have to come and visit me here if you want my food!" Ron Jung had a very large grin on his face after saying that.

"I will definitely come here more often." MinYue bowed his head to Ron, and then Ron turned to head back into the kitchen to continue with what he loved to do most. Cook.

Mrs. Jung then walked out of the kitchen with a smile on her face while carrying the other couples food. MinYue noticed the excitement on their faces as Mrs. Jung placed the plates down one by one. He then turned to Cera, "I am very pleased with your choice in food. Thank you for taking me here today."

"No problem. Since I chose where to eat, how about you choose what we do now." MinYue could see the corners of her lips rise as she spoke.

"Alright." MinYue raised his right hand to wave Mrs. Jung over.

Mrs. Jung came over quickly with the bill in hand as if she knew that they were ready to leave, "Here you go." she set the receipt face down on the table, but before she could walk away MinYue set four, hundred dollar bills down on the table. Her eyes flew open, "That's too much!"

"I personally think it's not enough. I am willing to pay more." MinYue was about to reach into his wallet to pull out another hundred dollar bill.

"No, no...This is good. Thank you!" Mrs. Jung bowed deeply, took the money, and turned around quickly before MinYue could hand her more money.

Cera was shaking her head, and MinYue simply smiled, stood up, and put his coat on. He then took two large steps, extended out his hand to help her up from her seat. Just as her hand was about to land on his. His phone started to ring. She quickly pulled her hand back, "You can get that. I am going to use the restroom."

He nodded, "Then I will be outside." he quickly pulled out his phone and saw the name Lux White on the caller ID, "This is MinYue Park."