Chapter 66

After the movie Cera let out a large yawn, and stretched her arms. Sitting for almost three hours really made her want to walk around, "My turn to choose what we do?!" MinYue nodded, "Take us to the mall! I want to stretch my legs after sitting so long."

MinYue once again pulled open the passenger door, but this time he bowed down, and used his arm to gesture for her to enter, "Yes, my lady."

"Pffft...MinYue what's up with you today?" Cera couldn't help but laugh as she watched him.

MinYue stood upright, and looked her in her light blue eyes, "Can I not spoil the love of my life?"

Slightly rolling her eyes, Cera walked forward, and stepped into the car. MinYue closed the door, then walked around to the drivers side.

After parking the car in the underground parking garage connected to the mall MinYue walked around to the passenger side, and helped Cera out. He continued to hold her hand as they made their way to the elevator. They took it to the first floor, and were greeted by the white walls of the mall, along with the numerous lit up signs of the various stores on the first floor. Cera had only wanted to walk around somewhere warm to stretch her legs, she wasn't prepared for what MinYue had in mind. He dragged her to several different shops. Whenever her eyes landed on something she thought was even remotely interesting he would purchase it for her, and had it set up to be delivered to his house.

"MinYue, that's the 12th thing you have bought for me. You don't need to get everything I like." she lowered her head, and fluttered her eyelashes. She was slightly happy, but at the same time she didn't want him to keep spending his money like this.

"Money means nothing when it comes to your happiness. Besides I am planning on taking you back to my place tonight. You're going to need your own daily essentials at my place. Unless you want to keep using my shampoo, and wearing my clothes?" His tone turned flirty at the end.

She raised her head to meet his gray eyes that were somewhat glowing. She instantly caught her breath, he was just to handsome. 'I am the luckiest girl in the world.'

"Come, let's get you some pajamas and clothes for my place." MinYue didn't wait for her to respond, and pulled her into S label. They were walking hand in hand when Cera saw two people she recognized.

"May, Sampson?" Cera said their names causing them to turn around.

"Cera!" May stepped forward and was about to hug Cera when she noticed the incredibly handsome man who was holding Cera's hand. She gave Cera a mischievous grin, "When did this happen?" May pointed at the couples hands. Sampson didn't notice at first, and then placed his hand on May's shoulder, while nodding at Cera with a slight smile. Cera nodded back.

Before she could say anything to May, MinYue beat her to it, "I have been courting her for a while now. She finally agreed to be with me earlier this week."

May remembered how Cera had mentioned to them at Tyler's house that CEO MinYue Park had kissed her. She then recalled how cold this man was normally around women. To see him holding hands with her best friend, she felt as if he was a completely different person. She then looked lovingly up at Sampson, "Love definitely has powers that no other feeling can beat."

Sampson had the urge to kiss May right then and there, but he held back. Instead he turned to look at the couple who was standing in front of them, "Good to see you again, Cera. It's been a few weeks."

"You as well Sampson. Are you excited to take May to Rine to meet your parents next month?"

"Yeah, I decided to move our trip up. We are leaving on Monday. I know they will love her."

"Wow! So soon! And they definitely will. May is amazing!" Cera was completely honest with her words. May has been her one and only friend she's had since they were in diapers.

May pulled Cera into a hug, "I love you! You're the best!"

"Love you too, May." After Cera said this she felt a slight change in temperature behind her. 'Surely his isn't jealous of May right now?' she turned her head to see MinYue's normally gray eyes almost turn black. 'Oh jeez...' Cera parted from May, and then grabbed MinYue's hand to give it a tight squeeze, "Are you guys on a date right now?"

"Yeah." May lowered her head, and Cera was still fast enough to catch May's red cheeks, "We came here to pick up a few last minute things for our trip."

"Well then we won't keep you." MinYue's tone was a little lower than what he would normally use, and Cera instantly knew that this man was quick to act out when jealous.

"Right, you two are on a date as well." May quickly said.

"Then we should get going." Sampson bowed his head at Cera, and then took May's hand with his free hand. The other was holding a few shopping bags.

"Enjoy your trip!" Cera yelled as the couple left hand in hand. She then turned back to look at her boyfriend who was full of vinegar, "What was that about?"

MinYue pulled Cera into a hug, "I don't know what you are talking about. Come, let's get you some clothes."

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say jelly bean." Cera pulled away slightly and rolled her eyes.

MinYue pulled her throughout S Label and picked out two business suits, two pair of pajamas, two sets of lounge clothes and was about to drag her to the undergarment section. Cera stopped in her tracks, causing MinYue to be pulled back by her side, "What wrong? Are you tired? Do you want to go back?" Cera had her head lowered and shook her head. MinYue then noticed how red her ears had become.

"I….I can pick out my own underwear. Can you wait for me here?" her voice was so small that MinYue could barely hear her, but was able to guess that she wanted to do this part on her own.

He didn't want to make her uncomfortable, and was slightly mad at himself for acting up earlier when he heard her say "I love you" the her friend. "Okay, I will be right here."

"Thank you." Cera then continued into the undergarment section. She walked around, and looked for something simple. She picked up a pair of red plain underwear, but then remembered that she would be leaving this at his place. She immediately put the red pair down, and headed further into that particular section of clothing. She soon found the lingerie. Her eyes were drawn to a see-thru teal colored baby doll set. She picked it up, and checked the size, Medium. 'Perfect.' She held onto it, and then continued to look around. She then saw out the corner of her eyes a black set with dark purple lace at the top of the underwear, and the bra had the same purple lace on the cups. She picked out her sizes and then told herself that two set was enough.

She made her way back to where MinYue was patiently waiting.