Chapter 67

Somehow when they were checking out she managed to distract MinYue when the cashier was ringing up her choices for undergarments, and told the lady that they would be leaving with these items today. She needed to wear some of them tonight. She grabbed the purple bag from the lady, and then pulled MinYue out of the store. While they were in the parking garage walking back to his car Cera casually asked, "Can we stop at a grocery store on our way home?"

The words came out of her mouth like it was nothing big, but MinYue stopped dead in his tracks. He pulled on her arm to bring her into an embrace, "Say that again?"

"Say what?" she looked up into his eyes.

"Where are we going?"

The redness on her cheeks reappeared, "To the grocery store?"

"After that?"

She wanted to lower her head, but MinYue placed a single finger under her chin, "Home." Her voice was incredibly small.

MinYue smiled devilishly before lowering his head to plant a kiss on her lips. He then held her there for a few minutes before parting, "Let's go home." He smiled while they made their way to the car. Cera looked at him with her head tilted. 'When did he take the bags?' She then hurriedly followed him to the car. He already tossed the bags in, and was standing by the passenger door. She smiled at him, and then climbed into the seat. MinYue bent down, kissed her again before he closed the door, and made his way around to the drivers side. He really didn't mind going on dates like this. 'If it gets her to call my place home, then I am willing to do this everyday!'

He decided to stop at the grocery store a few minutes from his house, they quickly ran in, and grabbed a few things. He was slightly confused at her choice in ingredients, cooking sherry, beef broth, hamburger meat, flour, onion, bread crumbs, worcestershire sauce, vegetable oil, green beans, potatoes, and a bunch of spices. "What are you making for supper?"

"You never had hamburger steak with onions and gravy?" The face he made was enough for her to realize that he was missing out, "Alright, let's hurry home."

"I can't wait." MinYue wasn't lying when he said this, his excitement increased the moment he heard her say that she was going to make him supper.

Once they got back to his place MinYue offered to wash her some clothes while she started supper. Cera agreed to it completely forgetting about the lingerie she had purchased. She started to busy herself in the kitchen with the food. A few seconds later she saw MinYue enter the kitchen out of the corner of her eye. He was holding up the teal baby doll and staring at her, as if he was trying to picture her in it, "Min….MinYue!" She ran up to him, and snatched it from his fingers, "I was….I was hoping to..." He was watching her stutter while her face and neck turned pink with embarrassment.

He couldn't help but laugh, "Cera, there is no need to explain." He hugged his cute little lady, and kissed her on the forehead, "I was actually going to ask you if this is safe to go into the dryer or not?"

She shook her head "No" against his chest, before pushing herself away, and heading back to the kitchen.