Chapter 68

Later that night MinYue and Cera were cuddling on his bed after brushing their teeth, "Cera, I want to give you a key to my place."

Cera used her left arm to push herself up, and looked down at him with a surprised expression, "Why so soon?"

"For you it may feel quick, but I have been in love with you since the first time I met you. I have been waiting for this day, and I find the timing to be appropriate." He pushed himself up with his right arm, and kissed her lightly on the lips, "Cera Lu, will you take this key?" He pulled a house key out of his pajama pants left pocket, and raised it up to her, "I am not asking you to move in, unless you are ready. I am just asking if you want a key to my place?"

His gray eyes were glowing in the moonlight and she found herself captivated by them, she felt like she was staring deep into his soul. What she found was love, sincerity, and loyalty. She reached out, and took the key from him, "MinYue..."

Once the key was in her hand MinYue felt a surge of energy, he was truly happy that she accepted the key from him. It was a risk he needed to take in order to confirm that she was willing to continue with this relationship. After loosing control so many times, after proclaiming that she was his, after sharing their first time together, he was finally able to give her something to hold onto. A key. To him it was more than just a key, it was a symbol of trust. He was giving her access to everything. He pulled her down on top of him, and covered her with kisses. He rolled over so that he was on top. He pulled away just enough for her to place the key on the night stand on her side of the bed. Once she turned back to look up at him, he found himself lost in thought. The pale blue of her irises were almost nonexistent and her black pupils were dilated.

Upon seeing her like that his lower region started to grow, and he pulled at her shirt. Underneath she had on the black and dark purple bra. Since the lace was across the cups he could make out where her nipples were, he could clearly see that she was excited for what was to come next. He made quick haste when removing her pants and underwear. She playfully raised her legs, and curled her toes around his pajama pants, and used her muscles to pull at them. With a little help from him, she was successfully able to remove them. He climbed back on top of her and wrapped his arm around her back, unclasping her bra with a single try. He pulled it off, and looked down at her attractive body. He lowered his lips to brush against her soft skin, then suckled on the pink flesh in the center of her breast. His other hand circled around the other one, before he continued down her body with his lips. He kissed the lower part of her chest, her belly-button, her waist line, and then the inside of her thigh, before spreading her legs further and diving in for her clitoris. Cera let out a large moan, and he could feel her body trying to pull away from him, so he tightened his grip around her waist, and continued to suck, and roll his tongue around.

At first Cera thought he was just giving her love kisses, when suddenly MinYue spread her legs. She then felt his hot tongue on her clit, it was an unexpected sensation and she couldn't hold back the moan that was rising in her throat. It felt good, but tickled at the same time. Her body tried to escape from it, but MinYue held her in place. He continued to lick and twirl his tongue around, and she let out another loud moan. She arched her back when MinYue entered two fingers into her vagina and pressed hard against the backside of her clitoris. She had never felt such a sensation in her life before, it was so different, yet pleasing she couldn't help but scream his name in pleasure, "MinYue!" Her hand instinctively grasped onto the top of his head, and she pulled at his glistening blonde hair.