The Underwater Mine

With Yang Ling's help, the woman leader finally saw a hope of breaking the curse successfully. She planned to form a team to enter the underwater mine once daylight arrived. Although the team was small and only consisted of a little over ten people, they were all the elites among the pirates and among them was berserker Novgorod. 

The berserkers' superb recovery ability, like their craziness after turning Bloodthirsty Frenzy, were known throughout the continent. Novgorod's injuries almost healed overnight, which left Yang Ling utterly shocked. 

He had thought Novgorod, the stubborn bull, would not be able to get up for at least three to five days. He didn't expect him to be full of energy that quickly.

Novgorod shot Yang Ling a cold look and kept silent, following after the woman leader with a heavy axe.