Water Element Magical Beasts Base

With a weird chirr sound, the group of Octopuses made a probing attack. A few of them stretched out their black tentacles at lightning speed, their many suckers sticking to the pirates like superglue. They then forcibly dragged the pirates over to them. 

"Be careful!"

"Quick, chop their tentacles off! Quick!"


Seeing two strong pirates being dragged off like this, everyone was stunned. The woman captain charged forward while yelling and gritting her teeth. With a swing of her two knives, she chopped off an Octopus' tentacle with a swoosh sound and rescued one of the pirates, who had gone pale. 

At the same time, the ferocious leading warrior Novgorod pounced forward with a roar and swiftly hacked off seven or eight tentacles, saving the other pirate. 

"Quick, get into formation: the knife wielders in front, the spearmen behind. Hurry!"