Not Allowed

"Um hello! Earth to Marissa" Nora cooed in my ear. I snap back to my room and shove away my thoughts.

"Why do you think they are coming Marissa?" Ella asked.

"Maybe to take over our place" I muttered under my breath. They gave me a look and I duck my


"Father says it's important business but I'm sure that's not it" Nora continued. Ella squealed. I smiled playfully and proceeded to roll my eyes.

"What if- what if he is coming for a... Proposal?!" Ella breathed.

"well if it's a proposal than it's for our little princess" Nora teased. I shot up and hit her on the shoulder. They giggled.

"it's not funny" I said flatly.

"Marissa- I don't understand why you don't see anything in him" Nora tutted.

"He's so... so perfect" Ella sighed in enchant. I shrugged of the feeling to even go there.

"Well I guess if he wants to win 'my' heart he would have to lose that arrogant attitude" I said, my voice going all high in an instance.

"Ah Marissa, you wouldn't give your heart if he willed to die for you" Nora shook her head but had a grin on her face.

"Guess what! I just rode on Star night and we found something!" exclaimed our brother Johnathan, walking into my room with a huge smile. Star night is Johnathan's horse. His right eye has a star pattern and the rest of him is all black. Probably he didn't know what to his horse he called it the way he looked.

"What did you find John?" I asked.

"Uh it's something you can't see Marissa" he gave an apologetic smile. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Oh Marissa. John are you quite sure she can't come?" Ella asked, hoping to say I can come along.

"Sorry Marissa I don't want to scare you so it's best if you stay here" John looked down. But I don't say anything just give a sad smile of my own and walk over to my window sill.

" take care Marrisa" said the twins.

" I will" I murmured and then they leave.