Please Let Me Go

After they leave me alone in my room, I wrap arms around me and hug myself. They're trying to protect you, said a mental voice in my head. What if I don't want to be protected?! I shout at the voice and then realizing a stupid fault that I'm talking to myself. Maybe... I should follow them.

But our place is covered with guards and if they find me trying to leave they will straight away take me to my parents but they won't if I go to them myself. If they do let me I will take Laura with me. Laura is my horse, she has a cream colored skin and green eyes. And yes, we do have cars, jeeps and so on but my parents prefer to live in an old- fashioned way, and because we live in a forest so it's difficult to change directions after every few seconds you come around to a tree.

I walk over to my wardrobe and look for my cape. After a few more shuffles I finally find it. Putting it around me I leave my room and thank fate that no one was guarding the hall way. I walk over to our Main Hall and see my parents working. Father sitting behind his desk in his normal clothes, always in black. And my mother in a long maxi white dress with rose prints. They look up when I arrive and smile. Father puts the pen down and mother stops ruffling through files.

"good morning honey!" said mother, happily.

"good morning" I chucked.

"Father?" I raise my eyebrows and wait for a greeting.

" huh? Oh yes good morning dear" he laughed.

" is there something you want ,sweetheart?" mother asked. I bite my lip and take in a big breath.

"Now hold it honey. Marissa why are you wearing a cape?" father eyed me suspiciously.

"Um I was thinking that I should go and... play hide an seek with the twins and John" there, I lied. I bite my tongue.

"Eh, did Johnathan say it was safe?" mother asked, panic on her words.

"Um I don't remember" I said rapidly. Mother crosses her arms and father give me a deadly look.

"oh mother please let me go! I haven't been out of the walls for three years!" I begged.

"if you do remember what happened 'three years back'" father said calmly. I did remember what happened back then but I wanted to keep the past where it belonged and follow the present.