Take Me Back

"I'm sorry Marissa but the answer is no" mother said.

"Can't I go with some protection? Two or three guards?" I push my luck. Mother looks at father.

Oh please say yes!, I thought.

"Maybe" he said slowly.

"maybe...what?" I asked.

"Take Aron and Jackson. Tell Captain Coral that you request for Aron and Jackson" he said.

"Aron and Jackson?" I said unbelievably.

"Is there a problem?" he frowned.

"Take it or leave it, dear" said mother.

"But they are so-" mother cut me off.

"I believe I have to repeat myself 'take it or leave it'" she said.

"Fine. Thank you" I muttered. Slightly mad but mostly excited. They're letting you go!, I thought. That was...awkward. I take my leave and go downstairs. 1 block downstairs is where my father's most trusted advisers, messengers, and also the higher person in charge. Three doors at each side.

Captain Corals office is on the right side. I knock on the door.

"Come in" said Captain. I open the door and walk in. He stands up immediately and gives a low nod. I smile. He's in his 40's and you can see grey hair along with his black hair. He is in his uniform, White shirt, black coat and black trousers.

"Dear Marissa what brings you here?" he asked.

"Um you probably would think this is a joke but father said I can go in the forest-" he start to protest but I quickly say, "along with Aron and Jackson"

he raises eyebrows at there names and laughs.

"Well that is something too hard to believe. I'll ask them to be here in an instance. Give me a moment" he said and pressed a button on the table.

"Yes, Captain Coral?" said a man's voice from the speakers.

"Aron and Jackson. Make it quick" Captain replied.

"Alright Captain" He said and the line cut off. After two minutes two young men

walk in the office and give a polite bow towards me. I nod.

"You will take Marissa to wherever she wishes to go and protect her at all cost. Understood?" he ordered.

"Yes sir" they answered.

We took off. First we head to the stables and take our horses out. Laura looked lovely as ever. She nudged me when I walked over to her and hugged her. She snorted. I sit on her. It felt so great to be back outside.

"Where shall we take of to?" Jackson asked.

"Just where John lead of the twins. Do you know where he is?" I asked.

They exchanged glances. Aron clearer his throat.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Positive" I said.

"Very well" Said Jackson.

I nudge Laura to move. We followed Jackson and Aron through the forest glade and I loved as the sun shone on my face. It felt like a thousands years away from light and life. Alongside was a waterfall which I remember really well. I used to come by and sit on the soft grass and watch the water ripple to my feet. I mostly came here when I was upset. Birds chirped their pretty song. Butterflies flew every inch. It was amazing to be let out again.

"We are here" said Aron.

"Whoa girl" I said to Laura and she comes to a pause.

I jump of from her and see nothing at the beginning and I thought they were playing a dirty trick on me but then I heard the twins and John talk. They kept

their voices low but I heard them. I finally find them standing in a low hollow. They were looking at something. I sneak up at them.

"Hey Nora!" I called. She looked back and her eyes widened. Ella and John glanced back too and their mouths dropped. I pant after running all the way to them. I glance back and I see Aron and Jackson, their moves sharp.

"Marissa what are you doing here?!" Nora exclaimed.

"Did father let you come here?!" Ella asked.

"Or did you sneak up?" John crossed his arms.

I exhale and point behind me. They're eyes follow and they see Aron and Jackson.

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked excitedly. But when I looked down I screamed. It was a head. A head of a man. The rest of his body was not even connected to his head. He looked shocked and his eyeballs had gone clear White. I gasp for breath. His neck... His neck had some sort of strange marks. I bent down and look closely. They were tiny holes. Two tiny holes.

"Get me out of here!" I whispered.

" I warned you. I warned you didn't I?! But you didn't listen. This is what happen when you ignore a warning" John chided. The twins pull me back up and don't let go of my arm and I thank that because right now I think would collapse. I fainted. Nora screamed.