Come with me

"John!" I called out as I walked over to the stables. After the fight I had quickly dressed in a shiny, gold-colored gown. I wanted to see John; I knew if anyone could take my mind off Enigmars, it'd be him.

But I was wrong.

"Yes?" he called back. I walked to Starnight's shed just as John was sliding off from the horse's back. He pulled me into a big hug but then let go when he saw my sad expression.

"What's wrong, Marissa?" he frowned.

"Damen," I answered. He arched an eyebrow.

"What did he do now?" John asked angrily, balling his hands into fists. I stared wide-eyed at his rage.

"Nothing...well for now anyways," I said. John's shoulders instantly relaxed. He turned back absently towards his horse and ran his fingers through the soft mane.

"I'm appalled at father's decision," he murmured. His face fell gloomily but he continued on, "The Enigmars shouldn't have arrived this early. We didn't have time to plan anything. I apologize for being a useless brother, Marissa." John closed his eyes tightly.

Looking at him, watching him lose hope for the first time… it made my chest hurt.

"John, don't give up-" I stopped abruptly. I heard someone else talking, another voice. John appeared to have heard it too and he glanced around in confusion.

"Surely she must have said something about-" said a deep voice.

"Father you must learn to have patience," cut in another voice, who seemed calm and collected.

"Everything happens at it's own time."

I gasped in realization. I knew who that voice belonged too. Damen.

Oh no! The last thing I want is to talk to him or his father! I thought desperately. I shot John a panicked look, but his expression was just a nervous. The footsteps grew louder and stopped suddenly as the two figures was us. Idris whispered something in to Damen's ear and he nodded in understanding.

Then he walked over towards me and lifted his chin as a greeting.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" he asked nonchalantly.

It would've been if you hadn't showed up, I thought bitterly.

"Yes. It's a lovely day," I agreed.

"Hmm," he pondered, a smirk on his face. "Lovely enough to take the lady for a ride?"

John cleared his throat in a 'this-is-too-much-for-me' type of way. Damen looked annoyed but he gave a fair bow towards John.

"I'll leave you two be," said John and before I could protest, he had already left.

I swallowed.

"My father won't allow it," I said firmly.

"Surely he will," Damen insisted. "I'll be there with you and make sure you're safe and sound."

"I- I don't know..." I faltered.

"Come with me," he urged. "It will be safe, I promise" He reached out and took my hand.

I sighed in defeat, I knew there was no way I would get out of it. Finally I nodded. He grinned triumphantly and lead me towards his horse.