Dèjà Vu? Hmm Maybe

Damen's horse marched to the gates and the guards opened the door. My arms were wrapped tightly around his waist. Damen's horse is all black with a red highlight in his mane, and a red saddle. As soon as the gates behind us closed, the horse galloped, but Damen pulled him back with force to move in a normal pace, the horse whined in reply.

"What's his name?" I asked as I pulled a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Blackwel" he answered. Hmm Blackwel,

Not bad, I thought. I loosened my grasp from his waist and rested my hands on his back.

"Dont mind me asking but 'where are we going?'" I said firmly. I heard him give a small laugh which gave me the creeps.

"Somewhere to talk" his voice sounded playful, which trust me, made me scared.

"We could've talked at my home, I mean you don't have to take me-" he cut me off.

"I will have to rephrase myself Marissa, 'you are not going to get hurt, I won't let anything happen to you and I'll be there'" he said. You being there is what scares me the most.

The forest seemed to darken as we got close.

"What is it do you like about your home?" he asked randomly.

"My home? I love everything about it. I have my sisters and a brother to look after me and they love me very much. Everyone is sweet to me well not everyone..." I glanced at his back and I felt an urge to slide my fingers against his silky hair. What are you thinking?!, yelled the mental voice, making me jump. Damen quickly glanced back at me and Blackwel came to a halt. Damen jumped of from his back, dust swayed different directions from his stomp. He offered his hand and I took it. After he pulled me down he tied his horse around a tree. He glanced at me and gave a small smile.

"Come on" he said. I followed him like a lost puppy. From the darkness, the sun was glaring on the other side of the pond, glittering blue. Damen stopped in his tracks. I looked at him and I felt scared.

"Whats wrong?" I whispered.

"N-nothing. Let's stay here" he stammered which was so surprising. A slight fear hid in his eyes but he closed his eyes, opened them again and was back to his normal self.

"If the sun irritates you then you stay in the shade because I want the warmness" I shivered as a cold breeze gusted my way. He saw me tremble and hesitated before he nodded. I sighed in relief. We walked, and I came to stop when I felt the heat on my face. Damen didn't come in the light, he leaned against a tree, hands in his pockets and a smile on his lips.

"So, who is 'everyone'?" he asked, playing back to the conversation.

"Hm? Oh, my stableman, Laura gave him a friendly kick on his head" I laughed quietly. He chuckled.

"Some kind horse you've got" he said in sarcasm. I raised an eyebrow but shrugged in a it's-his-own-fault way.

"So, what about you? How's your life back home?" I asked.

"My life is interesting, I guess" he looked down at the ground. I strolled towards him and sat down under the tree on my knees.

"Your father is holding up some major party" he said abruptly.

"A party? For what?" I frowned. He shrugged. He leaned down and took my hand lightly in his and pulled me up. What he did next caught me off guard. He pulled me from the waist, it was déjà vu but this time without any distraction he welcomed a kiss.