A Journey to Heaven...Not

After the ceremony came to an end, I rested my hand on Damen's arm and just like before, we walked with one step at a time. The others followed us. We left the church and waited for someone to drive us back to the Mansion. But this time, it wasn't my jeep because this one was black. I presumed, that it's Damen's. He grasped my hand and walked, no wait, he was running. I tried to keep up with him, but it was tough to run in the heels.

He opened the door to the back seat and helped me sit in. He closed the door from behind and then sat on in the passenger seat. The engine roared to life. The driver was driving fast. I glanced at Damen who was wiping his lips with a tissue. He displayed the tissue and i could the a red print of small lips. I stifled a laugh as I realized that it was my lipstick. Damen locked eyes with mine and I felt terror fight my chest. I felt like a helpless bunny being chased by a serpent because that's how mad he looked.

I quickly averted my eyes to the window. I still felt his heavy stare at me and after a moment he turned away. I chewed my lip until it was sore. The jeep slowly cam to a stop right in the shade. Damen flung the door open and jumped out fast. The driver came out and opened the door for me, or Damen I suppose. Damen clasped his hands tightly on my wrist and pulled me out from the jeep. I stood facing him again and his looked intently in mine. He leaned down and I closed my eyes, but he didn't kiss me, he was leaning over my ear.

"I didn't have a chance to tell you how beautiful you look," he murmured.

I felt myself blush deeper than pink. No. No no no! I know he's playing with my mind. Trying to trap me in his web so I will have no other way to leave. He lightly kissed my cheek.


"You look stunning, Damen," I stammered. He chuckled.

"Thank you, my fair lady," he smiled and this time it wasn't bad or evil it was just a normal friendly smile. Someone cleared their throat from behind, spoiling the special moment. Damen put on his annoyed look and raised an eyebrow when she came in the view.

"The guests are waiting," Nora grinned.

I wanted to reach out and hug Nora but I couldn't. Not just yet. She guided us to our celebration room. Everyone who was dancing stopped as we stepped in. Their were white and pink flowers decorated at ever inch of the room. My eyes searched for my parents, but they were nowhere to be seen. Neither were Idris and Glace.

"The couple has arrived. Welcome your princess with a polite bow," someone announced and the guests did as they were told which I doubt wasn't necessary.

"Princess?" Damen asked. I gave him a long look.

"So what if they call me princess?" I hissed. The talking died from the guests and everyone looked at us. Damen glared at me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Erm, everyone- let's dance!" Ella came to a rescue as everyone grabbed their partners and danced. In weddings we always did the waltz. Damen pressed his arm behind my back with pressure, causing me to wince. We did as we were told. We danced in circles, glaring at each other.

"Get. That. Look. Off. From. Your. Face," he muttered to me. I wasn't scared of him around these people. We were at my home and if in any circumstances ever raised his hand to me, the guards will arrest him and he knew the rules perfectly.

After the dance we were eating. Their was every single dish ever know in this territory cooked and my stomach grumbled when I saw chicken rice with vegetables. Their were chairs for people to sit at so they can enjoy their food. Damen and I were asked by Nora to sit behind a long white clothed table. Nora added the rice to my plate and I ate.

"Would you like something, sir Damen?" she asked.

"Water would do," he replied.

Nora frowned but didn't say anything. She gave him a glass of water which he took only few sips.

"Damen, your not hungry?" I asked. The ferocious look on his face had vanished and he looked back to his normal self.

"I'm not hungry, Marissa" he said flatly. I stopped eating myself. It wouldn't be a very nice view.

Everyone had eaten and they all circled around the table me and Damen sat at. The wedding cake was brought in. It was cute and big when the baker kept between us. We stood up. I held the knife and Damen placed his hand over mine as we cut a slice of cake. The crowd clapped.


When everyone had left late that day, I didn't get a chance to give a goodbye to my family. Damen said we were leaving immediately after the party. We were leaving my home and I was traveling to the Enigmars house which was six hundred miles away. Once again we found ourselves in the black jeep. I was upset and hurt that no one from my family even bothered to show up to the wedding party.