Coming Back

Chapter 2132: Coming Back

The cauldron slowly descended from the sky. Lin Feng could see many beasts in the mountain range. As a cauldron, Lin Feng had a 360° field of vision.

Some beasts were terrifyingly strong. When the ancient cauldron descended from the sky and landed on the mountain, many beasts looked at him in an ice-cold way. In the mountains, beasts usually liked keeping their animal form, they didn't like having a beast form. However, they had perfect mental abilities. When they saw that cauldron, they immediately understood that it was a precious treasure.

The beasts started roaring furiously. Many beasts came to the cauldron. They looked ferocious. However, Lin Feng smiled in a cold way. He let the beasts get near and did nothing.

The beasts were vigilant. When they saw that that cauldron was alone and that there was nobody around, they got closer. However, at that moment, terrifying lights appeared around the cauldron and invaded the atmosphere. Suddenly, the beasts had the impression they couldn't control their souls anymore. It was as if the cauldron had been trying to absorb their souls. At that moment, at the top of the mountain, dead beasts appeared, their souls were sucked in by the ancient cauldron.

Then, the Ten Thousand Evolutions Cauldron released some evolution strength which invaded the atmosphere, the beasts' souls started shaking violently, they tried to resist but it was useless, quickly, their souls were destroyed and modified.

"What powerful evolution strength." thought Lin Feng. He was astonished. The beasts weren't too strong but still, absorbing their souls and modifying them was something exceptional, and Lin Feng realized it was different than when he modified weapons or other things. The Ten Thousand Evolutions Cauldron was a better "pilot" than him. He could easily modify souls. He had turned into the cauldron's soul but he hadn't become a cauldron, he could act as the cauldron. He didn't fuse together with the souls he absorbed though, he just wanted to use them to "drive" the cauldron.

"Those souls can help me drive the Ten Thousand Evolutions Cauldron. So can my soul leave it now?" thought Lin Feng. Then, he tried to make his soul come out of the cauldron.

"How painful. It as if my soul had been flayed." thought Lin Feng when he sensed the pain. He stopped and thought: "That ancient cauldron needs my soul to deploy an explosive strength. If my soul leaves the cauldron, the souls will disperse, becoming an ancient cauldron isn't easy. The best is to absorb many beasts' souls and make them turn into the cauldron's strength."

When Lin Feng thought about that, he stopped moving and brought his body away. He wanted to kill some beasts.

Very quickly, a gigantic tiger appeared and ran towards the cauldron brandishing claws. Of course, when he touched the cauldron, a terrifying strength instantly absorbed his soul and he died.

"I need to modify the cauldron's strength with my own soul, when using the beasts' soul to drive the cauldron, it requires too much strength." thought Lin Feng. His soul was the cauldron's soul, he could recover soul strength but not the beasts, but it didn't matter though. Lin Feng could use his own soul strength.

Lin Feng didn't need to hunt for beasts, they came automatically, Lin Feng just welcomed them and absorbed their souls. If he encountered powerful and extremely strong cultivators, he wouldn't need Qin Shan's help anymore, he'd use the cauldron to attack them.

Lin Feng sensed that the ancient cauldron's souls were becoming more and more powerful. He felt more self-confident. He even became excited to hunt beasts. When beasts had a human shape, he didn't want to hunt them, but if they had an animal form, he didn't mind, they looked ferocious.

He moved at full speed, he crossed a forest, he drew nobody's attention, after all, there were terrifying beasts in the continent so he had to be careful. He crossed a forest and arrived above a beautiful river, spluttering sounds spread in the air.

Lin Feng was stupefied. There was a river which crossed the forest. It looked beautiful. And a silhouette appeared indistinctly. That person had wet jet-black hair, she looked meek and mild, her skin was extremely white, she was very pretty. Her Qi was incredible too. She was wearing simple white clothes, she looked extremely desirable.

"Eh?" When the beautiful woman saw a cauldron, she looked interested. That ancient cauldron looked pale. It was probably a powerful Great Imperial Weapon. When the cauldron saw her, it stopped, how strange?

Then, the woman came out of the water, she had a perfect body, absolutely flawless. Her clothes were transparent, luckily, Lin Feng was a cauldron, so he had thoughts but his body didn't react since it was a cauldron.

"What a beautiful seal." thought Lin Feng when he saw a necklace with a seal between her breasts. It looked lifelike.

"Slash, slash!" the woman suddenly laughed, a robe appeared around and she released hot Qi, her clothes were instantly dry. She looked at the cauldron and smiled: "You're a perverted cauldron. Do you have the same mental abilities as a human being?"

"Eh…" Lin Feng almost had cold sweats. What would have the woman thought if she had known he was a man?

"You're a cauldron without a master?" said the woman to Lin Feng in a gentle way. Her smiled was magnificent. Lin Feng just swung twice as if he had been trying to shake a head, the woman looked disappointed: "Interesting cauldron, you have mental abilities, unfortunately, you have a master. Otherwise, I would have taken you and we would have explored the world together."

Lin Feng was speechless, he was speechless because he couldn't talk.

However, at that moment, a hurricane started whistling, bestial Qi invaded the atmosphere and rose to the skies. The woman frowned and stopped smiling. She released an ice-cold Qi. She didn't look nice and gentle anymore. Lin Feng was surprised. She was so fast.

Good that he was a cauldron, if he had been a human being,, he wouldn't have seen her smile, he would have just seen her furious.

Terrifying beasts rushed over. The leader of the group of beasts had a human shape and he was fixedly staring at the woman. He looked at her in an ice-cold way and his bestial Qi was terrifying.

"Capture her." said that person in an ice-cold way. Then, the beasts started running making the earth and the sky shake violently. The terrifying strength even made Lin Feng shake violently. They looked furious. However, at that moment, the woman took out a soft sword, she was extremely fast, invisible and intangible Qi invaded the atmosphere. Lin Feng just saw blood splash, in the blink of an eye, the beasts were all dead. Then, she put her soft sword on the leader's throat and blood dripped.

"How fast. Her attacks are so precise. She killed those beasts in one sword strike each time." thought Lin Feng. that woman put her sword away and recalled her Qi.

Her silhouette flickered. She landed in front of the cauldron and caressed it. Lin Feng moved back.

"Eh, you're shy?" said the woman giggling. Her beautiful eyes kept twinkling, she looked particularly interested in that cauldron. She continued caressing it and smiled: "Eh, you have a physical body and many deployment marks. Who's your master? Unfortunately, I can't take you with me, it would have been fun. See you."

Then, the woman turned into a light beam and disappeared.

"How fast, who is she?" Lin Feng was stupefied. She had the same cultivation level as him and she was so strong. Lin Feng sighed, there were so many geniuses in Godly Clouds.

Lin Feng didn't think too much. He absorbed some beasts' souls and stopped. The cauldron contained more and more souls. Lin Feng sensed that it would be easier for his soul to leave the cauldron. Even though it was painful, Lin Feng finally managed to leave the cauldron and move back into his body which was inside the cauldron.

The physical body in the cauldron slowly stood up. His muscles were sore. He took a deep breath and enjoyed being in his body again. He whispered: "I'm finally back."