Arriving in Town

Chapter 2133: Arriving in Town

Godly Clouds was the center of the Continent of the Nine Clouds and had borders with the eight other regions. It was extremely vast. It was difficult to imagine how vast it was. It was impossible to know how many inhabitants there were there.

Godly Clouds City was in the center of the region. It was a terrifying place. Many strong cultivators gathered there, especially for the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. People from the twelve cities of Godly Clouds City came too.

Outside of Godly Clouds City, in the east, in the sky, there was a group of cultivators, some of them were on beasts, some of them were flying in the clouds, some of them were on the ground, some of them were even walking slowly. Some of them were alone, some of them were in groups, but those people didn't stop.

At the same time, on the ground, in a lake, someone raised their head and saw the numerous people all around and above. It had started a while ago, it was like that everyday, during the day, at night, at any time of the day. The number of people from the twelve cities who came there was terrifying. Therefore, the cities of Godly Clouds made a public announcement before. People who weren't emperors couldn't go to the twelve cities of Godly Clouds City. At the same time, to enter the city, there was a small exam to sit. They wanted to eliminate some people. Otherwise, the city wouldn't be able to accommodate everybody.

Every hundred years, it was the same thing there. Many people went there determined. Every hundred years, many geniuses gathered in Godly Clouds.

"How lively." whispered an old man at that moment, he was in the sky. He was at the top of the Huang Qi layer but he felt tiny there. All the cultivators in the sky were all emperors of the top of the Huang Qi layer or great emperors.

They were all extremely strong.

"Grandpa, so many extremely strong cultivators." said a young woman of the Huang Qi layer in a weak voice. In her village, she was considered as extremely strong, people said she was a genius, it had taken them a year to arrive. She reaized everybody was extremely strong there.

"Yes, my little girl, our small village is not the only place where you can find extremely strong cultivators. In Godly Clouds, there are millions of geniuses. We have to be discreet and avoid to fight against anyone." said the old man, that kind of place was dangerous, it was better not to offend anyone, one could never know, some people could be extremely strong and kill you.

"Don't worry, grandpa. Why would I offend anyone?" whispered the young woman.

"People like you came to Godly Clouds City to lose face." said someone not far from them. It was a group of five young men, they were making fun of them. The old man and the young woman turned around, they were stupefied, they had just said they wouldn't offend anyone and suddenly, someone tried to provoke them. She just gulped down though.

"Little girl, let's go." said the old man to the young woman ignoring those people.

"Go? That girl is beautiful, let me help to protect her." said a young man smiling. The four others surrounded the old man, they were staring at the young woman. They had overheard the old man and the young woman's conversation so they knew that those two were from a small place. So they wanted to capture her.

Of course, that was only a small thing which happened to some people who had come to town. Many people remained discreet and didn't want to offend anyone, many others tried to cause trouble for no reason. There were all sorts of people and sometimes things were unavoidable.

Where there are many people, there is always chaos.

Of course, many people plotted against others as well.

Above the clouds, a sword streaked across the sky and moved towards a young man at full speed. The atmosphere was filled with Sword determination.

A few evil young people were stupefied when they saw that. They suddenly turned around and saw a young man, like them, he was on a beast. He slowly came to them. His sword determination invaded the atmosphere. He had just carried out that sword attack a moment before.

Sword lights twinkled, it was as if time had stopped. Very quickly, the few young people all disappeared in the sword lights. They were unlucky. They had bumped into a young man who didn't understand what it meant to remain discreet, but even though he killed people in a cold and detached way, he seemed to have a little sense of justice and righteousness.

Lin Feng had the feeling his sense of justice and righteousness wasn't very developed because he had killed so many people.

The cultivation world was cruel, to become strong, it was necessary to kill people. Lin Feng was no exception. And just a moment before, for justice and righteousness, he had killed a few more people again.

The old man and the young woman saw a handsome young man, he looked enigmatic and unfathomable. He was on a fire lion. That beast looked particularly ferocious. That fire lion looked like Qiong Qi so Lin Feng had captured it in the mountain range. The old man was scared when he sensed the fire lion's Qi.

"What level is that beast?" thought the old man. Then, he looked at Lin Feng and bowed: "Thank you very much for saving us, Master."

In his eyes, that young man had to be a disciple from a wealthy and powerful clan. He was very strong, he was talented, he had a powerful beast, a few sword attacks and he had instantly killed a few young people of the same age, they belonged to two different worlds.

The young woman's eyes twinkled. She looked at Lin Feng and said: "How strong."

"It's nothing, really." said Lin Feng smiling. He looked resplendent. The old man sighed. No wonder that that young man was extremely strong, he had a completely different personality from those people he had just killed. He still thought Lin Feng was an extremely strong genius from a wealthy and powerful clan though.

"Thanks to your slight effort, you saved my granddaughter and me." said the old man humbly. He knew that if that young man hadn't helped them, his granddaughter would have been kidnapped and he would have been killed.

"I can't tolerate anything like that to happen in front of me." said Lin Feng smiling: "In front of us is the eastern entrance of the twelve cities right?"

"Indeed, we're almost there." said the old man nodding.

"Come." said Lin Feng smiling. He was in a good mood. The old man was surprised and the young woman looked excited, she jumped onto the beast and smiled in a cute way: "Thank you, brother!"

"Thank you very much, Master, please forgive my granddaughter, she's stubborn and obstreperous. Don't blame her." said the old man respectfully. Even though Lin Feng's cultivation level was similar to his, he knew he couldn't compete with Lin Feng's sword. Therefore, he didn't dare let his granddaughter call him "brother". He had to remain vigilant.

"It's alright. Just call me Lin Feng, Mister. That young girl is nice. I am young too. She can call me brother." said Lin Feng smiling in a gentle way. The young woman made a face and the old man laughed. He also jumped onto the fire lion. He wasn't worried that Lin Feng could do anything to them or request anything. Lin Feng was too strong. He didn't need to make them come onto his lion to attract them. Therefore, he trusted that young man, he was definitely honest and kindhearted.

The fire lion walked forwards. His bestial Qi invaded the atmosphere around them. In the sky, many people looked at that beast in a strange way, what a strong beast. Just like the old man, everybody thought that that young man had to be from a wealthy and powerful family, otherwise, he couldn't have had such a powerful beast even though he was still a cultivator of the Huang Qi layer.

The fire lion was a Great Imperial Beast. When Lin Feng captured it, he made great efforts. Finally, the beast had submitted. Therefore, the crowd had the same thought as the old man.

"Brother, you come from a city near Godly Clouds City?" asked the young woman. They were all on the Great Imperial Beast's back.

"No. I'm from the Region of the Dark Night." replied Lin Feng. The young woman's beautiful eyes twinkled: "How far. You come from another region. Is the Region of the Dark Night the same as Godly Clouds?"

"The same goal can be reached using different routes. The Region of the Dark Night is less complex. There aren't millions of clans fighting and competing all the time. The average strength is also lower than in Godly Clouds."

"Godly Clouds is in the center of the continent. So of course it's the most powerful region. But you come from the Region of the Dark Night and you're extremely strong, brother. You must be an incredible public figure." said the young woman smiling. The three people chatted freely and they arrived at the eastern gate. People who were flying all landed there. People had to pass through the gate, entering the city flying was prohibited.

"We're at the eastern gate. It's the most important gate. Once you cross the gate, you're really in town. I hope we're not too late though." said the old man looking at the gate. There was an empty space gate. He naturally understood what it meant. Many people were there. Many people were managed to cross the gate while many others were refused entry.

"Go, you can go." said Lin Feng smiling, the old man nodded: "My granddaughter is quite talented, I'll try first, if I can go in, she'll definitely be authorized entry too."

Then, the old man walked to the gate but unfortunately, he was refused access, he came back disappointed and said: "We've been traveling for a year, unfortunately, I was refused entry."

"Never mind. Let's walk around the city and enjoy the landscapes." said the young woman to cheer him up. She didn't want to go to the city without her grandfather.

"I'll take you in." said Lin Feng releasing Qi which surrounded the two people. He made them enter his spirit's world. And he walked to the gate with the lion, then they crossed and entered the central city of the Continent of the Nine Clouds.

The old man and the young woman appeared in the city, they stood there, Lin Feng and the fire lion were already far away. They hadn't even had time to react.