
50: I Refuse

The crowd finally reacted after they saw Alex walking leisurely towards the winner spoils. It was now they became aware that Alex won, cheers erupted.

Thinking about now, it was a 1 Vs 4 fight. Aside from that, it was E Rank against a novice adventurer who had registered two weeks ago. Well, this novice adventurer completed a big quest recently, killing thirty goblins and a rare species in the process, still fighting against a monster was different from fighting against a human.

If you thought about it normally, the winner of the fight was obvious. However, the actual result was the rookie shutting out the four Rank Adventurers (Three were E Rank, Bolt and the Bowman got promoted recently) in a clean sweep.

Of course, there were various reasons why Alex won, half the watchers were convinced that Alex was strong and he deserved his promotion to D Rank while the other half were unbelieving thinking that he used his strange movement skill at the beginning to take care of the other two at the rear thus destabilizing the formation established by the four.

Some people understood, for Alex to kill thirty goblins and a rare species he must have some ability. As for the unbelieving people, according to them without his strange movement skill, Alex couldn't have won. Those who think like that were the one envying Alex's skill, they had forgotten that his throwing skill was already at the Master level.

(A/N: Skills whose level reached 5 are considered Master Level)

''The little guy has some skill, even his throwing knife skill level is at least Level 4 or fast. No wonder he could jump from F to D after only two weeks. Sigh, I gotta work hard and get promoted soon, or else these young un's will overtake me.''

Gale the B Rank Adventurer said before glancing at Alex as if trying to memorize the young man who may soon be at the same Rank as him or above him. Even though it was the first time he saw the young man, Gale had the feeling that this young man was special, someone who was destined to do great things. Gale was sure that his assumption was not wrong especially after seeing that the mysterious Leena seemed interested in the boy. Her eyes were fixed on the boy since the start as though she was evaluating him. Shaking his head Gale turned and left.

Leena observed the retreating Gale and smiled. She looked at Alex who was going toward the winner spoils with a smile, she cursed him for not being patient. Just after finishing the four, he went towards the rewards without waiting for her to announce who was the victor.

Sighing she announced ''The duel comes to an end with Alex being the winner. As both parties agreed upon, everything except what the four are wearing will be given to Alex.''

Saying this she waved her hand the four weapons were added on top of other rewards.

Alex the rewards, firstly, he re-quipped the fake space ring on his right arm, then he put his money bag back into his item box (The onlookers will think that he put it inside his fake space ring), he took the bags of gold that the other four had bet and stored it into the Item box.

(I will invite unnecessary troubles if I count the money in front of so many people, I'll confirm how much there is when I get to the inn later.)

Alex thought while he took the two-handed sword, the two daggers, the bow, and lastly the battle-ax that was lying on the ground and stored them into a fake space ring (Item box).

A person in the crowd clicked his tongue. When Alex heard it, he looked at the person who had clicked his tongue and recalled who he was, this guy often hangs with Diaz and his men. Alex paid him no heed as he headed back to the Adventurer guild disregarding the curious gazes of the spectators. Alex was followed by Gracier who was smiling after congratulating her Big brother for his swift victory, Eleonora also followed the duo, she seemed lost in thoughts.

Once inside the guild, Leena was smiling earlier stopped smiling, and glared at Alex as she said ''So, little boy care to explain what you have done?"

Shrugging his shoulders Alex answered as if he didn't know what Leena was talking about.

''I don't know what you are talking about.''

''Heh! You want to play it like that. I see let's play then.''

Hearing Leena's words Alex had a bad premonition and before he could retreat he felt a soft Wind caressing his body before all his weapons disappeared. Looking up he saw his weapons in Leena's hands, the latter was playing with them.

''Nice weapon, I think I'll keep them in my collection. Even if they are not in part with my other collected weapons they are better than nothing.'' Leena said while grinning, she was still playing with the knives, especially Black Betties (The throwing knives).

Alex's mouth twitched, sighing he finally apologized ''Sorry Leena. I shouldn't have tricked you. My bad, I'm truly sorry. I did it because I was sure that I could win and I won.''

''Apology accepted, for this kind of thing you should inform me beforehand. I don't like being kept in the dark until the last moment. Well, I'm still a little bit angry, think about something that can soothe my anger. I'm all ears.'' Leena said and stared at Alex waiting for what kind of solution he would bring out.

''Let's go on date then.'' Alex blurted out, his voice was a little bit loud, therefore the other Adventurers around them heard it.

''What the Rookie is inviting our Goddess to go on date with him?" an adventurer A asked.

''Yeah, it was as you heard it. What gut, the boy is sure full of himself. He became full of himself after hearing that he would get promoted and especially now that he beat Diaz and his crew. Don't get full of yourself, there is no way our Goddess will accept a date with you.'' another said, the other Adventurers laughed as if ridiculing Alex.

Unfazed Alex looked at Leena waiting for her answer, Leena smiled sweetly and said ''Sure why not.''

Silence, the whole guild became silent before it became noisier.

''What? Our Goddess accepted?" a scarred Adventurer asked not believing.

''Fuck, the Rookie sure lucky. To think that our Goddess who never accepted a date before would accept when he asked. What lucky man.'' another one said.

The commotion continued, meanwhile, Alex and Gracier were talking about what kind of quest they should take.

Finally, Eleonora who hadn't talked since the end of the match spoke ''It's decided, Alex, let's go on a quest together. You not bad, let this Big sister show you a few things. I'll train you. I-''

''I refuse'' Alex cut her off and said.

''What? Why did you refuse? It's not a bad thing. Don't worry, it will be fun I promise.'' Eleonora said refusing to admit defeat.

''I still refuse'' Alex's answer was still the same.

Pouting Eleonora still insisted, seeing that Alex was still refusing after numerous attempts, she stopped insisting but she still asked ''Why did you refuse? Can you please tell the reason why you refused?''

Sighing Alex decided to explain to her why he refused her invitation, well he wasn't going to tell her the real, though.

''I can't, simply because I promised my little sister to help her grind some levels. I'm sure she won't be able to do that if we were to follow you. I need to concentrate on her leveling up, forgetting everything else.''

''I see, too bad then. Well, I won't stop asking, though. You may refuse today because of something, but tomorrow you won't, even if you still refuse, I'll continue asking until you accept. I'm tenacious after all. If I decide on something, I will always follow it no matter what. Okay, let stop for today. See you, who knows we may be assigned to the same group for the test.''

Leaving behind these words Eleonora left not selecting any quest or she may have already selected one.

Alex shook his head before asking Leena a question ''Leena where can I buy a wyvern's heart? I need it. It's urgent.''

Alex asked in a low voice, he doesn't want to draw too much attention to himself more than what he already had.

Leena observed Alex before answering in low voice in turn ''It will be hard but you can buy it if know the right people for this kind of thing. Well, the problem is that it's costly.''

''How much?" Alex asked hoping that the price won't be too high.

''Let's see, at least you need a dozen of White gold coins to be able to afford one,'' Leena answered nonchalantly.

''What? That costly? I think I'll postpone it for now. I thought it would only cost 2 or 3 White gold coins.'' Alex said dejectedly.

Rolling her eyes at his words Leena didn't say anything. Gracier who was observing the two finally spoke, ''Big brother, what did you need a wyvern's heart for?"

Patting her head Alex answered ''I need it for something urgent. I'll tell you later. Sigh! I was hoping that I could buy it and use it before the start of the test who will be taking place on Zilya's Mountain. Guess, it is impossible after all.''

''Well, you just need to have at least fifteen White gold coins and you will have your wyvern's heart today if you want it,'' Leena said.

''And where would I get that amount of money before we start the test?" Alex asked back.

Shrugging her shoulders Leena answered while playing with Gracier's hair.

''Well, work hard, or do you want me to lend you some? Be aware that the interest will be high.''

''No need. I'll think about something myself. Gracier Let's go I've already selected the quest we will be doing today.''

Alex said before ripping the quest from the quest board. Gracier looked apologetically at Leena before following Alex as they left the guild.

Watching the two leave, especially Alex who had refused her help, Leena smiled, she was serious when she talked about lending Alex some money, yet he refused. Leena smiled mysteriously after thinking about something.

51: Soldat Ants Part 1

After leaving the Adventurer Guild, the figure of Alex and Gracier could be seen walking on the highway outside of the city.

''Big brother Alex can you tell me what kind of request we are going to complete?" Gracier asked until now she didn't know what kind of request Alex had taken.

''Sure, my apologies I was lost in thought. Well, the request this time is to subjugate soldier ants.'' Alex explained.

He recalled the contents of the request that had been posted in the guild. In the past few days, near the city walking distance, that is to say within a few hours the appearance of Soldier Ants had become more frequent.

For the subjugation request of the Soldier Ants, the proof of subjugation was the dagger-like protrusion that grew on their backs. The reward for each part was 5 copper coins, about double that of the goblins.

According to the requester, there was probably a nest with a Queen Ant near the city, and that the so-called Queen Ant might appear. Therefore the normal E rank request may turn into a C rank because of the appearance of the Queen Ant. To put it simply while Soldier Ants are rank E monster, their Queen Ant is considered a rank C monster, because of this the request rank may increase, it was best to not mess with it if it was found.

Alex was not sure if the requester assumption was right but he was anticipating an encounter with the Queen ant, he wants to test his power against a rank C monster, well a standard rank C monster, one of the weakest rank C monster.

''I hope you are ready?" Alex asked while observing Gracier, the latter was slightly trembling, she was doing her best not show it. Who can blame her, she was about to face monsters, monsters who were responsible for the massacre of her village, the current monsters may not be the same as the one responsible for her tragedy still they are monster nevertheless.

Alex waits for her to regains control of her emotion, she needs to overcome her fear before facing the monster, or else she may commit a blunder.

After what seemed to be a few minutes Gracier regained control over her emotion, she was still trembling but it had reduced.

''I'm fine now Big brother let's go,'' Gracier said with a stiff smile.

Petting her fiery red hair, the two continued as they started chatting, Gracier's mood brightens. Slowly but surely the two neared the location where the soldier ants were spotted.

The two stopped walking as Alex's eyes were fixed in front of them.

''Be ready they're coming.''

Saying this Alex had already unfastened two Black Bettie's as he switched to his combat state, Alex's eyes zeroed right on the thing that comes out from the bushes surrounding the roadside, it was black.

As expected it was an ant, a black ant. Aside from their size, they looked like normal ants. If there was one difference, it would be the dagger-like protrusion that grew on their back.


Only two Soldier Ants come out, one of them ran toward the duo, Alex spotted Gracier whose body was trembling nonstop, she seemed to have frozen, fear could be seen in her eyes, her face was pale.

Sighing Alex dashed toward the incoming Soldier Ant after throwing the two Black Betties at the other Soldier Ant, even without looking Alex knew that it was dead, since his throwing knife Skill advanced into the Master level, Alex felt like he could throw the knife at any target even with his eyes closed, his throwing had become so fluid and so natural that he asked himself what it would be like if this skill was maxed.

Shaking his head Alex evaded the Soldier Ant in front of him that was trying to bite and tear him apart with its sharp mandibles, its speed wasn't particularly fast. It was a less formidable enemy than the goblin rare that Alex fought recently by a great extent.


The Soldier Ant that had opened its mandibles to bite Alex was cut in half by Razor.

Although some say that Soldier Ants can still act if one of their legs were lost, it doesn't seem to be possible if its body is cut in half, its legs didn't twitch for long before its movements stopped.

Although Alex took down the two Soldier Ants that come out in flash, more Ants came out, six more Soldier Ants to be exact. After retrieving the knives he had thrown Alex glanced at Gracier who was still lost in thoughts. Approaching her Alex gave her a hard chop on the head.

''Ouch!" Gracier grunted in pain and with teary eyes she stared at Alex, red-eye clashed against green eyes. In a harsh tone, Alex rebuked her,

''Stop being a coward and face reality already. Do you want to avenge the others who had sacrificed their lives for you? If you want to avenge them then be strong, the monsters you are facing are weak, one of the weakest monsters out there. If you can't even kill these weak monsters better stop now and return to the Inn. You should think of changing job as well. For my part, I don't need a coward, a weakling who can even overcome her fear. I need someone that I can trust my back to, someone who can protect me as I can also protect. The current you have no use for me, you'll be a burden instead.''

Leaving these harsh words behind Alex left, he dashed toward the incoming Soldier Ants, after eliminating three of the Soldier Ants with his throwing knives, Alex dispatched the other three with his knife.

〖Don't you think you have been too harsh on her?〗Silveria asked after a moment of silence.

Shrugging his shoulders Alex reply while fighting against the new Soldier Ants that came out,

''I know but she needs to hear something like this or else she may not be able to overcome her fear.''

〖Still, what if you broke her instead? What if she went back as you suggested?〗

Toward Silveria's words, Alex's response was short ''So, be it then.''

''Well, I doubt it would happen. I'm sure she can overcome her fear. She's more strong than you think. Don't be fooled by her gentle exterior, inside she is the fiery type, maybe not the battle hungry type but she is not the innocent type she showed. Just wait and you'll see.'' Alex added while fighting against the incoming Soldier Ants completely disregarding Gracier who stood frozen behind.

〖Heh! The big brother looks confident that his little sister will overcome her fear and become strong.〗Silveria teased him.

''Well, a good Big brother must have faith in his little sister and as a good Big brother I have faith in my little sister,'' Alex said while dispatching another Soldier Ants.

〖Mou! I want to come all ready for some action, it's boring here.〗Silveria said.

''Sorry, that will wait, let me enjoy myself without using you a little bit. With you, it won't be fun.'' Alex refused while he continued dancing amidst the Soldier Ants.

〖It seems that you slowly turning into a battle junkie.〗

Silveria said while observing her master killing Ants after Ants with the minimum amount of movement, it was like he was dancing, sometimes he would kill the Ants with his deadly throwing knives skill while sometimes he would just cut them with Razor, his custom made Knife.

Her master seemed to be enjoying himself, he had already killed his fifteenth Soldier Ants since his first kill.

Meanwhile, Gracier was still frozen, tears running down her cheeks, she was lost in her little world.

52: Gracier Awakening Part 1

~Gracier POV

I was born in a small-sized village located in the Zilya's Mountain range, my village name is Gato and I'm Gracier.

Being raised by a single parent, my mother was not easy, we were poor, still, we were happy.

When I turned five I asked my mother a question.

''Mother, where is father? How come I have never seen him?"

It was on that day that I saw my mother who was also cheerful even when things were not going well for us to turn gloomy all sudden. That looks in her eyes that day I could never forget, her eyes were filled with hatred, the five years old me at that time was scared, having noticed my state my mother finally calmed down and lied to me saying my father was out, he would surely come back.

Maybe it was her wish as well but I never saw my father even when I turned thirteen. Finally, my mother told me what happened before I was born. My father was an extremely handsome Elven Adventurer who stayed in our village for two months, he had some kind of mission to accomplish in the mountain.

Being a young maiden herself, my mother quickly fell in love with the man, the man also seemed to have fallen in love with the most beautiful woman in the village. My mother was indeed beautiful, beautiful face, nice form, she had long black hair and black eyes, something completely unusual. Some said that my mother wasn't a native of the village, she was brought here when she was fifteen years old by whom, nobody knows. I even asked my mother if she wasn't from here after noticing that sometimes she seemed to be lost in thoughts, staring in a certain direction, the response I received when I asked that day was only a pat on the head and a smile.

Coming back to my mother's story, the two started dating, everybody happily congratulating the two, the new lovers quickly consummate their union, one month later my mother was pregnant. Naturally, she informed my father, his reaction at that time was, well he turned stiff not saying anything. My mother thought that he was too shocked to talk, she decided to let him the night to digest the news, unfortunately, the next morning my mother became aware that my father had left, leaving Five gold coins behind.

Astonished my mother thought maybe my father when to run some errands in the city, he went back to retire as Adventurer before coming to take care of his family. Everybody in the village believes that, however, the reality was cruel, the months passed yet there was no news of my father, he seemed to have disappeared completely. Even the old village chef went to the city to inquire about him, it was then he learned that he had already left since a months ago, going back into his hometown located on another continent.

The old village chef come back and lied to my mother saying it seemed that my father went on a long quest. Being intelligent herself my mother soon understood. She cried all day blaming herself for being a naïve girl who believed the man's sweet words. The bastard left her after learning that she was pregnant, he even dared to leave behind Five gold coins as if she was some kind of slut. My mother was furious, she hated my father more than anything.

Live continued until she gave birth to me, having seen my innocent face when I came into the world, my gloomy mother became happy all of sudden, she decided to raise me with all her love and care. Finally, she used the money the bastard had left behind to raise me.

After listening to my mother's tragic story, I comforted her as I could. I knew why she had told me her story, it was to make me aware that men can not be trusted. As for the reaction I had when I heard about my father's deed was, well truth be told I didn't feel anything, no hatred, no loathing at him. Will you feel anything for someone you had never seen? Someone who was not part of your life until you grew up? I think the answer will be no.

Nothing changed, apart for me being reserved when dealing with the young males in the village, being the most beautiful girl in the village, I had a lot of suitors, I even had a childhood sweetheart named Marcel, we were always together with her sister who was also my best friend. Everyone inside the village thought that we will finish together. After hearing my mother's story, I started distancing myself from him because I had developed distrust toward men in general. When he asked me why I was becoming distant, I lied saying that it happened like that, it was a woman's thing.

I continued to live happily with my mother, my friends, and the other villagers. One year passed and I was now fourteen.

It happened two weeks after my birthday, I was happily playing in the field with Ellen my best friend also Marcel's sister. She excused herself saying she had something to take care of, I decided to wait for her, I waited for two hours without seeing her, even though the field was a little far from the village, it should have not taken her so much time to come back even if she had something to do.

Something must have happened, I started running back to the village, to my horror the scene I saw when I neared the village make my blood turned cold, my breathing quickened, from afar I saw the whole village burning and monsters running here and there, they were slaughtering the males like they were livestock, the women were captured, clothes ripped apart before being played with, I even saw my mother fighting against monsters for a while before being captured, she shared the same fate as the other before being killed in front of me.

I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do, it was Marcel who brought me out of my stupor, he asked me to run from the village, he would distract the monsters while I would run.

''I refuse, let me fight alongside you,'' I said refusing.

It was that day I saw a furious Marcel for the first time, in a harsh tone he spoke,

''Go, do not waste this chance, go and live well. And it's possible please avenge us, avenge Ellen.''

It was then I learned that Ellen was already dead, tears started running down my cheeks, my voice became hoarse, with the village chief joining Marcel and telling me to also run, I finally left without looking back because I was sure that I'll go back if I did that.

Running in the direction indicated by the village chief, I saw a caravan going in the same direction as me. Thinking that maybe I would be saved, I stopped the caravan and explained what happened to our village in hope that maybe the men looking like Adventurers would go rescue the few who may still alive, unfortunately, Dame Luck was not with me, I was captured by the men I thought were Adventurers.

Once more I thought that men should not be trusted, they tell me to tell them my problems maybe they will help me yet they captured me instead of helping me.

Fortunately, when I was brought inside the city, I managed to escape, however, I was still captured by the men and when I was thinking maybe my fate as a slave was sealed he appeared and saved me, me who was a stranger.

After rescuing me he said he would deliver to the orphanage, logically I should have accepted yet I refused and asked him to take me with him. He acceptedd after thinking for a while, it was how I encountered Alex.

After telling him (them: The Moonlight Inn proprietress and her daughter Lea) my story, Alex accepted me as his sister when I told him that I want to become an Adventurer like him.

The same night after my rescue I slept with him on the same bed thinking maybe he was like the other men, he may assault me in the night, strangely he did not do something like that, I had a nightmare, he even calmed me down saying he was here, even though I was deep in sleep I still heard these words I slept peacefully after hearing them.

From then onwards I decided to become his sister for good, he was different from other men. I vowed to become stronger to one day watch his back, fighting alongside him. That is my dream.

Big brother Alex was full of surprises, he did something to me, he helped me activate my innate talent, astonishingly I had a Gift something only the biggest families have.

After awakening my Gift I changed physically, I became more beautiful, my left eye turned golden while my red hair became longer and more colored. I could feel power coursing through my veins.

With this new power, I was sure that I could accomplish my dream to fight alongside him.

53: Gracier Awakening Part 2

~Gracier POV

The next morning after my Gift was activated, Big brother Alex and I went to the Adventurer Guild to register me as Adventurer.

Too eager to learn more about Adventurer's life, I was looking around like a country bumpkin when we set foot into the Guild.

The Adventurers inside the guild looked at us, especially at me, their eyes bore through like they were trying to know more about me, after observing me for a while they returned to their usual activities.

Big brother Alex and I went towards the counter where numerous beautiful receptionists stood after some clowns tried to make fun of Big brother Alex.

Once again I was surprised by what happened, the beautiful Elf receptionist took me as her sworn sister. After thinking I accepted because I knew she was really powerful, we need a powerful ally and I was sure she was the one we needed. She may have her reasons for taking me as her sister, I also had my reasons for accepting her proposal. It could be said that we are using each other.

Big brother Alex left with my new Big sister, it seemed they were going to have a chat with the Guild Master, in the meantime, I was directed toward another receptionist called Karen. She was the cheerful type, she explained the ins and outs of Adventurers.

Finally, I registered as Adventurer, like Big brother Alex I was now an Adventurer, the lowest one, though.

While chatting with Karen and the other receptionists, Big brother Alex and Big sister Leena came back and after chatting with Big sister Leena we left the guild going on shopping before returning to the Inn. That night I slept with Lea, the Moonlight Inn proprietress daughter.

I was looking forward to my first quest, yet at the same time, I was scared. I had a nightmare that night therefore I slipped out of Lea's room and went to sleep beside Big brother Alex. I was able to peacefully sleep.

The next morning, we went to the guild, the same clowns who like to pick bones with Big brother Alex did it again, however, this time Big brother Alex taught him a lesson. He and his men lost everything, I won't be surprised if these clowns stopped being Adventurers after today's defeat.

After the duel, Big brother Alex and I left to complete the request he took, my first mission. I was nervous inside, I asked Big brother Alex what the request was about. He told me It was about eliminating a bunch of Soldier Ants, their Queen may also appear. There was a dangerous glint that passed through his eyes when he talked about the Queen ant, I was sure Big brother Alex was wishing to encounter the Queen ant.

As we neared the location where the requester spotted the Soldier Ants, my body froze, fear overtook me and I started trembling, my fear of monster come back hunting me even when I was trying to act tough, Big brother Alex looked at me and sighed, he didn't say anything, he was a man of few words. He just pats me on the head, this calmed me.

After regained control over my emotions we continued, I thought that everything would turn fine, that I could be able to fight against the monsters, however, I was wrong, completely wrong. In fact, when I saw the black thing that came out, the Soldier Ants, my body froze again.

Adrenaline floods my system, It pumps and beats like it was trying to escape. I think my heart will explode and my eyes are wide with fear. My body wants to run fast for the safety of my person, but instead, I remain where I am.

'Let's face it, there is only one thing I can do: Let's fight, I can kill it.'

I muttered in my mind, however, my body refused to listen to my command. I stood frozen there as I watched Big brother Alex dispatch the two Soldier Ants so easily that it was astonishing.

He just barely finished when six other Soldiers Ants come out, disregarding them he approached the frozen me and gave me a hard chop on the head.

''Ouch,'' I screamed in pain, with teary eyes I looked at him. However, what he said next pierced my heart, hurt my soul as if someone was trying to rip it apart.

''Stop being a coward and face reality already. Do you want to avenge the others who had sacrificed their lives for you? If you want to avenge them then be strong, the monsters you are facing are weak, one of the weakest monsters out there. If you can't even kill these weak monsters better stop now and return to the Inn. You should think of changing job as well. For my part, I don't need a coward, a weakling who can even overcome her fear. I need someone that I can trust my back to, someone who can protect me as I can also protect. The current you have no use for me, you'll be a burden instead.''

Big brother Alex left after leaving these harsh words behind, he continued killing ant after ant.

As for me, I stood there frozen, my world completely shattered after I heard these words, it hurts so much that I almost clutch my heart.

When I heard these words I was furious, I almost shouted 'I'm doing all of this for you.' yet I couldn't bring myself to utter these words, let not be a hypocrite here. I took him as my Big brother on my own volition, I begged him to take me, I became his little sister for my safety, I believed that he can provide me haven. He didn't complain, he even helped me activate my Gift, the only thing he asked was that I mustn't become a burden. Yet now I'm becoming a burden, I couldn't even face the weakest monster and I dream of taking revenge against the monsters responsible for my village tragedy. How hilarious!

'I'm a coward? I'm going to be a burden even with my Gift?' I asked myself while tears started running down my cheeks.

〈I'm disappointed in you, child.〉

A sudden voice rang out in my head and I knew this voice, it belongs to the Fire Dragon Goddess Ignia.

''Ignia'' I muttered.

〈Yes, my child it's me. The gift I gave you I was sure you'll fight back to back with the boy, yet now you are scared of an insignificant ant. How disappointing. The boy is right, you're a coward, the current you will be a burden to him, he can't entrust his back to you. Maybe I shouldn't have given you my power. You're just a burden, you're unworthy of it.〉 Ignia said mercilessly.

''No, I'm not a coward, I can fight alongside him. I'm not a coward, nor I'm planning to become a burden. Take it back.'' I roared denying Ignia's words.

〈Oh? What should I take back?〉Ignia asked amused.

''That word, the one when you said maybe you shouldn't have given me your power, take it back, I'm not unworthy of it. It's mine, I'll use for myself, for his sake.'' I shouted.

There was a long silence before Ignia spoke again.

〈Fufufu, I shall take my word back then. You're worthy of my power. Show me how you're planning to use it, wake up my child. Show him that you're my daughter, the Child of Fire, the one that governs all fires. Show them what you are. I'll be watching from where am I. Do not disappoint me, my child.〉

''I will not, Ignia. Just watch me.'' I replied eyes filled with determination, I will never cower again.


Something within me shattered in that instant, power coursed through my veins, I felt like I was on fire, yet it feels warm like I could control the fire perfectly.

My eyes snapped open, powerful heat started coming out of my body. I breathed in and out as I stared at the monsters in front of me. There was no fear in my eyes any longer, when looking at the monsters in front of me the only thing I saw was lowly bugs waiting to be squashed by me.

The Soldier Ants stopped in their movements as they stared cautiously at me. Big brother Alex was not surprised by my sudden change as he knew that I could overcome my fear, he smiled at me instead while mumbling,

''Welcome back little Gracier.''

''I'm back Big brother,'' I mumbled in turn.

I will show him that I can watch his back, I will show the world what am I and more importantly, I show myself that I have truly changed. Mother and those who sacrificed their lives for my survival watch how I'll shine.

The left side of my lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk as I said,

''Let's roast some Ants shall we?"

I left these words behind as I started walking toward what was going to be my first real battle.

54: A Wild Gracier

Going back in time a little, while Gracier was lost in thoughts, Alex continued to mow down ant after ant, yet it seemed that they were no end to them. After killing one another one would show up filling the gap left by the previous one.

Finally, Alex finished his twenty-second Soldier Ants, there were no more Soldier Ants in front of him, only numerous Soldier Ant's corpses lay in front of him.

Panting Alex tried to catch his breath, his arms felt a little bit sore.

''That's sure was fun,'' Alex said while inhaling a bout of fresh air.

〖Tch! You enjoyed yourself forgetting about this lady.〗Silveria said, her voice filled with discontent.

''Sorry, about that. I just want to fight for a while only using my knives. Let's check my current level. It seems that I have gained two levels after my kills.'' Alex said apologetically before thinking about his status, immediately his status window appears right before his eyes.


[Alexander Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 1」

Level 12

Experience Value (XP): 1130/1300

Magic Power: 1200 (+ 20) ✒ 1220

Magic: None

Attack: 200 (+20) ✒ 220

Defense: 165 (+ 20) ✒ 185

Agility: 200 (+20) ✒ 220

Intelligence: 200 (+20) ✒ 220

Luck: 150 (+20) ✒ 170

BP: 40

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 1] (New Skill) [Knife Art Level 2] (New Skill)

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

''Not bad, if kill two more Ants I'll level and step into Rank 2, who knows maybe I'll become Level 14 or 15 before going back depending on the number of Ants that may appear,'' Alex muttered while observing his status.

〖Do you plan to hog all monsters XP for yourself? Aren't you forgetting someone?〗amused Silveria asked.

''Ops! That's true.'' Alex said while thinking about Gracier who was still lost in her world.

Alex did a quick calculation and knew that one Soldier Ant gave him the same amount of XP as a normal Goblin. He gained 3300 XP after killing twenty-two Soldier Ants, adding this XP on his already possessed 130 XP, he leveled up twice and was left with 1130 XP, if he kills two more Ants he will step into the Rank 2, meaning becoming Level 13.

After solely fighting with his knife, he gained a New Skill: Knife Art, he was surprised by the level being 2, though. 'Why?' Alex asked himself.

〖It is Level 2 because of your proficiency in wielding your knife. I'm astonished that you didn't gain the skill sooner. Well, you acquired it now, no need to think about why you haven't acquired it.〗Silveria explained clearing away Alex's confusion.

''I see. Let's add my 40 BP on my MP-''

〖That won't be possible because we got some company. Oh? It seems she back.〗Silveria cut Alex off and announced.

Immediately from the bushes, four Soldier Ants come out while at the same Alex sensed a powerful aura coming from behind him, and without looking back he knew that it was coming from Gracier's body.

'She has overcome her fear it seems' Alex thought before looking at his back to see Gracier's body radiating powerful heat, her heterochromia eyes stared straight into his green eyes, Alex could feel her determination through her eyes, so unconsciously he said,

''Welcome little sister.''

Alex was surprised by the words he uttered until now he never called her little sister directly. It seems he was slowly acknowledging her as his little sister.

''I'm back Big brother,'' Gracier replied with a smile.

Alex stopped looking at Gracier in the eyes because the pressure coming from her left eye was becoming unbearable. However, he still decided to check Gracier's status therefore he quickly used his Appraisal skill on her, what he saw shocked him.


Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Level 1

Experience Value:0/100

Magic Power: 1000

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 100

Defense: 60

Agility: 50

Intelligence: 90

Luck: 100

BP: 0

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 1] [Meteor (???)] [Dragon Eye Level 3] [Fire Snake Level 1] (New Skill)

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] (New Title)』

Alex smiled bitterly after seeing Gracier's stats had increased yet again.

''Sometimes seeing how talented some peoples are you can't help but feel jealous. Her Status was better than mine when I was at Level 1. She is not even an otherworlder, what a cheat, her starting point is too high.''

〖Well, even though we have awakened her Gift there was still something missing. Now that she has overcome her fear her talent is ready to blossom. Don't be jealous, your Gift is one the strongest that exist in the universe.〗Silveria said comforting Alex.


Naturally, Alex did not believe Silveria's claim one bit. For him, she was just boasting herself while also trying to comfort him. Unknown to him, she was not lying, Alex will learn this truth in a near future.

Suddenly, Gracier muttered ''Let's roast some ant shall we?"

Alex felt a chill down his spine when he heard her words. Somehow, he had the feeling that Gracier was about to go wild. Her previous innocent Self seems to have disappeared, replaced by a wild one.

Before the previous Soldier Ants who were frozen in place because they were feeling threatened by the red-haired girl could move they received a fire baptism.

Extending her finger in the direction of the Soldier Ants, Ignia's Bracelet appeared on her wrist, Gracier chanted.

「Flames hear my call, gather and become the sword that mows down my enemies: Fireballs」

Immediately after chanting, three fireballs the sizes of Basketball appeared, the temperature rise. With the flick of her fingers, the three fireballs were hurled towards the frozen Soldier Ants.

Everything happened so fast, from the chant to the attack only three seconds passed. Gracier casting speed was too fast, Alex believes that even though he never faced a magician before.

〖Not bad, not bad at all.〗Silveria praised.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The four Soldier Ants were blasted into smitterness by the three fireballs, strangely they left behind their magic stones and the proofs of subjugation.

Alex's mouth was wide open, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

〖Nice control as well. As expected of the Child of Fire. She has perfect control over her flame.〗Silveria praised Gracier again.

Finally, it registered in Alex's mind why everything hadn't disappeared in the flame, it was because of the perfect control Gracier had over her fireballs.

''Too cool. Magic is great. Too bad I couldn't use it.'' Eyes shining Alex offered an honest opinion before becoming dejected because he couldn't use magic.

From where she was, Silveria rolled her eyes when she heard her master's words.

After killing the four Soldier Ants with her fireballs, Gracier seemed indifferent as if she had not killed a living thing, nor it was the first time she killed. She was grinning as she created another four fireballs who stayed hovering in the air in front of her and when another bunch of Soldier Ants came out from the bushes they shared the same fate as the previous one, strangely her flame did not burn the bushes.

In just two attacks Gracier had killed ten Soldier Ants, the six Soldier Ants that come out became frozen because of Gracier left eye, her dragon eye, using this chance she finished them with the four fireballs. It was a clever move.

After waiting for a while no other Soldier Ants came out. Alex and Gracier collected the proofs of subjugation after Gracier covered her left eye with a new bandana, the previous one burst in flash after her awakening.

While collecting the proofs of subjugation Alex appraised Gracier.


Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Level 5

Experience Value: 0/600

Magic Power: 1000 (+20) ✒ 1020

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 100 (+20) ✒ 120

Defense: 60 (+20) ✒ 80

Agility: 50 (+20) ✒ 70

Intelligence: 90 (+20) ✒ 110

Luck: 100 (+20) ✒ 120

BP: 40

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 1] [Meteor (???)] [Dragon Eye Level 3] [Fire Snake Level 1] (New Skill)

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] (New Title)』

After killing ten Soldier Ants (150 ×10= 1500 XP) Gracier went straight to Level 5.

Alex heaved a sigh before suggesting ''Let's proceed forward.''

''Um! Big brother let's go.'' Gracier reply with a toothy grin, her eyes were filled in anticipation of the incoming fight.

Looking at Gracier who seemed impatient Alex thought to myself 'In the next fight I must show her how awesome am I.'

Unconsciously Alex became infected as well as a grin formed on his face as the two proceeds forward. Silveria who was observing the two from her dimension smiled.


A/N: For those who may be surprised by the 20 points added on Gracier's stats, please don't be. Mysthia's native gain 5 pts per Level and 10 BP per Level, therefore because she leveled up four times it becomes 20 Pts added to her stats while she got 40 BP. I hope it clear some of your confusion. Please check the information chapter in the Auxiliary volume.

55: Soldat Ants Part 2

The sun shone brightly, the breeze was cool. Alex and Gracier left the highway and entered the forest in search of more Soldier Ants.

Alex had been thinking about something, and if the analysis was not wrong the thirty-two Soldier Ants the two had killed would be advanced forces. Alex suddenly heaved a sigh. The sigh was involuntary as he thought about the number of Soldier Ants they would have to contend with to aim at the Queen Ant.

It could be said that Soldier Ant itself wasn't a very strong opponent. No, there wouldn't be a problem if you just called it weak. This wasn't without grounds as he with Gracier had wiped out more than 30 (32 to be exact) Soldier Ants, especially him who had eliminated 22 on his own, a part of this successful killing can be attributed to him growing stronger but Alex could not deny that it was because the Soldier Ants were weak. Hell, he bet he will not have an easy time like he used to have when facing the Soldier Ants if he was facing Goblins, he couldn't have killed so many goblins in an hour without using his Gift.

Shaking his head Alex glanced at Gracier to see the latter also doing the same thing, immediately green eyes locked against the red eye, there was a silence before the two smiled.

Gracier opened her mouth first and said,

''Thank you, Big brother, because of your help I managed to fight against my fear thus awakening. Even if your words were harsh they helped me, once again thank you. Take care of me from now on.''

She made a polite bow at the end of her speech. Smiling Alex said ''Likewise.''

He did not say anything else, nor he tried to smooth things by saying it was to help her that why he had said those harsh words earlier, he did not do this because he was not joking, he didn't need a burden nor he needs someone useless. He was not running a charity foundation working without expecting something in return, Well, even a charity foundation did what they did with a goal in mind. He needs someone who can help him, sharing some of his burdens.

Alex shook his head and focused his attention in front of him. The two continued walking forward, suddenly they stopped because they heard a rustling sound ahead, what follows after were ten Soldier Ants coming out from the other side of the forest.

As if reading her Master's thought Silveria appeared without being summoned, Gracier was startled by Silveria appearance, nevertheless, she quickly recovered from her shock because as a Gifted being herself she was aware that she can summon and dismiss her Gift at will, she was just surprised Alex's Gift unusual appearance, it was the second time she was seeing the thing, after all, the first time she had not seen it, however now it was different, the silver gun appearance is beautiful and mysterious at the same time.

Not wanting to be outdone, Gracier shook her head and with a toothy grin, she also summoned her Gift. Ignia's Bracelet appeared around her wrist, her aura changed.

Alex had already aimed his silver gun at the incoming Soldier Ants while grinning, Gracier eyed her Big brother and felt amused thinking 'Big brother seems to enjoy fighting, he must be excited now that there are enemies in front of him, he can't wait to tear them apart just like me who wants to blast them. Fufu! Let tear them apart.'

Gracier's eye was shining thinking that she shares some similarities with Alex when it comes to fighting, however, her assumption was wrong, because Alex was not grinning because he was going to fight (Not completely), he was grinning because when he saw ten Soldier Ants he had already decided to quickly dispatch the monsters at a quick speed to show how awesome he is. If Gracier knew what he was thinking right now she would have fallen face-first against the ground.

〖Fufufu! Master's sure competitive, how cute.〗Silveria's voice echoed in his head, as usual, Alex didn't respond to Silveria teasing.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three bullets were fired in quick succession and three Soldier Ants died with a hole in their heads, it was quick, Gracier was astonished by her Big brother efficiency to dispatch the monsters, she bit her lower lip and chanted her spell at an extremely fast speed,

『Flames hear my call, gather and become the sword that mows down my enemies: Fireballs』

Three fireballs the size of a basketball appeared in front of Gracier before being fired on the poor Soldier Ants who were not fast enough to evade the incoming fireballs, their number had reduced to five because Alex had dispatched two more ants when Gracier was chanting.

Boom* Boom* Boom*

The five remaining Soldier Ants died in flash, only leaving behind their daggers like protrusion and magic stones.

The two then looked at each other before smile blossom on their faces, however even though the two were smiling Alex was grumbling internally, cursing Silveria for telling him to leave five Soldier Ants to his sister, if not for her intervention Alex would have killed at least seven Ants before Gracier's fireballs come raining down.

Alex looked around while spitting out a sigh. The corpses of five Soldier Ants lay quietly in front of them, it was the corpses of the ones he had killed, Gracier attacks hadn't left any corpses behind. Gracier helped Alex collecting the proof of subjugation. As the two worked together, they quickly finished collecting the proof of subjugation. By now they have a total of Forty-seven dagger-like protrusion and Forty-seven Magic stones.

Alex decided to check his status before continuing, as though responding to his thought, a blue panel containing his status appears right before his eyes.


[Alexander Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 2」

Level 13

Experience Value (XP): 580/1400

Magic Power: 1220 (+ 70) ✒ 1290

Magic: None

Attack: 220 (+10) ✒ 230

Defense: 185 (+ 10) ✒ 195

Agility: 220 (+10) ✒ 230

Intelligence: 220 (+10) ✒ 230

Luck: 170 (+10) ✒ 180

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 1] [Knife Art Level 2]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

Alex quickly added his 60 BP on his MP stat. He was now a Rank 2, it may be considered novice Rank for others, but to him, it was his first step toward growing stronger, growing stronger until he became the strongest of this world, he will aim to become the strongest if there is a higher world above this one.

Alex shook his head and decided to Appraise Gracier,


Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Level 6

Experience Value: 150/700

Magic Power: 1020 (+5) ✒ 1025

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 120 (+5) ✒ 125

Defense: 80 (+5) ✒ 85

Agility: 70 (+5) ✒ 75

Intelligence: 110 (+5) ✒ 115

Luck: 120 (+5) ✒ 125

BP: 50

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 1] [Meteor (???)] [Dragon Eye Level 3] [Fire Snake Level 1] (New Skill)

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened]』

Gracier's level went up once, she was now Level 6. It was surprising how fast she was leveling up, well there was nothing to be astonished about considering she was a cheat at Level 1.

''Big brother, how should I distribute my BP?" Gracier suddenly asked broking Alex out of his stupor.

Alex pondered for a moment before offering his advice, ''You should add 20 BP to your Defense stat while the remaining 30 BP will be added to your Agility stat.''

Gracier considered for a moment before did as Alex suggested, with higher Defense, she won't be easily injured while with a higher Agility she could escape if she could win.

''Let's Continue.''

''Alright, Big brother.''

Alex decided to press forward, smiling Gracier followed as they went deeper into the forest.


A/N: Don't be surprised by the (+70) to Alex's MP stat. It's simply because the 10 pts per level was added on the 60 BP.

56: Gracier's Suggestion

Alex and Gracier continued walking deeper into the forest in search of more Soldier Ants.

''Big brother when are you planning to go on date with Big sister Leena?"

Suddenly, out of the blue Gracier raised a question and Alex who was lost in thoughts didn't respond immediately. Shortly after he registered what Gracier had said, chuckling he answered ''Well, I dunno. In the spur of the moment, I just blurted that out. Now that you say it I remember, I completely forgot about it.''

Gracier was astonished by her Big brother words. 'I can't believe he'd forget what he said. Maybe he was joking with me.'

Gracier thought, however Alex's next words almost makes her fall onto the ground.

''Tch! Talking about date means spending money. I, who was planning to save money to buy the wyvern's heart. How troublesome I shouldn't have said that.'' Alex said as if regretting his promise with Leena.

Gracier stared dazedly at her Big brother while thinking how many men are ready to kill just to have a chance to go on date with Leena but never succeed yet here was someone who had this chance but now he was regretting having asked. Because she was busy thinking Gracier had not seen Alex sneak a look at her before smiling impishly as if he pranks had succeeded.

Finally, Gracier comes out of her stupor and immediately inquired,

''Big brother why don't you try to make Leena your woman while you're at it?"

Now it was Alex's turn to be stunned, he didn't expect that kind of question so he was caught off guard. Before he could reply Gracier added like some relationship expert.

''Big brother you should use this date as the first step toward the goal of conquering Big sister Leena. She is interested in you hence it will be easy to trick. Oops! I mean make her fall for you. Believe me, if you succeed you gain a lot of things. She too mysterious, she's hiding something, maybe she is some kind of big shot. Therefore if make her your woman your status will rise. Just try it will work believe in me who believes in y-"

''Ouch. Why did you hit me, Big brother?" Gracier asked, she did not understand why Alex had hit her on the head, it hurts a little.

''Shut up. What do you know about relationships? Did you think it easy? And who told you I'm interested in her?" Alex asked.

Hearing his last question Gracier rolled her eyes, even Silveria in her dimension did the same. Both women were thinking 'You're acting as if you have no interest in her. Wait, he did not even notice himself that he attracted by Leena? Is Master/Big brother is the dense type?'

Both women asked themselves, unaware of their thoughts two Alex continued,

''Relationship isn't simple as you think and it's not something little girl such as you will concern herself with. Besides, she may be interested in me but not in a romantic way I can assure that I'm not that dense. Her interest in me is about something else not because she likes me or something.''

Gracier did not say anything because she was contemplating what her Big brother had said. What he said may contain some truths but she was sure that if he wants to have her, he can get her no matter what her initial interest was, a normal relationship may change into a romantic relationship if he wishes for it. It will be kinda bad to let a fine woman like her go, even if the latter became her sworn sister, it doesn't matter, everything was for her Big brother's interest.

Watching Gracier lost in thought, Alex couldn't help and smile, he knew she was doing this for him but as he had said, relationship is not simple, he was aware that Leena was somehow interested in him. Why? He couldn't accurately say it, maybe it was because he was an otherworlder. He was not sure about it, still, he knew with certainty that her interest in him had nothing to do with romance. Alex had the feeling that Leena's background was not weak, as for nobody like him it would be hard to dream about her now, one thing at a time. He may try to have her as his woman after becoming successful, securing her as his woman may be harder than trying to woo Maria, Luna, or Sakuya.

'Thinking about them now I wonder how the three are doing? Well, I hope they are fine.' Alex's thoughts drifted toward his former classmates.

Sometimes he had the feeling that he knew Luna somewhere, even before their transmigration here, but no matter how hard he tried to remember where he knew her, there was no memory of him knowing a beautiful girl such as her before, not even in his childhood. Wait, Alex thought about someone who he had once known but quickly he dismissed it because there was no way it would be her, the difference between the two was Heaven and Earth apart.

'No, need to think about my past. She is already living her life. I haven't seen her since that day, the day they moved, nor I heard about her ever again, even after that tragedy. Better stop thinking about it.'

Shaking his head Alex decided to focus on himself now, he must be at least Rank 3 ( Lv 22-Lv 32) before going to the capital.

〖Master, Little Gracier is right. Even if Leena is mysterious it doesn't mean you can't have her. You just need a bit of teaching from I Great teacher and-〗

''And I bet you that Great teacher. Am I wrong?"

Alex cut Silveria off and asked.

Not even bothered by the fact that Alex had cut her off mid-sentence Silveria happily replied,

〖Exactly. Waouh! Master is becoming smarter and smarter. To think that you come with the answer on your own. As expected of the genius me. What a Great Teacher I am.〗

Despite wanting to comment on how shameless Silveria was, Alex chose not to, because the shameless divine weapon would take it as praise.

''I was wondering why you haven't talked since Gracier started this subject. I thought maybe you were busy with something but now that you spoke, you didn't say anything constructive. You're talking like some kind of expert. So, tell me do you ever date someone?"

There was a long silence before Alex let out a chuckle before saying, ''I bet you didn't, and yet here you are wanting to become my Teacher, teaching me about a relationship? Do not make me laugh. You're just an amateur as I am. In fact, how could you date someone when you don't have a physical body?"

Another heavy silence fell, Silveria did not say anything as if she had given up, letting Alex win.

Alex grinned when he saw Silveria not responding anymore. He had won this little exchange. Well, there was no way she would have dated someone (Maybe the previous owner of his Gift) without a physical body, something Alex doubted she ever had one. She is just a sentient spirit who doesn't have a physical body, nor she can ever have one. Later, Alex will learn how wrong his thinking was.

''Why are you grinning Big brother? Maybe you are thinking about my proposal?" Gracier who hadn't talked for a while finally spoke but she raised a question.

Rolling his eyes, Alex decided to not answer his little sister who seemed not wanting to drop the matter of him going for Leena.

''Let's continue.''


Alex said while Gracier giggled thinking that her Big brother was too shy to admit that he was thinking about his proposal.

Unaware of her little sister thought, Alex was thinking maybe he should get himself a girlfriend after enrolling at the Imperial Academy.

57: Imperial Ants

The two continued to advance inside the forest. They had walked in the forest for about 30 minutes. Strangely they did not encounter any other Soldier Ant nor they encounter any other kind of monster, the forest was eerily quiet for some reason.

''Why we are not encountering any monsters? I wanna fight.'' Gracier says frustrated.

''Who knows. Maybe it is because there is a powerful monster inhabiting this part of the forest.'' Alex explained.

''I see. I wonder what kind of monster it will be.'' Gracier said.

''Obviously, it is a Queen Ant,'' Alex said, sure of his guess.

〖Fufufi, Master, you just want it to be a Queen Ant. No need to be shy just say it.〗Silveria teased him.

Rolling his eyes, Alex thought about the information he got from Leena. It was said their test will take place in the Zilya's Mountain Range next week. It has been more than two weeks since he came into this city. He made several encounters, he even got himself a little sister, said little is talented. This was just the start, his ultimate goal did not change, he will become the strongest, but for now, he can slowly take one step at a time. At least he must become Level 15 today before going back

''Big brother, something is coming from the other side.'' Gracier suddenly said as if she sensed something, because of her race she was more sensitive than Alex a human.

Immediately Alex activated his Divine Sense skill, a mini-map appeared in his mind. Indeed as Gracier said, something was coming from the other side, to be more accurate it was a group of monsters, Six red dots moving at fast speed and a little further behind them was a group of little red dots, they slower than the first group.

Alex did not have time to check more information on the second group because the first group will be upon them soon. He immediately summoned Silveria and aimed it at the sky. Gracier was surprised because of his action. Not explaining anything Alex ordered,

''Prepare your fireball spell and be ready to shoot it.''

Gracier nodded her head before chanting,

『Flames hear my call, gather and become the sword that mows down my enemies: Fireballs』

As she finished three fireballs the size of Basketball appeared in front of her. As usual her speed of chanting was ridiculous, Gracier removed her eye patch, her heterochromia eyes stared fixedly at the sky like a hunter waiting patiently for its prey to appear before finishing it.

''There are here,'' Alex announced.

The enemies appeared from the other side of the forest, there were flying in the sky. It was Soldier Ants but not the normal one. These flying Ants looked larger than the Soldier Ants the two had killed. Moreover, they had wings growing from behind their necks. This type of Soldier Ant is called Imperial Ant, they are akin to the Queen Ant personal guards. If they appear, this would mean the Queen Ant was not far from here.

Smiling the two did not give too much time to the Six Imperial Ants to attack. Alex was the one to first attack, he fired Four bullets toward the Imperial Ants.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


Though the Imperial Ant flying at the top avoided the attack after emitting a strange cry, the Imperial Ants that flew behind it didn't fare so well. One bullet went through that Imperial Ant's head, instantly killing it, two bullets among the other three bullets tore through the wings of another Imperial Ant. Most of the upper body exploded after it fell onto the ground.

Before the remaining four Imperial Ant could attack they suddenly felt suffocating feeling forcing them to stop for a second, it was all it took to seal their fates forever.

Gracier had used her left eye, her dragon eye to pressure them, then three fireballs flew straight at the four,

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang!

Three Imperial were obliterated while the previous Imperial Ant who had avoided Alex's bullets in the first attack died because Alex used the chance provided by Gracier to kill it.

''No fair Big brother, the remaining four were mine.'' Gracier pouted.

''If you're not quick enough you will not see anything left.''

Leaving these words Alex used his Skill: Blink and vanished.

Left behind Gracier's mouth twitched as she muttered ''This is calling cheating, you're bullying me, Big brother but I won't let you gobble everything.''

She dashed toward Alex's location.

Meanwhile, Alex who used his Skill: Blink, appeared Ten meters East. Coming from the other side of the forest were dozens of Soldier Ants. They were startled upon noticing the human that appeared out of nowhere.

The left side of Alex's lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk on his face; casting a spell of battle lust to eyes that dare look his way. The Soldier Ants flinched and Alex wasn't going to let this chance slip by, therefore with his left arm, he launched Three Black Betties (His throwing knives) at the three Soldier Ants located at the front while with his right arm he fired Five bullets.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

Six Soldier Ants were eliminated in a matter of seconds while finally, the remaining Ants became aware of the danger the human who appeared represented, they tried to scatter to avoid the fate of being killed.

When Alex wanted to continue, he felt a sudden increase in temperature without looking back he Blinked to his left.

Shortly after Alex left, a snake two meters long made of flame appeared and slithered toward the scattering Ants, the Fire Snake wrapped itself around two Ants burning them quickly, after finishing the two the Fire Snake did the same to another two Ants. The remaining three scattered to their left to be burned by Two fireballs, the size of Basketball.

Alex stood there dumbfounded as he stared at the event unfolding in front of him. Quickly, the Soldier Ants were dispatched and Gracier appeared slightly panting, however, she was smirking as if telling Alex 'This time I've won'

Alex sighed at Gracier's moves, he was caught off guard, he had never thought that she would use that spell coupled with the Fireball spell. He was not a Magician nor he had knowledge about this world's magicians but he was sure that Gracier is a talented Magician when it comes to Fire Magic, to be able to quickly cast two different spells as she did showed who talented she was.

Shaking his head Alex mumbled status, immediately his status appeared before his eyes, looking at his status Alex couldn't help but smile.


[Alexander Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 2」

Level 14

Experience Value (XP): 1280/1500

Magic Power: 1290 (+ 30) ✒ 1320

Magic: None

Attack: 230 (+10) ✒ 240

Defense: 195 (+ 10) ✒ 205

Agility: 230 (+10) ✒ 240

Intelligence: 230 (+10) ✒ 240

Luck: 180 (+10) ✒ 190

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 1] [Knife Art Level 2]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

''A little more and I'll become Level 15. I'm sure that I'll be able to step into this Level before going back. Well, after killing the Queen Ant." Alex muttered after checking his status, he had already added his 20 BP to his MP stat as usual.

〖And where did you see a Queen Ant?〗

Silveria asked Alex who seemed sure of the apparition of the Queen Ant, she didn't sense any other presence after the Ants the two had just killed.

Smiling Alex said, "Just wait and you'll see."

"Gracier let quickly collect the proofs of subjugation."

"Okay Big brother. I'm Level 9," Gracier announced proudly.

Alex who was collecting the Soldier Ants daggers like protrusion stopped for a moment before sighing thinking how unfair like can be. Just one day and she leveled up eight times, if he had that chance back then he would be Rank 3 by now. Shaking his head Alex congratulated Gracier before the two continued collecting the proofs of subjugation.

58: She Must Be OP Then

Alex and Gracier started collecting the proof of subjugation. Suddenly, Alex stopped and brought out the three Imperial Ants corpses he had stored after killing them. Then he looked at Gracier before saying,

''Gracier I forget to tell you, next time try to leave at least the exoskeleton and the head of the Imperial Ant behind, they can be sold.''

''My apologies, I didn't know. I'll do that from now on.'' Gracier replied, sounding apologetic.

''Don't be. It's my fault for not informing of these things. Reminder me if we go back at the Guild, I'll buy you Beginners Guide to Dismantle Monsters.'' Alex said comforting Gracier, the latter nodded her head before continuing collecting the materials.

As Alex had said there was indeed a small booklet called 'The Beginners Guide for Dismantling Monsters'. In this small booklet, you can see different types of monsters listed with a small description. It costs 10 Silver coins, it's not cheap but it's handy. Most of the monsters listed here are from F to C Rank. After a little description of each monster, it was listed the materials that could be stripped off them.

If Alex remembers correctly, the materials that could be stripped off the Ants, especially the Imperial Ant were the antennas, which could be used for medicine, and the head and exoskeleton, which could be used as armor.

The antennas were easily cut off with a simple bronze knife, but the problem was the exoskeleton of the body, thankfully Alex's Black Betties was sharp enough. Though Alex managed to strip the exoskeleton of the Imperial Ant, it wasn't in good condition, it was to be expected, it was his first time doing something like that after all.

Still, after taking some time, he did succeed in removing the exoskeleton and storing it in his Item box.

After finishing Alex and Gracier cleaned their bloodstained hands with water the former took out from his Item box, even though Gracier was surprised by Alex taking things out and make things disappear, she attributed it to him possessing a space ring, obviously unaware that it was fake. Alex decided to check on Gracier status therefore he appraised her.


Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Level 9

Experience Value: 0/1000

Magic Power: 1025 (+15) ✒ 1040

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 125 (+15) ✒ 140

Defense: 105 (+15) ✒ 120

Agility: 105 (+15) ✒ 120

Intelligence: 115 (+25) ✒ 130

Luck: 125 (+15) ✒ 140

BP: 30

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 1] [Meteor (???)] [Dragon Eye Level 3] [Fire Snake Level 1]

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened]』

'Sigh! It indeed unfair if one were to look at her progress. Damn it, just a few hours and she leveled up eight times. Life is unfair. If only I was a Magician.' Alex thought frustrated.

〖Fufufu! Master are you regretting the fact of having us as your Gift?〗Silveria asked.

''Not all. I'm just frustrated and a little envious. I know that everyone has a different starting point in life, some are born lucky while others are born unlucky. I'm just a little frustrated. My goal has not changed, I'll become the strongest whether my Gift is exceptional or not. Besides who said my Gift isn't exceptional? Considered are much you bragged about it. I'm just too weak to display the full capacity of you two. I wonder what kind of ability the Black gun will have? Which level could I unlocked it?' Alex asked, his eyes were shining.

Gracier was observing Alex, firstly he looked frustrated all of sudden but now his eyes were shining, even though she was curious about why he was behaving like that, she chose not to ask.

Meanwhile, Alex was waiting for Silveria to answer him, telling him which Level he would be able to unseal the Black gun, however, Silveria's next words doused off all his excitement.

〖You are right, Master. We are one of the strongest among the other Divine weapons. As for Big sister abilities, I swear you like it for sure. Between us two, she was the most dreaded, the most feared after all. As for which Level you'll be able to unseal her, let's see, at least Level 75.〗

''You can't be serious... right?"

Because he was too shocked Alex didn't talk directly into his mind as he used to, he just blurted out, startling Gracier who was beside him.

''Big brother?" Gracier looked at him questioningly

''Sorry, I was just thinking aloud. I wasn't talking to you.'' Alex said.

''Okay!" Gracier replied but she still took a peek at Alex as though checking him. Suddenly, an idea came into her head, 'What if Big brother Gift was like her Gift, a Dragon Goddess who can talk to him but more usually than Ignia?'

Gracier's eyes widened, she was sure that Alex's Gift and her Gift shared some similarities. If it was true then her Big brother must be talking with his Gift's Spirit. Gracier smiled upon thinking this, she was happy about this discovery. No wonder Alex's bizarre Gift was that powerful.

Suddenly, Silveria started giggling as though she had discovered something interesting.

〖Fufufu! This little sister of yours is sure interesting.〗

'What are you talking about?' Alex asked unaware of Gracier discovery.

As usual, Silveria being mischievous, she didn't answer Alex's question.


'I see, just tell you were joking earlier when you said I must be Level 75 before unsealing the Black gun?' Alex asked not dwelling on the previous question considering Silveria wasn't planning to answer him sincerely anyway.

〖Who said I was joking? I'm dead serious. You must be at least Level 75 before being able to unseal Big sister and you won't even be able to use any of her abilities at this Level.〗Silveria explained.

'Dafuck! Why the condition to unseal her is so high? We are talking about Level 75 are we not? It means Rank 8, that not a joke and you're telling me even at that Level I won't be able to use any of her abilities. Isn't it too much? Is she that overpowered?' Alex asked back totally overwhelmed.

〖Fufufu! You have no idea how powerful Big sister is. She only has two abilities considering your r-〗

'Dafuck! Only two abilities you say? Isn't that little considering how OP she must be?' Alex cut Silveria off and asked.

〖Oh? Why did you think that? Even with those two abilities, she can overpower anybody, especially that last ability, too OP can't be used to describe it. Oops! I have said too much, but stop it or else Big sister will be angry at me for talking about unnecessary things.〗Silveria said before stopped talking.

Alex heaved a sigh because he knew once she said that Silveria will not speak any further on the matter. He would like to get more information, though.

'Guess I need to become stronger to get all these answers myself.' Alex thought before facing Gracier who had just finished collecting the other Soldier Ants materials.

''I've finished Big brother.''

''Good work.'' Alex praised her after storing the materials away. When he wanted to continue speaking, Alex was suddenly assaulted by a dreadful feeling as though something powerful was coming. He braced himself and looked up.

'The Queen Ant is about to make an entrance.' Alex thought.

59: Against The Queen Ant

Nickaido's here, sorry in the previous chapter I didn't explain about the XP gained per Imperial Ant killed. It's 400 XP and 150 XP for normal Soldier Ant. Alex gained 2100 XP after killing three Imperial Ants and six Soldier Ants, as for Gracier she killed three Imperial Ants (1200 XP) and seven Soldier Ants (1050 XP), a total of 2250 XP, added to the previous XP she leveled up three times. I hope this cleared some of your confusion.



Alex was suddenly assaulted by a dreadful feeling as though something powerful was coming in their way. He braced himself and looked in the sky after a second, the incoming monster was indeed powerful, more powerful than the goblin rare species he faced, in terms of the pressure that is. However, having felt Leena's killing intent back then, even if she quickly concealed it, helped him to bear this pressure.

However, Gracier didn't fare well, she stood there frozen, her body was trembling from the pressure and fear, fear because this feeling of powerless brought some memories, this was how she felt back then, she gritted her teeth till it bleeds, her left eye concealed behind an eye patch shined breaking her out of her trance. Her back was drenched in sweat, she had not had time to take her breath before Alex ordered.

''Gracier prepare five of your fireballs if it's possible.''

''Okay, but currently I can only control Four at the same time,'' Gracier replied before she started chanting.

''Huh! Four it's enough.'' Alex said after contemplating for seconds.

''Time to get serious. The Queen Ant is not coming here alone be ready.'' Alex warned after summoning Silveria.

Gracier created Four fireballs that stayed hovering in front of her, Alex aimed his gun at the sky.

Suddenly, there was numerous buzzing sound followed by a huge cry coming from the surrounding.


The main sounds were coming from near a big tree 30m ahead of where the two stood.

There was the figure of a giant ant monster bigger than the Soldier Ant and Imperial Ant.

In other words,


''A Queen Ant.''

Gracier gulped audibly after seeing the Queen Ant. Naturally, the Queen Ant was not alone, behind her stood five Imperial Ants.

''Attack'' Alex ordered.

Immediately, two fireballs the size of basketball were fired at the Queen Ant, however being that big doesn't mean she was slow, she nimbly dodged the fireballs, the Imperial Ants behind her were not faster enough to avoid the two fireballs,


Two among the five had their wings burned, they fell from the sky, and naturally falling from a height over 30m they couldn't survive.

Bang! Bang!!!!

Alex followed by shooting five bullets at the Queen Ant, the latter easily avoided once again to have the Imperial Ants behind her suffer the fate of being pierced by Alex's bullets, one was instantly killed because it received a bullet in the head while the other lost one of its wings thus falling from the sky.

In a minute, the Queen Ant lost four of the subordinates she brought, she was furious but before she could retaliate, another fireball was shot a her, being caught off guard (because she felt suppressed all of sudden) she couldn't dodge in time, therefore, she ordered the remaining Imperial Ant not far from her to cover her as she retreated after breaking from the suppression.


The Queen Ant retreated when her last subordinate (her meat shield) perished.

Gracier was surprised by the Queen Ant's move, she had thought at least she may be able to injure her even if she couldn't kill her after using her left eye on her. Using her left eye on something more powerful than her was not easy nor without cost, she was feeling uncomfortable at the moment, her head hurts, she just wants to lay down and rest, however considering the current situation it was night impossible.


Suddenly, the Queen Ant opened her mouth as if to shot something,

''It's dangerous, Gracier jump back.''

Feeling a sense of crisis, Alex shouted to Gracier.

Gracier understood and the gear in her mind quickly turned, her previous unused BP (30 BP) were used in flash, she added 20 BP to her AGI stat and 10 BP to her ATK stat, she immediately jumped back after using her last fireball like a shield.

The next moment, liquid was shot from the mouth of the Queen Ant and collided with the fireball,


Not all the liquid disappeared in the collision, a little bit passed through the place Gracier was standing previously in a blink of an eye.

Alex and Gracier saw the surrounding soil melting away while giving off smoke. They felt a chill running down their spines. The real nature of the liquid was acid. Alex judged that it was a kind of formic acid.


Dissatisfied that its attack had missed, it raised a loud screech while coming attacking down with its huge forelegs, she was planning to finish Gracier because she felt threatened by the latter more than Alex, Gracier was giving off a dangerous feeling like a real predator in the process of awakening.

Alex blinked and appeared in front of Gracier with two knives held in front of him in a defensive posture.


A loud sound was heard when the Queen Ant huge forelegs clashed against Alex's knives.


The two were blasted far back, Alex's back crashed against a tree forcing him to grunt in pain, he was momentarily out of breath.

〖Master quickly dodge.〗Silveria warned not giving enough time to rest.

Alex quickly stood up and embraced Gracier who was nearby before rolling on the ground, he rolled in the opposite direction, just after they left their previous location a wind blade passed through there, leaving a long cut on the earth.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

Still on the ground with Gracier in his embrace Alex fired five bullets at the Queen Ant.


One of the bullets pierced through one of the Queen Ant forelegs.

Maybe it had developed a sense of pain unlike the Soldier Ants and Imperial Ants, the Queen Ant gave a short screech. Alex took this chance to catch his breath fighting against dizziness, Gracier was also doing the same thing. Alex decided to Appraise the Queen Ant.

『 Queen Ant

Level: 25

Magic: Poison, Wind

Magic Power: 400/500

Attack: 300

Defense: 150

Agility: 150

Intelligence: 50

Luck: 40

Skills: Acidic Poison Level 3, Wind blade Level 4』

Alex's face almost turned pale, a Rank 3 monster, the Queen Ant level was high, so was her stats, nevertheless, she could be killed.

Alex whispered something into Gracier's ear, the latter smiled before Alex attacked the Queen Ant with his gun, having suffered because she had underestimated the previous bullets dreadfulness the Queen Ant jumped back.

Meanwhile, Gracier was already chanting her next spell,

『Flames hear my command and gather to become the sword that mows down my enemies: Fireballs』

Five fireballs were created, however this time instead of basketball-sized fireballs it was handball sized fireballs.


The Queen Ant attacked by sending three wind blades in the direction of Gracier, the latter sends all her five fireballs to clash against the incoming wind blades,


An explosion occurred in the sky, creating a big flame screen obstructing the Queen Ant sight. Using this chance Alex blinked and appeared in the opposite direction, he aimed Silveria at the Queen Ant and fired two bullets,


The Queen Ant screeched before using as shield Wind blade to change the trajectory of bullets from her.

Meanwhile, Gracier who was forgotten by the Queen Ant chanted a spell,

『Flame, you are a snake who obey my command, therefore hear my call and burn my enemy as I desire: Dance Fire Snake』

A snake made of Fire, two meters long, the Fire snake shot at the Queen Ant using the flame in the sky to hide from the Queen Ant sense and when the Queen Ant sensed the Fire snake it was already too late, she used her injured leg to clash against the Fire snake, however, there was no explosion as if it had consciousness on its own the Fire snake went inside the Queen Ant leg through her injury's.

The giant ant in front of them burned from the inside. The Queen Ant screeched in pain as its body was burning from inside.

However, worthy of being called the Queen Ant, a C Rank monster, she was not going to end like this. While screeching, she tore off the leg that the Fire snake was moving inside it.

Alex was surprised but he was not going to let their precious plan go to waste when it was at its end, while firing two normal bullets at the injured Queen Ant Alex said, ''It's now your turn Sil.''

〖Roger Master〗

Silveria answered before a white bullet was shot from the gun and went straight toward the Queen Ant, the latter was furious because she hadn't avoided the previous two bullets, one of them injured her other leg and now another one was coming, extremely mad she screeched before spitting her Acidic poison at the incoming White bullet, however surprisingly this bullet avoided the poison by going in the opposite direction, the Queen Ant eyes widened, she felt a sudden feeling of death, the bullet avoided all her attacks, suddenly the Queen Ant body stopped for a millisecond and it was all it took for the White bullet to penetrate her head and destroy her brain.

Before dying the Queen Ant glared at Gracier who was panting heavily, sweat dripping from her forehead.

Alex and Gracier fell onto the ground exhausted, Alex was feeling drained because of the last bullet, it was the famous Homing Bullet Silveria unlocked after he became Level 15. Gracier on the other hand was feeling exhausted physically and more importantly mentally, casting spell after spell like that was exhausting, she had also used her left eye numerous times on a monster powerful than her, she was having a headache.

Alex observed Gracier before announcing ''Let rest for few minutes.''

Gracier only nodded her head because she couldn't even open her mouth at the moment, she was really tired.

60: Back To The Adventurer Guild Part 1

After killing the Queen Ant, the two sat on the ground catching their breath because of the exhaustion.

Alex observed Gracier before announcing ''Let rest for few minutes.''

Gracier only nodded her head because she couldn't even open her mouth at the moment, this show how tired she was.

Half of an hour later Alex stood up and checked their surrounding before observing the Queen Ant's corpse.

Truth be told, Its body length was much longer than the Soldier Ants, about 5m in length. It had an enlarged abdomen and a sharp spike grew from it like a stinger.

'It's pretty big. I was shocked for a moment by its sheer size.' Alex mumbled.

From the information Alex heard, the Soldier Ants were about 1m long. Because of that, even if it was larger, he had expected the Queen Ant to be about 3m in length at best, even the Imperial Ant length is 2 meters.

However, after coming in contact with the actual Queen Ant, its size was greatly larger than Alex's expectations.

Approaching the monster's corpses, Alex stored them away before turning his face to face Gracier, the latter had recovered by now. The two have killed 54 monsters today, (42 Soldier Ants, 11 Imperial Ants, and 1 Queen Ant.). It was time now to go back.

''Let's go Little sister.''


Gracier stood up and left with Alex. They were going back to the Adventurer Guild.


Meanwhile, at the Adventurer Guild, the receptionist Karen was playing with her hair, she seemed lost in thought.


She involuntarily spat out a sigh. Fortunately, as there was only a little while before the noon bell rings, there were few adventurers inside the guild. There were only several people eating an early lunch.

''What's wrong, sighing like that?''

''Or are you perhaps thinking about your lover?"

The co-worker next to Karen asked curiously. It was Nyora, a cat beast person, she had short black hair, cat ears, and tail, naturally like every other receptionist present here she was really beautiful. Nyora stretched herself, showing of the flexible limbs that were a feature of the cat family.

Karen glared at Nyora, the latter smiled before correcting herself.

''Joke aside. Tell me what is bothering our dear Karen.''

''Nothing, I'm just thinking about the newcomer. He is-"

''You are talking about 'The Rookie'?"

Nyora cut Karen off and asked. The latter nodded her head in confirmation.

''What did he do?"

Hearing Nyora's words Karen shook her head before explaining.

''He didn't do anything. It just how fast he was rising. He just registered two weeks ago and now he's going to get promoted to D Rank. He's talented, so talented that it's odd he is here. Normally, someone, this talented should be in the capital not here. I wonder why he came here. He must be a young Master from a powerful family, yet he's here in this city, this City is not important. There must be a reason he came here. I don't know why but sometimes I have the feeling he is out of this world.''

Nyora contemplating and concluded that Karen's analysis wasn't wrong. She had seen her fair share of Adventurers since she started working here but this was the first time she had seen someone rise in Rank so quickly. The guy killed thirty goblins and a rare species goblin by himself, something a D Rank Adventurer could do, and today morning he bested four Adventurers (A E Rank Adventurer Guild.) He must be gifted that is the only explanation plausible.

''He must be Gifted,'' Nyora stated.

''I know but what kind of Gift did he possess? Nobody knows, not even the Guild Master. He asked me what weapon Alex used on his first day of training. I said knives. We all know that his knives are normal, not Gift. A lot of people were expecting him to use his Gift today unfortunately he didn't.'' Karen explained.

''I see. Not even Big sister Leena know something about it? She is interested in him, they are close after all. The girl Alex brought even became Big sister Leena's little sister. I was surprised when she takes that oath. She is interested in Alex, she's interested in his potential, you look how she behaves in his presence, like a mother protecting her child.'' Nyora said.

Karen heaved a sigh before saying ''You are right. Alex invited her on a date in front of everyone. He's courageous. We are talking about Big sister Leena. Not many dare to ask her out. She had never accepted in the past, yet this time she accepted. How lucky Alex is.''

Nyora smiled before offering her opinion,

''Indeed you are right. However, I think if he asks her to become his girlfriend, Big sister Leena will refuse.''

''Why did you say that?" Karen asked.

''Why? Normally, Big sister Leena is not interested in him romantically. Alex-"

''That not my question, I guess I should reformulate it. Why did you think Alex is interested in Big sister Leena romantically? Why do you think he is in love with her?"

Rolling her eyes as to say isn't obvious, Nyora put on a doubtful expression,

''He asked her on a date. Isn't that Alex guy hitting on Big sister Leena?"

Karen shook her neck slightly at Nyora's words.

However, what Nyora said wasn't wrong at all. After all, receptionists were the face of the guild, they are all beautiful and Leena was most beautiful of all.

The receptionists were idolized by the adventurers. An unattainable object, someone they want to be their lover, someone they wanted to spend the night with, they became that kind of existence.

Nyora was trying to say that in that sense, Alex was trying to chase Leena, he even asked her on a date. But with the contact Karen had with Alex, she didn't feel that he was trying to woo Leena. He must have done that because of something else they were not aware of.

''He isn't. They must be another reason for him to ask her out. Sigh! Only the two or the little girl Gracier must know.''

''Talking about the red-haired girl. She is also Gifted. I wonder where Alex fetches her. She even covers one of her eyes. Is that to act cool?" Nyora asked.

Shrugging her shoulders Karen said, ''I dunno. Ask her or else you'll know.''

''I will. What kind of request did he take today?"

''Soldier Ant subjugation request. Why did you ask? Wait why are you suddenly interested in him all of sudden?" Karen answered before asking.

''Fufufu! You're curious, isn't it? Well, I'll tell you. I want to get closer to that kid as it's certain he's going to rise to the top in the future, I better have a place beside him now before the hyenas will come later, wanting to partake in the feast named Alex. You are not interested in him, so I'm not afraid and even if you were it doesn't matter with this mature body of mine he will easily fall for me.''

While saying so proudly, Nyora placed her arms her breasts to emphasize them, truth be told she was gifted over there, D cup at least.

To that appearance, Katen wore a thin smile and blood vessels appeared in her forehead threatening to burst out.

''Good to know. However, you are forgetting something, Alex will not stay here indefinitely, he will leave for the capital. Or are you planning to go there with him? From what I heard, the capital isn't a place for someone like you. There are lots of Big fish there, you'll be discarded in no time considering that you are planning to use your body to entice him. There are lots of better women over there, you'll lose before it began.''

To Karen's words, Nyora's forehead also started twitching.

''Fufufu! I wonder if you want a fight with me, dear Karen?"

''Are you Nyora? It's won't end well you know.''

An explosive tension. Right when those two people were in that state, the sound of the bell informing them that it was noon, could be heard. They stopped bickering with each other.