
61: Back To The Adventurer Guild Part 2

An explosive tension was formed. Right when those two people were in that state, the sound of the bell informing them that it was noon, could be heard.

Disregarding the two people in that state, the rest of the staff and receptionists looked away and left the counter to quickly have lunch.

With all the people leaving, the unfortunate noon duty was left to Karen and Nyora, who restarting staring daggers at each other.

It may appear they hate each other but it wasn't the case. They were just playing, they often did this.

''Sigh! Did you two start your little staring contest again?"

Suddenly, a voice interrupted the two and asked. Naturally, it was Leena. Startled the two turned their heads to see Leena behind them, they couldn't help but sigh, she appeared like a ghost, as usual, this showed how skilled she was.

They may be receptionists however it doesn't mean they didn't know how to fight.

In reality, all of them know how to fight, how to defend themselves in the case of unforeseen situation and naturally they are some who were former Adventurers before becoming receptionist, like Leena for example or Nyora. The latter was a former C Rank Adventurer, she was a Thief, a highly-skilled Thief and as a former Thief, she knew one must be skilled to appear behind her undetected. Once again this showed how skilled Leena was, they were aware that her Rank was high, like the Guild master or even higher than him because the Guild master seemed to respect her a lot if you see past his shameless behavior.

It was an open secret, Leena appeared Five years ago and became receptionist, the head receptionist, the Guild master right hand it was to say. Even if some were displeased with this decision, they couldn't change a decision made by the Guild master so they lived with it and now five years went by.

Leena was exceptional in doing her job, nobody complained, nor none of them were displeased with her way of doing things. She formed several exceptional Receptionists in turn, for example, Karen, the current mascot of the Guild, popular as her.

''Nyora, stop daydreaming. Be focused, Adventurers can come in at any moment.'' Leena warned Nyora, she was brought out of her daydream.

''Sorry, I was lost in thought,'' Nyora said apologetically.


Karen started laughing, however, she was cut short by Leena's warning.

''That goes for you too.''

When she wanted to continue Leena stopped because she sensed two presences heading in their way, she put on her beautiful smile.

With a creaking sound, the Adventurer Guild door was opened and Alex and Gracier entered. The two walk towards Leena and once in front of her they both greeted.

''Evening Big sister Leena, Evening Karen and Nyora.''

''Evening Leena. How-"

Alex didn't have time to finish whatever he was trying to say when Leena appeared in front of Gracier and hug her.

''Welcome back little Cier. How was your first day? Not too tired?"

Hearing Leena concerned voice warmed Gracier's heart a little, she smiled before answering, ''Not all Big sister Leena. We killed a lot of monsters.''

''Oh? How many monsters did you kill?" Leena asked arms crossed.

Smiling Gracier replied ''We killed a lot of monsters. I'll let Big brother Alex tell you.''

The three were taken aback hearing Gracier's words, they were asking themselves how many monsters did the two had killed. Alex chuckled, he was sure that Leena would not be too pleased, still, it doesn't matter.

"Leena better uses that room,'' Alex suggested not wanting to draw too much attention after bringing out the monster corpses. There was a special room where you could show monsters' corpses if you have a lot of Monsters' corpses.

''Okay, let's go,'' Leena replied before the four went to the room located on the left side of the second floor.

Once inside the said room, Alex did not wait before bringing out the Monsters' materials of the 54 Soldier Ants (42 Soldier Ants and 11 Imperial Ants and the Queen Ant's corpse).

''What?" Leena and Nyora who had followed the three were both surprised.

Gracier smiled, proud of the expression the two had on their faces.

Leena went silent, her eyes sharp as she glared at Alex sending spikes of nervousness down his spine. Nyora on the side was flicking her ears side to side in silence glancing between the two as she was still surprised by the Rookie once again. He was full of surprise she couldn't help but think this.

Crossing her arms, Leena finally spoke, ''Alex how many I've said not act too recklessly?"

''I know but these monsters were too weak. I wouldn't have done that if they were powerful. I know my limit, So no need for a sermon.''

Hearing Alex's words Leena sighed before observing Gracier for a while, she then smiled as if she was happy after having checked something.

〖This Girl is indeed mysterious. She has the Appraisal skill, an advanced one.〗Silveria announced suddenly.

Caught off guard Alex couldn't help but blurt out,


The girls turned their heads in his direction as if to ask what he was talking about. Finally aware he had talked aloud, Alex let out a cough.

''Sorry, I was thinking about something. Don't mind me.''

Nyora looked at Alex for a while before shaking her head, Gracier smiled because she knew what was happening, as for Leena, her eyes narrowed as she eyed up Alex, it was like she was trying to say 'I don't believe you'

Not wanting to play her game, Alex said changing the subject.

''Can we finish our current business? We are both tired, better go back, and take some rest.''

''You are right. We will have time to talk plenty later.'' Leena said with a smile.

Alex rubbed his forehead while inwardly muttering 'You won't drop the matter so easily. Sigh! To think she knew about my Status. It's like I'm naked in front of her.'

〖Don't worry she didn't know what kind of Gift you possess, as for Gracier, she just knows she has eye power. What kind of eye power does she possess she doesn't know, that why she never asked why Gracier wore that eye patch. Also if you have Advanced Appraisal, it will be hard for anyone to see your status even if the opposite party Level is higher than yours.〗Silveria explained.

'I see, it is good to know, I don't want everybody who appraised me to learn about my skills. I know not everyone has this skill, still it better to be prepared, it left a bad aftertaste in one mouth when you are aware that someone is there who knows about your skills.'

When Alex was talking with Silveria, Leena had already finished appraising the Monsters' materials and the Queen Ant corpse.

''The 42 Soldier Ants materials and magic stones are worth: 210 Copper coins (21 Silver coins), for the Imperial Ant it's equal to 30 Copper coins each, the 11 Imperial Ants= 330 Copper coins (33 Silver coins). Don't be surprised by the price because, Imperial Ant's materials (dagger-like protrusion, Magic stone, and especially the exoskeleton) are worth much than the normal Soldier Ant's materials. Finally, it is time for the Queen Ant, considering how intact the corpse is, it is worth a lot, 8 Gold Coins.'' Leena said.

Alex and Gracier sucked a mouthful of air before looking at each other. The Queen Ant rewards outclassed the other two rewards.

''Don't be too surprised, it's C Rank monster corpse after all, even if it the weakest of the C Rank Monsters. The whole body is worth a lot, do not forget that the corpse is intact, normally it will be worth 6 Gold coins at best considering that the corpse won't be in one piece, however for you it is different probably because of your Gift. I wonder what kind of Gift you have. I'm sure it is not a spear, nor it's a sword, you don't look like a swordsman at all, maybe a bow, Nah! it's unlikely. Please tell me what kind of Gift did you possess.''

After finishing her words she glanced at Alex with puppy eyes, even Nyora seemed interested in knowing what kind of gift he possesses.

''I'm tired, let talk about it later,'' Alex answered. Pouting Leena turned toward Gracier in hope of learning something, unfortunately, the latter turned her head in the opposite direction showing her stance. Chuckling Leena paid for the materials.

Alex stored the 8 Gold coins and 54 Silver coins inside his Item box. Then he turned his head in Leena direction,

''Leena let's go on a date two days from tomorrow.''

The girls were surprised by this sudden declaration, namely Nyora and Gracier. Leena the concerned held her chin as if thinking about something before answering, ''No, it will be the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going out with Gracier.''

Leena did not give him the time to answer before adding, ''I know you have a rendezvous with the smith but you don't need to worry about it. I've canceled your order. Don't ask why you'll know on the day of the date.''

''I see. Okay, we will do as you suggested.''

Alex said after analyzing why she said that. She must have her reason, Silveria also suggested to follow what she said because something awesome awaits him ahead. What was the thing in question he doesn't know, however, he chose to gamble and see if his gamble would pay off.

After chatting with the two until they reached the first floor, Alex and Gracier left going back to their Inn, it was already dark outside.

62: A Normal Day

Darkness had descended upon the city. The sun had long hidden itself away beneath the horizon and left the moon in its place. Try as it would, the moon simply couldn't provide the world beneath it with the sun's energy or radiance.

Inside a room located on the third floor in the Moonlight Inn, Alex and Gracier sat each on their bed after having just finished tonight's dinner.

Alex fetches out 4 Gold coins and 20 Silver coins and gave them to Gracier. The latter smiled as she played with the coins, she was really happy, she had overcome her fear of the monster, not totally but it was to a degree she could fight without freezing in fear. Do not forget that she leveled nine times and finally for her first quest she earned 4 Gold coins and 21 Silver coins, not many can earn this.

After calming down she pushed the money to Alex, already aware of why she did this, Alex took 2 Gold coins out of the 4 Gold coins and 21 Silver coins. Gracier finally accepted to keep the rest after a long discussion.

That night she slept happily, she slept in her bed, she didn't have a nightmare as she usually does, she slept with a smile on her face.


The next day, the first rays of the sun had pierced the Sky announcing the start of a new day.

Alex woke up and clean himself after doing his stretch up. Now he was sitting on his bed and in front of him was a blue panel containing his status.


[Alexander Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 2」

Level 15

Experience Value (XP): 1380/1600

Magic Power: 1320 (+ 30) ✒ 1350

Magic: None

Attack: 240 (+10) ✒ 250

Defense: 205 (+ 10) ✒ 215

Agility: 240 (+10) ✒ 250

Intelligence: 240 (+10) ✒ 250

Luck: 190 (+10) ✒ 200

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 1] [Knife Art Level 2]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

Alex had gained 1600 XP (800 XP for the Queen Ant after some XP went to Gracier, and finally 800 XP for the two Imperial Ants he had slain.) With that amount of XP he was able to level up once and was left 1380 XP, 220 XP more to go before stepping into Level 16. Alex would have liked to be at least Level 17 before the expedition to the Zilya's mountain range for their test, but it's unlikely, he didn't have much time, the test will be taking place in few days, the exact date was unknown, it was suggested that the Adventurer should take a rest in this period.

Alex spat out a long sigh but when he wanted to Appraise Gracier she coincidentally woke up.

''Morning, Big brother.''

''Morning Gracier. Hope you slept well.'' Alex said smiling.

''Yes I slept well, all my exhaustion has gone as they have never existed. I'm rather excited today.'' Gracier said face full of smile.

''Isn't it because you are going out with your dear Big sister Leena shopping today?" Alex asked teasingly.

Gracier blushed like a child caught doing mischief, she cleared her throat and changed the subject, ''What are you planning to do today?"

Seeing she was changing the subject, Alex smiled before answering, ''Nothing, maybe a little tour in the city before coming back here to sleep, I just want to rest as much I can.''

''I see, or do you want to come with us?" Gracier asked after thinking a while.

''Thank you but I think I'll pass.'' Alex rejected. Leena will not be pleased with him coming and he did not want to become their baggage carrier as he knew how scary women can be once they start shopping, they brought things like there is no tomorrow.

''Too bad then. I'll bring you a souvenir.''

Gracier left these words behind before stepping into the bathroom.

While Gracier was going toward the bathroom Alex quickly appraised her.


Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Level 10

Experience Value: 400/1100

Magic Power: 1040 (+5) ✒ 1045

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 150 (+5) ✒ 155

Defense: 120 (+5) ✒ 125

Agility: 140 (+5) ✒ 145

Intelligence: 130 (+5) ✒ 135

Luck: 140 (+5) ✒ 145

BP: 10

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 1] [Meteor (???)] [Dragon Eye Level 3] [Fire Snake Level 1] [Fire Shield Level 1] (New Skill)

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened]』

Gracier was Level 10 now, she even acquired a new skill Fire Shield, she acquired this skill after using her two fireballs as a shield.

Sometimes you can create skill by being creative just like Gracier. However, this doesn't mean it easy to acquire skill, Luck and Intelligence can play a crucial role in helping you create a new skill.

''I've finished, how do I look?"

Gracier's voice brought Alex back, he was lost in thought, lifting his head Alex observed Gracier, she was really beautiful in her one-piece princess robe, instead of White color her robe was red in contrast with her flaming red hair tied in French braids style. He couldn't help but praise her honestly,

''Beautiful, you're beautiful Gracier."

''Thank you, Big brother. Let's go.'' Gracier said smiling.

The two left for the first floor, a lot of people praised Gracier there, after taking their breakfasts, Gracier excused herself and left to meet up with Leena for their shopping, as for Alex he stayed there chatting with Lea and some customers, two hours later he also left.

A blue sky was spread outside, with the sunlight pouring down, this weather could b called good summer weather.

Alex went to a bookstore and brought several books to read to kill time. On his way back to the Inn he stopped by a drug store, he brought several potions, potions to recover one's physical strength, standard mana potions that recovered magical power, medicine that recovered abnormal states, and antidotes for paralysis were the potions he brought.

Once inside the Inn, Alex directly went to the third floor and entered their room before closing it, taking some books out from his Item box, Alex also took out few potions he brought and observed it.

The usage of potion was extremely simple, you can drink or pour it onto a wound.

If you drink it, the effect will be much higher. First of all, the effect reaches the whole body and not just the injured part, the recovery effect also lasts longer to some degree it was said. Besides, physical strength is also somewhat restored. Although if applied at the location of the wound, the recovery is a bit faster, that's it.

However, there are no additional effects such as sustained recovery or recovering physical strength.

But still, most people would apply it to a wound, the number of people who drink potions directly are few. Why was that? It was simply because potions were unpalatable.

Alex had the urge to puke remembering the taste of Mana potion he had drunk back then.

Like everything, there was an exception, Mana potion and Physical recovery Potion should be drunk contrary to Healing potion. Well, some came up with a solution to fight against the bitterness of the potion by diluting it, still, if you choose this option the efficiency of the potion will be halved by diluting.

Even if the effect was high, drinking it in combat would be impossible due to the taste, it would be suicidal if you are not cautious enough.

Suddenly, Alex thought about something. There were dungeons and this is a fantasy, it was to say they must some accessories to recover one Mana or to help one boost his physical strength and a lot more. Thinking about it, Alex couldn't help but smile looking forward to it, maybe he will see some of these things once stepping into the capital.

Shaking his head Alex regained his cool, afterward he read a book that talked about the exploit of the former Hero who had slain the Demon King. Well, Alex was sure that most of the details were exaggerated to please the public.

Still, he must say Hero is cool if not for their tragic destiny of saving the world at the cost of their life, their happiness. He doesn't want to be a Hero but if his loved ones were threatened because the world was going to end he will save it not for the well-being of the people but simply because his loved ones were threatened. That's how he thinks and how he will live, this is Alexander Touch's way of doing things.

Alex sleeps until late in the evening, it was Gracier who woke him up when she entered the room and saw him sprawled on the bed drooling. Afterward, the two ate before Gracier gave a present to Alex.

Unwrapping the present, Alex saw a pendant inside a box, the pendant was beautiful, it was a carving of an eagle who spread its wings. The material used to make the eagle was mostly a green jade, the cord wrapped around the eagle was also special.

An Eagle spreading its wings, symbolize freedom, Gracier helped Alex wear the pendant.

''Thank you,'' Alex says.

''You welcome.''

Alex felt lighter after wearing the pendant, he didn't check his status yet but somehow he had the feeling that it was an accessory, however when he tried to probe Gracier to learn from where she brought this pendant because he was sure no stores here sell accessories (because himself had searched for one with no avail), he was faced with Gracier's refusal to tell him anything on the matter, so he was forced to drop the matter.

Only one person can help her get this type of accessory, Leena.

Unknown to him, it was not Leena who gave her this, not exactly, it was a keepsake her mother owned, from where it is was unknown, it was the only thing left from her mother she had, she lost it after being caught by the slave trader, Leena recuperated it and gave it back to her today, how does she know it was hers was unknown, still Gracier was happy to have recuperated this pendant and now that she was back, she gifted it to Alex because he was dear to her.

〖Master, it is not good to try to know a woman's secret, you won't be popular you know?〗Silveria said teasingly.

Not offering any reply because he feels like he will lose if he were to do it, Alex continued chatting with Gracier until it was time to sleep, tomorrow was going to be his Date with Leena. Alex decided to sleep while thinking that from time to time he must have this kind of normal day.

63: The Date

And finally, the sun rose, filling the sky with shades of orange and pink. Peach and magenta, amber and rose, radiating hope, a new beginning. Another chance to live. The start of a brand new day and for Alex, it was the day of his date with Leena, the elven receptionist, Gracier's Big sister.

Alex woke up with a yawn as he sat on his bed reminiscing about the previous night.

Gracier had suggested a lot of ideas to make today's Date perfect. She said Alex must try to plant a seed for future prospects, meaning he must plant a seed that will bud into Love.

Alex chuckled feeling amused, ''This is not a Date, it is more like discussion to probe each on what we want each. I'm sure she wants something from me, as for me it will depend on what she has to propose.''

〖Well, you can also win her heart and all will be yours.〗Silveria chime in.

'For the moment it is impossible.' Alex answered.

〖I know, I was just messing with you, she too high for you anyway. You are like an ant in front of her.〗Silveria said with a chuckle.

'Well, Ant can kill an elephant. Let leave that aside for now. You're talking like you know how powerful she is. Can you tell me her Rank?' Alex asked.

〖Let's see, she is really powerful, the most powerful in this town. As for her exact Rank, sorry I can't tell you because I'm weakened, I can't appraise her, you need to be more powerful for me to be able to appraise her, at least Level 50. I will suggest you do everything to get her or at least make her become your ally because believe me she is really powerful, at least Rank 10 or even above. As for why she is here it is probably because of you or something related to you, call it woman's intuition if you will but you must win her as an ally, it won't be hard because you already have an advantage which is-〗

'Gracier.' Alex cut Silveria and said.

〖Exactly, I'm not sure why she became her sworn sister but it will not change, she felt grateful because you saved Gracier. You must have noticed that the way she handled you changed after has seen Gracier who is attached to you.〗Silveria said.

'I do.' Alex answered, it was indeed true.

〖You are lucky to have someone like Gracier who takes you as her Big brother. Her potential is limitless. I'm sure Ignia has chosen her because of you, more accurately because of us, and as Ignia's host, there is no way she will be a weakling. As proof, you have noticed how fast she is leveling up. Her potential is not less than your friends, only the Hero and the one who has Ice Magic. For the former, it's because his Gift is really powerful and for the latter, her Gift is also powerful but it's more like she is Gracier natural nemesis. Fire vs Ice.〗Silveria explained.

'I see. Does Leonardo's Gift is more powerful than mine?' Alex couldn't help but ask.

However, the only answer he got was a laugh, Silveria laughed hard before continuing.

〖A little advice from me, better make Gracier your sister for good before anyone snatches her from you because if it were to happen you'll regret it. You may say you've started changing the way you see her but that not enough. She may take you as her Big brother but if it is only one side she may leave later.〗

Having seen that Silveria was not planning to answer his question, a question he feels like a fool for asking. He can know the answer in the future after fighting Leonardo, something he was sure it will happen because there was no way Leonardo wouldn't want to trample him, same goes for him, Alex shook his head before asking.

'I know. What do you suggest then.'

Silveria laughed before answering,

〖There is way, it is like a contract between you two. No need to worry it's not a slave contract, she will not die if you die. The contract will turn you into kin, you will feel each other location. Let say after the contract you'll feel like you have the same bloodline. Well, it's just feeling, in reality, your race won't change.〗

'I see. We will talk about it later. For now, I should prepare for the date.' Alex said and stood up. He cleaned himself and changed into new clothes. A simple black pant, on top of the pants, was a white long-sleeved shirt.

''Simple and beautiful.'' Gracier who should be sleeping praised. It seems she had woken up when Alex was in the bathroom.

''Thank you. If I come back there is something we need to talk about.'' Alex announced.


Gracier answered because Alex seemed serious when he said that. The two left for the first floor and Alex left after exchanging few jokes with the girls.


Located in the center of the city was a fountain, a beautiful fountain with lots of bench surrounding it.

Sitting on one of these benches was a woman, a beautiful woman dressed in a long green robe. Her green hair was tied in a ponytail showing her white neckline, there were no accessories on her, just a simple green robe, simple yet elegant. Like some like to say simplicity is the best.

Naturally, the green-haired beauty was Leena who was going on date with Alex.


Leena heaved a sigh while waiting for Alex. She sighed because everyone was pointing their fingers in her direction and murmuring unaware she heard all of them.

'Isn't Leena, the most sought receptionist?' asked a random old man.

'It's her. I heard she is going on date with the Rookie, the green-haired boy who started soaring recently.' another person answered.

'Oh! Lucky him. I would like to switch places with him. She never accepted a date from anyone I heard. She must have seen something in the boy for her to accept going on date with him or she wants to play with him. Women are cruel creatures after all.' the old man mumbled.

Leena's lips twitched at that mention. The man must have experienced a setback with a woman to talk like that, not that it matters to her. Shaking her head she sent a deathly stare into a certain direction.

Nyora and another receptionist who was hiding there shivered before hastily retreating to the Guild before suffering Leena's ire now she discovered them.

Two minutes later Alex showed up.

''Sorry, I was lost. It's my first time setting foot here.''

''Don't worry. I didn't wait too long.'' Leena replied with a smile.

''That good then. You are beautiful, green suit you well.'' Alex praised her.

Still smiling Leena reply ''I know. Let's go.''

Alex and Leena left. The two visited many places, starting with a small restaurant to eat breakfast and then going to a clothing store and finally the market where Alex bought Leena a necklace while the latter bought him a scarf. The two continued touring the city.

Finally, after three hours, the two entered a Restaurant to have their lunch.

''Let talk after eating.''

Leena announced as the two entered the restaurant.

64: Discussion With Leena Part 1

The two entered the three-story restaurant and looked around, the first floor was full.

Alex looked around at the busy tables. An old couple eating side by side, one glass of wine each, studiously bent over their meals. A group of young women who seemed in their thirties collapsing with helpless giggles as a stern woman dining alone nearby looked on and frowned.

''Welcome to the Golden Nugget. As you have seen the first floor is full. I suggest going to the second floor.'' A waitress said with a polite bow.

The two nodded and followed the waitress to the second floor.

They sat on the second-floor terrace, which overlooked the commercial street waiting for their orders.

The waitress arrived shortly after with their food.

Alex's food was a grilled fish served with rice, salad, and black beans. Leena's food was a simple salad. It seems Gracier and Leena share some similarities in this regard, they both love salad, Alex noticed that Gracier didn't like eating meat too much, maybe it Elves things, who knows. Alex shook his head and ate.

After finishing eating Leena stared at Alex for a few seconds before finally asking.

''You are an otherworlder like the others who are in the capital aren't you?"

Seeing there was no need to hide it anymore because he was sure she had already done her research and knew he was otherworlder like the other seven. Even the first time the Guild Master asked him and he denied, he was sure Leena did not believe him, same goes for the Guild Master.

''Yes, I am,'' Alex answered honestly.

''Oh? When I was thinking you'll deny it like last time.'' Leena said amused.

Shrugging his shoulders Alex explained his reason for acting as he did previously,

''Why would I when I already knew you were aware of my status from your information's network? Nah! I won't. I denied it for the first time because I didn't want to acknowledge it when I was sure you'll start questioning me, questions which I would want to answer, is too bothersome. As for why I answered now, it simply because we are going to discuss important stuff better be a little bit frank. Beside why continue denying something the other party is already aware of, it is unwise. You'll look like a fool in the other party eyes and like a fool nobody gonna take you seriously.''

''I see, not bad. Let's talk shall we?" Leena said with a weak smile.

''Tell how the others are doing in the capital,'' Alex asked.

Leena's smile widened as though she was expecting this question.

''They are doing well. Especially Leonardo and crew, they are leveling up faster compared to the other. Normal if you consider they are going in a dungeon to fight Monsters-"

''Let me guess, the second princess personal dungeon. He became her personal dog. Am I wrong?" Alex cut Leena off and asked.

Leena was surprised because Alex had arrived at that conclusion.

''Well, if personal dog equal to him is working under her then yes he became her personal dog. As for her personal dungeon, it's not quite right but let's say the second princess let them use one of the Imperial family's dungeons. Tell me how do you come to this conclusion?" Leena asked in turn.

Alex smirked and said, ''It's not too complicated. I know Leonardo since kindergarten, the moment I saw that princess and how Leonardo was behaving I was sure that once they went to the capital he will work for her, to put it simply he will join her faction. Now you confirmed it I'm not surprised. He can't let go of an occasion like that, it's Leonardo after all. That princess must be happy to have an otherworlder, a Hero class otherworlder under her, it will increase her chance in the race for the crown I guess.''

''Nice analysis. Tell me if I'm wrong but Leonardo is not a fool who is blindly following the second princess you seem to hate, there must be a reason for him to join her.'' Leena asked because when she saw the boy back then, he did not look like a fool who was blindly following the princess because he was enamored, there was something in the depths of his eyes, something she didn't quite like.

And with how old she is she had an idea of what that thing is, she was probing Alex to see whether her hunch was right or wrong.

Smirking Alex explained,

''Hell no, Leonardo is not the kind of man who will do something that isn't beneficial to him. How should I put it, he likes to be at the center of attention, to the one everyone spoke about, he wants to be the strongest, the star, the first in everything and everywhere. For this purpose he will do anything, him going under the princess is a means to achieve his goals. Imagine a Hero saving the world, then marrying the Princess who had become the Empress with his help, everybody will talk about him, I don't know the status of this Empire but I bet it's one of the strongest, him becoming the Emperor is probably his current goal. What is his end goal I dunno.''

''As though he is hungry for power. It will be good if he didn't become too greedy or else-"

''He will be branded as the next Demon king and will be eliminated am I wrong?" Alex cut Leena off and said.

Astonished Leena asked ''How did you know?"

''No need to be surprised things like this happened often in our homeworld.'' Alex lied not explaining that he had read it in fantasy books.

Hell, he is living in a fantasy world presently, a world of Sword and Magic. Previously if one had asked him whether this was possible or not, Alex would have answered without hesitation saying it was impossible, fantasy is a fantasy different from reality, it's a product of one imagination and yet now he was living in a fantasy world something he deemed previously impossible.

Then come a question 'Considering that this is a real-world not some kind of lucid dream why nobody is aware of it on Earth?'

〖Maybe they are aware of it but in another way.〗Silveria said surprising Alex who was not expecting her.

'In which way then?' Alex asked.

〖It's not hard to guess. Remember fantasy books?〗Silveria asked.

'Yeah, I do. Why are you asking me this? No way you are not suggesting that we are aware that they are a lot of other worlds out there in form of fantasy books do you?' Alex asked bewildered.

〖Obviously I do. It's doing some higher being. Why? I can't answer and before you went your way saying maybe fantasy worlds are created after someone read your Earth fantasy books then I will say you are thinking highly of yourself. Do you remember what that Little girl said? What is her name again? Aha! I remember I think it's Mea.〗

Hearing Silveria's words Alex's lips twitched especially when Silveria call the Self-proclaimed Goddess a little girl.

'Yeah, I do. She said she was in charge of world N° 7543, it is to say Earth.' Alex answered not understanding why she asked him this question.

〖Exactly if Earth is N° 7543 then the first 7542 worlds are what? They are also world like Earth. Some are dead worlds, some are inhabited like Mars or Pluton. Worlds with magic like Mysthia are called fantasy worlds by you earthlings but what you don't know they are real. You can't access it by a normal means, if you do, it will be either because you got selected. After all, you are special or it's because one the supervisors wanted you to, it's why these worlds remained unknown for safety purposes, you are aware of them but in form of imagination and you know people will think imagination is imagination not real. A pretty good way of handling things.〗Silveria explained.

Alex was speechless, back then when he heard that Earth was number 7543 he didn't click in his head that the first 7542 worlds before Earth were real as her, he didn't think too much ahead, none of them had, they have already forgotten it by the time they got here.

〖Worlds are classed by Realm. Let's take Earth, for example, it is a part of the Lower Realm (comprised of dead worlds, inhabited worlds, and manaless worlds, it's too say a world without Magic), Earth may have been a world with magic previously but it's not the case anymore. After the Lower Realm, there is the Middle Realm, Mysthia is part of it. Then comes the last Realm, the Higher Realm. Be aware that each Realm is classified by Lower, Medium, and Higher. By the way, Mysthia is part of the Higher Middle Realm.〗

Silveria continued her explanation, it was more like a little lesson she was giving him.

'Thank you for the lesson. What kind of worlds are in the higher Realm?' Alex asked with shining eyes.

〖I dunno.〗

That was all Silveria said. Alex was dumbfounded by this answer and when he wanted to ask her again he was brought out of his discussion by a Leena who seemed a little bit concerned, probably because he was not answering her since a while ago.

''Alex, Alexander what's happening to you? Why are you not answering?"

''Sorry, I was lost in thoughts. What are you saying earlier?" Finally, Alex look at Leena and asked.

Smiling Leena says, ''Let's continue our previous conversation shall we?"

''Let's continue I'm all ears,'' Alex replied with a smile in turn.

65: Discussion With Leena Part 2

Going back a little in a time when Alex was lost in thoughts (talking with Silveria), Leena received a message from somewhere, she touched the earrings on her left and spoke after observing Alex and creating a barrier around herself.

''What's up for you to call me now. I'm busy for your information. Go straight to the point.'' Leena said not minding her words.

The person on the other side responded as if not bothered by how Leena was speaking, it was a woman's voice.

''Ay ay. I will be quick. That person came again.''

''Tch! Not again. What does he want this time?" Leena asked in an annoyed tone.

Chuckling the woman on the other side explained,

''Same old thing he wants to know where you went. He asked me if it was because you are avoiding him or what. Well, this time it's also because it concerns that place. When-''

Immediately Leena curt her short and said,

''Hah! I got it. I'm coming back soon anyway. Let's see what he has to say then.''

In another location a beautiful was leaning against a counter observing the people chatting inside a hall, chuckling she said,

''It's good to hear your voice. Well, it's better now that you are coming back soon. I bet you have finally found what you were searching for all that time, hope it's worth the effort and lost time.''

''Do you say something Ella?" another beautiful woman nearby asked.

''No, I was speaking to myself don't mind me,'' Ella said.

''I see.'' the beautiful woman continued doing her job seeing that Ella was not in the mood to speak.

Ella was the one speaking with Leena earlier.


Back to Alex's location.

After Leena ended her communication she observed Alex who was still lost in thoughts.

Supporting her chin with her arms she said,

''Look at him. Most men would be trying to make me laugh or boasting and yet here he is daydreaming in my presence. How audacious, he is behaving like he is not interested in me. Well, he is but he's restraining himself, as for why I don't know. Overall my evaluation of him went up.''

She then added, ''It's not because I think highly of him that I'll let him ignore me and continue daydreaming, time to wake him up for us to continue our discussion.''

After that, she tried to bring Alex who was talking with Silveria back several times until the latter responded.

''Continuing my explanation I'll correct you. He will not be branded as Demon king because only someone from the demon race can have that title, your friend will be seen as a threat to be eliminated if he became too greedy wanting to own the world. Also having the Hero class doesn't necessarily mean you'll save the world. This class is powerful than other normal classes it's why people badly want it. It's an extremely rare class. Does who have this class are destined to stand above others. Ironically most of those of managed to have this class were Otherworlders, only a selected few from this world managed to have this class, only two times to be exact. It's as if to tell us that Otherworlders are more tailored for this class.'' Leena explained with a weak smile.

''I see, too bad then. It's my turn to correct you. Leonardo is not my friend. None of his crew are my friend. Only Maria, Luna and Sakuya can be considered my friends. By the way how they are doing?" Alex asked.

Leena put on a happy smile when she heard these three names, they are famous after all.

''They are doing fine by themselves. They refused the second princess and the First prince's invitation. However because he had fallen in love with the three more specifically Maria, the first prince continues to pester her, saying she will be his Empress after he ascended to the throne with her help, no their help, he wants to add the girl named Luna in his Harem. She will be his first concubine.''

Leena explained while at the same time observing Alex's reaction to this news.

Frowning Alex rubbed his forehead and said,

''An annoying fly came.''

Leena burst into laughter and asked, ''You treat the First prince as a fly, how audacious. Are you perhaps jealous because he's wooing your women?"

It was now the turn of Alex to laugh. Finally, he calmed down before answering.

''Sorry, I'm not jealous of him. The girls and I did not have that kind of relationship, not yet. I can't deny that I'm interested in them but I have not made a move yet.''

''You said the First prince. If he's the first prince then why he is not crowned as the Crown Prince yet? Normally it should have been the case considered that he is the First Prince. The Crown Prince (First Prince) must have died for the Succession war to happen, however here the First Prince is still alive yet there is a Succession war going on with a First Prince not crowned as Crown Prince. Why is that?"

Alex asked because according to what he had read in fantasy books on Earth, it was how things work and yet over here it seems different, maybe it's this Empire's way of doing things, nevertheless, he wants to know.

Leena smiled while remembering that Alex was not from this world, reason why he was unaware of this world Empire's custom.

Taking a deep breath she decided to give him a little lesson on this world.

''Before answering your question I will tell you a little about the geography of this world.''

Alex smiled because he hadn't had the time to read books on the geography of this world. He knew that there are several continents in this world, four if he remembers correctly. Also, he knew that the empire he was currently in was called Drexia Empire, there is also another empires and kingdoms, even principalities out there, how many he doesn't know, and now that somebody wants to help him update his knowledge on this world how can he not be happy.

''There are Four continents, the Human continent called Alexa Continent constituted of 04 Empires, 03 Kingdoms and 02 Principalities. I will only talk about the Empires. The First Empire is the Drexia Empire, the empire you are currently in, followed by Holy Crux Empire, an Empire governed by the church, there is no emperor only the Pope and his Cardinals. In the third and fourth place respectively are the Sarz Empire and the Sun Empire, surnamed Far East Empire because it's located at the East of the continent. By the way, Drexia Empire is located in the center of Alexa Continent.''

''Continuing, just after Alexa Continent is the beastman continent: Bestia, who has Two Empires and Two kingdoms. Lionheart Empire and the Wolfang Empire, It's spelled Wolfang but it's read Wolf fang. Then come the Elven continent: Elfira, my hometown. There is only one Empire that has the name of the continent and Two kingdoms. Lastly, there is the Demon race continent: Dark continent, there is one Empire: Crimson Empire and several kingdoms. That'll you have to know, for more in-depth information go read books on it, something you didn't do because you are too focused on leveling up which not bad but you should at least be well informed in the world you have set foot in.'' Leena ended her lesson on the geography of Mysthia with a warning.

''Don't worry I will do it later and thanks for the lesson,'' Alex promised.

Seeing he had taken her warning seriously Leena smiled and then continued.

''Now moving to our previous topic, I'll say Drexia Empire doesn't work in the way you spoke earlier. Princes and Princesses will be crowned only after they prove themselves and won the Succession war. It doesn't matter if you are the First Prince or the Firstborn children of the emperor, you must prove yourself worthy of the title before earning the crown. The system you talked about is only applied in the Sun Empire and the Three Kingdoms. The Two principalities follow Drexia and Sarz Empire's custom.''

''I see. I understand why the First Prince is desperate to have the girls. Maria is talented, the same goes for the other two. Having them in his faction assures him that he still has a chance in the race for the throne. Too bad it seems isn't working. His sister is already in the lead concerning who has Otherworlders in his/her faction. Well, it doesn't matter I'm not interested in joining any factions. Anyway, nobody gonna takes someone with useless and sealed Gift like mine.''

Hearing Alex's words, Leena was amused.

''Stop pretending, we both know that your Gift is far from being useless, nor it remains unsealed, you have already unsealed it. You may not want to join any factions but it doesn't mean nobody gonna approach you. Do not forget it's not only the Second Princess and the First Prince who are racing for the crown, there are another two prétendants. The Second Prince and the Third Princess who had not made any move yet. Some said she is not interested in the throne, it rests to be proved. You may not want to be dragged into muddy waters but it doesn't mean the muddy waters won't come to you because you have some it wants.''

''I know but I'll do my best not to be dragged if it's possible. So, tell me what do you want?"

Alex finally asked because both of them know they want something from each other and for Alex to ask for something it will depend on what Leena wants from him, time to know what the beautiful Elf receptionist (In disguise or walking for someone else) want.

Leena did not immediately answer she observed Alex for a while before finally.

''Let's drink before continuing.'' She suggested.

66: Leena's Goal

After ordering wine the two drink two cups each before she asked,

''Alex what's your goal?"

Alex did not immediately answer, he stayed silent a couple of seconds before asking back.

''Why did you ask that?"

''You want to know what I want and I want to know your goal,'' Leena answered.

Alex heaved a sigh and says, ''I want to be the strongest.''

''Why did you want to be the strongest?" Leena immediately asked.

''For myself and for people I care about. Simple as that.''

Hearing Alex's words Leena smiled as if satisfied with what she heard.

''Good to know.'' Leena praised then she said,

''You know I came into this town Five years ago with a goal in mind.''

''Which was?" Alex asked.

''I was waiting for someone and you came-"

''Wait you mean you waiting for me? That doesn't make any sense.'' Alex said not believing her.

''It does if you know the whole story. Or do you perhaps think I'm senile or making up a story? No, none of that. I came into this specific for a specific reason which is you. The moment I saw you I knew you are made to be extraordinary, that you are the one I was waiting for. My five years here were not wasted, they didn't lie when they said you'll appear here.'' Leena explained.

''Wait a minute you aren't implying it is because of some prophecy you stayed here waiting for my arrival do you?" Alex asked because by the way she talked it sounds like she was here because of some prophecy.

Leena's eyes widened a little before she smiled,

''Smart, I won't go into details now but all you need to know is that I'm here for you. I'll need your help in the future, for the moment continue doing what you are doing, become the strongest. I'll be watching over you, I don't want you to work for me, even I said I'll need your help in the future it's more like we will be helping each other.'' She stopped before continuing after drinking another cup of wine.

''I want to be your support and believe me you'll need it because you are going into the capital. You may say you don't want to be swept into their little throne game but it will be hard if you don't have anyone as a backer. Maria and the other girls refused the First Prince's invitation and thought they'll do fine on their own. They indeed did, but for some time, nowadays it becomes harder because they are harassed by both factions, it won't have happened if they had a backer.''

Alex's eyes widened at the news and when he wanted to ask how they were coping with the situation Leena smiled and answered first.

''Don't worry, they are doing fine. I got to say that girl Maria is smart. Nobody expected that move from her, the Headmistress of the Imperial Academy, an old friend of mine saw her potential and before she could ask her to be her disciple, she accepted with the condition of adding the other two. My friend accepted because Maria's talent for Ice magic is rare, she's Otherworlder with a high-level Gift, beside the other two talents are dreadful as her. It's her win. This happened three days ago.''

Alex smiled in turn, he was not too surprised by Maria's move, he would have done the same thing if he was in her shoes. Those three have always been together since kindergarten it seemed, they are best friends, their bond is strong, so strong that rumor started spreading in their High school. It was said that if you manage to win the head's heart, it was to say Maria's heart, you'll win the other two.

Naturally, it was a joke, nobody truly believed it. Still, it was to show how strong and close the three were, for proof, Maria's dad is a gang leader, more accurately a Mafia's Leader, Sakuya's father was his right-hand man while Luna's father was the Family's lawyer. The three fathers were close, firstly because of their jobs and secondly because they were friends back in their school days. So, it was natural for their children to stick together.

''It's good,'' Alex said happy for them.

''I know, now I'm offering you the same chance. I want to be your backer, with me others will not harass you too much. Naturally, my position is high and I have a lot of strong friends. I will not protect but my name will scare away people who have bad intentions toward you. And I hope you didn't forget you insulted the princess on your first meeting do you?"

Hearing this question Alex's brows twitched, indeed he had insulted the princess back then because he didn't like the way she acted. He was not surprised Leena also learned this.

''Knowing her, she will not let the matter slip as if nothing happened. It's not good for her image considering she was vying for the throne. She had tried to seal the news but it's still slipped. In the capital few people learned that one of the Otherworlders insulted her, it's the one with the useless and sealed Gift. They heard you are coming into the capital. Sons of powerful families are waiting to make your life harder than hell just to please the Second Princess simply because she is in the lead for the race for the throne. She didn't need to do anything, others will do what she wants in her stead. You may say you can skip the academy, believe me, I won't suggest this option and even if you were to skip it, whenever you go people will be after you. You haven't noticed anything here because it was my doing, if not because of my doing, a bunch of Adventurers would be harassing you since the day you set foot here. I stopped them but I guess not all heard my warning, some idiots still come after you. Glad you have taken care of them by yourself.''

This revelation left Alex surprised, to think Diaz challenged him on someone else order.

〖It makes sense. I was wondering why nobody made a move because the princess spies are aware of your location. You haven't noticed this but the coachman back then was one of them, he whispered something to someone when you were leaving, it was your location, don't you remember your conversation with him?〗

Silveria who had stayed silent until now asked.

'I do. I said I would stay for a couple of days, maybe a month if the city was welcoming and it was there he said I must stay because the city was very welcoming and secure. Never would I have thought he said all of these things to make me stay like this the Princess's men would have made a move. I'm glad Leena had made it impossible. I'd completely forgotten this after not seeing anybody come after me, I had thought-'

〖You have thought she will only when you are in the capital. You were wrong, you haven't noticed because Leena took care of it. You should be grateful and carefully consider her offer. It's not a bad thing to have her as a backer. She won't mistreat you, do not forget you have Gracier with you. If you want to be always on good terms with her better rally Gracier to your cause. You know what I mean. As for her needing your help in the future don't worry, it will be beneficial for you because I have an idea what it could be, do not ask because you are too weak, it won't do any good if you know it now, you will know in due time just focus on the present moment.〗Silveria offered her opinion.

'I know don't worry, I'll take care of it once back.' Alex promised Silveria before turning to face Leena who was waiting for him.

"Thank you for the help I truly appreciate it.''

''You welcome. What your answer gonna be?" She asked with a smile.

67: The Wyvern's Heart Part 1

"Thank you for the help I truly appreciate it, I really do,'' Alex said sincerely.

''You welcome. What your answer gonna be?" Leena asked with a smile.

Taking into account Silveria's opinion and his analysis, Alex decided it was wiser for him to accept her offer than refusing. He may try to do everything alone but somewhere along the way he may lose his way and get stuck there forever. Instead of playing the proud lone wolf better accept some help if you know not to depend too much on it. Nobody progresses without someone's help, you will need it or you won't truly evolve.

''I accept.'' That was all Alex said.

Leena smiled, a truly beautiful smile this time, it was different than the other time. Her smile shone like stars after dark, with no city lights to dim them. For in that moment time stopped to stare and admire her. Alex did his best to not fall for her.

Seeing Alex looking elsewhere Leena was amused, ''I'm glad you accepted. Take care of me from now on.''

''Likewise,'' Alex responded.

''And I forgot to mention that Maria and the other are currently Level 27 and Level 26 respectively. Maria caught up with Leonardo after my friend started training them. By the time the Imperial Academy will start they will be Rank 3, you got serious works to do.'' Leena announced while looking straight into Alex's eyes.

Alex bit his lower lip, it was mortifying to hear this news considering his doing his best it is just he must try harder. The gap between them was widening, if it's too apart it won't be good. He must catch up with them somehow and he has the perfect opportunity for this. In the incoming test, he must sweep everything on his way. Alex's fighting spirit was ignited.

Seeing this Leena's lips quirked upwards in a joyous smile, still, she warned Alex.

''I know what you are thinking but do it in moderation. You won't be alone, you'll have teammates, also Gracier will be there. Watch over her, she is precious. I'm glad you have made me met her.''

''If it's not impolite may I know your relationship with her and do not sell me I saw her potential reason why I did what I did. I want to know your real motivation. What pushed you to do that.''

Leena heaved a sigh and looked outside, she observed the passerby from the veranda of the second floor of the Golden Nugget for a couple of seconds before answering Alex's question.

''She is my kin. I knew it the moment I saw her, her bloodline resonated with mine the moment I saw her, she may be a half-Elf but I still feel it, half-Elf bloodline is pure. Do not ask because it is complicated. To explain everything to you for you to truly understand I would have to speak about things I don't want to speak about. Just know she's my kin and the oath I took back then was for her good. You'll understand in the future.''

Alex took a few seconds to digest what she said. Even though he wants to know why she didn't tell Gracier this instead of doing what she had done, Alex stopped himself because he knew Leena must have her reasons for not telling Gracier. Also, he was sure Leena must have done some digging and probably knew Gracier dick of father, so if she was to present herself as her kin, some unwanted questions may arise, and depending on the outcome they may not happily interact as they do today.

''I understand I won't ask anything. I know you will inform us in due time.'' Alex announced.

''Thank you for not asking any question. As you said, you'll know in the future. In the meantime please take good care of her will you?" Leena asked.

''I will. Leaving these matters aside don't you have something for me?" It was now Alex's turn to ask something.

''Oh! Actually I do have something for you. I thought you weren't going to accept, so I'll be returning home with the gifts. Sigh! I guess I was wrong.'' Leena said as if she couldn't bear to separate from the gifts she'd prepared.

Alex's lips twitched as he said, ''Just bring it, will you? No need for a drama.''

''You are no fun at all. Do you remember when I told you that I'd canceled the orders you made at Smith's store?"

Hearing Leena's question Alex nodded his head, ''I do, why do you bring that up now?"

''Well, it's because of today's gifts I canceled it. Here is it.''

Saying that she weaved her hand after making sure beforehand the two were truly alone as she had asked. She did this simply because what she was about to bring out may ignite onlooker's greed and she knew how deadly that Sin can be. Deadly not for her but for Alex who will suffer people's greediness if someone were to lay an eye on one of the items she was about to bring.

After sweeping the floor whole terrace once more, Leena summoned a bunch of items out.

Even if he was surprised by Leena's move because he didn't see any ring nor any necklace that could serve as storage except for the earrings that he doubted they were space rings, Alex's attention was drawn elsewhere, to be more accurate it was drawn towards one of the items Leena brought out.

it was clothes, black pants made from unknown material, a dark gray long-sleeved shirt and a black jacket on top of it. It looks cool, Alex's heartbeat increase even without appraising the clothes he knew that the materials used to make these clothes were not from weak monsters.

〖Waouh! You got something nice. With this, you won't be afraid to take hit from monsters any longer.〗Silveria praised and like always ruin things with her mouth shortly after.

'Shut up I'm not a Masochist to let myself get hit because I have some nice gear.'

〖Come Master don't be a jerk. Please at least once, please do it for this lovely lady.〗

'Screw you. Get lost.' Alex roared in his mind. Silveria pouted but was happy to have teased her Master.

Leena who was watching Alex's expression when he observed the clothes couldn't help but wonder what going inside his mind at the moment for his face to twitch like that.

''I won't tell you from which monster these materials are made from but at least they can survive a hit from an A-Rank monster,'' Leena explained.

Alex's eyes shined at this mention, one must note that A-Rank monsters are already considered to be High ranked monster.

Monsters Rank is like Adventurers expect there is no SSS Rank monster, at least none identified until now. Then starting from A-Rank up to SS, monsters are considered high-rank monsters, even some B Rank monsters are considered high-rank monsters. Thus just imagine clothes that could survive a hit from A-Rank monsters, it's a pretty good thing, one doesn't come across something like this often, only some Big families or royalty own this kind of thing and just now Leena just gifted him one, no wonder Alex would be happy.

''Thank you, I'll use it wisely,'' Alex said, already thinking about a way to do a crazy level up.

''You welcome. Time to move towards the other gifts. I'm sure you will like them.''

Leena announced while thinking about something that happened a few days ago.

68: Leena And Smith

It happened the day Alex and Gracier went to subjugate the Soldier Ants.

The sunlight beamed through Smith's store window shining against Sera's sculpted face. She was leaning against the counter lost in her little world.

Suddenly, she was brought out of her world by the sound of the store's door being opened. She thought it was the usual customer who was coming in, but it wasn't the case when she saw the face that walked in.

"Welcome My La- I mean Big sister Leena. It has been a long time since last we saw you."

Sera said correcting herself after noticing the look on Leena's face when she first spoke.

"Howdy little Sera?" Leena said while petting Sera on the head.

"I grew up already. I'm not a little anymore." Sera responded with a pout.

Smiling Leena said, "No matter how old you'll turn, you'll always gonna be my little Sera."

Sera sighed dejectedly, "I get it. What's bring you here Big sister Leena?"

"I just came to say Hi!. I haven't seen you in a year." Leena said while caressing Sera's head, the latter didn't respond forcing Leena to ask her what's going on.

"How come you are not reacting? Or you don't believe me?"

"I do. We missed you." Sera responded while inwardly thinking Leena didn't come just because she hadn't seen them in a while, there must be another reason for her presence here today. Anyway, she will find out soon.

"Good. Where is your dad?" Leena asked while playing with a rapier. It was a beautiful rapier that could be used by both men and women.

'Here is come' thought Sera before she responded, "As always he is working in his workshop."

"That damn workaholic. I bet he still closing himself in his workshop all day long working nonstop. Am I wrong?" Leena asked.

''Yeah, he still doing it,'' Sera responded with a sigh.

''Don't worry I'll go knock some sense into him. Wait for me I'll be right back.'' Leena said before disappearing into the back of the store.

Naturally, it was in the direction of Smith's workshop, and before totally disappearing Leena said without turning back.

''By the way that boy Alex I'm canceling the orders he made recently.''


Sera wanted to know why Leena had to cancel Alex's orders but before she could Leena had already disappeared into her dad's workplace. She heaved a sigh when suddenly she remembered something.

''No way,'' Sera mumbled, thinking about the person Leena had been waiting for. Maybe it was Alex judging by the interest shown in Leena's voice when she spoke earlier. Either way, she'll know soon if it was really the case because if it was, they will be on the move soon.


On the other side, Leena entered Smith's workplace to see him swinging his rhythmically, from the way he swings it you could see he had been doing this for a long time already.

Smith without stopping his work said,

''It seems today isn't going to be peaceful for me as I thought it would be.''

''Oh? Are you implying all I brings, it's troubles?" Leena asked amused as she sat on a nearby chair observing Smith's works.

''I haven't said that. What brings you here today my Lady. And by the way in the case you're wondering how I'm doing, I'm doing fine as you can see.'' Smith shamelessly said.

Leena who was sitting lips twitched hearing Smith's words.

''Yeah I have noticed, however, I have also noticed the wrinkles on your face. You are starting to get older, Boy. Time to get some rest.''

''Thanks but I'm fine.''

''I thought you would say that. Well, at least I've tried. Responding to your earlier question. I came to just say Hi!" Leena said while playing with an unfinished sword.

''Stop playing with my items. And as if I believe you when you said you just came to say Hi. I'm not Sera you know?" Smith replied while taking away the unfinished sword.

''Eavesdropping are we?"

''Not at all. I just have a pretty good hearing. That aside what's bring you here and I'm serious this time.'' Smith asked in a serious tone.

Leena heaved a sigh, ''You are no fun at all. Well, I came today because I've work for you and it's urgent.''

''Sorry, I'm busy at the moment, it will wait,'' Smith responded until now he hadn't stopped swinging his hammer.

Leena was not offended, she calmly said, ''At least hear me out and it's not like you have the choice anyway.''

''First, can I see the design that boy Alex gave you?" Leena asked and for the first time since Leena entered Smith stopped swinging his hammer and he turned to face Leena.

''How do you- No, I shouldn't have asked. You have eyes everywhere.''

''Fufufu! Normal, you are one of them.''

''So, what do want Alex's weapons design for?" Smith asked.

''Come on do not ask when you already know. You and I, both know you are not dumb. You must have already figured out.'' Leena said with a smirk.

Sighing Smith sat in front of Leena, ''So, he's the one you have been waiting for?"

''Yup, he is. Now I'm making some items. Bring out the design he gave you.''

''Okay wait for a while, I bring them over,'' Smith said before standing up to go search for the weapons designs Alex had given him the first time he came here.

Shortly after Smith was back with them, he handed them over to Leena who studied it.

''What unusual designs. As expected there are not from our world. I wonder how many of these weapons are out of there in his world. It seems it called Earth, what an unusual name for a manaless world.''

''You even know that.''

''No need to be surprised. I just asked and they told me.'' Leena responded before starting to draw something on the back of the paper. Astonishingly it was another design of a knife, this one was longer than Alex's knife and different than what he had drawn. She also drawn another design of throwing knives, it wasn't different from Alex's throwing knives design except for the part the cord wrapped around, she draw what looks like runes there.

After finishing she gave it to Smith who was surprised by the level of perfection of the pictures drawn. Leena then brought out a lot of materials, any renowned blacksmith would be astonished by the quality of the items brought out.

''Use these to make a knife, throwing knives (Inscribe these magic words on the throwing knives, Sera will help you.) Also, I want good defensive clothes for him, he didn't have any. I'm afraid he won't last long if this continues-"

''Wait, wait my lady are you sure if it's really him you've been waiting for?" Smith cut Leena off and asked.

''Come on Boy. You and I, know each other for a while already. Do I look like someone doing something I'm not sure of? Even Chris who I knew after you couldn't ask me this.'' Leena rolled her eyes.

''Sorry, I know, I just want to make sure. Forget I ever asked. I guess I should start working, you'll want them to be ready for your incoming date if I'm not wrong.'' Smith said with a smirk.

''You are right. Send them over once you finish. I'll be on my way. See you soon.'' Leena said and stood up going toward the door.

''I will,'' Smith said and returned to his work, however this time he summoned a hammer instead of using the previous one. This hammer looked somehow special, it was smaller than the previous one with golden patterns drawn on it. Without a doubt, it was a Gift.

''Waouh! Smith going into serious mode, better leave him alone.'' Leena said before restarting walking toward the exit.

Chuckling Smith started swinging his hammer, ''My Lady this means we are going back soon isn't it?"

Leena stopped walking once more, she turned her face toward Smith who was still swinging his hammer, ''Yeah, be ready will be departing in one month and a half.''

She then left leaving a Smith who heaved a sigh before continuing to work on Leena's orders.

Shortly after Leena left, Sera, Smith's daughter walked in,

''Father we are leaving isn't it?" she asked.

''Yeah in one month and a half,'' Smith responded without turning back.

''Oh! It's because of Alex. I hope my lady is not making a mistake.'' Sera murmured.

''She is not or are perhaps jealous because my Lady is bringing Alex under her?" Smith teased his daughter.

''Father!! Alex and I don't have that kind of relationship. At least not presently maybe it will change in the future.'' Sera shouted and left, the last part of her words was said weakly, still, her father heard it, his lips curled up into a smile,

''Good chance my daughter,'' Smith said while praying for his daughter's success, the boy's future is limitless, he is not against the idea of his daughter being near or be part of Alex's life. Leena never does something without being sure of it, which will mean Alex is talented and his potential is limitless and he's also an otherworlder (with Otherworlder bonus [More stat points and BP compared to the natives of this world.]).

Smith and Leena knew each other since a long time ago, he trusted her more than anything, he is working for her. As for how they knew each other it will be a story of another time. For the moment, he could only pray for his daughter to win a place in Alex's life.

Whether his wish come true or not it will depend on the future

69: The Wyvern's Heart Part 2

"Leena, Leena! Are you here with me?" Alex shouted, breaking Leena from her recollection.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something.'' Leena finally reacted.

''What are you thinking about?" Alex asked.

''Curious are we?" Leena asked playfully.

''Forget it,'' Alex said not wanting to be teased by her.

''You are no fun at all. Well, I don't mind telling you what I was thinking about. I was remembering my last meeting with Smith.'' Leena said. The way she talked about him indicated that the two knew each other.

''It seems you know Smith and Sera. Well, I'm not surprised by it. You know a lot of people. I wonder what is your position.'' Alex wondered.

''It's secret. Come on, move to your next gift. You'll like it as well.'' Leena said pointing her finger toward one of the two remaining boxes on the table, this box was longer than the last one.

Alex picked up the box before opening it, instantly his eyes widened as he saw what was inside the box.

What was inside the box was a knife, a beautiful knife. Alex's heartbeat increased at the sight of that knife.

It was entirely black, picking it up Alex weighed it, it was a bit heavier compared to his Razor, it looks different as well. This knife remains him of MOSSY OAK Rambo Survival Hunting Knife. Same length as one he had seen on Amazon.

Overall length: 15"

Handle length: 5"

Blade length: 10"

Blade thickness: 5/32 inch (3.8 mm)

''Nice blade.'' Alex commended. When he wanted to test the blade sharpness on his fingertips Leena stopped him.

''I wouldn't do that if I were you.''

Alex stopped and asked, ''How do you come up with this design?"

''Imagination, it's called imagination. Why did you ask? Is it because it looks like one of the knives from your world?" Leena replied before asking in turn.

''Yeah, it does look like a knife from my world.''

''Oh? I do understand why you seemed surprised at the sight of the knife. No need to be surprised because I was the one who created the one in your world as well.'' Leena said with a smile.

Alex rolled his eyes, ''You don't even know the name of the knife I'm talking about.''

''No need, I just designed it. I left the naming to others.''

''Jokes aside. Time to move towards the remaining box.'' Leena added.

Alex swings the knife a couple of times, familiarizing himself with it. The length and the weight perfectly fit in his hand, he couldn't say that it was like the extension of his hand but the feeling was not far from it, maybe he should familiarize himself more with the knife to be able to feel like that. He checked the knife one more time before storing it away.

After storing the knife and its box away, Alex moved toward the last box and opened it. Another surprise awaited him there. Inside the last box was a set of knives, twelve throwing knives to be more specific. They were silver in color with a white cord wrapped around the end.

''Beautiful'' was the first word that came out of Alex's mouth when he saw the knives.

''Indeed they are beautiful,'' Leena said proudly.

Alex picked one of the throwing knives, it was the same as his Black Bettie's. The famous United Cutlery UC2772 Expendables Kunai Throwing Knife used by Jason Statham in The Expendables. It was still a 12 inches knife, however, it was heavier than his Black Bettie's. It feels right in Alex's hand, it may be because of the level of his throwing knives skill, he doesn't know but it feels like an extension of his fingers. The white cord wrapped around the end of the knife's quality was different as well, it was soft yet it gives an indestructible feeling.

''What material is used to make this cord?" Alex asked, curious.

''It's a thread from a AA monster, an Arachne. A monster with a spider lower body and-"

''An human upper body, a woman to be exact.'' Alex cut Leena off and said.

''You seem to know it. Well, it doesn't matter. This monster is equal to a weak S rank monster. Its thread is extremely solid and durable, it's almost indestructible. It's comfortable in one's hand but that you must already notice it. I've asked to engraved these few runes of my making on the blade, look over there.''

Leena said pointing at the blade, they were indeed runes engraved on the blade, it started from the end of the blade (the Arachne's thread was wrapped around it but it was still visible) till the tip of the blade. It gave a mysterious vibe and it was also beautiful.

''What for?" Alex asked, the runes on the throwing knives were indeed beautiful but it was not their sole purpose, as there was no way it was the case, there must be another reason, a fundamental purpose for them to be inscribed there.

''It will be faster if I show you instead. Just drop a bit of your blood on the rune in the middle and you'll see something amazing happening shortly after.'' Leena suggested.

Even though it was not the answer Alex was expecting he still does as he was told.

Pricking himself with the tip of the throwing knives that he judged to be extremely sharp, Alex dropped a bit of his blood on the rune in the middle of the blade. Instantly, all the twelve throwing knives shined, it was short but in the meantime, Alex felt dizzy as if he had lost a lot of blood.

Before he could ask what happening to him, he heard a notification and a small window appeared before his eyes.

『New skill acquired: Link

Link Level 1:

It's a skill that links someone to an item spiritually. The higher is your level the more you'll be able to control the item linked.

Requirement: 10 MP per use.』

Alex stared dazedly at the window not understand how the skill works.

〖Nice skill. This girl is full of surprise. You are lucky to have her as a backer. What she just gave you it's amazing.〗Silveria who hadn't spoken for a while finally said something after seeing that skill.

'Sil, do you know how does the skill work?' Alex asked expecting an answer but instead, all he got was a giggle.

〖You'll have to find out yourself〗

Alex turned his face in Leena's direction, ''I've acquired a skill called Link. How does it work?"

Leena smiled before pointing at the table located at the other end of the second-floor terrace.

Alex understood, he threw the knife in his hand toward the table.


The silver knife got lodged into the middle of the table. It was extremely fast, faster than the Black Bettie's. He was starting to like the new throwing knives. Alex thought before looking back at Leena who was a look of appreciation in her eyes after witnessing that accuracy.

''Just think about the knife returning into your hand.'' Leena then said.

Alex's eyes widened and his heartbeat increased at the prospect of what about to happen.


He mumbled in his mind and instantly the knife returned into his hand as if it had never left.

''Amazing.'' Alex praised honestly.

Indeed it was amazing, with this skill, the boring work of going to retrieve the knives thrown would stop.

''Thank you for the gifts. I love them. I can never thank you enough because with this I will not buy any other weapons for a long time. I may be an amateur but the materials used to make these weapons are probably one of the finest, if not the rarest. Truly thank you.'' Alex said while slightly bowing.

〖It's good that you feel gratified but you should thank me as well. I had said to come today there will something amazing awaiting you and indeed it was the case.〗Silveria said but Alex didn't respond.

''You welcome. It's the least I can do. Just try to stay alive because I'll need you in the future and please look after Gracier for me.''

''I will,'' Alex responded.

''Now, I want to know something and it will be good if you are frank with me. Can I?'' Leena suddenly said, the atmosphere around her changed as if to say she wouldn't like a lie as an answer.

''Ask'' Alex said, he had already an idea of what she wants to ask.

''What do you want the Wyvern's heart for?" Leena asked.

'As I thought.' Alex mumbled before explaining himself.

''I want it because I want to increase my MP.''

''I see. I've also thought that. Forgive me but from what I heard you can't use magic so tell me what use increasing your MP will have?"

''Even though I can't use magic. I still need MP, a lot of MP. It's for my Gift, I can't tell you more, so sorry.'' Alex explained not going too much into the details.

''No don't be. I'm satisfied with your answer. Here is my last gift for you. I hope it does help you.'' Leena said before taking out another box, it was a small box, this box was different than the others, it seemed to be made of sandalwood.

〖Waouh! She your lucky star. Never let her go, make her your woman if possible.〗Silveria suggested because she knew what was in that box.

Alex didn't respond as he took the box from Leena's hands.

''Thank you.'' He said before trying to open the box.

''I won't suggest that. Go on if you want to draw attention to yourself. It's the Wyvern's heart in that box, better opened it where there are no people around. Even if it's Wyvern's heart, the energy it contained isn't small, it will draw too many eyes, all of them will want it.'' Leena warned Alex who quickly stored the box away.

Alex was extremely happy to have acquired the Wyvern's heart, something he wasn't expecting when he came today.

''Gorgeous, shall we continue our date?" Alex asked extending his arm toward Leena, he became all gentlemanly, Leena smiled not bothered by it, she stood up after taking Alex's hand.


The two left the Golden Nugget after Alex paid the bill.

70: The End Of Their Date

Evening came, Alex and Leena decided to eat something before ending their date.

Currently, they were sitting around the fountain where Leena waited for Alex to come.

''That was a wonderful date even if it was not a real date. Still, I had a lot of fun.'' Leena said while eating a kebab brought by Alex.

Alex was also doing the same thing, ''This town is truly big. You won't know it if you don't tour it.''

''Well, the capital is even bigger and beautiful than this,'' Leena said while looking in the direction of the capital.

''I'm eager to visit it then.'' Alex in anticipation.

''Just say you're more eager to see the girls instead.'' Leena teased him.

''Well, I won't deny it.''

Alex's answer left Leena a little bit surprised and before she could ask why he was being so frank Alex switched the subject.

''I'm curious.''

''About what?"

''Can you tell me the metal used to make my weapons?'' Alex asked because he was curious.

''I was expecting this question. Well, I do not mind telling you. Your weapons have been from two metals: Adamantine and Darksteel.'' Leena's revelation left Alex surprised, once again he thought this was indeed a fantasy world.

''Both are considered near-indestructible metal.''

''You are right. How do you know? No, let me guess you have these metals in your world as well. For a manaless world to have these metals your world must have quite a story.'' Leena said.

''She has her fair share of stories but we do not have these metals in our world. We just knew they exist but have never found one. Not to my knowledge.'' Alex explained while inwardly thinking 'I ain't gonna say I know these metals from fantasy books. Well, fantasy worlds do exists, so do these metals. My common sense is falling apart here.'

''I see. These metals are extremely hard to find. The one I gave Smith was from a dungeon, a pretty high level one. They have been found in the deepest part of the dungeon. Some speculate that they are the concentration of millennium of Mana gathered to form these metals. It's why they are too rare and too hard to find. Only present in some of the oldest and most dangerous dungeons. Do not try to search for it, you are too weak. Any attempt before being at least Rank 11 is suicidal. I do hope you are not suicidal.'' Leena explained before giving a serious warning.

''Don't worry I'm not. I just asked because of curiosity and also because I've got the feeling that I'll never change these weapons because they are too precious. My weapons can be considered indestructible can't they?'' Alex asked jokingly.

''Well, they are technically indestructible but nothing is indestructible because in this universe there is always someone stronger than you. The same goes for metals and other things, these metals may be considered strongest here but in the higher worlds, this would not necessarily be the case. I bet there is will another metal stronger than these metals. It's my opinion, though.'' Leena offered her opinion.

''I think like that too, they may a metal stronger than the two in a higher world. Well, if higher worlds do exist.'' Alex said trying to gain a bit of information from her.

''They do exist.'' It was all she said not saying anything else.

After that, the two ate in silence until they finished. It was not because they ran out of subject but because at that moment, it was what should have been done to appreciate the moment. The sun was about to set, people were returning from their works, some stopped to buy something to eat or something to bring home. Few children were helping their parents in their store and near the two were a lot of couples eating, watching the sun going back home while swearing eternal love to each other.

''Just watch them swore eternal love to each other fully aware that one day their roads will part, either because of death or because there is no love anymore,'' Leena said after observing the couples swearing eternal love to each other.

''You seem skeptical when it comes to eternal love. Or perhaps you don't believe it?" Alex probed.

Leena did not immediately reply she stood first and went to buy two cold orange juice for them to drink. After coming back she passed one mug to Alex and drink her orange juice as she stared into the distance,

''You know Alex even Gods are not eternal. They may leave for a million of year but there are not eternal. Not even worlds are eternal, they'll disappear one day. So tell me how can love be eternal?"

''You are right about worlds and Gods but for my part, I do believe love is eternal,'' Alex said with a light smile.

''Do elaborate,'' Leena said curiously about Alex's hypothesis.

Alex downed his mug before continuing,

''Do you see the couple over there?" He said pointing his finger at one particular couple located on his right. This couple was a little different, the woman was pregnant and the husband was lovingly taking care of her.

''I do. So what?"

''Even you can see that they truly love each other.'' He said pointing at them.

''I do, but where the eternal love you are speaking about? They may love each other till death part them but after dying their love will cease to exist.'' Leena said.

''That's not entirely the case. I've chosen this couple for a particular reason.'' Alex said still pointing his finger at the couple, at the woman in particular.

''Which is? Wait it's because she's pregnant. Then so what?'' Leena finally understood why Alex had chosen this couple in particular but this still doesn't answer her question.

''You see the reason why I said their love is eternal is because of that. That pregnancy is the fruit of their love. Even if they were to die, the proof of their love will continue to exist and in turn, will father its own carrying on a tiny bit of this couple's love for generations to come for eternity. What I said is arguable I know but it's my opinion, it's what I believe.'' Alex explained.

''What you said is not wrong but it's not quite right either. Still, there is truth in it. I have never thought about it in that way. How amusing. Well, it's time to end our date. It's getting late already.'' Leena before standing up.

''You are right. Let's leave.'' Alex said and stood up and followed Leena.

After paying the orange juice' vendor the two left. They walked until it was time for them to part.

''Thank you for the date. Let's have some real date someday.'' Leena said with a smile.

Alex was surprised still he answered, ''We will.''

''That's good then. And you don't have to be surprised, I may not have a feeling for you but I'm a woman. I know when a man is interested in me, you may hide it but I've noticed it. It may be unconsciously but you do. So, I give you a chance, try harder, Boy.'' Leaving these words behind Leena entered the Guild.

Alex watched the retreating Leena's figure and smiled before turning around and left, direction his Inn.

On the other side, Leena observed the adventurers drinking and chatting inside the hall and said, ''Well if you don't get scared away by my true self. Either way, it will be fun, fufufu.''

For a second she seemed different, she disappeared shortly after. Since the start, nobody noticed her until she disappeared, it was as if she was invisible. She had cloaked herself to not be seen. She was tired and need to rest, she didn't want to encounter anyone before going to sleep.

The Adventurers continued chatting and drinking unaware that someone was here.