
Chapter 1891: The Cruel Sword 3

After Sword 28 killed the dragon-headed monster, four others killed the remaining four Abyssal monsters.

After that, the day passed by peacefully.

However, almost everyone would remember the powerhouse from the Sword Alliance named Sword 28.

Before the sixth day dawned, more powerhouses from the top organizations surrounded the ootheca.

Almost all of them were famous people in the infinite universe.

Out of nowhere, the entire area seemed to have become a gathering place of famous people.

Some dominator-level rank-1 and rank-2 powerhouses were extremely excited. Although they were also at dominator-level, the people who arrived this round were the real bosses. It was hard to see even one of them usually, but now almost all of them were gathered here.

However, some looked terrible.

These people saw the nature of the matter more clearly—the arrival of these top powerhouses meant that the threat posed by the ootheca was serious.

The powerhouses who had arrived this round clearly had no mood to socialize.

They only greeted each other and returned to their own camps. They fell into silence.

Time flew by, and it was soon midnight.

At the same time as before, the black fog appeared on the surface of the ootheca.

After the black fog lingered for a moment, the ootheca followed the previous rule and spat out six dominator-level rank-6 powerhouses.

As soon as the six monsters appeared, six figures from the infinite universe's side went over to them directly.

One of them was Sword 3 from the Sword Alliance.

Sword 3 looked like his usual self. He was still muscular, and the scar that looked like a mammoth on his head was very conspicuous.

Though he had stepped into dominator-level, he still did not fix his left eye that was blinded. Only his right eye could see. He did not even regenerate his right arm that had been severed. He was a single-armed man who only possessed a left arm.

Sword 3 caught everyone's attention as soon as he showed up.

To them, he was a completely unfamiliar face.

On the other hand, his appearance was so unique that everyone would remember him after seeing him once.

"This mammoth-scar man seems to be from the Sword Alliance as well…" The people were discussing among themselves.

At that moment, the jet-black thin sword in Sword 3's hand was swung.

His opponent was a swollen, fat, gigantic monster.

It was 10,000 meters tall, and its waist was also 10,000 meters wide. A layer of transparent fat secreted out of the fair, fat flesh across its entire body. It was completely enveloped in fat. Its skin even reflected light.

There was no hair on its head at all, and its face was chubby. A huge eye seemed to be mounted right in the middle of its forehead.

There was no neck under its head. It had been replaced by plump-looking flesh that was similar to a frog's abdomen.

Beneath that was two saggy breasts and a large tummy that made it look like it had been pregnant for a couple of years.

However, what caught everyone's attention was not its fat appearance, but rather the tail that looked like a larva below its waist.

Everyone knew that this giant was not to be offended.

However, Sword 3 attacked with determination.

He appeared above the gigantic monster's head in a flash. The black sword was swung directly at its bald head.

One swing!

Two swings

Three swings!

Tens of thousands of sword swings had been completed within a split-second!

The giant monster had only just reacted and lifted its head to look at Sword 3. However, the next second, its body turned into a pile of cloudy mush…

"D*mn, it was sliced into mush directly!"

"I'm afraid this monster is no different than a piece of meat on the chopping board for him."

"A cruel man who crushed his opponent into minced meat merely due to a disagreement!"

"Are all of them in the Sword Alliance monsters like this?!"

Not only the people present were discussing, even those who were secretly watching were stunned.

One had to say that Sword 3's technique was cruel indeed.

It was not about his fetish for turning his opponent into mincemeat, but rather his onslaught combat style.

He used the speed and strength approach. He could not really stop himself once he got riled up. He would accidentally crush his opponents into tiny pieces.

Regarding this, Lin Huang had spoken to him several times.

The reason being was that he crushed his targets into tiny pieces. Lin Huang could not sell the carcasses of the monsters he killed at all.

Later on, he tried his best to control that tendency, but he would still get too excited from time to time.

Just like this time. He actually saw that this gigantic monster's defensive abilities and techniques were powerful.

The truth was indeed so. Not only did the fat on his body provide a powerful layer of defense, it could heal itself continuously. The layer of fat on the surface of its body also had the extremely powerful effect of dispersing damage.

Under usual circumstances, any attacks that landed on it would be dispersed.

Sword 3 sensed that powerful dispersing effect when he swung his sword the first time.

Given the terrifying defensive capability of the layer of fat on its body, it felt like he had cut into a layer of sticky liquid.

Therefore, he continuously adjusted his strength, angle and number of Dao seals used on his second and third swing…

It got easier as it went. In the end, he adjusted it to the point as if he was cutting a piece of tofu.

When he snapped back to his senses, it had turned out like this.

Looking like the carcass that was like a pile of mush, there was a rather strange expression on his face.

He knew that Lin Huang had been watching the battle. It would mean that what had happened just now had been seen by his Swordmaster from the beginning to the end.

"Oh, no. Swordmaster is going to give me an earful…"

The people did not see the strange look on his face, but Sword 28 saw it crystal clear.

He comforted him through voice transmission directly, "Third Brother, Lord Swordmaster won't blame you."

"This guy is to be blamed because it felt so nice mincing it up," Sword 3 responded through voice transmission.

Not long after Sword 3 returned to Sword 28's side, the remaining five battles ended one after the other.

The six dominator-level rank-6 Abyssal monsters could be considered to have been killed without suspense.

The few dominator-level rank-7 powerhouses had stunning abilities, but the one who left the strongest impression was still Sword 3 from the Sword Alliance.

It was hard for him to not be noticed due to his cruel act of turning the enemy into mincemeat.

After the battles calmed down, peace soon returned to the area around the ootheca.

Before the dawn of the seventh day, the few top organizations sent over new powerhouses consecutively.

The powerhouses the organizations sent over this time were basically leaders.

Xue Luo from the Snow Domain, the white-bearded palace master from Sword Palace, Dragon Emperor from Dragon Island…

Meanwhile, the Sword Alliance sent over the siblings Lin Xin and Lin Xuan, as well as the little girl who looked like she had yet to hit puberty—Sword 8.

As the person who had the most talent among the sword servants, her combat strength had been elevated to the limit of dominator-level rank-8. She was only a step away from elevating to rank-9. In terms of comprehensive ability, she might have surpassed Sword 1, who was also at dominator-level rank-8. She had become the most powerful one among the Sword Servants.

Meanwhile, Lin Xin and Lin Xuan had just elevated to dominator-level rank-9 not long ago.

Lin Xin had only broken through less than a month ago.

Meanwhile, Lin Xuan just did so yesterday.

The two of them came this time to use the opportunity to train their combat abilities in a real battle.

Chapter 1892: The Naive Sword 8

Time flew by. Soon, it was midnight on the seventh day.

Black fog lingered on the ootheca's surface at the same time as usual.

This time, it bred seven dominator-level rank-7 powerhouses.

Sword 8 glanced at each of the seven of them one after the other as she held her chin in her hands.

While she was struggling to choose one as an opponent, the other top organizations sent over seven powerhouses. They attacked the monsters directly.

"What?! I haven't even picked one yet, and you guys already took them all…" Sword 8 panicked a little when she saw that there were no opponents left for her to choose from.

Many people who were watching the battle heard her voice. They looked at her in confusion.

Many of them revealed expressions of doubt on their faces when they saw that the person who spoke was a petite girl who looked like she had not even hit puberty.

A small number of them who were watching were from the Sword Alliance. They had no doubt about Sword 8's ability.

"You can only wait for tomorrow's battle now." Lin Xin, who was next to her, patted her head. "Just choose any one tomorrow. Don't let others take your opponent again."

"Okay. I'll be the first tomorrow!" Sword 8 nodded repeatedly. She started to envision the scene of her battle tomorrow.

Lin Xin, Lin Xuan and the remaining two sword servants, who were standing to the side, focused on watching the ensuing battle.

The infinite universe had sent five dominator-level rank-8 and two dominator-level rank-7 powerhouses to fight the seven dominator-level rank-7 Abyssal monsters.

The five dominator-level rank-8 powerhouses suppressed their opponents easily after one to two attacks. The result of their battles were immediately obvious.

It was hard to determine who would emerge victorious in the battles between the remaining two dominator-level rank-7 powerhouses and the two dominator-level rank-7 Abyssal monsters.

The others did not plan to intervene in these one-on-one battles.

The battles lasted for about half an hour. The dominator-level rank-7 sword cultivator from Sword Palace finally managed to kill his opponent.

Meanwhile, the battle between the other dominator-level rank-7 powerhouse from Dragon Island and the Abyssal monster had fallen into a stagnant state.

The dominator-level rank-7 powerhouse from Dragon Island actually had powerful abilities. The strength of his physical body was even close to that of a dominator-level rank-8.

However, he happened to choose a half-spirit opponent. Not only could it turn its physical body into spirit-form, in which any physical attacks on it were futile, it was also skilled in attacking one's God soul.

One could say that the powerhouse from Dragon Island had been suppressed completely.

Most of the people looked quite terrible when they saw that this powerhouse had encountered a tough battle, especially the few people from Dragon Island.

Meanwhile, on the Sword Alliance's side, Sword 8 had an excited look on her face. She could not wait for her turn.

She hoped that the powerhouse would be defeated, then she would have the opportunity to fight.

However, the powerhouse from Dragon Island bit the bullet and was unwilling to retreat.

After fighting doggedly for some two hours, Sword 8 could not help but ask Lin Xin who was next to her softly, "That big guy can't defeat it anyway. Why isn't he yielding?"

She did not use voice transmission to say that. Although her voice was extremely soft, everyone present heard her clearly.

The people on Dragon Island's side looked even more terrible now.

Meanwhile, the veins of the powerhouse from Dragon Island who was fighting could be seen bulging all over his body.

Lin Xin noticed that instantly and smiled at the people rather awkwardly as she said, "The child is spewing nonsense. She doesn't know what she's saying. Don't mind her."

As soon as she said that, she said to Sword 8 through voice transmission, "This isn't like sparring, this is war. It's useless to yield."

"But the situation that guy from Dragon Island is in currently… He can actually retreat if he can't defeat it. Perhaps he's not doing so because he's unwilling."

Lin Xin guessed what this powerhouse from Dragon Island was thinking.

After all, the remaining six people who fought had won. If he lost, not only would he embarrass himself, he would embarrass Dragon Island as well.

Another probable reason why he was unwilling was that the opponent that he chose suppressed him completely. He could not fully unleash his ability. His combined abilities were a few times more powerful than this monster, but he was suppressed over and over again. He would have won if he had chosen any of the other six Abyssal monsters. He might even have emerged victorious faster than that sword cultivator from Sword Palace!

"It shouldn't matter if he loses. He can just strengthen himself and return to try again. What's so embarrassing about that?" Sword 8 clearly thought that yielding was not something embarrassing.

When she followed Swordmaster Great Heaven, she would always spar with the other sword servants like Sword 1 and Sword 2. She would always lose, but she had never felt embarrassed about her losses before.

"It's indeed not embarrassing to lose, but there are people who care about such things." Lin Xin lightly patted Sword 8's head while smiling.

The powerhouse from Dragon Island kept fighting for approximately three hours. In the end, the Dragon Emperor finally spoke.

"Get back here!"

Although he was unwilling, the powerhouse from Dragon Island retreated anyway.

Before anyone from Dragon Island could replace him, a petite figure suddenly appeared before the Abyssal monster.

The people were stunned. As they looked closer, they were surprised to find that it was that little girl from the Sword Alliance who spoke earlier.

Sword 8 appeared before the half-spirit monster directly in a flash. She did not remove her long sword from the scabbard. Instead, she swung it together with the scabbard.

The next second, a gigantic wave-like black sword gleam devoured the Abyssal monster entirely.

By the time the sword gleam faded, the monster had turned into dust completely. There was not even a piece of flesh remaining.

Countless people were dumbfounded by the sword gleam they saw.

"So powerful!"

"I don't think her sword left the scabbard."

"So this is the ability of the Sword Alliance's members?"

The few dominator-level rank-8 powerhouses had fear in their eyes when they looked at Sword 8. They knew very well that, even though they could survive the power of that sword glame, they might have been severely injured by it. Moreover, her sword did not even leave its scabbard. She clearly had not used all of her strength.

Even the few dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses' pupils shrank slightly when they saw her sword gleam.

Although she did not use all of her strength, she had exposed her ability with her sword force.

All of the dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses present could see that this girl was only a step away from elevating to dominator-level rank-9.

'Where did the Sword Alliance get all of these monsters exactly?'

The few top organizations' leaders present had that thought almost simultaneously.

At that moment, Sword 8 turned around and looked at the powerhouse from Dragon Tribe who had retreated earlier after she killed the Abyssal monster. She said to him while giggling, "It's useless to use brute force, dummy. That ugly thing was a spirit. You can kill it easily using God's soul-type Dao seals."

The powerhouse from Dragon Tribe was stunned at first, after which he looked conflicted. Of course he knew he should use God's soul-type Dao seals, it was just that he was not good at that technique.

Dragon Emperor, who was standing to the side, laughed out loud when he heard her words. "Thank you for your reminder, little girl. We'll take note of it next time."

He clearly saw through the fact that, although Sword 8 had powerful abilities, her mentality seemed to still be that of a kid.

Sword 8 only returned by Lin Xin's side in a flash when she heard his reply.

Lin Xin said helplessly while smiling, "You even lectured him, you mischievous thing."

Sword 8 had pride fill her face when she heard that. "I was Lord Swordmaster's teacher too!"

Lin Huang, who had been probing, smiled.

Sword 8 was not exaggerating.

In order to obtain Great Heaven's inheritance back then, he had indeed gotten many sword servants to train with him, and had received many pointers from them. Naturally, that girl Sword 8 was among them.

Chapter 1893: The Siblings Joined the Battle

After the seventh midnight, many dominator-level powerhouses now knew Sword 8.

This girl, who looked and sounded like a child, possessed shocking abilities.

However, she did not care about the attention. She spent most of the time eating snacks, and she would chat with Lin Xin and Lin Xuan who were beside her when she occasionally thought of something.

The eighth day passed by peacefully as usual.

Black fog appeared on the ootheca again at midnight.

At this time, it released its predetermined quota of the day once again—eight dominator-level rank-8 Abyssal monsters.

Seeing the monsters the ootheca spat out, Sword 8 did not even think this time. She went forward in a flash, and appeared before an eight-armed monster directly.

She had not gotten an opponent the day before as she had hesitated for a moment. This time, she did not spend time picking at all, and simply went for the closest opponent.

No matter what, she would take one first!

Lin Xuan frowned when he saw the opponent that she had chosen. "This girl picked the most powerful one."

"I don't think she did it on purpose." Lin Xin, who was standing to the side, smiled while shaking her head.

She knew that although Sword 8 had powerful abilities, she was not very sensitive to the strength of an opponent's aura.

Regarding this, Lin Huang had even conducted an experiment not long after Sword8 elevated to dominator-level.

He got her to try and sense the dominator-level powerhouses' strength through their auras.

It turned out she could only tell their ranks apart, but not the strength of people within the same rank.

Even though she was at dominator-level rank-8 now, she could not differentiate the strength of the eight Abyssal monsters through their auras. Only if one of them was at the same level as her, which was the limit of dominator-level rank-8, would she possibly be able to tell their strength apart forcefully.

While they were chatting, the other powerhouses from the few top organizations blocked the remaining seven Abyssal monsters.

Meanwhile, Sword 8 attacked directly.

She could now tell that this eight-armed monster before her was much more powerful than the one she killed yesterday.

Therefore, she removed her battle sword from the scabbard without hesitation this time.

The sword gleam turned into a giant wave again, suppressing the eight-armed monster.

The monster was almost three meters tall. It had bulging muscles all over its body.

The flesh on its bald head was rotten and some exposed bones could be seen on its head.

It pressed its eight palms together when it saw Sword 8's sword gleam coming.

The second the four pairs of palms were pressed together, a massive shadow that was comparable to a galaxy was instantly formed above its head.

The shadow had a human-like form. It sat above a cloud with its legs crossed, while it had thousands of arms on its upper body.

The thousands of arms stretched out their huge palms almost at the same time, slamming toward the tsunami-like sword gleam.

The second the thousands of arms collided with the sword gleam,, they consolidated into one palm and hit the endless black sword gleam suddenly.

Layers of massive waves crashed together as the tsunami-like sword gleam hit the palm.

The sword gleam's momentum had clearly slowed down.

However, that situation only lasted for a moment. The palm print then collapsed entirely.

The black sword gleam continued to suppress the eight-armed monster like a tsunami.

The monster chanted several secret incantations.

The massive shadow above its head slammed countless palm prints against the sword gleam continuously.

The palm prints stacked themselves in the air, turning into a huge black wall.

This time, the charging sword gleam finally stopped entirely, as if it had fallen into a stagnant state when faced with the black wall.

Just as the eight-armed monster was feeling slightly relieved, a sense of fear and dread suddenly appeared again.

It lifted its head to look upward. Sword 8, who was standing expressionlessly in the distance, swung her sword again.

The resulting massive wave was not only powerful, it was even a few times faster than before.

It suppressed and crushed the giant wall that was made from countless palm prints directly.

Before the eight-armed monster could even struggle further, it was drowned within…

With only two swings of her sword, Sword 8 had killed the most powerful one among the eight Abyssal monsters.

The people who were watching were dumbfounded. They were shocked.

However, Sword 8 was not too happy.

She thought that she could kill her opponent with a single swing of her sword, but she ended up using two swings this time.

She looked rather upset upon returning to Lin Xin and Lin Xuan's side.

Some battles were still ongoing elsewhere on the battlefield.

Sword 8 had been the first to attack, but she was not the first one to kill the opponent.

Three dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses had killed their opponents instantly before she did.

Two dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses ended their battles almost at the same time as she did.

The remaining two battles were battles between dominator-level rank-8 powerhouses.

As the more powerful Abyssal monsters were picked by Sword 8 and the few other dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses, the remaining two were the weaker ones.

Therefore, the battles themselves did not hold much suspense.

The dominator-level rank-8 powerhouse from Star Palace only killed his opponent half an hour later.

Meanwhile, the dominator-level rank-8 powerhouse from Snow Domain only managed to kill his opponent a little over an hour later.

After that, the battlefield fell silent once again.

Until the ninth midnight…

At midnight, and at the same time, black fog once again lingered on the surface of the ootheca.

Many people looked nervous as they watched it spit out nine Dominators slowly.

These were bona fide dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses. Most of the people present had not even seen powerhouses of such a level until a few days ago.

There were even many who were not sure whether there were powerhouses of the same level in the infinite universe who could fight a fair battle with them.

Fortunately, the people's concerns were soon resolved.

The reason being was that they saw nine figures standing out one after the other.

Dragon Emperor from Dragon Island, Xue Luo from Snow Domain, Sword Palace's palace master…

On the Sword Alliance's side, Lin Xuan and Lin Xin chose to participate.

Lin Xuan, who had just broken through to dominator-level rank-9, wisely chose the weakest one among the nine Abyssal monsters.

Lin Xin did not act recklessly. She chose the one with the second weakest aura.

After all, it had only been a month since she broke through to dominator-level rank-9.

Seeing that the Sword Alliance had sent a young man and lady to the battle, many spectators could not help but focus their attention on the two.

On the battlefield, the battles between dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses soon broke out.

Dragon Emperor from Dragon Island took the lead to attack first. He grabbed his opponent with his palm that seemed like an endless mountain range.

His opponent, which was a gigantic Abyssal monster, could not run, so it could only defend forcefully.

However, it was crushed into a pile of mush directly in the next second.

Dragon Emperor had completed the kill in one hit.

He was so powerful that it caused countless spectators to exclaim.

Xue Luo was quick too. She merely pointed in the air, and a blue spark started burning between the Abyssal monster's eyebrows. The spark slowly spread.

Within a single breath of time, the monster was burned into dust directly.

Many spectators had goosebumps when they saw that strange technique.

Most of them did not even understand what technique she used exactly.

Nevertheless, Lin Huang, who was watching the battle secretly, had seen it crystal clear.

She used a technique that was a combination of witchcraft and sorcery. She penetrated the monster's head with fire element Odyl Dominator Power and released it later on.

In reality, this technique was more taxing on one's control abilities.

Chapter 1894: Lin Xuan's Counterattack

Xue Luo, Dragon Emperor and a few others completed their instant kills quickly.

Although they were also at dominator-level rank-9, they had mastered 100 billion to even trillions of chaotic cosmoses. Naturally, they could not be compared with those Abyssal monsters that had just stepped into the ranks of dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses.

Countless people who were present were dumbfounded when they saw their instant kills.

On the battlefield, Lin Xin and Lin Xuan were among those still fighting the remaining dominator-level rank-9 Abyssal monsters.

Lin Xin's opponent was a gigantic dark-green worm.

The worm was thousands of meters long. What made it different from normal worms was that there were eyeballs all over its back.

There were long, dark green chunks of hair in the gaps between the eyeballs.

It did not squirm like normal worms. Instead, it slithered like a snake.

After Xue Luo, Dragon Emperor and the others ended their battles, they paid the most attention to Lin Xin's battle.

It was not that they were paying attention to the Sword Alliance, but rather the opponent that Lin Xin picked. Although its aura was not powerful, the strength of its God's soul was the highest.

On a certain level, this monster's ability might be the most powerful one among the nine Abyssal Dominators.

"Watch out for its God's soul attack!" Xue Luo could not help but remind her.

As soon as she was done speaking, the monster attacked.

The eyeballs opened quickly on its back and they locked onto Lin Xin.

When 80% of the total number of the eyeballs had opened, a crimson gleam lit up in the eyeballs.

However, Lin Xin did not seem to feel anything off. She only felt that the light was quite glaring, so she blinked twice.

She swung the battle sword in her hand without hesitation.

One swing, two swings, three swings…

Realizing that her current opponent was at dominator-level rank-9 just like she was, Lin Xin did not dare to be reckless at all. She used all of her might as soon as she attacked. Her golden sword gleams were like a dazzling sun, covering the dense crimson beams.

The golden gleams faded away a moment later.

The monster almost seemed like it had been burned by a high temperature. It had turned into a pile of dark green goo…

The spectators aside, even Xue Luo and the others did not understand what they had just seen.

"What's with that girl? Was she not hit?" Dragon Emperor mumbled softly.

He saw clearly that before Lin Xin swung the sword, the monster's psychic attack had covered her entire body.

However, it seemed Lin Xin had not experienced anything unusual, and even killed the monster instantly.

Xue Luo, who was standing to the side, was stunned for a second before she reacted. "She should have a high grade God's soul supreme treasure in her body that makes her immune to the God's soul attack."

A few of them who were standing around came to the same realization when they heard that. They really could not think of any other possibilities.

In reality, Xue Luo had got it right.

When Lin Huang was still at imperial-level, he had given Lin Xin three God Weapons.

She consolidated one into a gun, one into battle armor and the last one into a Soul Weapon.

The three God Weapons had been elevated beyond chaotic supreme treasures following her elevation. They were comparable to three infinite supreme treasures.

Lin Huang then gave her a battle sword that was an infinite supreme treasure and a few Goldfingers when she had been elevated to dominator-level rank-9 last month.

One of the Goldfingers had an effect on her God's soul.

Given the God's soul Goldfinger, a God's soul treasure that was an infinite supreme treasure, as well as her dominator-level rank-9 God's soul, the monster's God's soul attack could not do anything to her God's soul at all.

Never had the monster expected that it would encounter a boss-level opponent like this.

By the time it realized something was amiss, Lin Xin's endless sword gleams had drowned it entirely.

"What a great sword." Saber Palace's palace master stroked his beard while staring at the battle sword in Lin Xin's hand.

She was the fifth one to conclude her battle.

Although many of them could not understand what happened, her performance stunned them.

After her, two other people ended their battles quickly.

Lin Xuan and another bearded man from Dragon Island were the only ones left.

The bearded hunk and that Abyssal monster were both combat cultivators. It was hard to decide who would win, so the battle fell into a stagnant state.

Meanwhile, Lin Xuan was even clumsier.

Although he picked the weakest opponent, he had just broken through to dominator-level rank-9 yesterday. If one were to count the hours, it had not even been a day since he stepped into dominator-level rank-9.

His opponent was a red-haired monster that was similar to an ape.

It was so big that it was comparable to a mountain. It was covered in a layer of red hair, and its face was as dark as the Abyss. It only had four red gleams that lit up its face.

Not only did this monster possess terrifying strength, it had rather stunning speed too.

What made Lin Xun speechless was that the red hair all over its body had powerful defense abilities.

He tried everything, but he could not break through its defense at all.

Therefore, that was how the situation had become like this. He had been beaten up by the red-haired monster.

Fortunately, he had great movement skills, and he was not much slower than the monster. Even after half an hour had passed, he had not suffered any substantial damage.

However, it was natural that Lin Xuan had become a little panicked as his battle became the only one continuing after that bearded hunk from Dragon Island killed off the other monster.

After all, everyone had completed their battles, and he had everyone's attention now.

Lin Xin was eager to help, but she was afraid that she would hurt his pride. She could only worry as she stood to the side.

Sword 8, Sword 3 and the rest did not have sufficient ability to help him, so they could only watch.

After over an hour had passed, Lin Xuan had finally reached the brink of snapping.

Dragon Emperor and the rest saw through him.

Sword Palace's palace master said while chuckling as he stroked his beard, "That guy from the Sword Alliance is losing."

"He's panicking." Dragon Emperor nodded lightly.

"If we weren't watching, perhaps he wouldn't feel this stressed." Xue Luo did not deny the truth of their opinion.

However, a familiar voice came to Lin Xuan's ears at that very moment.

"No matter what kind of enemy you're facing, as soon as you fall apart, you're one step closer to losing."

Naturally, it was Lin Huang who spoke.

However, apart from Lin Xuan, nobody else could hear his voice transmission.

"Calm down and think. If the opponent is invincible in physical defense, what should you do to defeat him?" Lin Huang's voice soon came again.

Lin Xuan understood what he meant instantly, but he still felt a little guilty. He thought to himself, 'But I've tried God's soul-type techniques as well, and they didn't work.'

"It doesn't mean it's useless just because you can't see it," Lin Huang read his mind directly.

Lin Xuan could not help but feel stunned, after which he instantly realized that Lin Huang's ability had already reached a level that was unimaginable to him.

"Although this guy's God's soul is slightly more powerful than yours, its cultivation direction is focused on the physical body. You've learned God's soul attack techniques, as well as mastering many God's soul-type Dao seals."

"You were only attacking its God's soul in a probing manner earlier. It was like hitting a bone with a knife softly. You thought it's useless because the bone didn't break. Have you ever thought about what would happen if you hacked it strongly and hacked it a few times more?

'Got it.' Lin Xuan thought to himself. He knew that Lin Huang could hear what he thought.

With his guidance, Lin Xuan calmed down instantly.

An expression of determination surfaced when he looked at the red-haired monster now.

Suddenly, he gathered all of the God's soul-type Dao seals he mastered and inserted Dominator Power into them without holding back.

At that moment, misty, faint white saber gleams like a cloud floated toward the monster.

The moment the saber gleams touched it, the monster released a devastating shriek.

It wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

Countless saber gleams were shot forth. Like a cloud, they enveloped it entirely.

A moment later, the white mist faded completely. The red-haired monster, which had no visible wounds on its body, closed its eyes completely. It fell to the ground…

"Counterattack?!" Even Sword Palace's palace master and the rest were stunned when they saw the change of events that had appeared out of nowhere.

"This guy seemed to have been suddenly enlightened." Dragon Emperor could not help but comment.

Xue Luo, on the other hand, had her eyes light up. She seemed to have guessed something.

Lin Xin hugged Lin Xuan who had just returned to her side. "I thought you were going to lose… But you became so brave out of nowhere!"

"Brother sent me voice transmissions secretly," Feeling rather helpless, Lin Xuan revealed the details to Lin Xin through voice transmission.

"However, you still won relying on your abilities, no? It proves that you possess the ability to win." Lin Xin was not stingy with her compliments. She knew that she should not damage his confidence, especially at times like this.

Lin Huang who was secretly watching nodded. He was very satisfied with the abilities Lin Xuan and Lin Xin displayed. At least the results of their cultivation over the past half a year were not in vain.

Chapter 1895: The Tenth Day

Lin Xuan's counterattack marked the end of the ninth round of breeding from the ootheca completely.

Although the infinite universe had never lost throughout those nine days, almost everyone looked worried.

The ootheca really did breed dominator-level rank-9 monsters on the ninth day.

Many people thought that Nyarlathotep had been completely exaggerating when it came to the rule's description. They thought it was completely impossible that the ootheca would breed dominator-level rank-9 monsters. However, the truth had slapped their faces hard.

Now, not many of them doubted Nyarlathotep's rule description of what would happen later.

"Nine monsters on the ninth day, and the number will double on the tenth day…" Lin Xuan frowned hard. "It'll be harder tomorrow."

"Not only tomorrow, every day from now on will become harder." Lin Xin who was standing next to him frowned too.

According to the rule Nyarlathotep revealed, from the 11th day onward, the dominator-level rank-9 monsters the ootheca bred would have mastered a billion chaotic cosmos. From then on, the number of Abyssal monsters it bred would be doubled.

"Can this thing really breed more powerful dominator-level rank-9 monsters without limits?" Sword 3, who was standing to the side, could not help but ask Lin Xin and Lin Xuan.

"According to brother, there's a limit. The highest combat strength it can breed might be that of the Outer Gods, but the possibility of it breeding monsters weaker than the Outer Gods is higher," Lin Xuan explained through voice transmission instantly.

"Then… how powerful are the Outer Gods exactly?" Sword 3 asked rather curiously.

"Brother said the Outer Gods should have mastered over ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses." It was Lin Xin who answered the question this time.

"Which means there's a high chance that this thing will breed batches of dominator-level rank-9 monsters that have mastered a quadrillion chaotic cosmoses," Lin Xuan added.

"A quadrillion chaotic cosmoses…" Sword 8 was stunned when she heard that.

She knew very well that as long as one mastered over 100 million chaotic cosmoses, they could elevate to dominator-level rank-9. Powerhouses who had mastered a quadrillion chaotic cosmoses could suppress regular dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses like killing an ant.

There was one thing that Sword 8 dared not ask—was there really someone who could resolve this crisis in the infinite universe?!

"Did Bai mention when they would come?" Seeing that Sword 8 said nothing, Lin Xuan asked Lin Xin.

"No, but don't worry. They'll definitely make it in time," Lin Xuan said with determination.

As soon as Lin Xin was done speaking, a figure suddenly arrived where the few of them were standing.

It was Bai, who was dressed in dark blue casual wear.

"Lancelot and the rest will come later," Bai said to Lin Xin and Lin Xuan through voice transmission as soon as he showed up.

The two of them nodded and did not ask further.

Bai's appearance instantly caught the attention of the many powerhouses present.

Some powerhouses had met Bai and the rest in the mystic territories before. They had a rough idea of his abilities.

There were also a small number of powerhouses who could sense from Bai's aura that he was at dominator-level rank-9 although they had never met before. Not only that, he had powerful abilities.

Most people speculated that this white-haired young man's abilities should be quite powerful, judging by the time Bai chose to arrive.

Everything remained peaceful on the tenth day.

Then, when midnight arrived, black fog appeared on the surface of the ootheca again.

This time, it spat out 18 Abyssal monsters at once!

Just like what Nyarlathotep described, all 18 Abyssal monsters were at dominator-level rank-9, which was double the number of those on the ninth day!

This time, the Sword Alliance sent out three people directly—Bai, Lin Xin and Lin Xuan.

As usual, Lin Xuan picked the weakest opponent.

The rest had no objections to that. After all, they could tell that he had just been elevated to dominator-level rank-9 not long ago.

Lin Xuan had calmed down significantly. He knew that the reason he participated in this war was to train his real combat abilities.

He only had two chances to fight. He would not be able to handle the opponents that would arrive later on.

The remaining dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses from the major organizations picked out their opponents accordingly.

Some picked two, and some picked three.

Bai did not show off. He only picked two.

Although the two that he picked out did not have the most powerful auras, they might be the most difficult ones.

One of them had dragonfly-like wings.

It was so fast that it was almost comparable to teleportation.

It created shadows in the battlefield when it shook its wings.

However, while it was showing off its speed, Bai appeared behind its Primordium directly in a flash.

A blood-colored whip penetrated its body directly.

The battle had only begun for 0.001 seconds, and Bai had completed a shocking first kill.

Subsequently, Bai appeared before a gigantic tortoise beast. A blood-colored whip penetrated its invincible-looking shell.

Bai completed a double kill in less than 0.01 seconds!

After that, he returned to the Sword Alliance's camp and watched the battles in silence.

Since the rest of the people had chosen the remaining 16 monsters, naturally, he did not bother to intervene.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Bai's performance.

Even Dragon Emperor and the few who were on the battlefield did not expect Bai to end his fight so quickly.

Nevertheless, seeing that he had already killed his opponents, they did not bother to hold back anymore. They killed the opponents they chosen consecutively.

In the end, the battlefield was only left with five ongoing battles.

Lin Xin went all out this time and used firearms.

As an outstanding firearms master, she had actually hardly used firearms since she had been elevated to dominator-level.

It was not because her firearms were not powerful enough, but rather because the firearms she had were so powerful that she would not have the opportunity to train if she used them.

This time, she thought she would show off and try her best to kill her opponent before the few others did.

Never had she imagined that Bai would trigger their pride from his actions, which caused Dragon Emperor and the others to kill their opponents instantly.

However, Lin Xin was only slightly slower. Her gunfire drowned out the opponent directly.

Within three seconds, the Abyssal monster was crushed into pieces by her firearms, which were infinite supreme treasures.

However, she only ranked fifth in terms of killing speed this round.

Nevertheless, her performance was stunning enough for most of the people present.

After killing her opponent, Lin Xin left the battlefield quickly and went back to the Sword Alliance's camp to continue watching the battles.

Naturally, she focused on her brother Lin Xuan.

He was clearly performing much better in this round than before. Although it did not seem like it, he actually had the upper hand.

Lin Xin could see that he obviously had a much better mindset now.

Even Bai was nodding to the side. "He's much more stable compared to the battle before."

Hearing that, Lin Xin turned her head to look at Bai while smiling. "You were spying on us?"

"Not really. My clone has been hiding nearby," Bai replied honestly.

"This is just your clone?" Lin Xin raised her eyebrows. She was quite surprised.

"That's right." Bai nodded. "My Primordium is still refining the spoils I received in master's Kingdom."

Chapter 1896: You're Right

Apart from Lin Xuan, soon the rest of the powerhouses had ended their battles.

The same scene from yesterday was playing out on the battlefield again. Lin Xuan was the only one left fighting with an Abyssal monster.

However, none of the spectators were judging him.

The fact that he was fighting here at such a time was sufficient proof that his ability was ranked among the first-tier powerhouses in the infinite universe.

Not only that, many people could clearly see that his performance in this round was much better than yesterday.

Although he did not cause any substantial damage to his opponent throughout the one hour or so period, he was clearly much more stable now. Not only that, he had been gradually taking control of the battle.

The wise ones could see that it was only a matter of time before he won, so long as he did not make any mistakes.

In reality, Lin Xuan's biggest issue was not that he elevated too quickly.

Just like the sword servants, he elevated through the accumulation of rich resources, but he actually took some time. It was just that it was completed under the over six billion times of time flow acceleration in Lin Huang's Kingdom.

It seemed like he had only used half a year to elevate to dominator-level rank-9. In reality, he had spent at least three billion years.

In terms of foundation, he was perfectly fine.

It was just that he spent most of his time on cultivation, so his real battle capabilities were slightly weaker.

Even when he hunted in the mystic territories, he had never encountered dominator-level rank-9 enemies.

Given the psychological burden he had been feeling, it naturally caused his performance in the previous battle to be below par.

However, he had put down that burden in this round entirely. Furthermore, thanks to his experience in the previous battle, he could finally unleash his real abilities now.

His opponent was a monster with a sword and a shield that possessed both attack and defense capabilities.

Not only did it possess attack abilities that were no weaker than Lin Xuan, it had powerful defensive abilities too.

Throughout the hour or so period, Lin Xuan did not manage to find an opportunity to break through the situation.

However, he did not panic at all. He had even immersed himself in the battle completely. He had forgotten that there were people around him watching.

After immersing himself in the battle, he started treating the opponent as a training partner completely, gradually unleashing his talent as a saber cultivator fully.

After attacking frantically for over two hours, the defenses of the monster with the sword and shield crumbled for a moment.

Lin Xuan caught that moment to decisively pierce the tip of his saber through the gap in its defenses. Hundreds of saber gleams shot out manically, crushing the monster's head.

Watching the headless carcass fall on the ground, Lin Xuan released a long sigh of relief.

This battle had been unprecedentedly fun!

Watching as he returned to the Sword Alliance's camp, Sword Palace's palace master nodded with satisfaction as he stroked his beard. "I didn't expect that the Sword Alliance would manage to train such an outstanding saber cultivator!"

Although Lin Xuan took the longest time, his battle had received everyone's approval.

After returning to Sword Alliance's camp, he quickly reviewed the battle and simulated the entire battle in his head. He wanted to know if there was anything that he could improve on.

The tenth midnight had passed, and the 11th day remained peaceful.

At midnight of the eleventh day, everyone began to look a little nervous when they saw black fog lingering on the ootheca again.

A moment later, its tentacle spat out a monster again.

All of the pupils of the dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses present shrunk the moment they saw the monster.

The reason being was that this dominator-level rank-9 monster's aura really was that of a powerhouse who had mastered a billion chaotic cosmoses.

This time, before anyone did anything, Sword Palace's palace master swung his sword directly from a distance, killing this gigantic Abyssal monster.

Although he killed the Abyssal monster instantly, everyone present looked quite terrible.

The appearance of this monster proved that Nyarlathotep had not exaggerated at all.

This ootheca could really breed dominator-level rank-9 monsters that had mastered a billion chaotic cosmoses.

Lin Xin frowned as she looked at the monster carcass on the ground.

She began to worry about the battles later on.

Bai, who was standing to the side, seemed to have seen through her concerns. He pressed his hand on her shoulder.

"You have us."

Lin Xin calmed down hearing that. She nodded at Bai. "I'm okay."

The 11th day passed by gloomily. Soon, it was midnight once again.

That night, the ootheca bred two dominator-level rank-9 monsters that had mastered a billion chaotic cosmoses.

It was still Sword Palace's palace master who attacked. He killed the two monsters instantly.

Although that was the case, the gloomy atmosphere did not ease up at all.

At midnight on the thirteenth day, the breeding pattern from the ootheca finally changed. This time, the number of the Abyssal monsters it bred doubled directly. There were four of them.

The Sword Palace's palace master attacked again. He killed four monsters with a single swing of his sword.

At midnight on the fourteenth day, the number of the Abyssal monsters it bred doubled again. There were eight this time.

The Sword Palace's palace master attacked again, killing the eight Abyssal monsters instantly.

Many of the people present were shocked by his terrifying abilities.

On the fifteenth day, the ootheca bred sixteen monsters.

The number of monsters had surpassed the number of dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses present there.

The Sword Palace's palace master still swung his sword and killed the sixteen Abyssal monsters instantly without suspense.

On the sixteenth day, the number of monsters the ootheca bred doubled again. There were now thirty-two of them.

This time, before the Sword Palace's palace master could attack, Dragon Emperor attacked first.

He slapped out with his palm. As if suppressed by a mountain, his slap killed all thirty-two of the Abyssal monsters directly.

After winning the battle, he said to the Sword Palace's palace master while smiling, "What you've been doing is annoying. Others haven't had the chance to fight at all."

"I haven't had my fill of fun killing them yet." The Sword Palace's palace master wore a cold expression.

Naturally, he was not upset with Dragon Emperor, but rather the ootheca before them.

Since the rule Nyarlathotep revealed had proven right again, he was very upset. Therefore, he vented his anger on those Abyssal monsters.

Bai frowned. To him, Dragon Emperor and the Sword Palace's palace master had exposed their abilities too soon.

Although they did not use their full force, Nyarlathotep, who was observing everything secretly, would definitely have a rough idea of their abilities judging by their attacks.

This was not good news to Bai who was tasked with buying time for Lin Huang.

He finally could not hold himself back and spoke after a moment of hesitation.

"Can you seniors give us young people the opportunity to train? After all, we don't have many chances to meet opponents of such caliber. When the next round comes, when the monsters would have mastered ten billion chaotic cosmoses, most of us present won't even have the opportunity to attack."

What Bai said made many look at him in surprise.

Although they knew that Bai was also at dominator-level rank-9, none of them present thought he had the abilities to challenge the other two.

The Sword Palace's palace master stared at Bai for a moment before nodding. "You're right. You guys will go first tomorrow."

Dragon Emperor, who was standing to the side, also nodded with a smile. "I think you're right too. We should give young people more opportunities!"

Chapter 1897: The Most Powerful Firearms Master in the Infinite Universe

On the seventeenth midnight, black fog lingered on the surface of the ootheca again.

This time, it spat out 64 Abyssal monsters.

These monsters exuded a terrifying aura that made one's heart palpitate.

"Pick that semi-transparent one." Bai glanced across the Abyssal monsters and said to Lin Xin, who was next to him, instantly through voice transmission, "It has a powerful God's soul. You can suppress it. Its physical strength is the weakest too."

Naturally, he took Lin Xin's current situation into consideration when picking out the right opponent for her.

She had only integrated some 700 million chaotic cosmoses. She was still far from reaching the point of having mastered a billion chaotic cosmoses. Meanwhile, her advantage was that her equipment were infinite supreme treasures.

Her equipment was enough to make up the gap in combat strength.

Although there was a certain level of challenge involved, Lin Xin decided to attempt it.

Hearing Bai's voice transmission, without any doubts, she appeared in front of that semi-transparent monster directly in a flash.

The semi-transparent monster looked similar to a giant balloon.

There were dense aquamarine eyes on the surface of the balloon.

In terms of the strength of its aura, this monster was ranked top three among the 64 monsters.

Given that it specialized in God's soul attacks, its level of threat was enough for it to rank within the top three among the 60 or so monsters present.

Seeing Lin Xin pick such an opponent, the dominator-level rank-8 and dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses present were quite confused.

Only a small number of them did not seem to be surprised by her choice.

After Lin Xin picked her opponent, a couple of them from the top organizations stood out to pick their own opponents.

On the Sword Alliance's side, Lin Xuan did not participate this time.

The reason being was that Abyssal monsters of such a level had surpassed his abilities. Given his abilities, he could only watch.

Bai did not participate as well. He did not want to expose his ability too much.

The old palace master from Sword Palace only attacked when he saw that the rest had picked their opponents, and that no more were participating.

As he stretched out all five fingers, tens of sword gleams shot forth. He killed over 50 Abyssal monsters directly.

To him, even if there were more Abyssal monsters of such a level, they posed no threat to him.

After Sword Palace's palace master attacked and killed the remaining Abyssal monsters, the battles among Lin Xin and the rest with the Abyssal monsters soon began.

Lin Xin held almost nothing back this time. Her infinite supreme treasure-grade firearms drowned out her opponent.

The balloon monster attacked Lin Xin's God's soul as it dodged and defended against her attacks clumsily. However, its attempts were futile.

Not only did she have a supreme treasure-grade God's soul equipment in her body, she had a God's soul-type Goldfinger as well. Under the double superimposition of these two factors, the balloon monster's God's soul attack could not do anything to her God's soul at all.

There were only water-like ripples on the surface of the protective barrier outside her God's soul.

However, its innately powerful God's soul made it relatively weak in terms of its physical body.

No matter whether it was in terms of strength, speed or the Dao seals it had mastered and were being used to fight, it did not seem to have cultivated those properly.

From the start to the end, it had been fully suppressed by Lin Xin. It was a one-sided battle.

In the end, it was completely crushed by fierce gunfire within half an hour.

Lin Xin looked around after the battle ended. Some of them had still yet to complete their battles.

Realizing that she was not the last one, she was even happier now. She returned to the Sword Alliance's camp in a flash.

Her performance undoubtedly stunned the people again.

The dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses could actually see that her combat strength was weaker than the balloon monster. However, she won the battle in an imperious manner. She had even suppressed the monster the entire time.

Although she indeed relied on her powerful equipment, it was undeniable that she had powerful abilities as well.

"This girl should be considered the most powerful firearms master in the infinite universe," Dragon Emperor from Dragon Island said while smiling faintly.

"There are limited firearms masters at dominator-level in the entire infinite universe to begin with." Old Man Heaven's Secret from Heaven's Secret nodded. "But this girl can indeed be considered to be the most powerful one."

Even Old Man Heaven's Secret gave her his seal of approval.

After Lin Xin ended her battle, this round of battle finally ended almost an hour later.

On the 18th day, the number of monsters the ootheca bred doubled again. The total number had reached 128 monsters.

Lin Xin participated again without hesitation.

Given her previous experience, she was confident this time.

However, she could not suppress the opponent she picked this time. The battle lasted for some two and a half hours, and she became the last person to kill her opponent.

Although she took the longest, it did not damage her confidence at all.

She had an amazing mindset. She completely treated these battles as battle training sessions.

Not only did the dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses not underestimate her, they even admired her more and more.

On the nineteenth day, the ootheca bred 256 monsters.

It was Sword Palace's palace master who attacked this time as well. He cleared most of the Abyssal monsters, leaving less than ten for the rest to train with.

Lin Xin participated again. She was unwilling to miss any opportunities to train her real battle skills.

She spent over two hours in this battle again, and she was the last one who ended her battle as well.

However, Dragon Emperor and the rest could clearly sense that she was growing rapidly during these battles.

That was the method Lin Huang taught Lin Xin and Lin Xuan, which was to review each of their battles.

The more difficult the battle was, the more thorough the review had to be. They had to revisit their weaknesses again, see what they could improve on, what they could avoid in terms of areas they could not improve on, as well as figure out better methods that could have been used…

Each battle was a great learning opportunity for them to improve.

Even Dragon Emperor could not help but exclaim, "She improves everyday. Humans' learning abilities are too scary!"

On the twentieth midnight, the number of Abyssal monsters the ootheca bred doubled again. There were 512 of them this time.

This number was ten-fold the number of infinite universe dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses present.

The Sword Palace's palace master stretched out his fingers again and cleared all of the Abyssal monsters that nobody picked directly.

Without hesitation, Lin Xin participated in the battle again.

She knew that it would be her last battle.

After this, the ootheca would breed Abyssal monsters that had mastered ten billion chaotic cosmoses. She could not fight powerhouses of that level simply by relying on her equipment.

Apart from her, a few of the dominator-level rank-9 realized that as well. They turned unprecedentedly serious.

In this battle, Lin Xin only used about half an hour to kill her opponent.

She was the second last one to finish the battle.

She was over the moon when she saw that there was one more person who had yet to finish.

It was not that the Dominator was weaker than she was, it was just that the opponent he chose happened to suppress him, causing him to only be able to unleash 60% to 70% of his actual abilities.

It had also caused him to finish last after some two hours.

The people had yet to relax after this round of battles ended.

The reason being was that everybody knew that from the 21st day onward, the battles would become even more difficult.

Chapter 1898: Grimace Attacks

On the 21st morning, another powerhouse from the Sword Alliance arrived.

It was Grimace who came over this time.

To be exact, it was Grimace's clone.

"It's quite lively here." Grimace looked around when he arrived. He then looked at Bai while smiling. "You came earlier than I thought. I thought I'd be the first one."

Bai merely glanced at him. He did not bother to respond to him.

Grimace gave up chatting when he saw that. He turned around and looked toward where the ootheca was.

"So that's the ootheca? It doesn't look special."

"It bred 512 Abyssal Dominators that had mastered a billion chaotic cosmoses each yesterday at midnight," Bai, who was standing to the side, said expressionlessly.

"Really? I thought the breeding rule was rather exaggerated." Clearly, Grimace had heard of this ootheca's breeding rule before coming here.

"Did anyone try to destroy it directly?" Grimace asked further after falling silent for a moment while holding his chin.

"A dominator-level rank-2 powerhouse and dominator-level rank-4 powerhouse tried, and they were killed by this thing." It was Sword 3 who spoke up this time.

He witnessed the scene 20 days ago.

"No dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse tried their hand at it?" Grimace seemed to want to give it a try.

"Since those two Dominators were killed, nobody had tried it again." Sword 3 shook his head.

Bai, who was standing to the side, frowned. "Master asked us not to expose our real abilities as much as possible."

"Alright then." Grimace could only give up after hearing Bai mention Lin Huang. "I should just watch obediently then."

Grimace took out a deck chair from his Kingdom as soon as he was done speaking and lay down on it directly.

He even changed into beach vacation clothes, while putting on sunglasses and earplugs. He slept right then and there before everyone's eyes.

What he did made the people watching from the other organizations dumbfounded.

"Is this guy here for a vacation?"

"How can he sleep at such a time?"

"The guy the Sword Alliance sent over this time doesn't look too reliable."

Meanwhile, Dragon Emperor could not help but laugh. "There's such an interesting guy in the Sword Alliance?!"

On the Sword Alliance's side, Bai and the rest were aware of Grimace's behavioral tendencies. Seeing him doing that, they did not bother to stop him.

That was the one tiny event that happened during the day, and it remained peaceful until midnight, when black fog once again appeared on the ootheca.

A moment later, an Abyssal Dominator was spat out again.

As expected, the ootheca bred an Abyssal monster that had mastered ten billion chaotic cosmoses this time.

This monster did not conceal its aura at all. It was so powerful that Lin Xin and Lin Xuan felt suffocated.

Fortunately, this terrifying feeling of suffocation only lasted for a second before it faded away suddenly.

The Sword Palace's palace master attacked again with a cold expression on his face. He crushed its head directly with a swing of his sword.

The appearance of this monster confirmed that what Nyarlathotep said was not a lie.

This made everyone present feel even more concerned now.

On the third round of breeding, an Abyssal Dominator that had mastered ten billion chaotic cosmoses had appeared.

In the fourth and fifth rounds, there would be Abyssal Dominators that mastered 100 billion chaotic cosmoses, and even a trillion chaotic cosmoses arriving.

The Sword Palace's palace master looked even grimmer as he thought of that.

He had only mastered over 900 billion chaotic cosmoses. It was not that he did not want to integrate more, but his Kingdom had reached its limit.

It would mean that as soon as the ootheca started breeding the fifth round's monsters, even he would lose the eligibility to participate in the upcoming battle.

The people in the Sword Alliance's camp looked terrible too.

Bai still remembered Lin Huang's order clearly—He would stall as much as he could!

However, he was not too sure now whether it was actually the correct move to allow this ootheca to breed Abyssal Dominators as it wished.

Grimace, who was laying on the nearby deck chair, remained asleep, as if what had just happened had nothing to do with him at all.

The 22nd day soon passed by peacefully.

At midnight, as usual, the ootheca followed its rule and bred two Abyssal monsters that had mastered 10 billion chaotic cosmoses.

It was still the Sword Palace's palace master who attacked this time. He killed them both instantly.

The 23rd day and 24th day passed by…

The Sword Palace's palace master attacked over and over again, while the rest did not bother to intervene.

Grimace had been lying on the deck chair, he had never gotten up even once. Apart from adjusting his sleeping posture occasionally, he did not do much. He never even opened his eyes.

Time flew by and, soon, it was the 30th day.

On that day, the number of Abyssal monsters the ootheca bred reached 512 again.

This time, before the Sword Palace's palace master attacked, the Abyssal monsters' heads began to explode out of nowhere.

Everyone was shocked when they saw that.

Even the Sword Palace's palace master, Dragon Emperor, Xue Luo and the others could not help but look shocked.

They could tell that someone had used a God's soul-type technique, but they did not know who attacked.

Only Bai looked at Grimace, who was still lying on the deck chair, with a frown.

When all of the carcasses fell to the ground, Grimace sat up slowly and stretched himself.

"I had a dream. I dreamed that I crushed a batch of Abyssal monsters' heads… That felt amazing!" Grimace yawned while speaking vaguely.

Everyone was stunned by what he said, but eventually came to a realization that the shocking scene was done by this "sleeping god".

Seeing that nobody said anything, Grimace got up slowly and walked toward the ootheca. He stretched out his arm fearlessly and picked up the headless carcasses one by one. He then tossed them into his Kingdom.

After he was done collecting all of the over 500 carcasses, he seemed to be a little tired. He stretched himself again and lifted his head to look at the ootheca that was less than 100 meters away from him.

The spectators present could not help but reveal looks of excitement on their faces when they saw that.

The "sleeping god" before them had just proven his abilities.

Many people thought that he should be able to destroy this ootheca, as long as he was willing to.

Bai frowned when he saw that. "Don't mess around!"

Grimace turned his head and grinned. "What are you thinking about? My back is aching. I just thought I'd stretch and rest."

He turned around when he was done speaking and leapt back to the Sword Alliance's camp in a single step.

"I only managed to sense that this thing is scarier than I expected when I was close to it," Grimace said to Bai through voice transmission, "The amount of threat it poses should be enough to kill my Primordium."

"You shouldn't have exposed your ability so soon," Bai said directly.

"But there were over 500 Kingdoms… It'd be too wasteful if I missed out on spoils like these." Grimace looked like he did not care. "It doesn't matter if I exposed my abilities anyway. Aren't you guys around as well?"

Bai did not retort. In reality, he had been rather moved by the harvest.

However, he held back when he thought of Lin Huang's order.

Grimace's attack not only made most of the people present admire him, it gained him the attention of the Sword Palace's palace master and the others.

The "weirdo" from before had become "so powerful" now!

Chapter 1899: The Ootheca's Counterattack

Grimace's attack undoubtedly stunned countless people.

Clearly, his ability was no weaker than the Sword Palace's palace master. In fact, it might be even more terrifying.

This gave people a new outlook on the Sword Alliance.

On the 31st day, most of the people were secretly discussing Grimace and the Sword Alliance.

Many people even guessed that Grimace might be the most powerful powerhouse within the Sword Alliance.

A small number of them thought that there might be an even more powerful entity in the Sword Alliance.

Time flew by as the discussion raged on.

At midnight on the 31st day, black fog lingered on the surface of the ootheca again.

This time, the breeding cycle was reset.

An Abyssal Dominator, whose aura was so powerful that it made most present despair, had arrived.

This time, the dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses could basically sense that the monster had mastered 100 billion chaotic cosmoses judging by its aura.

Xue Luo and the Sword Palace's palace master looked terrible.

The reason being was that they only mastered some 100 billion chaotic cosmoses as well.

Xue Luo had a total of 500 billion chaotic cosmoses in her Kingdom, while the palace master only had some 900 billion chaotic cosmoses. The two of them had yet to reach the trillion-level mark in terms of chaotic cosmoses.

On a certain level, the Abyssal monster that was bred this round was a powerhouse on the same level as them.

Since this monster appeared, Grimace did not attack.

Seeing that Grimace had no intention of attacking, Sword Palace's palace master swung his sword with a cold expression on his face.

This time, he no longer used the sword fingers like before. He used a sword, but it did not remove it from its scabbard.

Though it did not leave the scabbard, Lin Xin and the others could tell from a glance that the sword he was holding was clearly an infinite supreme treasure.

"Little Lan would love the weapon that he's holding." Grimace stared at the weapon in the palace master's hand with burning desire.

Lin Xin and the rest knew that he was talking about Lancelot.

"Don't act rashly," Bai scolded.

He knew Grimace's character. This guy would do whatever he wanted to do. If he did not stop him, Grimace might even snatch the sword away in broad daylight.

"Got it…" Grimace could only reply while looking helpless after hearing Bai scold him, "I was just joking."

Over the following few days, Grimace did not attack again, nor did Bai plan to expose his ability.

Sword Palace's palace master attacked over and over again. He still killed his opponents instantly.

However, the wise ones like Bai and the others could tell that it only looked easy for him.

On the 38th day, the ootheca bred 128 monsters.

This time, the sword in the Sword Palace's palace master's hand finally left its scabbard.

Xue Luo could no longer hold back either and attacked.

The two worked together and completed the instant kill again.

On the 39th midnight, the number of monsters the ootheca bred doubled again. It had reached 256 in total.

Dragon Emperor finally attacked. The three of them worked together to suppress this round of Abyssal Dominators.

On the 40th midnight, Grimace took the lead to attack just after the ootheca completed the breeding. A red gleam appeared in his eyes.

He instantly blew up all of the Abyssal monsters' heads again.

He suppressed 512 Abyssal Dominators that possessed 100 billion chaotic cosmoses on his own.

The faces of many of the spectators were filled with admiration as they watched him collect the carcasses casually.

Fear flashed through the Sword Palace's palace master and Dragon Emperor's eyes.

Grimace's ability was beyond their expectations.

However, apart from the few people from the Sword Alliance, even Dragon Emperor and the rest had no idea that the Grimace who appeared here was only a clone.

After collecting the monster carcasses, Grimace returned to the Sword Alliance's camp slowly.

"From today onward, among them, the golden-robed man is the only one who is eligible to fight. I wonder how many rounds he will be able to last…" Grimace said to Bai and the others through voice transmission, seemingly in a casual manner.

However, he was clearly saying that to Bai.

Naturally, Bai knew what he meant. He glanced at him and did not bother to respond.

Grimace said this now clearly because he was unwilling to attack since there would not be enough Abyssal monsters for him to loot during the earlier rounds.

Bai carried out Lin Huang's order with determination. He would avoid exposing his ability as much as he could. He would only fight if it was the last resort.

After Grimace killed this round of Abyssal monsters, Dragon Emperor and the others looked terrible.

It was not because of Grimace, but rather because they were thinking about what would happen later on.

Xue Luo and the Sword Palace's palace master knew that the next batch of monsters that the ootheca bred would be a scary entity that would have mastered a trillion chaotic cosmoses.

That was a powerhouse on the same level as Dragon Emperor. Such a monster would be beyond the range they could handle.

The palace master stared at the ootheca with an unwilling look on his face.

After hesitating for a moment, the long sword in his hand left the scabbard suddenly. The infinite supreme treasure shot out a stunning sword gleam!

The sword gleam contained more than half of the Dominator Power in his body. It charged toward where the ootheca was.

It was too late to stop him by the time Dragon Emperor and the others noticed the attack.

Even Bai and Grimace were stunned when they saw the sword gleam that tore through the sky.

The next second, it hit the ootheca.

A moment later, the gleam faded. The spot where the ootheca was hit remained intact. There was no damage left behind.

Seeing that, apart from Bai and Grimace, almost everyone was shocked.

They saw how powerful the Sword Palace's palace master had been before.

However, such a powerhouse's full force attack did not even leave a single mark on the ootheca!

Even Xue Luo's mouth was wide open for a long time, while the Dragon Emperor was stunned as he stood where he was, when they saw that the ootheca remained intact.

Bai and Grimace were the only ones who did not find it surprising.

They had found out from Lin Huang earlier that they could not touch this thing.

While everyone was still in shock, something even more shocking happened!

After the ootheca was attacked, a couple of its tentacles suddenly squirmed frantically.

The next second, the tentacles started moving so fast that they surpassed the speed that the people present could see with their eyes.

The Sword Palace's palace master's pupils shrunk when he saw what was unfolding. He then began to retreat frantically.

"He won't be able to escape…" Grimace mumbled softly.

Almost at the same time he said that, the Sword Palace's palace master suddenly stopped running.

After that, his body was cut into a couple of pieces as the people watched in shock.

Pieces of the corpse floated in the air, still spurting out blood.

The sword remained intact, releasing a sad hum.

Everyone present was shocked by this scene!

Throughout the past 40 days, the peerless powerhouse that seemed invincible to the people, the man who had innumerable brilliant battle records had been killed by a couple of tentacles so easily and quickly…

He did not even have the chance to run!

Many of the people who had been initially holding out hope, thinking that someone would definitely destroy this ootheca, fell into despair at the moment.

Chapter 1900: The Fifth Round

Bai could understand why the Sword Palace's palace master attempted such an attack.

The reason being was that if they allowed the ootheca to continue breeding Abyssal monsters, eventually, nobody in the infinite universe would be able to handle the powerhouses bred by the ootheca.

Therefore, he chose to undertake the risk of attacking. He knew that the level of risk was high, but he still disregarded the risk and attacked it before it progressed to the next round of breeding, in which it would breed even stronger Abyssal monsters; he attempted to wipe out the root of the problem.

Unfortunately, his ending was undoubtedly tragic.

Sword Palace's palace master's death made it obvious to the people that the ootheca could not be destroyed at all.

His death made many people realize suddenly that even someone who was as powerful as the palace master, or even the Dragon Emperor, were insignificant and helpless in the presence of certain entities.

Many people even felt intense fear now, as they knew very well that their abilities were far from reaching the palace master's.

It felt like they had always had a strong man supporting them if the sky fell. However, the strong man was now dead, and the sky was still falling.

On the Sword Alliance's side, even though they already found out from Lin Huang about how terrifying the ootheca was, Lin Xin, Lin Xuan and the others did not snap back to their senses for a long time.

Grimace, on the other hand, had been staring at the Sword Palace's palace master's crushed corpse. To be exact, he was staring at that sword.

However, Bai noticed his subtle actions instantly.

"Don't you even think about it. We can't take that!"

Grimace stared at Bai angrily. "You're such a party-pooper."

People from the Sword Palace went over to collect the corpse while the two of them chatted. Those people conveniently took that infinite supreme treasure-level sword away.

After that, a heavy atmosphere seemed to linger over everyone present.

At midnight of the 41st day, the ootheca began to breed again.

This time, its breeding routine was reset again.

It only bred a single Abyssal monster, but that monster's aura had skyrocketed once again.

Almost everyone had a terrible expression on their faces when they saw the appearance of this monster.

This was especially true for some of the powerful dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses. They could clearly sense from its aura that the monster's combat strength had surpassed the Sword Palace's palace master who had just died!

"A monster that has mastered a trillion chaotic cosmoseses…" Even Dragon Emperor's pupils shrunk.

It was a dark purple, 12-headed python beast. Its 12 heads were of dragon origin, and they had various forms. The reason they called it a python beast was because it did not have dragon claws. Beneath its many heads, it had a thick snake-like body.

It felt as if the original python's head had been severed, and 12 heads from different dragon beasts had been sewn onto its body instead.

Dragon Emperor looked terrible. Apart from his speculation that he was a powerhouse on the same level as that monster, he looked terrible because of the monster's 12 dragon heads.

Before the Abyssal monster even did anything, Dragon Emperor struck first.

His right arm turned into a golden dragon claw that tore through the air.

The 12 dragon heads on the python beast lifted their gazes at the same time, releasing deafeningly furious roars at the giant claw.

The giant golden dragon claw merely paused for a second before continuing to suppress the monster like a mountain.

A moment later, the python beast's 12 dragon heads exploded one after the other.

By the time the dragon claw had pressed down completely, all 12 of the python beast's heads had exploded. The headless carcass was soon crushed into a pile of mush.

"This guy's ability is not bad," Grimace secretly commented through voice transmission to Lin Xin and the others.

"He should have mastered some three trillion chaotic cosmoses or so. That python beast had only mastered about one trillion chaotic cosmoses, so it makes sense that this would be the end result." Bai saw through Dragon Emperor's combat strength.

"What level of ability are the both of you at now? More powerful than the Dragon Emperor?" Lin Xin could not help but ask.

Hearing that question, Lin Xuan and the other few Sword Servants pricked their ears.

"Slightly more powerful than him, I guess," Bai said honestly.

"What about your Primordium?" Lin Xuan who was standing to the side, asked further.

"Slightly more powerful than his clone, I guess," Grimace answered.

He seemed to be unwilling to expose Bai's and his own real abilities.

"I don't know about the others, but I've just surpassed 20 trillion chaotic cosmoses recently." Bai glanced at Grimace and answered that question honestly anyway.

In reality, the speed of his ability elevation was already fast enough throughout that half a year period. He had seized the opportunity provided by the frequent opening of mystic territories throughout the half a year period, and hunted inside them by creating tens of thousands of clones.

His Primordium stayed inside Lin Huang's Kingdom, continuously refining those Abyssal monsters' Kingdoms (which had been cleansed by Lin Huang).

However, the time provided to him was still too short.

One had to know that the combat strength of Bai's Primordium had been on par with Xue Luo a couple of months ago.

Now that several months had passed, his level of ability had surpassed Dragon Emperor's.

Nevertheless, there was still a large gap in comparison with the Outer Gods under Aza's command.

The heaviness in Lin Xin's heart did not dissipate at all when she heard that.

The reason being was that, even if Bai and the others' Primordiums came, they could only take on the monsters bred by the ootheca during the next round.

Although Dragon Emperor had emerged victorious in this round brilliantly, and he even gave some of the people present hope, most of them knew that, from this round onward, apart from him, nobody else was eligible to fight with these Abyssal monsters.

A small number of them knew that Dragon Emperor's ability was only sufficient to handle this round of the ootheca's breeding.

When the monsters were strengthened during the next round, his ability would no longer be sufficient.

Dragon Emperor's overwhelming victory in this battle did not improve the atmosphere much.

Over the next few days, the atmosphere around the ootheca remained gloomy.

Everyone watched Dragon Emperor attack over and over again in silence. They watched him kill the monsters bred by the ootheca.

However, on the 44th midnight, everyone finally noticed that the battle was starting to become difficult for him.

This time, the ootheca bred eight Abyssal monsters.

One of them was a monster that was similar to a worm that had mastered the same number of chaotic cosmoses but, as it kept clinging onto him, Dragon Emperor had no time or chance to take care of the remaining seven monsters at all.

If Bai did not initiate his attack in time, the spectators might all have been killed by the other seven Abyssal monsters.

The blood-colored wings on Bai's back transformed into long whips. They killed the seven Abyssal monsters instantly.

After that, only the prolonged battle between the Dragon Emperor and the white worm remained.

The spectators retreated far away.

"Retreat and don't stay too close to watch," Bai said to the people through voice transmission directly, "The reason being is that the coming battles will get more and more out of control. Also, as soon as a monster of that level goes out of control, one attack is all that it will take to kill all of the spectators around here. We might not have the time to prevent that from happening."

If someone else said that, these people might have resisted.

However, the words had been uttered by Bai, who had just killed seven Abyssal monsters instantly. All of the people chose to believe his words.

Even if a small number of them were upset and wanted to stay behind, they did not dare to when they saw everyone was leaving.

After Bai spoke, almost all of the spectators retreated within ten breaths of time.

On the Sword Alliance's side, even Lin Xin and Lin Xuan left. Bai and Grimace were the only ones remaining in the vicinity.

On the Dragon Island's side, apart from Dragon Emperor, the rest left as well.

All of the people from the Sword Palace retreated with the palace master's corpse.

On Snow Domain's side, Xue Luo left with all of her members.

Seeing that these top organizations had retreated, the remaining smaller organizations ran away even faster.

Meanwhile, on Heaven's Secret's side, Old Man Heaven's Secret was the only one left. He watched the battle from afar.