
Chapter 1901: Charcoal, Thunder and Little Witch

The intense battle between Dragon Emperor and the worm monster finally ended over two hours later.

He revealed almost all of his trump cards in this battle in order to finally defeat it.

After killing the worm monster, he did not even collect the carcass. He sat where he was with his legs crossed directly to adjust his breathing.

Bai warned Grimace again when he saw the latter staring at the carcass in excitement.

After almost an hour, Dragon Emperor finally got up and collected the white worm's carcass.

At that moment, he belatedly realized that all of the spectators had left.

Apart from himself and the two people from the Sword Alliance, Old Man Heaven's Secret from Heaven's Secret was the only one left around the ootheca.

"We'll have to pass the baton to the both of you now," Dragon Emperor said to Bai and Grimace while cupping his hands.

He knew that the people before him were the only ones who could fight with the monsters.

Bai nodded, while Grimace did not bother to respond to him. He turned his head and shouted at Old Man Heaven's Secret, "Old man, we're not taking the responsibility if you're killed in the crossfire."

Old Man Heaven's Secret's combat strength was only at dominator-level rank-8, which was even lower than Lin Xin and the rest. However, this old man insisted on staying.

"I won't blame anyone if I'm really killed. You don't have to worry about me."

Bai asked after a moment of thought, "What does Heaven's Secret know about this ootheca?"

"I've actually sent the related information to your swordmaster. Dragon Emperor and the leaders from the few other top organizations received it as well."

"I don't know how much information your swordmaster revealed to you guys. Since there's no one else here, I'll give you a rough explanation."

Old Man Heaven's Secret organized his thoughts before speaking slowly, "This ootheca was actually created by one of the three Outer Gods under Aza, whose name is Shub."

"She's known as the Lord of All Things under Aza. Apart from breeding Abyssal creatures in Aza's dreamland on her own, most of the monsters in the Abyss were actually created by her."

"This ootheca is known as the Black Goat's Egg. Shub can only create 12 such oothecas at most."

"The ootheca has two breeding rules. One is as Nyarlathotep described, which is the rule that we've been observing so far. It'll reset each round every ten days, and the Abyssal monsters it breeds will grow more and more powerful with every round."

"The other breeding rule is that the ootheca would breed the Black Goat's Offspring directly. However, we don't know the exact details behind this."

"We only know that the Black Goat's Offspring is a terrifying monster whose physical body is even more powerful than the Outer Gods. Its iron hooves can crush everything in the world. It has a bottomless appetite, and it can devour any substance. It will even obtain the strength to devour all living beings."

"Only one of the 12 oothecas are here, which means there are 11 other oothecas that might breed the Black Goat's Offspring. As soon as that happens, the three Outer Gods will not be our only enemies. There will be 11 entities that have the same level of ability as the three Outer Gods." Bai suddenly looked terrible now.

"Why not surrender now? Suddenly I feel that it's not too bad to be converted into Abyssal creatures. It might make us even more powerful…" Grimace, who was standing to the side, said while pouting.

"Apart from testing us, the Black Goat's Egg is also helping them stall for time," Old Man Heaven's Secret continued, "They require time in order for the Black Goat's Offspring to hatch before Aza is woken up."

The information Old Man Heaven's Secret revealed made the people there fall into a long period of silence.

Time flew by, and it was soon midnight again.

This time, the number of monsters the ootheca bred doubled again. There were 16 Abyssal monsters now.

Grimace still did not attack. Bai and Dragon Emperor worked together and killed the Abyssal monsters that had mastered trillions of chaotic cosmoses.

Over the next few days, Grimace did not bother to attack.

As there were more and more Abyssal monsters, and the monsters' combat strength continued to grow, Dragon Emperor felt more and more pressured.

Fortunately, Bai managed to kill the entities whose combat strength was more powerful than Dragon Emperor's, which kept him from dying.

On the 50th day, the number of Abyssal monsters the ootheca bred reached 512.

It was only then that Grimace took the initiative to kill the monsters. His instantaneous kill speed even surpassed Bai's.

"What? You aren't going to wait until tomorrow to fight?" Bai teased.

"Tomorrow's battle has nothing to do with us." Grimace smiled.

With Grimace joining the battle, these monsters were killed within a minute.

He collected the carcasses enthusiastically and said to Dragon Emperor, who was not far away, "You can rest from tomorrow onward."

Dragon Emperor looked rather depressed. Throughout these ten days, he had quickly come to realize that Bai and Grimace's abilities had surpassed his.

"Are there… entities that are more powerful than the two of you in the Sword Alliance?"

"Of course." Grimace grinned. "We're just clones. Our Primordiums are even more powerful."

"The two of you… are just clones?!" Dragon Emperor widened his eyes and displayed a look of disbelief.

He had never thought the two guys who were much more powerful than him were just clones.

Bai glared at Grimace. He knew what this guy was doing. He was revealing that to damage Dragon Emperor's confidence intentionally.

"Can I stay behind to watch the upcoming battle?" Dragon Emperor asked after some hesitation.

"You can stay if you want to. No matter what, just like that guy, we might not have the extra time to take care of the two of you," Grimace said while peeping at Old Man Heaven's Secret, who was standing pretty far away.

Dragon Emperor nodded. He asked again after a moment of silence, "Sorry to ask, how many powerhouses are there in the Sword Alliance who have the same level of abilities as your Primordium?"

"You might see some of them tomorrow." Grimace smiled and did not answer his question.

"What about Chief Lin? Is he more powerful than your Primordium?" Dragon Emperor asked further.

"It's…" Grimace dragged his words out on purpose, and only continued a while later, "A secret!"

At that moment, a voice suddenly spoke into their ears.

"You talk too much, Grimace." A young man in a black robe stepped out from the sky and appeared before them.

Dragon Emperor was clearly stunned when he saw that person. He sensed a familiar aura on that person. It was the aura of someone from the same tribe.

It was Charcoal who arrived.

"Little Charcoal, why do you look human now?" Grimace teased while snickering.

"Do you not want your clone anymore?" Charcoal looked mean. It hated Grimace addressing it in that way.

It could not do anything when Grimace's Primordium called it that. However, this was just his clone. Charcoal was really eager to punish him.

"You can't defeat my Primordium, so you're going to vent your anger on my clone?" Grimace teased.

"So what if I do!" Charcoal said while stretching out its palm.

At that moment, a man in a purple robe and golden crown appeared out of thin air. He pressed his hand on Charcoal's shoulder.

"Master said we're supposed to focus our attention on the enemy in this mission."

Charcoal scoffed and retrieved its hand.

"Why do you look human too, Little Crow?" Grimace said to the man in the purple robe.

"I…" Thunder, who was in the purple robe, almost lost itself.

Throughout the years, it had hated it the most when Grimace called it by that name.

At that moment, a young lady in a red robe appeared out of nowhere.

As her fingers moved subtly, Grimace's lips were sealed by a red thread. It was as if there was a needle guiding the thread across his lips, which sewed them together completely in an instant.

"Him being annoying is nothing new that he's annoying. Let's just sew up his lips." The red-robed young lady's tone was calm.

She was Witch, who had always been guarding Lin Xin.

Dragon Emperor was completely shocked when he sensed the terrifying auras emanating from these few people.

There were so many terrifying powerhouses in the Sword Alliance!

Chapter 1902: Because We're at Rank-10

"Isn't that going too far, Little Witch?"

Grimace grew another mouth on his face and shouted at Witch.

Witch placed her finger on her lips and shushed him softly. It appeared quite threatening.

Grimace shut his mouth immediately.

He only had a clone here right now. He would end up on the losing side when faced with her Primordium.

Perhaps others would not deign to hit him in the presence of outsiders, but Witch had many tricks up her sleeve. It would be easy for her to punish him with all sorts of tricks.

"You're the only one who can get him to shut up, Little Witch." Charcoal was smiling happily when he saw that Grimace had met his match.

Thunder, who was standing to the side, gave Little Witch a thumbs up too.

While they were chatting, Tyrant, Fiend, Scarlet Imp, Herculean King, Bing Wang, and the others arrived one after the other.

The imperial monsters did not really conceal their auras. Dragon Emperor was shocked to see that, so much so that he forgot to greet them.

After they chatted for a little bit, Charcoal finally noticed that there were two outsiders around.

"Your aura… You're fromthe Dragon Tribe?"

It glanced at Old Man Heaven's Secret, who was standing far away, and it soon turned its attention back to Dragon Emperor. It sensed the same type of aura on him.

"That's right, senior." Dragon Emperor wanted to greet Charcoal when he saw the latter arrive.

However, he had been stunned when he saw what Witch did to Grimace. As more powerhouses from the Sword Alliance arrived one after the other, he became even more dazed and totally forgot that he was supposed to come over and greet Charcoal.

"Please don't call me senior. Call me Charcoal." Charcoal was too shy to be called a senior.

It knew that if they really wanted to talk about seniority, this person before it was definitely its ancestor.

Dragon Emperor had the legitimate Dragon Tribe's bloodline of the Dragon Forefather.

Although Charcoal was a legitimate Dragon Tribe member too, it only elevated to rank-10 by relying on its master's Goldfinger. Meanwhile, Dragon Emperor was born at Eternity rank-9, and had been a Dominator as soon as he was born.

"Charcoal…" Dragon Emperor was stunned when he heard its name.

He had a faint feeling that it sounded similar to the name of a pet. Nevertheless, he did not dare to say that out loud, and opted to greet Charcoal respectfully instead.

"Senior Charcoal…"

He did not know Charcoal's background, but he could sense that it was much more powerful than he was judging by its combat strength. He figured that he should call it senior. Although its bloodline was not as pure as his, it had powerful abilities.

Charcoal did not say much more seeing that Dragon Emperor insisted on calling it senior. It could only let him be.

Dragon Emperor chatted with Charcoal for a while, as he wanted to learn about its background. However, Charcoal kept avoiding the topic.

If Charcoal really told the truth, its sense of seniority would really disappear.

In order to prevent Dragon Emperor from dwelling on the topic, Charcoal dragged him over and introduced him to the rest of the imperial monsters passionately.

Dragon Emperor chatted with the many seniors, and he slowly forgot about his initial objective.

After chatting for a little bit, he found out that, apart from that guy called Grimace, these powerhouses from the Sword Alliance were quite easygoing. It was not that Grimace was difficult to communicate with, he was just a little mean.

Time flew by, and soon it was the 51st midnight.

The ootheca's sixth round of breeding finally began.

This time, as everyone expected, the ootheca bred an Abyssal monster that had mastered ten trillion chaotic cosmoses.

Herculean King killed the monster directly with a mere slap.

Dragon Emperor was quite shocked when he saw that.

As Dragon Emperor, his physical strength was sufficiently powerful.

However, Herculean King's attack showed him a level of physical strength that he could not reach.

Over the next few days, the number of Abyssal monsters the ootheca bred kept multiplying.

Nevertheless, they were killed by those people from the Sword Alliance easily. They basically killed all of the monsters instantly.

This made Dragon Emperor, who had thought that he was invincible in the infinite universe for a couple of eras, aware that he had been a frog in the well previously.

The few seniors from the Sword Alliance in front of him could kill him instantly with a casual slap.

When the 60th day arrived, 512 Abyssal monsters that had mastered ten trillion chaotic cosmoses appeared. Still, the few of them killed the Abyssal monsters instantly.

Dragon Emperor could hold back no longer and finally raised the question that he had been nurturing in his heart, throughout these few days, to Charcoal.

"Senior Charcoal, why can you guys kill these Abyssal monsters so easily when some of their auras are clearly more powerful than yours? Are you all concealing your real combat strength?"

When Charcoal heard that question, it leaned in close to Dragon Emperor's ear and said softly through voice transmission, "I can tell you, but you can't tell anyone else."

Dragon Emperor kept nodding.

"It's because we've been elevated to rank-10," Charcoal told him a secret that was not considered a secret.

"Rank-10?!" Dragon Emperor widened his eyes.

Rank-10 was the ultimate grade that legends claimed that all living beings could achieve.

He had always thought that rank-10 living beings were only a legend, and that it was impossible for such beings to really exist.

Since being born until now, which spanned a period of tens of eras, he had never seen a rank-10 living being. Even throughout the few eras he had ruled the Dragon Island, whereby its intelligence network spread through the entire infinite universe, he had never heard anything about a rank-10 living being appearing.

"Although I've only mastered some 20 trillion chaotic cosmoses, with my ability, I can fight on equal terms with powerhouses that have mastered 100 trillion chaotic cosmoses," Charcoal said while glancing at the rest, "Them too."

In the infinite universe, basically all powerhouses that could elevate to dominator-level rank-9 were rank-9 living beings.

The Kingdoms of those that were lower than rank-9 could not contain hundreds of millions of chaotic cosmoses.

Everyone had the same grade. That was the reason why, among dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses, the number of chaotic cosmoses one mastered basically decided which one of them was more powerful.

"Then, were you guys born at rank-10, senior? Or was it somehow acquired?" Dragon Emperor could not help but ask further curiously.

"Naturally, we only acquired that rank later." Charcoal did not hide the fact.

"There's… a way to do that?!" Dragon Emperor asked rather emotionally. However, he instantly realized that it was very inappropriate to ask Charcoal about such a secret. "Is the method for sale?"

The reason he was so emotional was because Charcoal was also a Dragon Tribe member like he was. It meant that there was a high chance that he could use the same elevation method that Charcoal used.

"I really can't tell you that." Charcoal waved directly to decline him.

They used Xiao Hei's Advance Card. Naturally, it could not tell outsiders about such a secret.

Lin Huang had been around in the cultivation world for a couple of years. Although many people knew about his identity as a traveler, nobody knew what his Goldfinger's function was.

Many guessed that it had something to do with his cultivation speed.

A small number of them guessed that it had something to do with his imperial monsters. However, nobody guessed that his Goldfinger could elevate his imperial monsters' grades.

Naturally, they would not reveal such a secret, nor would they dare to.

Although Dragon Emperor was sad to hear Charcoal's response, he knew that it made sense that it did not reveal such precious information.

Such a secret was enough to make everyone in the infinite universe lose their collective minds!

Chapter 1903: I'm Going Back into Closed-Door Cultivation

In the morning of the 61st day, more people from the Sword Alliance came.

It was Kylie who arrived this time.

When it was almost afternoon, Lancelot became the second to arrive.

Killer only arrived when the sky was turning dark.

Dragon Emperor could clearly sense that the auras of these three people were even more powerful than Charcoal and the others.

At midnight, the ootheca entered a new round of breeding again.

This time, it bred a human lady.

To be exact, it bred a young lady who looked pretty. She looked like she was only in her early 20s.

She did not exude the aura of a cultivator at all, and looked just like a regular person.

When they saw the lady, it was not only Dragon Emperor, but even Bai and the others were stunned.

The next second, Kylie charged forward in a flash. Her spear pierced through the lady's body directly.

Her blood poured out. She still looked human even after she died.

Dragon Emperor still looked doubtful. However, Bai and the others were staring at the "human corpse" expressionlessly at the moment.

They had just heard Witch's voice transmission, "It's an illusion. Don't fall for its tricks!"

While sending the voice transmission, she also performed a hand seal to snap them all out of the illusion.

As Dragon Emperor's God's soul was too weak, he failed to snap out of it even with Witch's help. To Bai and the others, the corpse of the graceful human lady he was looking at was a tentacled monster.

The monster had the head of a butterfly, and its body beneath its head was that of a human lady. However, there were tentacles that were like white snakes from the waist down. They were squirming around continuously…

After having its chest pierced by Kylie's spear, it tried to regenerate its squirming flesh over and over again. However, deep inside the wound, the purple lightning did not stop flickering. As it flickered, not only did its wound not heal at all, it even expanded at a speed that was visible to the naked eye…

Kylie did not attack again. She watched quietly from the side while clutching her battle spear.

Very soon, the lightning had spread to half of its body.

The butterfly-faced monster's body seemed to be rotting rapidly. It soon turned into a pile of grayish-white liquid…

Only then did Dragon Emperor sense the remnant aura exuding from the pile of liquid.

It was the devilish Abyssal energy.

He had just realized what had happened. "An illusion?!"

Charcoal, who was standing to the side, nodded. "It was a rather powerful one."

However, it did not admit that it had fallen for its trick as well earlier.

Although the monster was killed, Kylie and the rest did not feel any joy from the victory at all.

Almost everyone had fallen for its trick earlier. Were it not for Witch, there might have been casualties.

They realized that, although they could fight monsters that were more powerful than them, as well as powerful enemies that had mastered hundreds of trillions of chaotic cosmoses, the strength of their God's souls was still a great weakness.

If they encountered enemies that were experts in God's soul attacks, Witch might only be the only person present who would be able to fight.

"Grimace, get your Primordium here," Kylie said to Grimace directly.

"No need." As soon as Grimace was done speaking, his aura began to skyrocket instantly. Very soon, it arrived at a similar level to Kylie's. "My clone should have 80% of the ability of my Primordium now. It should be enough."

Seeing that, Bai, who was standing to the side, also began to adjust his clone's ability.

His aura quickly increased to a level similar to Grimace's.

Their clones had not been eligible to join the battle earlier, but they could now.

"You guys are so lazy." Charcoal glanced at the two clones.

Over the next few days, Kylie was still the primary attacker.

She was the fastest, so the rest could not get to the monsters faster than she did.

They only picked up the monsters that she missed.

On the 64th midnight, the ootheca bred eight Abyssal monsters. Not only that, among them were monsters that had mastered over 800 trillion chaotic cosmoses.

Kylie, Bai and the others had to work together to kill them.

On the 65th day, Eclipse (Eclipse Boa), Crescent Moon and Dark Moon (the two Dark Crescent Snakes), Death Knight, Fallen Knight, Evil Dominator, Teng Ran (Teng Snake), Ku Rong (Demonic Buddhist Holy Son), Blackscale (Symbiotic Creature of the Abyssal Fountain), Nine Gloom (Silver-armored Nine Gloom), Bloop (Abyssal King Jellyfish), Old Spear (World-ending Spearfiend) and Shadow (Shadow God) arrived on the battlefield one after the other.

Apart from the Bug Tribe, almost all of the imperial monsters under Lin Huang had arrived.

All of them were at rank-10. They had each mastered more than ten trillion chaotic cosmoses.

Over the next few days, everyone worked together to kill the monsters.

Bai and Grimace's clones unleashed their abilities perfectly. Their performance was no less amazing than the other imperial monsters.

Everyone enjoyed the fights.

However, after the battle on the 70th midnight, Grimace's clone disappeared.

Bai's clone vanished as well.

Charcoal left directly after telling Dragon Emperor, "I'm going back into closed-door cultivation."

Kylie and the others left one after the other, though Kylie left her clone here.

"What does that mean?" Dragon Emperor had confusion fill his face. He could not understand what Charcoal meant by that when he left.

One had to know that the new round of breeding would start again on the 71st day.

Them leaving looked more like they had ditched their responsibility and passed it to Dragon Emperor.

He looked doubtful. Seeing that Kylie left a clone here, he went up to ask her after a moment of hesitation, "Where did they all go?"

"They went back to refine some Kingdoms," Kylie's clone explained simply.

"They are refining Kingdoms now? Can they make it in time for the new round of breeding tomorrow?" As soon as Dragon Emperor asked that, he suddenly thought of something and let it slip directly, "The Sword Alliance has a time flow acceleration supreme treasure?!"

Kylie only looked at him in silence. She did not nod to admit it, nor did she shake her head to deny it.

Dragon Emperor had goosebumps from her stare, so he quickly said, "I was just speaking nonsense. I don't know anything."

He returned to where he had been standing in a flash.

His fluctuating emotions gradually calmed down.

After guessing that the Sword Alliance had some time flow acceleration supreme treasure, he finally thought through some things that he had not been able to figure out earlier.

"No wonder the Sword Alliance could create so many powerhouses in large numbers…"

He knew very well that the Kingdoms in rank-9 living beings could usually contain 100 million to one trillion chaotic cosmoses at most. There were some who were born with unique bodies or physiques, or for other reasons, that could surpass one trillion chaotic cosmoses.

It was normal for rank-9.5 living beings to have Kingdoms that could contain more than one trillion chaotic cosmoses. It might even be possible for their Kingdoms to contain quadrillions of chaotic cosmoses.

Meanwhile, the limit of chaotic cosmoses that could be contained in the Kingdoms of rank-10 living beings was significantly higher. Dragon Emperor thought one hundred trillion should be the bottomline, and that the limit could possibly be over ten quadrillion.

Therefore, theoretically, Charcoal and the others had yet to reach their limits. If they had access to time flow acceleration treasures that could allow them to refine many powerhouses' Kingdoms in a short period of time, and increase the number of chaotic cosmoses significantly in their bodies, it would be the equivalent of gaining a significant boost in their abilities within a short period of time.

The truth was similar to what Dragon Emperor had guessed.

Bai and the others were inside Lin Huang's body refining the Abyssal Kingdoms that he had cleansed with all of their might.

Aided by the over six billion fold time flow acceleration in Lin Huang's Kingdom, the imperial monsters' abilities were increasing frantically as time slowly passed by in the outside world…

Chapter 1904: Best Actress Kylie

As the sky slowly turned dark, Dragon Emperor began to worry after seeing that nobody from the Sword Alliance had returned.

Then, late at night, a figure appeared next to Kylie's clone out of nowhere.

It was the Abyssal King Jellyfish, Bloop.

She had taken human form completely.

She wore a white dress, and her skin was fair and tender. Her purple hair reached her waist, and her face was gentle and warm.

She gave out a completely different feeling when standing next to Kylie, who looked heroic.

Dragon Emperor tried to gauge Bloop's combat strength. He had a faint feeling that she was slightly more powerful than a day before, but he had no idea how much more powerful she was exactly.

Nevertheless, her return relieved a significant amount of his worries.

Within an hour of Bloop returning, Old Spear (World-ending Spearfiend), Shadow (Shadow God), Teng Ran (Teng Snake), Ku Rong (Demonic Buddhist Holy Son), Blackscale (Symbiotic Creature of the Abyssal Fountain), Nine Gloom (Silver-armored Nine Gloom) and the others all came back to the battlefield one after the other.

When that happened, Dragon Emperor was finally relieved.

Over the next few hours, Lancelot, Charcoal, Tyrant and the rest arrived consecutively.

An hour before midnight, apart from Bloody, Bai, Grimace, Kylie's Primordium and the bunch of Bug Tribe monsters, the remaining imperial monsters under Lin Huang's command had all basically arrived.

Seeing that Charcoal had arrived, Dragon Emperor went over to chat immediately.

"You guys only left for less than a day, and yet your auras have increased significantly."

"Of course," Charcoal said while smirking.

"Are you confident enough to handle this round of breeding?" Dragon Emperor immediately asked further.

"I have full confidence in my ability to do so!" Charcoal was bursting with confidence.

"Can you spill the beans? How many chaotic cosmoses have you mastered now?" Dragon Emperor seemed to realize something after asking that question, after which he added, "Just give me the rough figure."

Charcoal did not answer that question directly. Instead, it asked while smiling, "Can you calculate how many Abyssal monsters the ootheca will breed this round?"

Dragon Emperor was stunned when he heard the question, but he responded quickly, "One on the first day, two on the second day, then it will double on each subsequent day. Finally, there'll be 512 on the tenth day. Therefore, there will be 1,023 monsters in total in this round. Why did you ask that?"

"Then how many chaotic cosmoses do you think those Abyssal monsters during the last round had mastered on average?" Charcoal asked further.

"I can't calculate that exactly. I only know the weakest one had mastered over 100 trillion chaotic cosmoses, while the most powerful one should have mastered over 900 trillion." Dragon Emperor shook his head. "I can only take the average number, so let's settle for 500 trillion chaotic cosmoses."

"So. given that there were over 1,000 monsters with an average of 500 trillion chaotic cosmoses each, how many chaotic cosmoses were there in total?" Charcoal asked again with a smile.

"That would be over 500 quadrillion…" Dragon Emperor was clearly stunned when he calculated that. He glanced at Charcoal and the remaining imperial monsters present, after which he looked shocked. "No way. Do your Kingdoms really contain so many chaotic cosmoses?!"

Apart from Bai, Kylie and Grimace, who were not here at the moment, there were a total of 25 people from the Sword Alliance present.

If those three were included, there would only be a total of 28 people.

Dividing 500 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses averagely among each of them, that would come up to close to 20 quadrillion each.

Dragon Emperor had often wondered if rank-10 living beings' Kingdom could contain more than ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses. Now, it seemed that it was completely possible.

"Actually there weren't 500 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses. There were only some 300 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses." Charcoal did not answer his question directly, but decisively corrected the figure.

In reality, Dragon Emperor's calculation was not too far off.

For the 25 people who were here at least, they had now mastered more than ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses. They were considered to be on the level of the three Outer Gods.

As long as any of them was willing, it would be no problem for them to destroy the ootheca in front of them directly.

However, Bloody had said something to everyone through voice transmission before they went into closed-door cultivation.

"This ootheca might be a great threat to others but, to us, it's equivalent to a valuable supreme treasure. The reason being is that each of the Abyssal monsters it breeds is a great trove for our Kingdoms."

"The Abyssal monsters that it bred on the seventh round were enough to elevate us to the level of the Outer Gods. In the eighth round, it can definitely provide us with more resources for our Kingdoms."

"In my opinion, when you guys return to the battlefield, even if you have the ability to destroy the ootheca, there's no need to do so at all."

"My suggestion is that everyone should restrain your combat strength and maintain your auras at one hundred trillion chaotic cosmoses so as to obtain the resources from the eighth round 'forcefully'."

"You guys better put up a good act and not expose your real abilities to prevent Nyarlathotep from recalling the ootheca halfway through.

"It'd be even better if you guys can deceive him until the ninth round…"

Everyone agreed with what Bloody said.

After all, the resources the ootheca provided were hard to come by.

As soon as Nyarlathotep and the others under Aza's command noticed that something was off, they probably would refrain from using the ootheca to provide the imperial monsters with any further resources.

Due to Bloody's reminder, everyone suppressed their aura at one hundred trillion chaotic cosmoses as soon as they left closed-door cultivation.

Lin Huang was very satisfied by how the situation was progressing.

Initially, he had been worried that they could no longer handle the monsters when the ootheca started breeding monsters that had mastered one quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

If that happened, after testing the limits of the infinite universe's side, Nyarlathotep and the others might have sent over their armies soon after.

Now though, it looked like it would not be a problem to drag out the situation for another ten days.

This meant that he would have ten days extra to integrate more chaotic cosmoses.

Time flew by, and it was soon midnight again.

A couple of minutes before the ootheca began a new round of breeding, Bai, Grimace and Kylie also returned to the battlefield.

Similarly, the three of them had disguised their auras to be at the level of one hundred trillion chaotic cosmoses.

Soon after the three of them arrived, a new round of breeding officially began.

This time, the Abyssal monster the ootheca bred was a supreme powerhouse that had mastered one quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

As soon as the monster appeared, even before it released its aura, Dragon Emperor clearly felt suffocated by its mere presence.

He even had a faint feeling that the time around him had frozen somewhat.

However, the next second, he saw Kylie, garbed in silver armor, appearing above the monster out of nowhere.

Endless golden lightning shot forth from the tip of her spear. It drowned the monster instantly.

The monster released a devastating shriek.

However, the monster escaped the lightning web forcefully a moment later and swung its giant palm at Kylie.

She fought it while holding her spear. She was thrown out directly as the tip of her spear collided with the giant palm…

In reality, Dragon Emperor could not see the battle clearly.

Meanwhile, Charcoal and the others, who were watching from the side, exclaimed secretly, "Tsk, tsk. Kylie's acting skills are off the charts! If Master was here, he would say that she deserved all of the award for best actress in all categories…"

Chapter 1905: You Guys Are Lucky This Round!

Kylie's battle lasted for close to ten minutes.

She had almost unleashed "all of her strength" to barely kill that Abyssal monster.

Bai and the rest watched the entire battle with their jaws on the floor. They were absolutely gobsmacked by how great her acting skills were.

If they did not know her current ability, they might have really thought that this was her real ability.

Dragon Emperor was completely convinced. He had even forgotten about the number that Charcoal had gotten him to calculate earlier.

"How did you act so well, Kylie?" Charcoal could not help but ask her.

Kylie glanced at Charcoal. "I suppressed my combat strength to 300 trillion chaotic cosmoses, while also prohibiting myself from using additional strength during the battle."

Bai and the others had actually guessed what Kylie had done.

To be honest, that was actually quite a dangerous move to pull.

After Charcoal heard her reply, almost without hesitation, it sealed its combat strength as well.

Everyone did the same for the next few days.

Although it was quite risky, at least Nyarlathotep would not find anything strange about the situation that might cause him to retrieve the ootheca in advance.

They had tasted the bountiful rewards from killing the Abyssal monsters during the seventh round earlier.

In the eighth round now, the Abyssal creatures the ootheca bred had mastered almost tenfold the number of chaotic cosmoses of those from the previous round. Naturally, the imperial monsters were unwilling to give up on such a feast easily.

If a little bit of acting would earn them at least 100 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses, as well as a significant boost in their abilities, why would they not do so?

Throughout these few days, it was not only Kylie, but Bai and the others also exhibited great acting skills as well.

On the 78th day, the number of Abyssal monsters bred by the ootheca surpassed a hundred.

A number of them could not help but unseal a small number of chaotic cosmoses.

However, they were careful. They maintained their increase in ability at less than 20%.

As expected, Nyarlathotep, who had been watching the battles secretly, did not notice anything off.

The reason being was that the monsters the ootheca bred earlier were fewer in number, so it made total sense that the imperial monsters had held back their abilities.

Although Nyarlathotep guessed that Bai and the others had probably used some time flow acceleration treasure to obtain a boost in their abilities after vanishing for a day, the treasures he knew about had a limit of accelerating time flow by 10,000 times.

He would never imagine that the time flow in Lin Huang's Kingdom could be accelerated billions of times faster, resulting in one day inside being equivalent to 18 million years outside.

That long period of time was enough for the imperial monsters under Lin Huang's command to fully refine all of the Abyssal Kingdoms.

For the 79th and 80th day, the imperial monsters won while making it look difficult for them. In reality, they were secretly over the moon.

No matter how high the possibility was of them being exposed in the next round, at least they had already obtained the spoils they desired in this eighth round.

When the hunt on the 80th day ended, Bai and the others vanished quickly once again.

Yet again, Dragon Emperor and Kylie's clone were the only ones left behind.

Dragon Emperor watched as Charcoal and the others disappeared. He became worried again.

Meanwhile, Kylie's clone shut her eyes and rested in silence.

She could sense that there was a Divine Telekinesis with ill intentions secretly scanning her.

Kylie's clone only had the strength of 300 trillion chaotic cosmoses.

However, as her clone had the same source in terms of God's soul, Kylie's Primordium could clearly sense Nyarlathotep scanning the clone.

Her Primordium merely grinned.

"You won't find anything off!"

As a powerhouse of a similar level, she had absolute confidence that he would not be able to find anything unusual. It was Bloody who had asked her to leave the clone behind on purpose.

Nyarlathotep was hiding inside the huge mystic territory. After scanning Kylie with Divine Telekinesis a few times, he scoffed and eventually recalled his Divine Telekinesis.

"You guys were lucky this round! I'd like to see how you all are going to handle the next round!"

Conveniently, Dragon Emperor did not sense that he was being scanned with Divine Telekinesis.

Before midnight of the 81st day, Charcoal and the rest returned one after the other.

The chaotic cosmoses they had mastered had basically surpassed 100 quadrillion. Some of them had even mastered over 200 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

However, they still adjusted their auras to 800 to 900 trillion chaotic cosmoses this time, while a small number of them adjusted their auras to a little over one quadrillion.

The reason why nobody rashly adjusted their aura to above one quadrillion was to prevent Nyarlathotep, who was watching secretly, from becoming skeptical.

Regarding how their combat strength at such a level could handle the ootheca's new round of breeding, Bloody already had made her arrangements.

At midnight, black fog lingered on the surface of the ootheca. It had begun its new round of breeding.

It was a giant cow-headed fiend that was bred this time.

It was a few times bigger than the ootheca.

Judging by the Abyssal monster's aura, it had clearly mastered over ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses. It was on the same level as the Outer Gods.

It wore bronze battle armor, and held a huge battle axe in its hands.

It was clearly a tough close-combat-type powerhouse.

Nyarlathotep was snickering in the dark. "Judging by the strength of your auras, you guys won't even be able to break through its defense!"

The next second, Kylie, Thunder and Charcoal looked at each other.

The three of them appeared above the giant cow-headed fiend's head in a flash.

Instantly, a battle formation was formed with Kylie as the core. A female battle god's figure, that was holding a spear, was consolidated in the air.

The battle god held the spear and pierced it through the middle of the giant cow-headed fiend's eyebrows.

Endless bolts of lightning and sparks erupted like a light pillar at the tip of the spear.

The giant cow-headed fiend quickly blocked it by swinging its ax.

The monster's huge body, which was as big as a chaotic cosmos, was thrown out by the spear directly.

Nyarlathotep's pupils shrunk when he saw the situation unfold.

Never had he thought that they would be able to form a battle formation.

Among the three people who formed the battle formation, the lady at the core was the only one who had mastered more than one quadrillion chaotic cosmoses. The other two had only mastered some 800 to 900 trillion chaotic cosmoses. However, when they formed the battle formation, their abilities were enough to fight the giant cow-headed fiend that had mastered over ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses!

"The battle formations humans designed cannot be underestimated at all…" Nyarlathotep could not help but release a soft sigh.

Although they had sealed their real abilities, Kylie and the other two had a level of power that was no weaker than the giant cow-headed fiend.

They even had the absolute upper hand in terms of speed. They were suppressing the fiend the entire time.

The giant cow-headed fiend could not unleash its strength at all, and it was suppressed in terms of speed. It was soon cornered.

This caused the battle to last less than 20 minutes, and the giant cow-headed fiend was killed by the battle formation formed by the three of them.

The first battle of the ninth round ended while Nyarlathotep was in disbelief.

"With three people forming a battle formation, you guys can only form nine battle formations and fight twenty monsters forcefully. I don't believe that you guys can handle fifty to a hundred monsters!"

Chapter 1906: Stop Acting

Over the next few days, Bai and the others formed battle formations, killing the Abyssal monsters that the ootheca bred.

Since then, they soon found out that the battle strength of the monsters the ootheca bred seemed to have reached its limit.

All of the Abyssal monsters it bred had only mastered some ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses. None of them had mastered over 20 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

This made the imperial monsters' combat strength disguise even more successful.

Time passed by, and soon it was the 85th day.

At midnight, the ootheca bred 16 Abyssal monsters.

Meanwhile, Bai and the others had only formed nine battle formations.

Feeling helpless, some teams could only fight two monsters on their own.

Although they secretly unsealed some chaotic cosmoses, the battle was still very tough and only ended some three hours later.

Seeing that Bai and other others began to sit with their legs crossed to adjust their breathing, absorbing chaotic crystals and swallowing the essence of the universe to recover, Nyarlathotep had an excited look in his eyes. "I'd like to see what you guys are going to do during the next round!"

On the 86th midnight, the number of Abyssal monsters the ootheca bred doubled again. There were 32 monsters now.

While Nyarlathotep was eager to see them being defeated, Kylie and the rest began to create clones.

Almost everyone present created two clones. Although their combat strength was lower than their Primordiums, they had 70% to 80% of their Primordiums' abilities.

The clones then formed battle formations as well.

The issue of not having sufficient battle formations was instantly solved.

Nyarlathotep was stunned to see the tricks they pulled.

Clearly, it was a solution that Bloody had arranged beforehand.

As the clones joined in, the battle became much easier than the day before.

Within an hour and a half, the 32 Abyssal monsters were killed.

Nyarlathotep was enraged. He really had not expected them to pull this kind of trick.

For the 87th, 88th and 89th day, their actions remained the same, whereby they would create more clones to form battle formations.

However, as more and more clones were created, their combat strength would naturally be lower. This caused the battles throughout those days to become more and more difficult.

On the 87th day, they spent close to four hours in battle.

On the 88th day, they spent close to over eight hours in battle.

On the 89th day, the battle only ended after 20 hours.

Throughout those few days, they had lost half of their clones.

Nevertheless, they held on.

Seeing them slowly being beaten back, Nyarlathotep was anticipating the last day of battle more and more.

"Judging by their current state, all of them should die on the last day."

Soon, it was the 90th midnight.

A layer of black fog lingered on the surface of the ootheca again. However, what was different from before was that the fog had enveloped the ootheca entirely.

They could only see the lingering fog, and they could no longer see the spherical ootheca anymore.

The imperial monsters noticed the unusual situation instantly, and they put their guard up.

The breeding time for this round was clearly much longer than before.

They could only see the rumbling black fog, and could not probe what was happening deep within the fog at all.

Lin Huang, who was watching from far away, was the only one who could see what exactly was happening within the fog.

The ootheca was rotting and collapsing at speed visible to the naked eye. The tentacles began to tangle together, forming smaller ink-black spheres.

There were a total of 512 spheres formed.

The other side of the spheres were connected to the core of the ootheca, which was a ball of extremely thick black fog.

However, the ball of fog was shrinking quickly as well.

Lin Huang's vision pierced through the surface of the sphere, and he soon saw what was happening inside.

The black spheres were actually monster eggs.

Inside the eggs, Abyssal monsters were forming quickly.

As the ootheca gradually collapsed, the ball of black fog at the core of the ootheca was shrinking as well. Once it had completely faded in the end, the black spheres that were made up of the tangled tentacles would be successfully bred. There were cracks slowly appearing on the small spheres.

Only then did Bai and the others see the black fog that was enveloping the ootheca fade away slowly.

The Abyssal monsters exuding terrifying auras finally showed themselves slowly.

Judging by their auras, they had clearly mastered close to 20 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses. Not only that, there were 512 of them.

What confused them the most was that the 500 or so monsters all looked the same.

They were monsters with 12 hooves. Their iron hooves were as thick as giant pillars.

Their heads consisted of tens of thousands of goat's faces.

Above their heads were metal tentacles that were like horns that reached the sky, swaying like kelp in the sea.

"The Black Goat's Offspring?!"

They instantly recalled what Old Man Heaven's Secret had mentioned about the ultimate creature the Black Goat's Egg would breed— the Black Goat's Offspring.

Lin Huang, who was watching the battle from afar, frowned. "Why do they look different from the information Heaven's Secret provided?"

In the information Heaven's Secret provided to Lin Huang, the Black Goat's Offspring was the ultimate creature that the Black Goat's Egg bred.

Their sizes were much bigger than these Abyssal monsters in front of him, and their auras should be that of at least ten quintillion chaotic cosmoses. Their auras alone should have surpassed the three Outer Gods.

Old Man Heaven's Secret revealed to Bai and the others that the aura of the Black Goat's Offspring was only ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses as he was worried that they would feel burdened. He lowered their expectations on purpose.

On the other hand, the information they provided Lin Huang was legitimate without holding anything back.

However, Heaven's Secret did not describe what they were looking at now.

Nonetheless, Lin Huang figured out the reason just with a thought. It was because there were many powerhouses in the era when Aza and the others invaded back then. As such, it was impossible that the Black Goat's Egg could breed Abyssal monsters up to this point as it would have been killed before reaching this point.

This meant that the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao had not seen the Black Goat's Egg's ultimate breeding mode.

Naturally, such a thing was not included in the information Heaven's Secret provided.

"Seems like Bai and the rest will not have to pretend anymore." Lin Huang did not panic at all. Instead, he chuckled.

Bai and the others snapped back to their senses after being momentarily stunned.

"The ootheca is gone, so this should be the last round of breeding," Grimace said to the rest through voice transmission, "I think we shouldn't act anymore. If we continue with the act, we might really lose our lives."

The rest looked at Bai, seemingly awaiting his order.

After all, Bai was Lin Huang's first imperial monster, and his ability had always been ranked within the top three among them.

When Lin Huang was not around, everyone basically treated him as the boss.

Bai only hesitated for a second before nodding. "Alright, stop acting. Let's clear this round directly!"

Chapter 1907: The Sword Alliance Was Too Poor

Nyarlathotep looked like he was enjoying a good show.

The Black Goat's Offspring biomimetics had mastered close to 20 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

That was not the only reason that they were powerful. Their physical bodies mimicked the Black Goat's Offspring as well. It would be difficult even for a dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse who had mastered 20 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses to break through their defense.

Apart from their terrifying physical bodies, their strength had reached a terrifying level.

A stomp of their iron hooves would unleash double of the force of their Dominator Power.

What confused people was that these biomimetics had no God's souls in their bodies. They were born to suppress all sorts of God's soul-type techniques.

Nyarlathotep almost laughed out loud when the information of these biomimetics flashed through his head one after the other.

However, the smile on his face froze suddenly.

The reason being was that he saw a biomimetic's head pierced with an electric arc directly.

Then it happened to the second one, third one…

The biomimetics were like lambs awaiting slaughter. They were killed easily without having the ability to fight back.

Nyarlathotep failed to snap back to his senses for a while as he watched the scene in front of him unfold.

He could not really understand why these biomimetics' defenses, which were considered insanely strong, were like a piece of paper before these people. They seemed somehow more fragile than the preceding Abyssal monsters.

Even their iron hooves' stomps were futile. The opponents defended themselves against their stomps easily.

'Is there something wrong with the biomimetics?!'

That was the thought that came to Nyarlathotep's head. He suspected that something had gone wrong with the Black Goat's Egg's breeding.

However, he had finally realized what was wrong the next second.

The figures that were killing off the biomimetics no longer exuded the weak auras that they did before. Instead, they were now so powerful that they could easily suppress these biomimetics.

Judging by their auras, each of the powerhouses present had mastered at least one quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

"These guys… have been concealing their abilities!" Nyarlathotep really had not expected them to have disguised their combat strength throughout these past few months.

He was even a little regretful that he had not stayed in the infinite universe to watch the battle.

Had he done so, he would have sensed even the slightest unusualness instantly. Meanwhile, there was actually a certain amount of resistance when extending one's Divine Telekinesis through the dimensional gateway from the mystic territory to the infinite universe.

However, what he did not know was that Bai the others' abilities did not start off this powerful. The abilities they revealed when he arrived had indeed been their real abilities at that time. They only concealed their abilities after they were elevated to the same level as the three Outer Gods after their closed-door cultivation sessions.

They had sealed a major portion of their combat strength on the battlefield.

Killing off those Black Goat's Offspring's biomimetics was as easy as killing chickens and dogs.

They killed most of them instantly in one hit.

There were only a few of them that required a second hit.

Within half a minute, the 512 biomimetics were killed off completely.

They had turned into carcasses that were scattered all over the ground.

As Bai and the rest got busy collecting the carcasses, Nyarlathotep projected a shadow from inside the mystic territory.

He looked at them. "I'll remember you guys…"

While he was still speaking, Grimace pointed a finger and tore the shadow apart directly. "How dare you, a loser, show off!"

Nyarlathotep was enraged by Grimace's actions.

However, he did not dare to show up with his Primordium. After all, these 20 or so people had abilities on par with his. If he really went with his Primordium, he might not be able to return at all.

Although the test was a failure, he had at least gotten something in return.

He had tested the limits of the infinite universe's ability at least.

"I guess these 20 people are the most powerful ones. However, their abilities are not a threat to Master Aza at all."

Nyarlathotep had undoubtedly made an incorrect speculation. He was sure that Bai and the others represented the most powerful combat strength that the infinite universe could offer.

However, it actually made sense that he had arrived at that conclusion.

After all, the probability of rank-10 living beings appearing in the infinite universe was extremely low. There might not even be one throughout many tens of eras. Having so many rank-10 living beings that were on such a level meant that it was basically impossible that one would have extra Odyl to cultivate more powerful powerhouses.

However, what he did not know was that Lin Huang had cultivated them to rank-10 through artificial techniques.

In terms of their combat strength elevation, it was all thanks to Nyarlathotep's Black Goat's Egg.

Watching the mystic territory's door closing slowly, Bai and the others knew that Nyarlathotep's test had completely ended.

None of them went after him rashly, as nobody knew what was behind the door.

If Aza was awake, they would be seeking death by going in.

Once the door was shut and the entire mystic territory disappeared, everyone was relieved.

However, they knew that when the Abyss attacked again, it would be the battle that would decide the ultimate victor!

Dragon Emperor watched the entire war as a spectator.

Although his Divine Telekinesis could not capture their movements in the end, he saw them collecting the carcasses with his own two eyes.

Meanwhile, Old Man Heaven's Secret, who was watching from even further away, left quietly as soon as the mystic territory disappeared.

Charcoal and the rest left soon after speaking to Dragon Emperor.

Everyone was eager to go into their next round of closed-door cultivation. They wanted to refine the Kingdoms they had obtained.

Lin Huang nodded in satisfaction as he watched them return. "Great performance, especially your acting skill. It was amazing."

His compliments made them feel shy.

"Leave a complete carcass of the Black Goat's Offspring for me. I'll get Shasha and the rest to analyze it to see if they can make similar Bug Tribe fighters."

As soon as Lin Huang was done speaking, Bai took out a carcass directly and placed it in front of Lin Huang.

Lin Huang nodded and continued, "Don't destroy the carcasses after refining the Kingdoms. Shasha can use them as materials."

"Also, give me a list of the resources you need after your closed-door cultivation sessions. I'll be doing some trading at Heaven's Secret."

Heaven's Secret and the other top organizations had opened their treasuries to the public previously.

They would be able to obtain many resources from the treasuries using the hunting points the Sword Alliance members obtained from killing the Abyssal monsters.

They became excited when Lin Huang mentioned that.

One had to know that, although some of them wielded infinite supreme treasures, they had never actually obtained one that belonged solely to themselves.

The Sword Alliance had been too poor previously and could not afford the equipment.

Even the few infinite supreme treasures on Lin Huang had been elevated from God Weapons. He had not spent any money on buying new ones.

However, the hunting points they obtained throughout the past few months should be sufficient to equip everyone in the Sword Alliance.

Chapter 1908: Looting One by One

Throughout those 90 days of the ootheca's breeding, the number of chaotic cosmoses Lin Huang had integrated reached new heights—he had integrated 788 decillion chaotic cosmoses now.

While this was still less than one ten thousandth of the number of chaotic cosmoses in the infinite universe, nevertheless, Lin Huang had a faint feeling that his ability had become so powerful that it reached a terrifying level.

If he wanted to, he could kill Nyarlathotep with just a glance.

However, he did not stop integrating more chaotic cosmoses.

After Bai and the others left closed-door cultivation after a few days, they were now powerhouses who had mastered quintillions of chaotic cosmoses. Lin Huang nodded with satisfaction when he saw the results of their hard work.

Naturally, they were not the only ones who received benefits over the past few days. Bloody and the Bug Tribe Queen Mothers and Bug Emperors were included too. They refined the remaining Kingdoms obtained by Bai and the others. They had basically mastered quintillions of chaotic cosmoses as well.

Lin Huang could clearly feel that, although they were already considered the top powerhouses in the infinite universe, and had mastered quintillions of chaotic cosmoses, he could kill them by just staring at them.

While Bai and the others were in closed-door cultivation, Old Man Heaven's Secret announced the result of the battle with the ootheca after consulting Lin Huang.

Once the news spread, all the powerhouses throughout the entire infinite universe discovered that the Sword Alliance had been the one that had solved the crisis in the end.

The Sword Alliance became very popular. They became a hot topic on the internet.

Old Man Heaven's Secret posted some clips of the final few battles involving Bai and the others after getting Lin Huang's approval.

This made the Sword Alliance's popularity explode even further.

Some gossip-loving Dominators posted the battle videos they had recorded on the internet as well, trying to ride on the popularity of the topic.

For the next few days, everyone was discussing the Black Goat's Egg.

After exiting closed-door cultivation, Bai and the others gave Lin Huang the list of resources they needed.

Their first request was basically for infinite supreme treasures.

Although the weapons and armors that grew along with them had already become infinite supreme treasures, none of them had a full set.

For instance, Bai's bloody wings were infinite supreme treasures, but he did not have defensive-type equipment.

This time, his first request was gilt sand, which was a special material that could integrate with his vampire particles.

This material was the primary material used in making telekinetic infinite supreme treasures. Its specialty was its flexible yet indestructible fluid state.

His second request was for an infinite supreme treasure-grade armor.

Meanwhile, Tyrant had his battle armor grow with him. It had been elevated to an infinite supreme treasure as well.

His first request was for an infinite supreme treasure-grade axe.

His second request was for an infinite supreme treasure-grade glove.

Kylie's battle armor and spear were infinite supreme treasures as well.

Her first request was for a God's soul defensive-type infinite supreme treasure.

In reality, most of the imperial monsters' requests were made as a direct result of Bloody's suggestions.

On one hand, they needed equipment that would strengthen and upgrade their attack techniques.

On the other hand, they also needed defensive-type infinite supreme treasures, which would help them resist both physical and God's soul attacks.

As soon as they obtained these items, it would mean that the imperial monsters under Lin Huang's command were fully equipped. Naturally, their combat strength would be elevated to new heights as well.

Apart from the imperial monsters, Lin Xin, Lin Xuan, the Sword Servants and the other people from the Sword Alliance also seized the opportunity to upgrade their equipment.

After all, if Bai and the others redeemed all of the points they had earned from the hunt this time, they would likely empty the treasuries of those few top organizations.

As soon as Lin Huang's will projection received the complete list that Bloody had organized, he visited Heaven's Secret.

Everyone at Heaven's Secret had already figured out his intentions when they saw him arrive.

Old Man Heaven's Secret brought him over to the treasury.

Lin Huang finally finished picking the items after strolling through the treasury for half a day, and asked Old Man Heaven's Secret to register the items after exiting the treasury.

While Old Man Heaven's Secret was still checking the items, Lin Huang suddenly thought of the Black Goat's Offspring, so he asked, "Oh yeah, what happened with the last round of monsters the Black Goat's Egg bred?"

"We never saw the ootheca's ultimate breeding mode as it didn't get to the last round of breeding in the past because all the powerhouses destroyed the ootheca. Therefore, we were under the impression that its last round of breeding only involved regular Abyssal monsters that had mastered ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses."

"Now it seems that, although those things were not the actual Black Goat's Offspring, they had similar characteristics to it. However, the actual Black Goat's Offspring is similar to the description we gave you. Its ability is much more powerful. The chief liege has witnessed it personally."

"Those that the ootheca bred can only be considered imitations at best."

Lin Huang nodded after hearing Old Man Heaven's Secret's explanation. The reason was basically similar to his own conjecture.

It was highly unlikely that Heaven's Secret would purposefully give him fake information. As expected, this breeding mode had never been seen before, which resulted in the mistaken information.

After Old Man Heaven's Secret registered the items and deducted the required points, Lin Huang left happily with the loot in hand.

He did not return to the Sword Alliance. Instead, he traveled in the direction of Dragon Island.

When he arrived, Dragon Emperor and the Dragon Tribe welcomed him in a friendly manner.

After all, Dragon Emperor had seen the level of ability displayed by the people from the Sword Alliance.

Naturally, he would not dare to treat the chief of such an organization lightly.

With the Dragon Emperor guiding him, Lin Huang soon found his way into the Dragon Tribe's treasury.

Not only did Dragon Emperor smile throughout the entire process of treasure selection, he even gave Lin Huang a detailed explanation of each treasure.

He was so passionate that Lin Huang almost suspected that he liked men.

What Lin Huang did not know was that Dragon Emperor had always been a flirty individual. He had had many flings with thousands of female powerhouses previously.

After Lin Huang had selected the items he wanted, Dragon Emperor even gave him a 20% discount before deducting the points.

Lin Huang headed straight to Sword Palace as soon as he left Dragon Island.

Although the palace master was dead, the treasury remained open as promised.

As the funeral date had yet to be set, Lin Huang followed one of the vice palace masters into the treasury after offering his unofficial condolences.

The vice palace master remained silent throughout the whole process of selection.

Lin Huang was happy, as he did not like chatting with strangers anyway.

After quickly selecting the items and getting them checked, he left directly.

He visited a few more top organizations one after the other after leaving Sword Palace.

The person-in-charge from these top organizations clearly looked terrible after Lin Huang finished selecting the items. The reason being was that Lin Huang had almost taken away all of the infinite supreme treasures they had on offer. Although they were unwilling, they did not dare to renege on their agreement. After all, they had all seen the news about the Sword Alliance that was plastered all over the internet. They could only deduct the required points and allow him to take the items.

After visiting many places, Lin Huang had finally arrived at the Snow Domain, which was his last stop.

Chapter 1909: Old Friend Xue Luo

Snow Domain's headquarters was in an isolated chaotic cosmos.

They had remained a reclusive organization over the past few eras. The chaotic cosmos where their headquarters was had never been revealed to the outside world either.

They only chose to show themselves recently because of Aza's crisis.

The chaotic cosmos where the headquarters was located then finally became visible to the public.

Lin Huang quickly realized that the chaotic cosmos he had stepped into was actually no different from the other chaotic cosmoses.

The star zone where Snow Domain's headquarters was located was, unsurprisingly, covered in snow.

As Lin Huang informed them of his arrival earlier, and had not hidden his aura (he only disguised his aura), many Dominators in Snow Domain sensed his arrival as soon as he arrived.

People from Snow Domain appeared before Lin Huang in a flash.

"We welcome the Sword Alliance's Chief Lin to Snow Domain!" There was a light smile on Xue Luo's face.

"We're considered old friends now, so there's no need for such pleasantries." Lin Huang nodded with a smile too.

The people behind Xue Luo looked confused. They did not know how the Sword Alliance's chief knew their master.

Xue Luo did not bother to explain. "Come and have a seat at the Snow Heavenly Palace."

The people behind her were stunned when they heard what she said.

Just when an officer that looked like a young lady was about to stop her, a white-robed middle-aged man beside her grabbed the officer and stopped her through voice transmission.

The Snow Heavenly Palace was Xue Luo's bedroom. It was not a place where one would entertain guests of the Snow Domain.

Under normal circumstances, they would organize a grand reception in Snow Domain's meeting room for a guest like the Sword Alliance's chief.

Everyone instantly noticed that the Sword Alliance's chief seemed to have a really deep relationship with their master.

Naturally, Lin Huang was not aware of all this.

He thought that the Snow Heavenly Palace Xue Luo mentioned was the place where they usually entertained their guests.

"Go back to the headquarters. I'll take care of Chief Lin," Xue Luo turned her head and ordered them.

The few people bowed and left quickly.

"Come with me," Xue Luo said to Lin Huang after those people left.

She vanished in an instant as soon as she was done speaking.

Lin Huang followed after her.

When he caught up to her, he discovered that he was already above the clouds.

There was a gigantic white palace before him.

Xue Luo stood on a balcony at the top of the palace. "Come on up."

Lin Huang appeared on the balcony in a flash.

"It's quite peaceful here." Lin Huang looked down as he stood at the corner of the balcony. Endless white clouds filled his vision. He could also see the mountains, cities and rivers beneath the clouds when he focused.

"I don't like noisy places." Xue Luo looked down as well, as she stood to the side.

"Is this your private palace?"

At that moment, Lin Huang finally noticed that this was not the place where Snow Domain would usually entertain their guests. The reason being was that, apart from a couple of maids, he did not sense the presence of any staff members inside the palace at all.

"Yes, is something the matter?" Xue Luo nodded while smiling.

"Not really. I originally thought that this was where the Snow Domain usually entertained their guests." Lin Huang smiled too.

"What? Are you in such a rush to talk business?" Xue Luo teased.

"Not really." Lin Huang shook his head while smiling.

After all, it was only his clone that came. As such, any delays during his visit would not cause problems.

Moreover, to a certain extent, Xue Luo could be considered an old friend of his. It was understandable that she wanted to talk about something privately with him.

"Thank you, to all of you." Xue Luo suddenly said that out of nowhere.

"Why are you thanking us?" Lin Huang was stunned.

"I'm thanking you guys for solving the ootheca crisis," Xue Luo explained while smiling, "Heaven's Secret has revealed everything. They even posted some videos. Now the whole infinite universe knows that it was you guys, the Sword Alliance, who solved the ootheca crisis."

"Oh, so that's what you're talking about." Lin Huang finally understood why she thanked them.

"I thought that the infinite universe was doomed when I saw the ootheca." Xue Luo looked away from Lin Huang and stared into the distance. "I even started preparing back-up plans when I came back. I hid a couple of reincarnation seeds and sent them into a dimensional turbulence."

Lin Huang smiled after he heard her words. "There's no need to be so pessimistic. There will always be solutions to the problems that arise."

"Aren't you worried about being defeated at all?" Xue Luo suddenly turned her head to look at Lin Huang.

"Worrying won't change a thing, so I would rather focus on becoming more powerful." Lin Huang shook his head.

"Why do I feel like you're confident in your ability to defeat Aza?" Xue Luo stared at Lin Huang with doubt on her face. She really could not sense any fear of Aza from his demeanor at all.

"We'll only know for sure once we actually fight," Lin Huang responded calmly.

He was not really worried about the current ability of Aza's Primordium. However, what he was uncertain about was just how much more He would become after absorbing His clones.

Xue Luo gleaned a hint from his response.

"Can't you tell me something more certain?"

"I really don't know how powerful Aza will become in the end." What he said was indeed the truth.

"Alright then…" Xue Luo finally gave up on asking.

The two of them chatted for quite some time before Xue Luo finally brought Lin Huang back to Snow Domain.

She ordered a white-robed lady to bring him to their treasury.

Lin Huang picked out a couple of items according to the list, and then left after saying goodbye.

By now, Lin Huang had 'looted' all of the treasuries that were opened to the public.

In reality, only one-tenth of the Sword Alliance's hunting points had been used up. However, the items he had redeemed those points for were enough to properly equip all of the imperial monsters and Sword Servants.

Lin Huang gathered his imperial monsters and Sword Servants as soon as he returned to the Sword Alliance.

He distributed all of the equipment and resources to them.

If they included the original equipment the imperial monsters had, now, they each almost had a full set of infinite supreme treasure-grade equipment.

Meanwhile, the Sword Servants were equipped with full sets of chaotic supreme treasures.

Lin Xin, Lin Xuan and the others were fully equipped as well.

However, Lin Huang did not get anything for himself.

The God Weapons he possessed had been elevated to the point that they were so much more powerful than infinite supreme treasures.

Each time he reached a new milestone in his integration of Kingdoms, the God Weapons in his body would be elevated. He had no idea which level they were at now.

Apart from that, the Queen Mothers, including Shasha, received many things too.

Under the time flow acceleration in Lin Huang's Kingdom, they had finally successfully analyzed the Black Goat's Offspring's memetics after ten billion years.

As long as they had enough materials, they could recreate similar creatures, which would be no weaker than the mimetics that the ootheca bred.

Time flew by and, very soon, over a week had passed.

An intense tremor spread throughout the infinite universe on that day.

Lin Huang's pupils shrunk. He looked across space.

He saw an extremely dark, fog-like door rapidly forming in the middle of the infinite universe…

Chapter 1910: First Liege Visits

The door that opened this time was at least a hundred times bigger than the one Nyarlathotep opened before. It was comparable to the size of hundreds of chaotic cosmoses.

Even before the door opened, Lin Huang could sense the unusualness of this mystic territory.

"Is Aza finally coming?"

Lin Huang squinted as he watched the door open slowly.

At the same time, his Divine Telekinesis sensed countless mystic territories descending frantically in the infinite universe. They were opening one after the other.

When the black door was completely opened, countless mystic territories in the infinite universe seemed to go berserk. An insane amount of Abyssal monsters began to pour out like tidal waves.

Numerous Virtual Gods, True Gods, Heavenly Gods, Lords, Dao-level, Heavenly Dao-level powerhouses and Dominators stepped out of the mystic territories… They attacked the nearby areas!

The war had officially begun!

As countless Abyssal monsters began to attack, a commotion soon erupted at the location of the black door.

Dominator-level Abyssal monsters stepped out of the black door one after the other. Soon, there were over 1,000 of them.

Lin Huang started paying extra attention to the situation. Among the dominator-level Abyssal monsters, none of them were below rank-5. The weakest ones were dominator-level rank-5 Abyssal monsters, while the most powerful ones were rank-9. There were over 20 of these rank-9 Abyssal monsters.

After this group of dominator-level Abyssal monsters showed up, four figures appeared above the monsters.

These were four human-like figures.

The one leading them wore black suit with dark red patterns on it. He was seated on a metal throne.

He looked no different from an ordinary human in his early 20s. His face was so beautiful that he even seemed a little androgynous. Not only that, he exuded a strange charm that made people unable to look away.

There were three others standing behind the metal throne; two men and one woman.

Lin Huang was familiar with the aura of one of them, which was Nyarlathotep.

However, he had now appeared in complete human form, and was wearing a black tuxedo and a tall hat. He was even holding a scepter in his hand.

The other man had blonde hair and looked to be of the decent sort. He had a monocle on his left eye and was dressed in a pure white suit.

Meanwhile, the woman had long black hair that reached her waist. She was wearing a sexy black dress and had an excellent figure that exuded a mature and charismatic charm.

After he identified Nyarlathotep, the identities of the other two were obvious.

The blonde man should be Yogg.

Meanwhile, the mature woman in the black dress was clearly Shub. She was the breeder of the Black Goat's Egg from before.

As Lin Huang expected, judging by the aura exuded by the three Outer Gods, they had mastered less than one quintillion chaotic cosmoses.

Meanwhile, Aza's aura was just similar to the information Heaven's Secret provided. He had only mastered one septillion chaotic cosmoses.

While Lin Huang was still probing, Yogg, who was in the white suit, suddenly spoke. His voice spread throughout every corner of the infinite universe.

"My master, Aza, has arrived. You all have only two options left before you—surrender, or die!"

"My master is merciful, so he will give all of you three days to make up your mind."

"Within those three days, those who surrender will come before my master and accept His blessing, becoming part of our Abyssal Tribe.

"After those three days, all of those who didn't surrender will be killed without mercy!"

Yogg's voice could only be heard by dominator-level powerhouses.

Nobody below dominator-level heard his words; they were deemed unworthy of hearing them.

Naturally, Lin Huang also heard what Yogg said, and noticed this as well.

"Seems like these guys are going to kill all of the living beings below dominator-level…"

Lin Huang came to a realization after thinking it over.

The Abyss did not lack creatures below dominator-level, so killing them would not matter. In fact, it would even reduce the drain on the Abyss' resources.

Dominator-level powerhouses were asked to surrender as they were considered boss-level characters, even in the Abyss.

It was only natural that Aza would not reject any underlings of that level.

Moreover, if a dominator-level powerhouse surrendered to Aza, it would also mean that there would be one less dominator-level powerhouse in the infinite universe's camp. As such, it was at least worth a try.

Before long, all of the dominator-level powerhouses in the infinite universe had heard Yogg's voice.

While they were indeed furious, they were also shocked by Yogg's ability.

"So this is the strength of an Outer God under Aza?"

"That's amazing. I wonder how he managed that."

"To be able to spread his voice transmission throughout the entire infinite universe. This guy's God's soul is powerful!"

However, Lin Huang saw through Yogg's technique.

He did not activate his God's soul for the voice transmission at all. Instead, he used the force of Dimension Dao.

Lin Huang glanced at Aza through space and recalled his Divine Telekinesis instantly.

The very next second, his will projection appeared quietly in the dimension where the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao was.

"Aza has already awoken completely now. You can search for His clones now."

"I'm already doing that." A cloud formed in front of Lin Huang out of nowhere. It spoke while floating around.

"Approximately how long will it take to find the coordinates of all of His clones?" Lin Huang asked further.

"Not sure. It depends on the speed at which He activates His clones' memories," Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao explained, "I'm watching all of the powerhouses above dominator-level rank-5 in all timelines and dimensions. I'll make a mark as soon as I find anything unusual."

"Can you share the markings with me?" Lin Huang immediately asked.

"I can't do that for now." However, Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao declined Lin Huang's request directly. "If you start to hunt down His clones now, His Primordium will sense it. At that point, there's a high chance that He'll stop waking up the remaining clones directly."

"If that happens, even if you killed His Primordium, He can be revived in any timeline He wants."

Lin Huang frowned when he heard that. He knew that what the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said was the truth.

After thinking for a moment, he helplessly compromised. "Please find His clones as soon as you can. Inform me when you're sure that you didn't miss any."

Lin Huang's Primordium could not help but frown after he dismissed his will projection.

He thought that Aza would wake up all of His clones as soon as He awoke in order to strengthen Himself.

However, it now seemed Aza was not in a rush to do so.

This resulted in the search for clones on Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's side to become slow.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang was stuck in a passive state.

Without the coordinates from Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao, he could not stop Aza's clones and could only wait patiently.

Just after he ended his conversation with Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao, a voice suddenly rang out.

"Chief Lin, Heaven Secret's First Liege is here!"

As soon as the voice was heard, a spatial fluctuation appeared not far from Lin Huang. Subsequently, a figure in a white robe stepped out of it.