
Chapter 337 - No Help From Albert This Time

"You want me to see your students?"

It's afternoon of my free day, and Daniel and the others are playing together so I don't need to play with them. That's why I choose today to meet Albert and request him to meet my new students.

"Yes. I want to see if they can be trusted." I said.

"Sigh… Roy, I know that my lie detection is useful, but you can't always depend on me whenever you meet someone new. If it's like before with Fabio or Julia or even Spot, it was fine. But they are your students. You need to decide for yourself if they can be trusted or not. If you continue depending on me, I doubt you will be able to trust anyone else in your life other than those you already know." Albert advised.

He's not wrong, but it's a pain to do that myself. I just want it to be done quickly. That's why I asked Albert to see if they can be trusted.

It has been a few times I taught those new students. At first, like usual, it was every Monday. But they asked to have another class, so I scheduled it for Tuesday. Which mean I have to teach them twice every week.

I have gotten Daniel and Lana's permission for that so no hell will break loose this time.

The three new students are… now that I think about it, I never asked for their names. Well, that doesn't matter.

"Don't tell me that you hadn't even asked for their name yet?" Albert asked.

"How did you know?"

"I have known you for a while and that's something I expected of you. Just because you are terrible in memorizing name, doesn't mean you can just ignore the name of your students. Especially since you will see them for a long time. You're such a pain. Anyway, I won't do it." Albert said.

"Then I guess I don't need to trust them anyway. I just need to teach them like usual." I said.

"…you give up so easily. What if they became powerful in the future?" Albert asked.

"Then they will be powerful enough for you to notice and you will see them if they will join us destroying the cult or not. I'll take my leave now."

Since I have decided to not trust my students with the cult matter, I returned home.

I'll just teach them normally about air magic, without telling them anything more than necessary.

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Hmm… now that I think about it, Albert is right. Ever since I met him, each time I met someone whom I think will be a reliable ally to us, I would ask him to meet them. And I almost never decide for myself if they can be trusted or not any longer.

Well, Albert is useful after all.

And I can't really trust anyone so easily anymore. Though I just blatantly told Angela and Kayla about returning from the future so easily in the past. But not anymore.

Especially since old man Henry's own son almost betrayed his kingdom. Who would have thought that someone old man wanted to appoint to be the next king belong to the cult?

I guess I will continue relying on Albert from now on.

Few days later, it's time for my class again.

I teach my students like usual. And we spend most of my lesson practicing outside.

Since there hasn't been any other students, I just said that my class will be outdoor all the time, so they don't have to go to the campus.

Now that the girls have been able to shoot their projectiles in a straight line, but their aim is still off. As for the boy, he's doing well. Although his range is low, he can hit the mark within twenty meters. Beyond that, he would either miss or hit the mark, but the power is too weak.

That's why I told him to focus on that twenty meters range. To improve his power and accuracy, and not be hasty and attack a target from beyond that range. Making sure that he would always hit the target within that range. That should be enough to defeat enemies.

He said that he started to work as a hunter, and able to defeat low-rank monsters on his own.

Since everyone also has made progress, I taught them about other things. Like making fire bigger with air magic.

The two girls seem to be fire mages both. I think fire element is the most common element to be awakened. That's why there are more fire mages than mage of other elements.

These two are not that talented in using Air Cannon. Although they have improved, they still think that wasn't enough. So, when I taught them that they can make fire bigger, they became overjoyed. Thinking that they are not useless anymore.

So… the reason these three finally joined my class is because they thought that they were useless in other classes. I guess that's to be expected.

After class is over, I was told to go to the guild and meet the guild master. I guess it's time to return and be the clan leader again.

When I was away, the guild still asked the clan for a job that is too difficult for other hunters to do. And the clan also received jobs from the nobles in the area as well. Must be Albert's influence.

Probably when I was away, Albert doing a major cleanup of the bad nobles. And somehow, he advertised our clan saying that his sister is in the clan. So, when the nobles needed something, they asked for our clan's help. And since they know that Shirley is with us, they don't cause trouble.

But now I have returned, I'm the one who have to take the job. What a pain. Seems like in the end, all hell will break loose.

"So, why am I here?' I asked the guild master.

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"I have a job for your clan." He said.

"What job?"

"Cleaning up monsters."

"Huh? That should be something that other hunters would agree to do. Why ask my clan to do it?" I asked.

"…because of the tournament. The news has been spread that the tournament will begin next month, so most of the hunters who are interested in watching went over there. They don't even mind if they have to camp outside the town for a month when I told them that it will be too crowded. If you look at the guild, you can see that it's almost empty. They are all too excited to watch the tournament. That's why we lacked manpower and have to request your clan to do it. Please take this job! We will pay more than the normal fee!" The guild master pleaded.

Next month… I can go over there easily. That's why I never asked when the tournament will be. Kayla and the others also haven't gone yet. Maybe they will leave soon.

I should ask Dean if he has prepared a lodging for the participants. Maybe he has? My guess will be the Wendy's hotel back during the stampede. That should be where Kayla and the others will stay.

About the quest… I think I'll accept it.

"Fine, we'll take the quest. Where should we clean up the monsters?" I asked.

"Really!? Thank you! We need you to clean up the monsters on the road to Melk. There will possibly many people who are still want to go there. Though if you clean up other areas as well, that will be perfect." The guild master said.

"Understood. I'll take my leave now."

After returning to our base, I told the others that they don't need to take the quest.

"I'll use this chance to let Victoria and Shelia to grab some experience for me to improve my summoning level. Kayla, when will you leave to Melk?" I asked Kayla.

"In a few days. The rich man's son said we just need to take a carriage a few days before the tournament, but I think it's best for us to leave on foot. The four of us will leave together, but that rich man's son will leave alone. Although the one being tested is our individual strength, it's still a good idea for us to get to know each other. Though we already know each other." Kayla said.

"I guess Sara will tell me about her leave tomorrow. Since Melk will be crowded, I think Albert will ask me to get another leave from teaching again. And since both Sara and I will leave, I need to tell the other students to do self-study then."

Then, I summoned Shelia and told her and Victoria to subjugate as many monsters as possible without causing any trouble. I will also help whenever I feel bored.

Those who aren't participating can still go there with my portal later. Since Wendy is here as well, I asked if the place the participants will stay is her hotel from before, and I was right. She also said that the rooms we used from before are not for rent, so I can go to my room right away with portal.

I'll go there before the tournament. Today, I will defeat monsters until it's time to play with Daniel again.

Since not all hunters go to Melk, we still receive some help from other hunters. So, we decided to divide the location where we will defeat monsters so we won't interfere with each other.

This quest doesn't have time limit and we can report to the guild when we think that the numbers of monster appearing is low.

It's an easy job for Victoria and Shelia to do.. I hope I can get to advanced level in my summoning before the tournament between kingdoms.

Chapter 338 - Shirley's Group

This is what happen during the time Roy taking the quest to clean up the monsters within Cassau.

In the capital, Angela and Shirley both are preparing to leave for Melk. They didn't ask Roy to transport them with portals because just like Kayla, Shirley thought that it's best to travel together to get to know each other better.

"Princess, why do we have to travel on our own instead of taking a carriage together?" One of the members from the capital asked. He's a son of a noble, but not a bad one. His name is Frederick.

"No need to call me princess. Just call me Shirley." Shirley said.

"I can't do that. No matter what, you're still the princess." Frederick replied.

"Sigh… whatever. We have various reasons. First, it's to get to know each other better. The main reason why the tournament started is because of the cult. We need to get everyone to be stronger. And what would make them interested in growing stronger other than the title of the strongest? It seems simple, but just because of that simple title, we have everyone interested in participating. You've seen what happened during the selection for the participants, right? Not just those nobles, but also commoner won't give up. We even managed to find some diamonds in the rough." Shirley said.

"You're right, your highness. Thanks to the tournament, everyone is more determined to grow stronger. There are even some people who regretted that they didn't go to college because of it. I believe next year entrance exam will be filled by so many people interested in winning the championship." Frederick said.

"That's right. The stronger we are, the more chance we have in defeating the cult. And it's not just individual strength, but also teamwork and cooperation as well. That's why this journey is important. And by showing out strength and weakness with each other, we can cover our weakness and improve our strength just through discussion. You can see if the other has some kind of weaknesses, and ask the other if they can see yours during our journey. By the time we arrived at Melk, we would all be getting much stronger than before leaving." Shirley explained.

"As expected of your highness! Now I understand why this is important!" Frederick praised Shirley for her to think of travelling as a way of training.

"It's not that awesome. I can think of this because I met a certain man who taught me many things. And he also taught many other people as well. I believe there are other from different teams who were taught by him." Shirley said.

"A certain man? So it's not Angela? I thought you get stronger because you were always with her." Frederick asked.

"You are correct to think that I'm getting stronger thanks to Angela. But our strengths are mostly thanks to that man. Although Angela is a freak with her magic and battle sense. Sigh…" Shirley sighed because she took care of Angela ever since they attend college together. Angela's intellect in other things than battle and magic is truly something else.

She then looked at Angela who is happily chatting with the other two members. One is a man, and the other is a woman. Those two are both mages who were in the training camp. That's why Angela is close to them.

Not just those two, there are many other agents in different colleges who got selected to representing their college. Some were in the training camp, and some were not, but they got taught a lesson by those who attended the training camp.

Frederick also looked at the three who are happily chatting and asked another question.

"It seems that other than me, everyone else is already know each other. Am I right?"

"You're right."

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Shirley didn't explain how they met, and Frederick understand that. Among the people there, Frederick is someone that Shirley trust the least.

One reason why the journey is important is to get to know Frederick better. To see if he can be trusted or not.

During Roy's mission, Albert has examined many people in the nobility. One of them is Frederick's father.

Albert has told Shirley that Frederick's father can be trusted. In fact, the person himself has been asked by Albert to join his cause and destroy the cult together. Frederick's father has given full support to the king.

But as for the person himself, Shirley need to check if he's good or not. And she has to do it herself since Albert won't help her to see if Frederick is full of lies or not.

As for Frederick, he just thought that the other two members are just the princess' bodyguards.

While the group continuing their journey, Angela noticed something approaching and Shirley quickly ordered everyone to stop.

"As for other reason, it seems that you can see for yourself." Shirley said to Frederick as she and the other three prepared to fight.

Although he was late by a few seconds, Frederick also prepared his magic to fight as well.

"Hearing about my journey, there would be many dissatisfied people who will attack me. Probably to kidnap me to be a hostage. Frederick, have you killed anyone before?" Shirley asked.

"No. Although I'm also a hunter, I only killed monsters before." Frederick replied.

"There are several people approaching us in a hurry. We're going to fight them. Would you like to experience killing someone for the first time?" Shirley asked again.

"If possible, I don't want to kill anyone, your highness. But I will if the situation deemed it to be necessary." Frederick said.

"Good answer. Try to capture them all. I want to ask them what's their intention in coming after us. If you can't capture them, kill them. Well… if we have the chance to fight obviously."

"Excuse me?"

Frederick was confused after hearing that, but Shirley ignored him as she looks at Angela whom already flying with her flight magic toward the opponents, and defeated them all in an instant.

Shirley was calm because she's already used to Angela's extraordinary talent in magic, but the other three were not.

The two agents know that Angela is strong, but they never thought that she would be this strong. Even in the selection battle, she never uses that much strength against the other challengers.

"Shirley! I'm done!" Angela said with a smile.

"Sigh… I told you to not go all out from the start! We need to extract information from them!" Shirley shouted.

"There are some who haven't died yet. Just ask them. It's not like we need to ask every single one of them. And Roy always said to hit first, ask questions later. I just did as he taught us." Angela said.

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"Yeah, but that's too much! He can still hold back, but you didn't hold back at all!" Shirley said in anger.

"But I didn't kill everyone though." Angela sulked.

Suddenly, someone appeared from behind them and about to grab Shirley. Frederick and the two agents noticed that and about to protect her, but that was not necessary at all.

Because when the attacker was just one meter away from Shirley, Shirley already froze the attacker's body.

"Y-you monsters…" The attacker said before he lost consciousness from the cold.

"That's rude! Anyway, let's ask those who are still conscious why they attacked us."

Shirley ignored the three shocked people as she interrogated someone. As for Angela, she was not good at interrogating, so she just keeping watch of the situation.

Then, the two agents quickly realized the situation and helped Shirley interrogated the attacking group.

As for Frederick, he was still in shock.

Back during the selection battle, he watched all the fights. Since he was already recommended by the professors, he doesn't need to participate. But he still wanted to fight to see his limit.

After watching everything from the start until the final, he thought that there are many excellent mages. But other than Angela who seems to be difficult to see through her strength, he thought he would still be able to fight everyone else and win. As for Angela herself, he might need to put more effort, but he thought he would still win.

But now, after witnessing Angela and Shirley's effortlessly defeating a group of people attacking them, he changed his mind.

'I thought princess Shirley was strong already. I don't mind her participating through recommendation. But who would have thought that she could effortlessly defeating an enemy approaching her from behind when I could barely react?

More importantly is that Angela. She was too strong! Does that mean she hasn't used her true strength at all during the selection battle? I can understand that if the reason is because she knows her opponent's strength. They seem to have known each other for quite a while. But seeing Angela effortlessly defeating almost all of the enemies so quickly, and killed more than half, it seems like I was wrong. Not just I couldn't defeat her, but if I could survive a few second against her, that's already a huge achievement.

And these two said it was that Roy who taught them both many things. I wonder what kind of person this Roy is? If I meet him, can I get as strong as these two? Maybe we will meet during the tournament. I can't wait for the tournament. I'll get as strong as possible during the journey.'

Frederick thought as he got excited thinking of the future.

In truth, one reason he got that strong is because he loves magic. And similar to Angela, he was talented as well. Though not as talented as she is.

The five continued their journey after getting all the information they can get from the attackers. On the way, they get attacked several more times, but they easily handle them. And as they got closer to Melk, the strength of the three people other than Angela and Shirley have improved.

As for how strong Angela and Shirley is, the two haven't used all their strength yet. No one can tell how strong they have become.

And although the goal of this tournament is to get stronger before their clash with the cult, both Shirley and Angela are excited to finally be able to fight Kayla's group without having to hold back like during their sparring sessions.

Who will win the intercollege tournament?

Chapter 339 - In The Capital Of Arturo Kingdom

In Arturo Kingdom, in the capital, the king is enjoying himself in his room. The fake king to be exact.

"This King Harold is truly blessed. He was gifted by excellent children that he doesn't even need to do any work at all. Just wait and leave everything to them. I was lucky to have similar feature with him and chosen to be his impersonator. I even got the chance to sleep with his wives. Though it's a shame that the queen killed herself. Although she's the oldest, she's the fairest of them all."

The fake king said that while drinking wine and enjoying the night view through the balcony.

Suddenly, someone flew inside the chamber he's resting.

"Is it okay for you to be so relaxed?" The guest asked. He knows that the current king is an impersonator, so he doesn't need to be formal.

"It's fine. I left everything to Toni. He's excellent, and he has no interest in taking the throne. As for the king's wives, none of them realized that I'm an impersonator. That's ridiculous. I guess that's to be expected if they only married him for status and wealth. But now they have chosen to follow their children to support them to be the next in line for the throne." The fake king said.

"Hah. They don't even know that whoever fit to be the king will be killed and replaced. We have found impersonators for some of them. It will be best if we find one for each child. Then, by using their popularity, we will get the whole kingdom to join us. Everything is for the True God." Said the guest.

"For the True God." The fake king replied.

"But about this Toni. I haven't found anyone to swap with him yet." The guest said.

"I think it's best to leave him be until our influence spread more in the kingdom. He's too excellent in his job. I doubt the one who will impersonate him is good enough to do his job. And the best part is that his mother has joined us. And I have asked her to persuade him to join us. It will take time, but it should be fine." The fake king said.

"I see… you were chosen because of your similar feature, but who would have thought that you are smart enough to think that yourself?"

"Thank you for the compliment. Though I'm still worried about who was it that having breakthrough to expert level. I'm still intermediate level, so I'm afraid if I get attacked." The fake king said as he took off the wig that makes his hair look similar to the king's hair.

In Arturo kingdom, Red hair means that the person is from royalty. It has been that way since a long time ago. But now, red hair has become more common. So, it's no longer absolute fact that everyone with red hair are royalties. That's why commoners who were born in the kingdom would dye their hair to other color if they have natural red hair. But everyone is free to have any hair color that they want. It's not against the law to walk around in public with red hair. It's against the law when the person who did it is claiming to be from royalty even though they are not.

"I think whoever that person is, they must have long gone. This person might be a summoner with a powerful summon that could defeat multiple expert level mages. But that summon must be injured and not as powerful as before because of the injury. That's why the summoner escaped. I have asked some people to find that person, but there are no traces of their location. Don't be afraid. As long as you are still useful in this kingdom, I will protect you."

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"Thanks. It's relieving to have expert level mage such as you to protect me." The fake king said.

Suddenly, the expert level mage looked outside and become wary of the surrounding.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing something strange is going on, the fake king wore his wig again and hid behind the mage.

"Hmm… it seems like it's nothing. I felt that something is approaching, but there's nothing here. I guess I'm too tired. I'll go take a sleep now."

The mage then sleeps at the bed in the king's chamber. He can do whatever he wants to the fake king because even though the fake king has the highest status in the whole kingdom, the mage is more powerful and has higher status in the cult.

And the fake king also felt safer when the mage is around him, so he didn't mind it.

Meanwhile, at the direction where the mage looked at before, there's an invisible ghost floating.

"That was scary! I thought he wouldn't notice me. I guess this is too close. But it's good since now I know the range that they can detect me. And now I can just teleport to Toni's location right away instead of teleporting somewhere else and fly toward Toni's location since no one is that close to him in his room."

The ghost is Sonia. The friendly ghost from Cassau.

She was contacted to meet Toni, so she teleported to the location of one of Celestine's subordinate in Arturo, and travel on her own. Out of curiosity, she tried to get close to the fake king and ends up almost got noticed by the mage near him.

But now since she knows the range the mage can sense her, which is already difficult to do since she's a ghost who can hide her presence, she feels safe to teleport to Toni's location directly.

Sonia teleported directly to Toni's location, but someone entered Toni's room so she has to turn invisible again and wait until their conversation is over.

"Mother, what's wrong?"

The one who entered the room is Toni's mother.

"I'm just worried since you work too much. How about you rest for a while?" Toni's mother asked him to take a rest.

"Later. I still have some work to do. But if you have something to say, I can still listen." Toni said while his hand hasn't stopped moving.

"Well, actually, mother just made friends with some noble wives. Turns out, they are much more fun to hang around with. I shouldn't have flaunting my status and just have a good chat with them. My mind is clearer now." Toni's mother said.

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"Oh, really? That's good. With whom?" Toni asked casually.

"It's the one from Bloom family. Your father introduced us to each other. And we promised to meet again tomorrow. How about it? Do you want to go to? I'll ask your father for you to take a day off tomorrow."

Hearing what her mother said, Toni's hand finally stopped moving. His head is looking at the document, so his mother can't see his shocked expression.

"A-aah. I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe some other time. I'm just too busy. This is also for the good of the kingdom." Toni said in refusal.

"I see. That's fine then. But I don't like that. It's good that you think of the kingdom, but you need to think about yourself more. Well, I will return now. I'll ask you again some other time."

With that, Toni's mother leave Toni alone in his room. Except he's not alone.

"Toni, what's wrong? Was it that Bloom family she said?" Sonia asked.

"Yes. That's also why I asked you to come here and relay the news to father. Is father doing well?" Toni asked.

"His health has improved. But he still has difficulty walking. He's sitting on a wheelchair to move around with Queen Carmen pushing the wheelchair. What is the news you're talking about?"

"…that Bloom family is close with the cult. After my father is replaced, that family keeps growing in wealth. And I see that impersonator is close with that family. But in the past, father said that Bloom family did something that makes the relationship between father and that family deteriorated. Father has always been trying to find any evidence of that family doing something wrong so he can bring them down. But seeing this impersonator getting close with them, it can be said that the Bloom family has fallen to the cult." Toni said.

"You mean… your mother is…"

"That's right. Mother has also finally joined the cult. And she probably did it willingly. Sigh… just how much does the cult want to destroy my family!" Toni shouted in anger.

Luckily, the room is soundproof. His voice can't be heard even by the guards outside his room.

"…sorry to hear that." Sonia said.

"It's okay. After brother Fabio told me that the king has been swapped, I expected this. But it's still painful to know. If you are going to fight the fake king and the cult, can I ask you to spare my mother?" Toni asked.

"I can tell the others, but you can't expect it would happen. Roy has no mercy toward the cult unless Albert or one of his lovers told him to not kill her. And he has to see your mother first so he knows her appearance and to not kill her. As for the other, they won't kill her if I told them not to. But if she has joined the cult, the only one fast enough to stop your mother from exploding her own head is Roy." Sonia said.

"If it can't be helped then just kill her. But at least I want her to be captured unless it's impossible. That's what I asked of you."

"I'll tell Roy to do that. But we can't really count on his memory, so don't have high hopes." Sonia said before she disappeared.

Now that Toni is truly alone, he just noticed his cheek is wet with tears.

Chapter 340 - In Prince Bernard's Mansion

Still in Arturo Kingdom, but this time, it's not the capital.

This is the mansion in the city near the border between Arturo and Tatrama. This is where the real king is planning to fight the fake king, and also where he is rehabilitating after months of torture.

In one of the rooms, King Harold is trying to walk. He's unstable and already have difficulty to stand up. But he never gives up. King Harold take a step slowly while balancing his body. It's a difficult task for someone who has been restrained and tortured for months, but he faces it with determination.

He tried to walk to someone in the opposite direction. She's Queen Carmen, and someone who loves him dearly. Unlike his other wives. Though it's kind of difficult to tell since she only realized that he has been replaced after sleeping with the fake king.

"Come on, honey! Just a little more! Just five meters more!" Queen Carmen cheered her husband.

"Go, daddy!"

Other than Queen Carmen, there are several other people watching him. They are the king's children.

He has many children, but these three are those he can trust at the moment. They are Prince Fabio, Prince Bernard, and Princess Luna.

Just like the queen, Luna was also cheering for her father to try his best. Even though with her Future Vision which can see further than Fabio she saw many times that his father will fall, she also saw how determined her father is and love to see him working hard. He is her pride.

"If my wife and my daughter said so, then I can do it!" Harold said.

It took him more than thirty seconds just to walk five meters. And that's already an improvement.

Queen Carmen has prepared a wheelchair for Harold. During his rehabilitation, it was her who pushed the wheelchair. Even when Bernard told her that he can let one of the servants to do that, she refused anyone to take that job from her.

"What's wrong, you two? Your father just broke a record and he can now walk further. Soon, he won't need a wheelchair anymore. Though he might need to walk with a cane for a while. Why aren't you praising him?" Queen Carmen asked the two men watching.

Although they both happy seeing their father progressed so much, they just listened to a new information. That's why they have gloomy expressions.

"Bad news?" King Harold asked.

"Yes. Sonia just told us a really bad news. She has gone to inform other kings as well. She has died a long time ago, but she's still working hard." Bernard said.

"What news?" King Harold asked.

"That's… sigh… It's Toni's mother. She has joined the cult. That's what Toni told Sonia."

Fabio explained how Toni realized that someone has joined the cult, and his mother now has been influenced by them as well. And Fabio explained how Fabio was told to meet them, but he refused saying he's too busy.

"That woman! As expected, it was not a good idea for you to marry that woman!" Queen Carmen shouted in anger.

"Yeah. I need to think carefully the next time I married someone." King Harold said.

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"You're going to marry more!?" Queen Carmen shouted.

Meanwhile, Bernard looked at his father in confusion.

"Father, why are you so calm?" Bernard asked.

"Because Toni is doing his best. He knows the danger of staying there, but he still chooses to do that so we have someone from the inside. I need to be calm so we can prepare more. So, when the time comes that we fight against them, we can save Toni and hopefully everyone as well. Not just those staying in the capital obviously. Everyone in the whole kingdom as well. I think it's best to check my other children as well." King Harold said.

His other children are fighting to get a chance for the throne. King Harold need to know if they will be able to help or not.

"Though I'm glad that you changed from being a battle maniac who keeps losing, to this. You've changed after you realized you're going to be a father. I'm proud of you." King Harold said to Bernard.

"Thank you… wait, is that what you think of me!? Battle maniac who keeps losing?" Bernard complained.

The family laughed seeing Bernard's reaction. It was as if they forgot that someone close to them has joined the cult.

Suddenly, Queen Carmen noticed something approaching. She knows because of her detection skill as an expert level mage. Although she was still familiarizing herself with it, she knows when something is approaching. Thanks to Celestine's instruction, she's getting used to her power easily.

"It's Sister Jill!"

Luna with her Future Vision, got excited to see that the ones approaching is someone she knows. She's another daughter of King Harold, but from different mother than the three here.

Before Luna run toward the guest, Fabio stopped her.

"Stop, Luna. We need to see if she can be trusted or not. You can't approach her when we don't know if she's dangerous or not. Father, should I call Sonia to contact Roy to get Albert?" Fabio asked.

"No. I think it's best to see it for ourselves if she can be trusted or not. Bernard, can you arrange it so she will meet you while we're listening? Carmen, take Luna somewhere safe." King Harold said, but the one who refused that idea is Luna herself.

"No! I will be the one to see if Sister Jill can be trusted or not! After all, I'm still a princess!" Luna said.

Seeing Luna determined to see for herself, King Harold agreed.

Bernard arranged a room where King Harold, Queen Carmen, Fabio, and Luna can hear everything.

Then, Jill entered the room with her assistant. A man whom everyone hasn't meet before.

"Brother Fabio, imagine yourself attacking sister Jill and that man." Luna said.

Luna can see the future, but that future can be changed according to her action. But because she's too weak, even if she attacked the two guests, there's nothing that can confirm if they are dangerous or not.

That's why she asked Fabio's help. He also knows how Future Vision works, so he thought of attacking his sister with magic ten seconds later. That should be enough for Luna to see the rest.

"Jill, why are you here? And who is that man?" Bernard asked Jill. He acted as if everything is normal.

"Can't a sister meet her beloved brother? Oh, this is my assistant." Jill said.

"Just say what you're here for."

"Sigh… well, if you want me to be direct, then I will. Do you know that we're fighting for the throne? And I don't think that you are interested in it. I want to ask you to join hand with me to help me raise to the throne." Jill said.

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"So, you want to be the next queen?" Bernard asked. Although he is looking at Jill, he can see Fabio hiding who will tell him if he can trust Jill or not.

In their hiding spot, Fabio was about to attack when Luna stopped him.

"Brother Fabio, that's enough. Sister Jill doesn't know anything, but that assistant is from the cult." Luna said.

Fabio noticed that she's shaking in fear after seeing the future, but she chooses to stay strong for her family.

"You did well, Luna." Fabio praised his sister.

Then, Fabio gives Bernard a signal to tell that the man is dangerous. He pointed at the man, and crossed his arms into X-shape. And Bernard noticed that.

"We have something important to tell you, Jill. But this man won't be invited." Bernard said.


While Jill is confused, Fabio appears and attacked the man with the intention to kill. But the man noticed it although it was a bit late, so he wasn't injured badly.

"What do you mean by this, Prince Bernard?" The man shouted.

"What are you doing!? Wait, Brother Fabio?" Jill was about to lash out at Bernard for attacking her assistant, but she was surprised to see that the person attacking him is her brother who was supposed to be dead.

And then, a huge amount of water is being controlled and trapped the assistant inside of the ball. That's Queen Carmen's water magic.

"Queen Carmen? And… father!?" Jill was shocked again to see someone unexpected in that place.

But the one who was shocked the most is the man trapped inside the water. Jill's assistant.

Seeing the situation is not good, he tried to break away from the water, but his magic is too weak.

Having no other choice, and seeing that the real King Harold is there, he knows his plan won't work. So, he exploded his own head while still being inside the water.

Queen Carmen controlled the water to not let the explosion affected anything outside of the water. Thanks to that, no one injured because of the explosion.

"What the hell is going on!?" Jill was confused seeing that her assistant's head suddenly exploded.

"You all have been tricked. My wives, my children, you are all tricked by that fake king claiming to be me. Now, the hindrance has gone. I will tell you everything." King Harold said.

Since they don't want to have a discussion somewhere with a headless corpse, they changed room. King Harold and everyone told Jill everything, including what seems to be the plan of the cult.

"Aha… ahahaha… so… they will replace me like how they replaced father. What have I been doing all this time?" Jill said in regret.

"In fact, this might be better. Having you split up makes it easier to see if each of you can be trusted or not one by one. We decided that that man can't be trusted. And we are powerless to stop him from killing himself. That's how most of the cult members instructed. They will kill themselves with explosives inside their mouth before we can extract information from them." King Harold said.

"So, if I can't be trusted, you will kill me?" Jill said.

"Yes. And fact is, you still can't be trusted yet. We're here to check that. You might think that I'm a cruel father who will kill his own daughter, and I won't deny it. Now… Carmen, what are you doing?"

Before King Harold asked his daughter a question, he looked at Queen Carmen who was pushing the wheelchair, but now she moved after contacting Sonia. And Sonia has disappeared again after appearing for a short while.

"I'm calling Sonia to call Roy to call King Albert. It will be easier to do that." Queen Carmen said.

"…I just told you that we don't need to do that. Sigh…"

Chapter 341 - Incoming Attack

"Roy, you have to go and meet King Harold right away. And bring Albert with you. I will tell him to get prepared so you can bring him here before going to Bernard's mansion."

That's what Sonia suddenly told me just before I took a nap.

She suddenly appears in front of me, and told me something important is happening and I have to go bring Albert with me.

And as soon as she finished relaying the message, she disappeared into Albert's location.

Is my break finally over? I don't want that!

The tournament will happen next week. I don't want to get busy even before it's started!

Such is the fate of being relied upon. I'm just too awesome, I guess.

I suppose I need to inform the others that I'm leaving.

I get down and meet Lina who is sweeping the floor.

"Lina, I'm going for a bit. Seems like something happened in Arturo." I said.

"Will you return for dinner?" Lina asked.

"Hopefully I will."

It's quite empty in the base now. Kayla and Jewel leave two weeks ago.

As for me, I still teach my class as usual. Though Sara wasn't there. So, I only taught the other three students. But yesterday was my last class because I was supposed to go to Melk as well. I just told them to study by themselves after teaching them how to cultivate air element. Though it's the same as other elements. I just taught them how to make air element magic stones out of magic stones for other elements.

Soon after informing Lina, Sonia appears and told me that Albert is ready.

"Good. I'll bring him here. As for you, go and tell Spot that I'm leaving. Ask him if he wants to go." I said.

Today, Spot is at the sea with his child. I forgot which number is this child is.

He would sometime come here to play, but since we didn't do any big job lately, he stays in the sea more.

I opened a portal and let Albert come here, as I see Spot flying here quickly while looking excited at what we're going to do.

"Roy, where are we going?" Spot asked.

"To Arturo Kingdom. We're going to meet Fabio and the others." I said.

In the past few weeks, I have been regularly visiting them. It was mainly for Harold's recovery. And I have gotten close enough with them to not have to speak with honorifics to them. I'm the only commoner in this continent who doesn't have to speak to all kings without honorifics. I'm amazing!

But before I opened a portal, a little and lovely girl approached us.


It was Lana. Somehow, she noticed that her father is here. She was supposed to be in her room.

"Lana, have you been well?" Albert asked.

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"Yes! Are you working?" Lana asked Albert.

"Sorry. I'll play with you some other time."

"Promise?" Lana said as she offered to have a pinky promise.

I'd like to see Albert's reaction.

"I promise." Albert said as he wrapped his pinky to Lana's.

"Pinky promise! If you break the promise, all hell break loose!" Lana said the same thing when she made me do pinky promise.

And Albert… he has an indescribable expression on his face. Shock, anger, fear, I can see them. And he looked at me as if I'm the one to blame.

"Don't look at me like that. Someone taught her those words while I was busy travelling saving Harold." I said.

"Then who!?"

"Doesn't matter. Let's go now."

I opened a portal and said my farewell to Lana. Though I hope I can return quickly.

In Bernard's mansion, right in front of us, there's another woman I don't know. It must be her fault that I'm here.

"Thank you for coming, Roy. Sorry to asked you to be a courier, but we need Albert here." Fabio said to me.

"So, I'm not needed here? Can I return?" I asked.

"No! I can't go home if you return now! You want to save your magic, right? Don't use portal unnecessarily!" Albert shouted.

Sigh… I guess it's unavoidable.

"Who is he?" The unknown woman asked.

"An important ally. As for the other one, you should know him, right?" Fabio asked.

"Yes. He's King Albert from Tatrama. How did he come here?"

"That's not important at the moment. Albert, you know her, right?" Fabio asked Albert.

"Yes. She's your sister, Jill. Has she fallen to the cult?" Albert asked.

"That's what we want to know. Please help us."


How come he agrees to help them but refused me when I asked him to see my students? Just because they are commoners, you can't just ignore them!

Well, it's not like those three students are important. I'll get them strong enough to be recognized by Albert.

And interview session happened. We have one person to interview, and everyone here is focused on her. I'd like to play with Luna instead, but we are not that close. I think she's being wary of me. Just what did she saw in her vision that makes her afraid of me? Other than killing my enemies in case I found them.

So, the new princess I met today is called Jill. She's going after the throne, and thought of getting Bernard's support. She's coming here only with her trusted assistant, who ended up cannot be trusted at all as Luna noticed that he's dangerous. He killed himself by using the explosion inside his head. I can see the corpse in different room.

"I thought I had a reliable ally to make me the queen. But I was being used as a puppet. I guess I'm not fit to be the queen." Jill said.

"What else did he told you to do?" Harold asked.

"Other than ruling my territory, he asked me to prepare some liquors for my meeting with Bernard. Wait!" Jill suddenly shouted as if she realized something.

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"Hmm… there's a bottle of drink with the corpse of your assistant. And there's a sign that it was recently opened, and closed again. Seems like there's poison in it." I said.

"How did you know? Wait, poison? He asked me to drink it together with Bernard!" Jill shouted.

"I guess it's clear then. He's going to kill you and Bernard at the same time. And he can just spread the rumor that both you and Bernard kill each other for fighting the throne. Or maybe they have prepared a replacement for you two. Is he the only one coming with you?" Harold asked.

"Oh no! He said that there will be some people coming later! What should I do?" Jill panicked.

Meanwhile, everyone looked at Albert to hear his decision.

"She's not with the cult. That's the truth. And everything she said is the truth as well. She's just being used and probably going to get killed. Now, what should we do?" Albert asked.

"They are planning to kill Bernard and Jill together, huh? And the ones coming soon should be here to check if Bernard and Jill are both still alive or not. They are going to ask the man who blew his own head about the situation. Since he died, I suspect that those people will come here to finish the job." Harold said.

Sigh… this is annoying. I don't want to stay here to be targeted all of a sudden. I guess I need to prepare to open a portal right away.

"Bernard. Let's go get your wife to safety first. Seems like something will happen soon." I said to Bernard.

"Oh, right! Let's go!" Bernard said.

I will leave the discussion to those here. But why is Luna wanted to stay when Bernard asked her to get his wife together? She's acting like a princess. A real princess who worries about the kingdom. She's too young to do that. This world is too cruel to let a child mature too fast.

We went to Bernard's room where his wife is resting, and told her that I will get her to safety. I told Lina to prepare a room after opened a portal and brought Bernard's wife there. She will be safe with Lina and the others there.

After that, Bernard and I returned to where the other is. They are still discussing about the next plan while Jill is cowered in fear.

"Damn, you all! You take too long to think! How about making it simpler! Let's make them think that Bernard is a strong candidate for the throne and he has expert level mages with him! So, when those people attacked, it's completely normal that we can fight back. And just make a story that Bernard would dare to imprison his own sister for trying to poison him. That's easy, right?" I suggested since they haven't made a decision yet.

""…that's it!"" Harold, Albert, and Fabio shouted at the same time.

"That way, it won't be shocking if Bernard gained power! We can have our own army!" Fabio said.

"Imprisoning Jill might make him feared by the people. But that will also show everyone what he will do to those who targeted his life." Albert said.

"And that seems to be fit with his previous personality. In fact, I'm still wondering how Bernard doesn't have an army yet. Just guards. Bernard, with my guide, I will make you a strong candidate for the battle which you can't win since Fabio is the crown prince!" Harold claimed.

"…what about my opinions?" Bernard asked.

"Rejected!" Harold said firmly.

I guess it's decided. And I also need to stay here for a bit longer and see those incoming group. I hope it won't be too many.


Suddenly, Luna screamed as she crouched down and hold her head with her hands.

"Luna, what's wrong?" Fabio asked.

"Idiot. That's the signal for the incoming danger within one minute. We need to get ready."

Less than one minute of the attack. I need to get as much information as I can from Luna.

"Luna. Don't be scared. Tell me what will happen." I asked.

"The mansion got destroyed out of nowhere!" Luna said.

"That mean they don't even care if Jill's assistant is still alive or not. They are just here to kill everyone. Luna, I ask you again to not be scared. Do you actually see that any one of us died?" I tried to calm Luna down.

"…no. I don't see anyone dying."

"That's because I'm amazing. Now, let's get you all to safety first. I'll stay here and kill everyone. Though I need Bernard to stay here. Just in case someone escaped, we need them to witness Bernard is here and still alive. And also, Fabio and Carmen. You two will fight if it's necessary." I said.

It's been a while, but I guess it's time to fight cult members again. What a pain they are…

Chapter 342 - A Mother And Her Two Sons Are Stronger Than Expected

It was a long minute.

Since Luna saw the future, we quickly prepared for it. I get Albert, Harold, Jill, and Luna transported to Cassau where I transported Bernard's wife to just a few moments ago. As for the rest, we will fight.

Fabio is stronger than Bernard. At least that's what the two recognized. And Carmen is an expert level mage. We will fight whoever coming.

And I can see three people coming. Two of them are flying, and one of the two is carrying one man. They must be the one who were sent to kill Bernard and Jill.

Since we're going to show them that Bernard is increasing his power, we will have to make sure that we are capable. We have to kill them all if possible.

And as the fake king received information about Bernard's sudden growth, Harold and the others will help Bernard to grow.

"Spot! Wait for my signal, and then you can fight them with us!" I said.

"Oh! You're letting me fight? That's great." Spot is excited to get an action.

"Yes, but you must not say anything. And they have to think that you are Carmen's summon. Carmen, do you understand?" I asked Carmen this time.

"I see! You want to make it as if I'm the one making the breakthrough previously, and escaped here pretending to be under Bernard's protection. Understood. I just need to pretend to give Spot some order, right?" Carmen asked.

"That's right. Soon, they will destroy the whole mansion. Get close to me. Victoria will be our shield." I gave the order.

I focused my Divine Vision to the surrounding. According to Luna's Future Vision, the mansion will be destroyed altogether. No fire, no lightning, and the building just got destroyed. Which mean it's highly likely that the magic that will destroy this place is an earth magic.

And to be that strong, one should be at least an expert level mage in their earth element. Let's assume that all three of them are expert level mage.

And then, as I expected, the one carrying someone dropped the man, and that person is casting an earthquake magic. But this is less powerful than Celestine's. Though it's more than enough to destroy the mansion.

The mansion got destroyed. Some servants caught under the rubbles, and died. But some still survived. As for us, I had Victoria protect us.

"Alright. Soon, the earthquake will over. Carmen and Spot will fight those who are flying. There are two of them. If they try to escape, and already too far, don't bother chasing after them. It's fine to let them leave, but killing them all will gain us more time. Spot, don't use your breath attack. As for the expert level earth mage, Bernard and Fabio will fight him together. I will support you from afar." I said.

"Us? Really?" Bernard asked.

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"Yes. Fabio, you will need to disguise your hair. Wear this." I gave him a Blobby which transformed into a wig on top of his head, and hides the color of his hair.

"And Bernard, I know you're weak, but I don't know how weak you are. We have given you the instruction of magic control, and you should have improved a lot, right?" I asked Bernard.

"Yes. Although my level didn't improve, I'm much stronger than the time I pick a fight with everyone." Bernard said.

Did he really pick a fight with everyone? Well, that's not important now.

"Good. As soon as the earthquake stopped, we will move. Carmen will ride on Spot's back and fly to the sky, and you two will follow me from behind as I clear the rubbles blocking us." I said.

It will be difficult for them to see me using physical strength plus Aura to destroy the rubbles. They might sense that we are moving in a straight line, but they will just think that we are using magic because they will be occupied by Spot's appearance.

But seriously, did they really planning to kill Jill's assistant as well? Wasn't he a cult member? I guess they really don't care about their own life.

Or maybe that assistant would have killed everyone with poison, and escape before destroying the mansion. They are too dangerous as expected.

And then, the earthquake stopped.

I can't waste too much time to surprise the enemies, so we have to move now.

"Now!" I shouted.

Just like I said, Spot flew with Carmen on his back. They will be fighting two enemies. As for me, with Victoria as a huge shield, I broke through the obstacles with the two princes behind me. I will see their growth after learning magic control as I supported everyone with my sniping skill.

"What the-!"

As expected, the earth mage didn't expect us to survive. He was shocked to see a huge serpent suddenly ascending with a woman on its back. And this is when I will attack first.

As soon as the obstacles are cleared, I quickly transformed Victoria into a rifle, and shoot the mage on his leg. That's enough to stop him from escaping.

"Aaah!" The mage falls over as the two princes casted fire magic together. But that mage still managed to block the fire with am Earth Wall he built in haste. Though the wall destroyed soon after.

Hearing the mage screaming, the two flying mages above looked over here for an instance. That slight distraction is what gets one of the two got swallowed by Spot.

…that's too fast. One of them is down already. I guess all of them will die here.

Well, I no longer need to support Carmen and Spot. They are enough to kill the other mage. As for the other two… it will take time, but they are going well. especially after I wound the enemy's leg.

The two must be training hard and also did some sparring with Carmen to gain experience in fighting expert level mage. And Carmen also practicing to get used with her new power.

What about Harold? How strong is he? Probably around advanced level.

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The two princes attacked the enemy from different location as the two keep moving around. I guess that's a good strategy against one enemy.

And in the sky, Carmen is fighting with the wind mage one on one. She's just using Spot as her footing since she can't fly.

She created a huge Water Ball. But she didn't use it. Instead, Carmen takes some of the water from it drop by drop, and attacked the enemy with it. Now it looks like it's raining for the wind mage. Needles rain. Each drop of water can pierce through flesh.

…I never expected water mage to be that scary. Water magic were more used as protection in my past life. That's what I know. But using that method to attack, She's amazing. She must have been an amazing hunter before she became the queen.

Well, since it will be over soon, I guess I don't have to do anything else. I'll just get Harold and the others to get back here.

I opened a portal and see that everyone is ready to go. They must have heard from Luna that I'm picking them up.

"How is it?" Harold asked everyone entered the portal.

"You can see for yourself. It will be over soon." I said as I pointed at Fabio and Bernard.

"As for Carmen, she's up there with Spot. I'll go check around the city and see if there's anyone suspicious coming with them." I said before leaving them.

Suspicious person, where are you?

I run around the city but I didn't see anyone suspicious. Does that mean only three of them attacking? Are they that confident?

I guess I'll go back to Harold and the others.

As I expected, it's all already over. Harold is praising his wife and his sons that they have gotten stronger. And Luna is looking at her brothers with awe.

As for the other sister, I think her name was Jill, she's in shock to see that everyone is too strong. It wasn't even that long when I transported them to Cassau, and they returned so quickly to see two mages defeated. They obviously didn't see Spot swallowed a man whole.

"So, what's your next move?" I asked as soon as I returned.

"Bernard will use this chance to increase his power. And he will tell the people that Jill is being used by her assistant. Bernard will take Jill under his protection. People will still be suspicious why Bernard allowed Jill, whose assistant is planning to kill them both, to stay with him. When the news reached the fake king, the fake king will connect how the person who broke through to expert level from before is with Bernard. We will send him a report with using Bernard's name before any spies informed him. If there are any. There are many other things we're going to do like sending Sonia to Toni to tell him everything before the news reached the fake king. And…"

"Enough! Too much! I'll leave the rest to you! Are we done here?" I asked.

"Yes. We can return now. I have asked important questions to Jill while we're in Cassau. Let's go back since the tournament is close. Oh, right. Is there anyone here who want to watch the tournament? If you want you can come with him now." Albert asked.

"Carmen, Fabio, and Luna as well. You three can go. You two can learn a lot just by watching the fight. I want to get Bernard to go as well, but he's needed here. And Luna will be safe over there while we're busy. As for Jill… she will stay. She will do as I say from now on. Take care." Harold said.

I return back to Cassau, and bring Albert to his palace.

It's also the first time Carmen meet the others. Though most of them are not here, she can get to know Veronica who is a fellow expert level mage.

Soon, it will be the time for the tournament.. My guess would be either Angela's group or Kayla's group to win.

Chapter 343 - Return To Melk After A Long Time

A few days after taking care of small business in Arturo Kingdom, we are leaving for Melk to watch the tournament.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked.

"Even if we're not and forgot something, you can bring us back in an instance. Let's just go right away." Candy said.

"I suppose you're right. Let's go then."

The group who will be leaving for Melk are me, Lina, Candy, Sophie, Daniel, Hannah, Lana, Wendy, Carmen, Fabio, and Luna.

Penny doesn't want to go and said that she will take care of the base while we're away together with Sonia whenever she's not busy. And Veronica said that she will take care of the orphans while Celestine is away.

Carmen and the royalties staying here are already getting along with the others. Carmen is the only water mage here, so she doesn't have anyone to talk to about water magic. But she still takes some time to practice with Veronica or me. And she's getting along well with Marie who sometimes come over to play along with Alan.

By the way, Albert, Marie, and Alan will not be coming with us. They will leave normally by themselves, so they can watch the final.

Luna plays with Daniel and the other children. She enjoyed playing so much that she feels reluctant to go to Melk while the orphans are staying. But since Daniel, Hannah, and Lana is coming, she no longer feels reluctant.

As for Fabio, he's the only male here other than me. We talked and play card a lot, and when we can't he would go with disguise on and take a quest from the guild.

Since he stayed in our place, the guild master thought that he's our new member. That's why despite just receiving his hunter card, he received some quests which should be difficult for a normal E-rank hunter. Though for him, those quests are still easy.

We arrived at the hotel in Melk where we stayed at before. Not in the lobby since there should be other people there, but in my previous room. Wendy said that this room is not for other people, that's why it's best to go here.

"I'll go meet the staffs of the hotel. What about you?" Wendy asked.

"I'll meet Kayla and the others. Wait, Angela is here as well? Is it fine for people from different group to stay in one place?" I asked.

"It doesn't really matter, right? And they don't mind it." Wendy said before she left the room. She has been going in and out of Melk and used my service many times in the past few days.

Kayla, Jewel, Sara, Angela, and Shirley are all staying in this hotel. Together with their teammates I suppose. I'll go greet them.

Ah, I forgot to ask Wendy for the others' room. Well, that can be taken care of later. But this city sure is crowded today. So many people want to watch the tournament.

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I believe once the Television that Victoria and Marie made spread, it will become popular. At that time, people won't bother to come so far here to watch they can just watch the tournament from their home.

We also have a Television installed in our base. And Penny and Veronica will be there to see the first battle. If it can be broadcasted as it was intended, during the final, there will be a huge television installed at the square of many cities so the citizens can watch it.

We also have sent the television to Lynn, Henry, and Harold. They will be able to watch the tournament.

In truth, we were supposed to install television in every kingdom. At least each king needs to have one. But because there's a fake king, we only gave these televisions in secret. Though after the final, people will hear about this thing.

I get to the dining hall where Kayla and everyone else is chatting. They don't care if they are from different team. Kayla and Angela are best friends after all.

"Hey. Been a while." I greeted them.

There seem to be two tables where everyone is seated. There are more, but those are taken by other guests. This area is the noisiest one.

In one table, there are Kayla, Angela, Shirley, Jewel, and a man I don't know. Since I don't think he's trying to flirt with Kayla, I don't mind. He's probably one of Shirley's teammates.

The other table is taken by Sara, and three other people. They nodded at me with respect when they saw me.

Nine people. Which mean the last person who isn't here is the other recommended participant from Cassau. I guess if he's as Kayla said, he won't stay in a hotel like this.

"Oh, Roy. You've arrived. And the others as well." Kayla said.

It has been a while since they last met, so they are hugging each other. Meanwhile, the man I don't know is staring at me.

"What is it? I won't hug you. I don't know you, and even if I do, I won't hug men." I said.

"I don't need a hug. I'm just curious about who this Roy is after hearing so much about you. When I ask Kayla, Angela, and Princess Shirley, they said you won't participate. So, I thought I won't have the chance to meet you." He said.

Instead of answering, I just starred at the man. I guess he's not like the other noble children who used their family status. He's a good guy, probably.

"I'm the one who propose the tournament. I don't think it's a good idea for me to participate. And I'm also not a student. I'm a professor."

I'm about to say that I taught most of the participant, but that's wrong. I just taught those who teaches them. And I don't know most of them. In fact, other than those who are here, there shouldn't be anyone else I know.

Oh, wait! Maybe one of the summoners I taught during the training camp is here!

Well, even if they are here, I doubt they will use their summon much. Unless they have increased their level and got another summon. But if they have another monster, I will ask them to only summon one monster. I also have told them to do that so we can keep it as secret from the cult that summoners can summon multiple monsters. It was back after the training camp. I hope they still remember it.

"Is it true that other than me, the other participants from the capital is taught by you?" the man asked.

"No. I mean I taught those who taught them. I didn't teach them directly. Well, other than Kayla, Angela, Shirley, Jewel, and Sara over there. Wait, that's half of you." I said.

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"Then can you teach me as well?" The man asked.

"Unless you have summoning element or air element, I can't teach you directly. Just go ask other people." I said.

As I chatted with him, the others are done with their reunion and return to their seat. Candy grabbed a new table and bring it close to us so everyone can gather here.

"By the way, how did you arrive here? I didn't see you from the front door. Did you all fly here?" the man asked again.

"No. But I can be anywhere I want. I can appear from above, or below. Or even behind you." I said with a slight hint of joke. I doubt he will believe me right away anyway. Though I never expected someone would continue my words.

"Or even in your wildest and darkest dream. You will wake up in fear from seeing his face even in your dream."

It was the cute little girl, Lana, who is speaking while climbing on my seat and take a seat casually in my lap. She loves sitting on someone's lap and be spoiled. This time, she chooses me.

"Alright, seriously. Who taught you that word?" I asked.

"A ghost." Lana said.

So, it's Sonia? Or is there another ghost I can't see even with my Divine Vision? If there's another ghost, Sonia should have told me. Or maybe it's all just Lana's imagination. And Ghost is her imaginary friend. I think I will never know the truth. Unless Sonia appears and told me that it was her fault.

"Well you nice to meet you, but my friends are here. Talk to you later." I said as I held Lana, and put her on Lina's lap.

Haha. There's Lana, Lina, and Luna sitting next to each other. Will there be a Lena or Lona?

The friends I'm talking about are two people I haven't met in a while. They are Kron and Oleg. Though Oleg's wife is here as well. She's chatting with Sara as a fellow air mage.

As for Hill, I doubt he will be here. Or maybe he is. I think he might be one of the officials just like Kron. Well, who cares about Hill? Not me.

"It's good that you're finally here. Though it will be better if Albert and Hill are here so we can play poker."

…apparently, it was Kron who cares about Hill.

Since there's nothing scheduled, I just spend the rest of the day chatting with the two friends I rarely met nowadays.

Kron said that he will be the referee for the tournament. And Oleg will try to increase the security of the city.

At night, after the kids fallen asleep, it's finally time for me to clean up a lot of cult members. With this many people entered the city, there should be cult members among them.

And I was right. So, I killed them in the dead of the night. As for some whom I cannot kill right away, I informed Oleg about them. He will take care of the rest.

Finally, tomorrow is the day when the schedule will be set for the tournament. Because most of the officials are Albert's agents, Albert asked them to arrange it so Kayla's team and Angela will only meet at the final.. Excellent choice.

Chapter 344 - The Day Before The Tournament

I woke up inside the room in the hotel the next morning. Other than me, Daniel is here as well. She's sleeping with me.

As for Lana, she's sleeping with Hannah. No, I was wrong. She's sleeping with Luna and Carmen, while Hannah sleeps with Jewel. Or more like it was Jewel who intrudes into Hannah's room. Seems like Jewel had a lot of fun talking with Hannah.

I look around and see that everyone has already awake. Well, most of them.

Last night, after hanging out with Kron and Oleg, I patrolled the city to find any cult members. I found some, but none of them are exceptionally strong. Maybe there are some expert level mage in hiding with no explosive devices inside their mouth. I wouldn't know.

Though I will keep killing any cult members that I find. And if there are someone causing trouble, I will bring them to Oleg. He's also the head security for the tournament so he's extremely busy. I also have given him a lot of Magic Restriction Collars just in case there are expert level mages. As for those who have reached advanced level, I think the guards here are enough to keep watch on them. They joined the training camp and should be strong enough.

Though we need to be careful to not get found out that we have such collars. And I doubt those who wears them will be allowed to live.

I have also seen the venue for the tournament. It looks similar to the Arena in the Werewolves settlement. Albert must be the one giving them the ideas.

And today should be the day when for the schedule of the tournament. Let's ask Kayla or Wendy how it goes. Or maybe Shirley. Let's ask any one of them fixtures.

Breakfast has been served. And Lina is obviously helping the chefs in the hotel.

I woke up Daniel and went down for breakfast together. Almost everyone is already there.

"Daniel, go wake up Carmen, Luna, and Lana. It's time for breakfast." I said.


Daniel go to their room, as I take a seat at a table where three other men are already there. Kron, Oleg, and Fabio whom is already friendly with the two.

"Morning." I greeted everyone.

"It's rare for you to wake up early." Kron said.

"It is. By the way, how's the fixtures?" I asked Kron who is the official staff.

"It should be announced at noon. Each team will send their representative to check on it. Just wait patiently." Kron said.

We ate breakfast together as we chatted. We mostly just talking about random nonsense. Though Fabio seems happy to get along with the two. I wonder if he will get along with Hill as well.

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Then someone else looked at a free seat next to me, and take a seat there. He's Fred. One of Shirley's teammates from the capital.

"Can I sit here?" Fred asked.

"Sure." Fabio said.

Among us four, Fabio is the one with the highest status. Although the other two treated him normally like a friend, they still know how to behave in front of a prince. That's why the one who should allow Fred to join our table or not is Fabio.

I already told Kron and Oleg that Fabio is a prince and Carmen is a queen last night. And the two still treated them normally. They have gotten used in hanging out with a king after all. Though when I asked, Kron just said that it's normal for me to be close with another weird dude. Is Fabio a weird dude now?

As for Fred, he doesn't know anyone here other than me. But he's still approaching us. I don't hate that behavior, so it's fine. And I think Fabio is also interested in one of the participants. That's why he allows Fred to join our table.

We just chatted as Fred is trying to get along with us.

Then I asked him, "Have you heard anything about the schedule for the tournament?"

"No. But later at noon, Princess Shirley will go to the arena. That's where she will be given the announcement of the fixtures, and she will tell us later." Fred said.

"Don't call her princess in public. We don't know who is trying to harm her." I said.

"Sorry. But calling her casually is…"

"If you can't call her by her name, just call her team leader or something. She's the leader from your team, right?" I asked.

"I guess I'll call her that from now." Fred said.

I look to see that Shirley is talking with Kayla and Wendy. They are still here. I think they will leave soon.

I can just ask Kron about it, but I doubt he will leak the information easily. Although he's kind of dense, he is someone who can be trusted with a secret.

Soon after, Kayla, Shirley, and Wendy leave together to the Arena to hear the announcement. Kayla is the representative from the team from Cassau, and Wendy is the supervisor of the team. Probably, the professor in charge of Shirley's team will be there as well.

Kron and Oleg also leaves because they have a meeting with other official staffs. And since Fabio is happily talking with Fred, I'll just go for another patrol.

Well, since I already did a patrol last night, I don't think there will be a lot of cult members anymore. Though I still need to be vigilant. Who knows if there are some cult members who have just arrived today?

But my main goal is not that. I want to look around Melk because it has been a while since I'm here. And I'm not alone. I'm with Lina who is on break. Well, I'm the one forcing her to take a break and go on a date with me. Because if I never asked her, I don't think she will ever take a break from her maid duties.

Especially if she has another nightly duty for me. she would be tired the next day, but she would insist on working.

What a hardworking maid.

In the end, it's not a patrol. Just a regular date.

We walk around to see my old school, Red Tail, Sam's old base where Lina used to work at, and many other nostalgic locations.

None of them were destroyed during the stampede. But the buildings nearby, some of them have been renovated.

I still have the key for Red Tail, though I never went here again. I'll tell Albert to use this place as another base for his agents here. Or maybe just give the whole building to Oleg? I'll ask Ruby when I'm in the capital. If I remember.

My old school was still there. No renovation at all. And I can see Mr. Wig is still teaching there. With a whole different type of wig.

After that, we had a lunch at a restaurant. It's just a normal date the whole time. No patrol at all. Though it's thanks to the cult members not being nearby.

"I had fun today. Let's walk around again tomorrow." I asked Lina to do it again tomorrow.

"But tomorrow should be the opening of the tournament, right? We need to watch it."

"Actually, we don't. It's not like either Kayla's team or Angela's team will fight in the first day."

"But the Arena will be crowded. If there are any cult member, they should be inside the Arena to watch. You can't just fly into the arena and kill someone there, right?" Lina said.

I guess she's right. That mean I can no longer go on a date until the tournament is over.

We return to the hotel to see that Kayla and Shirley already returned. As for Wendy, I don't know where she goes.

"So, when will you two fight?" I asked Kayla and Shirley.

"In the final. I think the drawing is rigged." Shirley said.

"That's obvious. The final will be watched by your brother. We can't give weak performance in front of him. And there are other important people who will watch the final. That's why we can't have you two fight in the first day. When will Albert arrive anyway?" I asked Shirley.

"He's already on his way. Probably in three or four days. Though he can be here faster if you want." Shirley said.

"Nah, it's a pain. I'll just wait unless he needs me."

Then I asked them about the tournament. They will schedule it so there will be two matches in one day. Though for the first day, the two teams don't have a fight scheduled. So, we will only watch the fight of other teams.

"Will you watch the first fight?" I asked.

"Obviously. The arena has been arranged so each team has their own private room where we can watch the tournament." Kayla is the one who answered.

"Can I enter the private room? I'm also a professor after all." I asked.

"No. Even if you can, you will end up using that room for sleeping and won't watch the match. You will need to watch the fight somewhere else."

What a pain. I guess I need to do this job anyway. And instead of watching the tournament, I will watch the audiences instead.

Sigh… it's the fate of someone awesome. Everyone relies on me that I don't have much freedom to do anything I want.

Wait, that's the same as marriage. Does that mean I'm already married to the girls? Since when?

Chapter 345 - First Match And I Got Bored

Finally, it's the first day of the fight! Hurray!

Though I'm totally not interested in watching people fight. Peace is the best. But for now, we need people to get stronger, so it can't be helped.

Did I, the one who massacred hundreds of cult members, said that peace is the best?

Well… there's only one way we can achieve peace. It's through violence! This is the most contradicting thought in the world.

It can't be helped if the opposite side is not someone you can negotiate with, right?

Anyway, the fight will start soon. But there will be an opening speech from someone. I don't know who that person is. Probably some noble who is one of the officials, and that person must be someone that Albert can trust.

When we plan for the tournament, after telling everyone in the training camp, Albert told several other nobles to help. And after I told Dean about the tournament, Albert has prepared everything so the officials are all people he could trust. That way, there would be no bribing. Though I don't know about the selection process of the participants for each college. But since one of the participants from Cassau entered through bribing, I think there will be a lot more child of a noble entered through the same way.

They all will regret to participate not knowing that most of the other participants who didn't enter through bribing were much stronger than average mages. Colleges with participants who entered through bribing will lose easily in the first round. Turning them into embarrassment for the whole kingdom if they got defeated too fast. At least, the need to be able to put up a good fight before being defeated.

Then, the one who will give the speech appear and stand in front of the podium. If the Television worked, the kings should be able to watch it already.

Other than the participants and the officials, we are watching from the audience seat. It's too crowded here and people are even waiting outside the Arena. Maybe it will be a good idea to introduce Television as soon as possible. I'll talk with Albert about it.

I left the kids under Sophie and the other's care since I can't watch it together with them. As usual, I need to make a round. This time, inside the Arena. Though it's a good thing that they didn't build the Arena to be huge. This way, I can see everything with my Divine Vision.

Maybe Albert put that into consideration when he planned this? If so, as expected of him.

I look around while not caring about the speech. So far, I didn't find anyone with explosive devices inside their mouth.

Next, I look outside the Arena. There are too many that I could miss someone. Why are they waiting in front of the Arena anyway?

Since I didn't find anyone again, I sighed in relief as I finally listened to the almost finished speech.

"Then, let's see who among the thirty teams will be the champion!" The guy who makes the speech ended it with that line.

So, it's thirty teams, huh? That's quite a lot.

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Let's see… so it's about two teams who got seeded and won't have to fight in the first round. They will instantly be put in the top sixteen. I guess luck is also strength.

The two teams that got seeded… they don't look happy. Instead, they seem tense. Maybe they are worried if they are strong enough to compete or not. But since no one looks cocky because they got seeded, I don't think any of them bribed the college to participate.

And there are some participants who complained how they didn't get seeded. Like the other participants from Cassau whom I just see his face today. Though Jewel shut him up. I guess he's afraid because she got selected thanks to her strength.

Damn, he's so weak!

Now the speech is over, and the first fight will begin. The audience cheered for the participants. And there are some audiences from the same city as the participants who brought a banner saying 'We will win!'. Let's see if they can win or not.

…many people enjoyed the match, but some found it boring like me. I think I had enough.

The format of the match is a one-on-one match. Each team will send one person. When someone lose, the winner can continue to fight the second match. Just like that until all five members of one team defeated.

Which mean if the first participant is too strong, that person can fight five times so their team will win.

I don't enjoy it, so I stand from my seat and about to leave when the slime on my shoulder whispered something in my ear.

"Roy, where are you going?" Victoria asked.

"Out. The fight is too boring. They seem stronger than an average mage, but I still find it boring. In fact, it's not just me who got bored." I said as I looked at other people in the audience seats yawning.

"Then be the commentator. That will make the fight more interesting." Victoria suggested.

"I'll ask Kron later. Kayla's team and Angela's team won't fight today, right?"

"That's right. Angela's team will fight tomorrow in the afternoon, while Kayla's team will fight the day after in the morning. Though they will only meet at the final." Victoria said.

"Then I'll try to find that commentator. And I'll ask Albert to put a Television in front of the Arena so everyone can watch it."

"Just call it TV. And for those will be set in public, just call it screen. Television can be owned privately, but for screen, they will be put in a place like the square or in front of the Arena so everyone outside can watch it." Victoria said.

"If everyone can watch it for free, no one will attend the match in the Arena, right?" I asked.

"Not really. How about you sell a merchandise. Like a shirt that says 'I support this team!' only in the Arena. At least those from the same city will come.

"Hire people to do the chores in the Arena and selling beverages. After the tournament, the Arena should be able to be used for other purposes as well. Maybe suggest it to the Guild master to settle a quarrel between hunters in the Arena. That way, people will still come." Victoria said.

"Good idea. Tell that to Albert when we meet him. For now, how about finding some commentators for the next fight in the afternoon? No, wait. Maybe the afternoon fight is too soon. I guess it's for tomorrow then." I said.

I left the Arena after seeing that Sophie and the others are still engrossed in the fight. I can also see the invisible Sonia above them. It's funny how the people behind them looked as if they are cheering for Sonia.

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After leaving the Arena, I didn't return home. Because I found two people I want to meet.

"Did you find a cult member?" Victoria asked.

Victoria whom also have no interest in the match is also leaving with me when I asked if she want to watch with the others. But my other monster companion, not the Werewolf but the Serpent, is flying above the Arena while camouflaging so no one will notice him. He's interested in the fight.

"No. But I found two people who might be a good candidate for being the commentators. I'm going to ask them right away." I said.

"You think they will do it for free?"

"It won't be for free. They will be paid." I said.

"But I doubt the officials will have some budget to hire two more people. If they volunteer to do it for free, then the officials will agree." Victoria said.

"I will be the one paying them. For now, I will ask them if they are interested or not."

I walked toward the two people who are also like the others, waiting for the result of the match outside the Arena.

I know that I have terrible memory, but I know these two people. It was back when we publicly decided the punishment for the Governor of Melk who betrayed the people after the Stampede. These two are the funny twins who keep talking shit and had a lot of fun while the others are shouting in anger.

With these two as the commentators, the match should be much more interesting than just watching two people in the Arena used fancy magic.

Just like how I remembered, one of them is big and the other is small. They are fraternal twins. Though unlike Lana and Alan, they were born normally.

"Hey you two, I have a good offer for you two. Will you listen?"

I approached the two while they are chatting to wait for the result of the match.

"Who the hell are you?" The big one asked.

"Probably just trying to scam you. How about you go with him? I'll wait for a day. If you end up naked in the street, I won't go." The small one said.

"What if I go with him, but you're the one ended up naked in the street?" The big one asked the small one.

"Why would I get naked on my own? Anyway, I refuse whatever you are offering." The small one refused.

"If you agree to my offer, you can watch the match in the Arena and don't have to wait for the result outside like this." I said.

""We're listening."" The two answered together.

If the two became the commentators, I doubt I will get bored easily.