
Chapter 346 - Hiring Commentators

Inside a restaurant, I brought the twins to have a chat. I'm treating them for a lunch at a restaurant they wanted. I don't mind how expensive the price is since I'm rich.

"Whoa, the foods here are delicious!" The big one said.

"Seriously! Can we ask for more?" The small one asked.

"You're smaller than me, but you eat way more." The big one said.

"It's fine. Eat to your heart content. I have money and I'm the one who's going to ask you two for a favor. Eat first, then we can talk later." I said.

Around our table, I casted Air Barrier so that no one can listen to our conversation. Though it's not like it's a top-secret matter. But being careful is always good.

The small one eats more than the big one. But the biggest eater here is me who already grabbed my fifth plate.

"Damn! You can really eat!" The big one said.

"I've never met anyone who can eat more than me before. You're amazing." The small one said.

"It's just eating. Don't get amazed by everything." I said.

While eating, I also take a look at the Arena. It was close to the restaurant we're at, and I can see that the first match is finally over. The next match will be held later.

After finishing our meals, we finally had a talk.

"So, why are we here?" the small one asked.

"To eat, obviously! We can have a talk anywhere, but we're here to eat. Though the talk should come now." The big one said.

I wonder if they can be a good pair to be commentators.

"Well, first, my name is Roy. I'm a… hunter, a doctor, and professor in Cassau university." I said.

I don't know which one would be good enough to introduce myself to them, so I picked those three. I could add that I'm a clown as well, but I doubt they will believe me.

Oh, wait! Maybe they were there during the first time I perform as Clarence? Back then it was in Melk, so there's a chance that they know Clarence.

Nah, let's not do that. Although what I will ask them will be related more closely to the clown since it's about entertainment, I can't tell them I'm a clown. After all, people always relate clowns to idiots. I can't let them think that I'm an idiot. At least for now…

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"Wow! That mean you're a smart hunter. Cassau university… they participate in the tournament, right?" the small one asked.

"That's right. Although what I'm about to ask you two is not about them. It's about the tournament as a whole." I said.

"What is it about?" The big one asked.

"Idiot! Introduce yourself first! How could he asked something from someone who won't give him their names? I'm Steven. We are twins, and I'm the older one." The small one, said.

"Oh, right. I'm Dwight. The younger one. We're both hunters. Though we can only kill weak monsters. That's why our ranks never increased from C-rank." the big one said.

So… it's Seven and Eight? At least they are easy to remember.

"Actually, I want to offer you two a nice job. Do you know that some people found the match to be boring? I'm one of them. I want you two to comment during the match so everyone can feel that the match is more interesting." I said.

"You mean like… commentors?" Dwight asked.

"It's commenters, idiot!" Steven said.

"Actually, it will be called commentators. I want to ask you two to be the commentators for the duration of the tournament. Until the final." I said.

"Why us?" Steven asked.

"Because you two are interesting. It was back then after the stampede, where everyone heard from the princess about the governor. I heard how you two are capable of riling people up. And you two were quite funny." I said.

"That time? You were there? And you still remember?" Dwight asked.

"Yeah. That was an important event for the whole kingdom after all. while everyone was there listening seriously or getting angry, you two were just making up jokes one after another. That's why I still remember." I said.

"So… you want us to comment on the match, right? Does that mean we will attend every match from now on?" Steven asked.

"That's only if I get the permission of another person. If you want to try it, you'll meet him later. How about I bring you to the next match, and see how you do it? the other person will be there as well, so we can listen to your comment. Though we will ask you to not make fun of the participants too much. I'm fine if you do it, but since some of them are nobles, they might get angry and will target you. Though I will protect you guys if that ever happen. As for the payment, I'll tell you that it will be a lot." I said.

"Wait a moment, please. We need to discuss it together. Just a few minutes." Steven said.

I nodded and let them have a discussion. Though I heard that it's going to be a positive answer from start to finish.

"We'll do it." Dwight said.

"Okay. I'll prepare something in the Arena. I'll get you two there later." I said.

Now, it's time to call Albert.

Albert agreed to my plan, and will come here. Since he's in a carriage going here with Marie and Alan, I can use portal to get them here. Albert said that everyone in the escort team are those who know me, so I don't have to hide my portal.

I also made a suggestion from to install a screen at the square right away, and he agree. Though we will do it at night so no one will be bothered. There are too many people there.

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I asked for a room in the Arena. Since there are only thirty teams while there are thirty-two private rooms, I can easily get one. It's nice to see that many people know me.

I return to the restaurant, and grabbed the twin into the private room before the second match. Albert is already there, while Marie and Alan are disguising themselves and sit with Sophie and the others.

"This is the important guy who will decide if you can be hired or not." I introduced Albert as important guy. They won't believe that he's the king since the king was supposed to be on his way.

"Nice to meet you, important person. I'm Steven and this is my brother, Dwight. You will witness how good we are at talking." Steven said confidently.

"I'm looking forward to it. Just like Roy, I got bored easily with normal match. Do your best to not make me bored." Albert said.

What they will do is commenting on the second match. But this is just a tryout and won't be broadcasted for everyone to hear. Just them, Albert and I.

…I'm someone from the future, but I learn many new words from Victoria like broadcast and other words.

The match start, and the two begins with introduction of the first fighters.

"Oh! The guy casted water ball to protect himself! That's new. Who would have thought that water ball can be used like that?" Steven commented.

"Actually, there are many ways to use magic. He just knows one thing more than you in water magic. But that won't be enough to stop his opponent from casting fire magic. Water can stop fire? That's true. Unless the fire is much bigger and stronger than the water." Dwight commented.

I guess they are still experienced hunters after all. they know a lot about many different magic.

"Oh! This time, he dodged instead of blocking the attack! That's just like how you dodged mum's question when she asked you who stole her money." Dwight said.

"Hey! That was supposed to be a secret! Just like how you were unable to hold your pee during a hunt. You were already an adult at the time, you silly!" Steven said.

"That… is why I keep wearing diaper at all time. Even now." Dwight replied shamelessly.

While listening to the two commenting on the fight, Albert and I just smiled.

"How is it?" I asked Albert.

"They are embarrassed at first, but they doing well after getting used to it. And telling some jokes from time to time is a good idea to entertain the audiences. You did well to find these two." Albert said.

"They seem to be having fun being the commentators. And they keep making jokes about each other. Their experience as hunters also helped them in recognizing the magic. This way, even those who are not familiar with elements other than their own will be able to understand more. And they can also learn their own element better. Maybe we need another person as an analyst. Someone who is well-versed in knowledge of all type of magic. Though such person will be difficult to find." I said.

"We can't find such person in hurry. But we should be able to prepare someone for the tournament between countries." Albert said.

We are still listening to how the twins commenting the match. The second fight, third fight, until the match is over, they are getting better and better. I guess they're hired.

"By the way, since we have TVs and broadcasting tool, does that mean you won't ask for Sonia's help anymore?"

If TVs and cameras are getting popular, Albert won't need Sonia anymore as a way of communication.

"No. For the more important matter, we will ask Sonia. And even more important matter, we will ask you to gather everyone together." Albert said.

I guess Sonia will still be busy after other ways of distant communication are invented.

Chapter 347 - New Addition To The Tournament

After the second battle of the day is over, Albert agreed for me to hire the commentators

Then, Albert revealed his identity to the twins.

"It's interesting to watch the match with you two talking. Everyone will enjoy the match more. I approve of you two as the commentators. I will look forward to the next match."



The twins are still shocked after hearing Albert's true identity that they can't react properly.

"Say something. You're in front of the king." I said.

"Oh, right! We will do our best to analyze the next matches until the final!" Steven said.

"Good. From tomorrow onwards, I will watch the matches from my seat. I'll see you again tomorrow. Keep making the matches interesting. Just be careful to not provoke someone you shouldn't provoke. Though if you do, just report it to Roy here. He will take care of them." Albert said as he pointed his finger at me.

Me? Well, I'm the one who found the twins after all. They are my responsibility.

After that, Albert asked several more questions and the twins answered them honestly. I guess Albert still want to know if they can be trusted or not.

After the second match is over, the Arena is empty other than some cleaning staffs and earth mages fixing the destroyed parts. Maybe we should consider about the damage from the fight as well. Probably it's a good idea to let several light mages prepared here so they can protect the audiences with their Barrier magic. Barrier made by light mages are clear and people can see through the barrier.

Though it's a good thing that the first day ended with no exceptionally strong mages although some part of the stage is broken.

The stage in the Arena is 20x20 meters. It's big enough for two mages to fight, and small enough for the audiences to be able to see everything. This is also similar to the mostly unused Arena in Cassau university.

Albert and I visited the officials in a room in the Arena. They are still discussing about the first day and speak concern about what I'm thinking. Seems like I don't need to tell them about the light mages.

Kron and Oleg are here as well. And since most of them are those Albert can trust, I'm fine showing my face to them. Though they are still surprised to see Albert to come earlier.

"Y-your majesty! You're earlier than expected!" One of the officials said.

"I had help. Though my carriage will be late. I have watched the second match. It was prepared nicely, but we can do better. I have some suggestion to make." Albert said.

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Suggestion? If it's from the king himself, that's an order. I can just deny what he wants if it's something disadvantageous, but Albert's suggestions are all good. including installing screen in both inside the Arena, and in the square.

That mean I have to bring all those items here. Well, I'm the one who first suggested that idea so it's fine. Or was it Victoria who suggested it first?

While we had a meeting, Spot who was watching the match finds me and wrapped his body around my waist. And he instantly falls asleep. Is it tiring for him to watch a boring match?

After getting everyone to agree, I installed the screen in the Arena right away, and then in the middle of the night, I installed a screen in the square. People will be surprised to see something unknown suddenly built in one night, but that's not my problem.

As for the technologies, Marie said that it will be difficult for anyone to learn about how it was made, unless they kidnapped Marie. That's why it won't be a big problem if someone stole the screen. Though the thief will still be given punishment.

As for Albert, he stays in one of the nobles' mansion. Someone he revoked their nobility status in the past. But the mansion is still maintained. Maybe Albert decided to stay there back after denouncing that noble while still hiring the servants of the house.

That's why Albert, Marie, Alan, and Lana stayed there. For protection, Oleg and his family will stay there at least until Mustache arrives.

I also asked for the review of the TV from Veronica who watched the fight in Cassau. She said that the picture was very clear as if someone is trapped inside the TV. Victoria said that it was thanks to the technology from her world, combined with magic in this world that the picture is very clear.

Lynn, Harold, and old man Henry also watched in their own places. Only Harold spoke about the match. Old man and Lynn only said about the TVs.

The next day, as expected, people are gathering at the square to see something new. Though there are some of Oleg's men who will inform the people when the match is about to start.

I brought the twin to the same empty room as yesterday, which we have modified. There are another TV here, and magic item to let their voice be heard loudly. Of course their voices will be heard by the camera that broadcasted the match as well, so the people watching from home can hear them. Though only some people have TVs in their home.

Before the first match started, Kron explained to everyone that there will be some changes. Not in the match, but outside it. The officials also have explained it to the participants so they have to ignore what Steven and Dwight said.

And now, it's time for the two to appear.

"Good morning, everyone! What a good day to kill each other!" Dwight said.

"Idiot! It's a match! No one is killing anyone! Sorry about this idiot, but from today, the maych will be analyzed and commented by us. I'm Steven and here's my partner, Dwight." Steven said.

"…Maych. You said maych. Were you so nervous you bite your tongue?" Dwight said.

Steven just ignored him and continued, "Before we start, we will introduce the participants from the two teams who will fight."

"Yeah. And as yesterday, we have two mayches. The first mayches will be…" Dwight teased his brother.

"Enough with the teasing already! I'm sorry I was nervous, okay!"

"Apologies accepted. Now, we will introduce the players who will fight. The first cheam will be… oh shit."

"Cheam! You said cheam! Who is the nervous one now!?"

This time, it was Steven who teases Dwight.

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Those dialogue they spoke were not scripted. They truly bit their own tongue. But thanks to their teamwork, it turned funny for everyone who hear the two bantering. The audiences are laughing while still confused about the big screen on the Arena.

While they are introducing the players, I also checked the square. The people are confused, but after seeing that they can see the match from there, everyone rushing to that place. Especially street vendors who saw that as an opportunity. Good thing Oleg's men are already prepared.

Back to the Arena. This time, I didn't see anyone who look bored. In fact, even if the match is boring, they are looking forward for the commentators' talking and joking around. The audiences are laughing together. It just like that time I performed as a clown in the circus.

Now this is amazing. I picked the right people for the job.

And the first bout is already over.

"That's an amazing usage of wind magic. Instead of using Wind Slash or any other commonly used offensive wind magic, he made the wind blow and push the opponent outside the stage. According to the rule, there are several methods to win. When the opponent fainted, the opponent gives up, or the opponent fall outside the stage. And despite being overwhelmed, he won by pushing the opponent off the stage. He's a smart one." Dwight commented.

"You don't need to tell the rules that everyone already knows. Though the opponent seems to be complaining that it didn't count. Maybe you are right to tell the rule again. But do you think it will be useful in real battle?" Steven asked.

"Obviously. Imagine instead of falling from the stage, the opponent will fall from a cliff. Even if you are weaker, you can still win. Though it also depends whether the opponent can fly or not." Dwight said.

From time to time, the smart one changed. This time, it's Dwight who is the smart one while Steven is asking question. It also depends in what element they have since the two have different elements despite being twins. Maybe in the future, Alan won't have ice magic like Lana? Who knows?

"I guess you're right. But that mean just being powerful is not enough to win this tournament. Though by using that rule, those with wind element has advantages." Steven said.

"You are right. They might be able to fly, but they still need to find a way to win. Continuously using flight magic will spend too much mana. In the long fight, they are the one with disadvantages." Dwight said.

"Look. Seems like Kron won't accept that complain since they have been given the rule already. He's the referee and most people here should know him, right? He's from Melk after all." Steven said.

"…I don't know that. I have been in Melk all my life, but I don't know him."

"That's why you need to watch your surrounding! He was one of the strongest hunters back when he was active in Melk. His achievement during the Stampede was so great. Though it's a wonder why he's still single."

"Because he's bald."

"Maybe you're right. He's not that old but he's already bald. What a shame. Look at how many disappointed female audiences. Oh, wait. They are laughing at him."

"And he's looking at us. He's looking at us! He's angry! Stop talking about baldness! You also have a bald spot, right?" Dwight said.

"Bald spot is different from being bald. I'm still lucky." Steven said.

"Maybe he's angry because we made fun of him for being single instead. Well, I can't do anything about that." Dwight said.

"You also can't do anything about his baldness either. Sigh… Let's continue to the next bout. Seems like both sides are ready. But the referee is not ready. Come on, Kron! We want to watch the battle!" Steven said.

From explaining the magic, the strategy, and the rule, to making fun of Kron. They are already used to commentating.

The match become more interesting as everyone can learn from what the twins said.. Now I'm not bored anymore.

Chapter 348 - The King Has Arrived

The first match of the second day ended well. Everyone accepted the two new addition to the tournament, namely Steven and Dwight. And people already used to the TV at the square and in the Arena. The number of street vendors stopping by increased a lot, but Oleg's men made sure that it won't be too crowded. Luckily, everyone is disciplined and there are no troublemakers.

Oleg told me that most of the troublemakers stopped causing trouble after the Stampede. They don't want people to think that they are from the cult.

As for Steven and Dwight, they are happily enjoyed the audiences' praises for them. Not just that they are funny, they are also pretty knowledgeable about magic as well. Though the only one who doesn't like them is Kron. But not to the point where he would hate them.

Though I don't know if Kron will still be able to get a girlfriend or not.

It's lunch break, and people should be resting and waiting for the next match, but the officials are gathering together including Albert.

During the first match, he was with Marie and the others in normal audience seats, and not in the VIP seat prepared for him for the final. Though he said that he, Marie, and Alan will watch from there during the second match where his sister will fight.

And I was forced to be in the meeting as well. Don't they know that it's lunchtime? I'm starving.

I fill my stomach with the snacks sold in the Arena while listening to the meeting. While next to me are Steven and Dwight who were called here. They seem nervous unlike the time they are commentating.

"Steven and Dwight, right?" one of the officials asked.

"Yes!" Dwight replied.

"We're thinking of having three matches in one day starting tomorrow. Do you think that you can talk that long? Even the first match, I heard you two talking for almost two hours straight. I think you can do well for the second match later, but what if we add another one? People reacted to the tournament positively. Even more after you two came today. If you can do it, we will do one match in the morning, and two more after lunch," the official asked.

"We can! We even capable of talking nonsense for ten hours straight in the past!" Steven replied loudly.

Ten hours straight!? Just what kind of nonsense need that long? Anyway, that plan is impossible.

"I disagree with that plan. Just one match took almost two hours. If we add another match, it might not over yet even after it's dark. It also depends on the strength of the two teams. Like before, the winning team only need to send three participants. If the two teams are evenly matched, both sides might send all five participants and the tournament will be longer," I said.

Everyone agrees with me, so the schedule will stay with two matches in one day.

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After that, I received a real and had a lunch with Albert's family as well in the hotel we stayed.

After lunch, we chatted for a while and returned to the Arena. Now I need to look around for suspicious person again. Though I haven't found any, which is suspicious as well.

How come a big event where even the king is watching and the cult doesn't even think of causing trouble? Or maybe because of the Stampede, they started to think that Melk is a dangerous city for cult members. If it's the latter, then I can rest easy.

"Alright, everyone! Thank you for waiting! It's me again, Steven, with my partner which is unfortunately my twin brother, Dwight! We meet again!" Steven said.

"What do you mean by unfortunately!?" Dwight protested.

"It is what it is. Do you think our parents wanted to have a twin? All twin babies are all accidentally born. The mother gets pregnant, and BOOM! Twins! Do you really think that just because they are twins, they will get along?" Steven said.

"If you hate me that much, we can settle it later privately. More importantly, we have a special guest starting today," Dwight said.

Albert is staring at the twins from his seat. He doesn't like it when people are making fun of twins. He had twin children after all. Though he kept it as secret from the world.

Steven and Dwight were lucky to be born normally. As for Alan and Lana, they needed my help with my knowledge of the future. Though I'm glad that I can start spreading the knowledge I have to other doctors in Cassau, and also to old man Henry whom I still meet regularly.

"Okay then, everyone, please welcome our special guest! His majesty, King Albert!" Steven introduced the special guest to the audiences.

Albert stand from his seat and greeted everyone with a smile.

Everyone looked at him with respect. And since there's no one reacting otherwise, I can conclude that there are no cult members here. Even those in the square are looking at the screen the same way.

"It was also thanks to the invention of the Queen herself that we can see the king clearly and so close. She was the inventor of the… Telelevision Screen where you can watch the Arena. We have an amazing couple as our country leader." Steven said.

"Yeah! It would be better if you said it correctly. It's Television. Or TV for short. You put an extra le there." Dwight complained.

"Who cares! Anyway, this is the first match that his majesty will watch, and it's also the team where his sister, Princess Shirley, will fight! Will we be able to witness how strong her highness is?"

"Though we already did. For most of us here, people of Melk, myself included, we have witnessed Princess Shirley fighting to protect us in the Stampede. Though at the time, she kept her identity as secret and only reveal it after the Stampede. Anyway, let's introduce both teams first! The first team is from the Capital University! It's the team with her highness in it. And… oh! Look at that girl! She's Angela! She's someone from Melk! Those from Melk must have known that she's a genius. Alongside another girl, Kayla, they made a great hunter party. And they both fight for the city as well during the Stampede! Despite they were still 15 or 16 at the time, Angela and Kayla are the most important members during the Stampede!"

…I guess they are popular in their own hometown. But…

"But what about me!? I'm the leader of said party, and no one remembers me!" I said. Though it's not loud enough for other people to hear since they are excited to watch their heroes fight.

"Because you are not famous. And you kept your identity as secret. That's why no one knows you."

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Suddenly, the empty seat next to me was taken. It was by none other than Wendy who know the truth.

"But that doesn't change the fact that I'm sad. Anyway, why are you here? You can watch the match closer in the private rooms for the team, right?" I asked.

"I just wanted to feel the excitement here. I'm not from Melk originally, but during the Stampede, I was here. And they are also my student. I want to watch them from here. It's just by chance that my seat is next to you," Wendy said.

"Well, that's fine then."

"Do you know the other team? They are all exceptional mages and all of them are those who participated in the training camp. I told you this because you might have forgotten about them," Wendy said.

I look closer to the other team, and there is indeed someone I recognize. He's one of the summoners I taught. His summon was… I think it was Orc Wizard. Fighting him is the same as fighting two mages at once. And that was before his summoning element leveled up to intermediate level. Has he increased his level and get another summon? Even if he does, I don't think he will summon all his monsters.

After listening to the introduction of the two teams, there is a huge difference between the two teams' reception.

Most of the audiences cheered for Angela's team. Because they are considered as heroes during the Stampede. As for the other teams, there are some supporters who came from their city. But their voices can't be heard because not only the audience in the Arena, but also those who are watching in the square are shouting for Shirley and Angela to win.

"…I feel sorry for the other team. Though I think the result will be obvious," I said.

"You really want Kayla and Angela to fight?" Wendy asked.

"Yes. Angela is overpowered with her talent, but Kayla is smart in her own way. Kayla might have some strategies for when she fights Angela later. But… the weak point of Kayla's team is that rich man's son who is currently trying to flirt with Kayla. Oh! He now knows about Kayla's nickname, the 'Nutcracker'."

I can see that the man is crouching down in pain.

Back to the Arena, Steven and Dwight finished the introduction of the two teams.

"And now, we will begin the match!" Dwight said.

"No, we won't. For today, and later in the final, there's one person who will start the match. It has been arranged previously. If you will, your majesty," Steven said.

Albert stood up from his seat and everyone is silent.

"I may have been late for the previous three matches, but from what I heard, all the participants have fought well. I'm proud to be your king. And now, we will witness another two teams who are aiming to win this tournament. Just because one side is more well-known than the others, doesn't mean that the other team is weak. All of you, fight to your heart content! Now, the first fighters, please step forward into the stage."

One person from each team entered the stage. From the capital team, it's Fred. A noble's son who seems much better than any other nobles.


Chapter 349 - No Holding Back!

Right now, I'm watching the fierce battle in the second match of the second day. It's Angela's team, against a team with one of the summoners I taught in it. Though that summoner is still hasn't taken this turn yet. Since he already has an Orc Wizard and probably the strongest one in the team, I guess his turn would be the last one. And everyone in his team are those who participated in the training camp.

As for Angela's team, it was the man from nobility, Fred, who appears first. He fought well despite not having learned magic control yet. If he learned about it, he might be as strong as Shirley and the others. Though he might still far from Angela who is a freak.

The fact that he's not famous enough for me to remember his name means he hadn't reached his full potential in my previous life. Unless he's with the cult later. I hope that's not the case.

"What a fierce match we witness here today! It's just the first match, and the fight is already so intense!" Dwight said.

"Just a first match? Do you think that the next match will be at least this exciting? Are you sure?" Steven asked.

"If I'm the one who arrange the lineup of the fighters, I would arrange it so that the weakest one will come first. And the last one will be the strongest one. The arrangement of the fighters is also a strategy. Making the weakest one come first mean even if they lose, they will still reveal the opponent's hand. That will make the next fighter prepared for the next fight against that person." Dwight said.

"I suppose you're right. But what if the first one is the strongest so the team can defeat the enemies on his own, so the other teammates still won't reveal their secret. That will also be useful, right?" Steven asked.

"You're right in thinking that way. But If the strongest one lost, then the other teammates will have their spirits broken and unable to fight well in the next match. Of course what I said was just if I'm the strategist. We still don't know if the two fighters on the stage is the weakest or not. Though I hope the fight continue to be this good until it's over." Dwight said.

Dwight might be right that Shirley decided to put the strongest one later. In case her team is strong enough to not need all five players fight until the final, they can keep the strongest fighter's ability as secret. If I'm right, it should be Angela who will come last. But knowing her personality, I think she might want to fight as soon as possible. I also thought that she would fight first.

Hmm… maybe it's thanks to Shirley. She managed to properly takes care of Angela that Angela would listen to everything she says. Or it's just Angela who has grown up.

"Keeping your secret for the final is a good idea, but do you think it's possible? Everyone participating in this tournament are the five strongest of the college they are from. It will be difficult to not get a chance to fight. But if they use their strongest as their fourth fighter and the second strongest as their last, that second strongest can be the trump card who won't be used," Steven said.


"You're right. In the end, a strategy is also important for this tournament. Whether they want to send their strongest last, or first, or maybe, even the strongest is not their trump card, it's all a good strategy. Oh! It seems like Frederick from the capital is winning! The opponent is down on his knee, and unable to dodge the next attack. He gives up! The winner is Frederick!" Dwight announced the winner.

So, he won, huh? I guess he's pretty strong. But he's damaged quite badly to continue the next match.

Because of the rule of not allowing a third party to interfere the match, they can't send a healer to heal him. Each team has their own healer. Some of them are participants like Kayla, and some are not.

And because Fred is not a healer, he has no choice but to endure the pain. But he can give up going to the second match if he wants to.

"Oh! Seems like Participant Frederick refused to leave the stage! He's keen on fighting in the next bout! And his team allowed it! What do you think, Dwight?" Steven asked.

"If it was me, I think I would give up. But this is a team battle, and the prize? They will be dubbed as the strongest. Do you think anyone participating here would give up easily? Only weaklings want to do that. As for Frederick, I can't speak for him, but he must be entering this tournament because he's aiming to be the strongest," Dwight said.

"You're right! I don't know about Frederick, but I know that you will give up if you're in his place!" Steven said.

"That's what you're agreeing with?!"

"Do you think all of the fighters thought that way?" Steven asked again while ignoring his brother.

"Hopefully that's the case. There's no way that some kind of idiot would bribe his way to represent his college, right? If there is, and he's a weakling, he's not a fighter. He's just a laughingstock. Though that will be entertaining as well, right?"

The two now started explaining what they think about this tournament is. Damn! I never thought that they would be so smart!

They know how to make people entertained, and how to analyze and explain about not just the magic used by the fighters, but also the tournament as a whole as well despite no one explained it to them.

But they're right. A weakling who bribe his way to be a participant is inside the private room for Cassau University. He seems to be in panic. Did he only realize about the tournament now?

Other than him, there are also several other people who are panicked. That's what you get for bribing.

I look at Wendy who is sitting next to me and know that she's thinking of the same thing as well.

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"Wendy, go and see the team. Seems like that guy is about to say or do something stupid," I said.

"Can you believe that I'm the only one who deny his recommendation while most professor agree? There are some who doesn't agree, but they won't speak. This morning, he even said it proudly that his father will be watching his fight, so he asked to be put as the first fighter tomorrow. Yesterday's fights were not as intense as today, so he must be thinking that everyone is about the same level. Though hearing he wanted to be the first one, Kayla and the others happily agreed. If he wants to change it now, that's impossible. Anyway, I'll take a look at them now. I'll be back later. Hopefully, for Angela's turn," Wendy said as she leaves her seat.

Well, that's only if Angela got her turn. But seeing that this is our hometown, I guess she wants to show everyone how strong she has become. Everyone who lives here in Melk, want to watch Angela, Shirley, and Kayla's fight as they are their heroes. That mean, Shirley and Angela will fight.

The match continues, and Fred is defeated while I watched Wendy scolding the annoying guy in the private room.

After Fred, it was the male agent's turn who won the match, and lose on his second. Then the female agent fought, winning against the one who defeated the male agent, but lose against the opponent's fourth fighter.

Now, both teams only have two fighters left. The first three fighters of both teams are almost equal. That's how they ended up with this.

The opponent still has the ice mage who defeated the female agents, and the summoner who will be the last one. Seems like the ice mage didn't go all out against the female agent. He's reserving his strength for the next match.

As for the team from the capital, it was Shirley and Angela who haven't got their turn yet. And the next match is Shirley's turn.

"What a turn of event! Both teams are almost equal, and now they are both down to their last two fighters! And from the capital, it's her highness, princess Shirley!" Steven announced.

"But will it be okay? The opponent is facing the princess of the kingdom. He might hesitate, you know?" Dwight asked.

"Not necessarily. Wait, his majesty he has an announcement to make," Steven said.

It's still in the middle of the match, but Albert is standing from his seat to make an announcement to not hold back. I guess it's good for him to arrive early so he can say this.

Even if he didn't say it, the agent from the other team would still go all-out. But people would still blame him for going all-out whatever the result might be. But if Albert is the one allowing it, the people can't get angry.

"What an exciting match that we have witnessed today! But it's not over yet. I'm sorry for stopping it, but it's something that I have to say. NO ONE IS PERMITTED TO HOLD BACK! Even if the opponent is a noble, or a princess, no one is allowed to hold back! Use all your strength against your opponent and show everyone how strong you are! Do not disrespect the tournament! Not just this match, but all matches have to be fought with the intention to win! That's all I have to say. Do not disappoint me! You can continue the match."

Thanks to Albert's announcement, it won't be a problem if the ice mage going all out and injure Shirley. And no one will blame him for hurting Shirley. Though I think Shirley would still win it. But I don't know if she could win against the summoner.

Well, I can only know once they fight.

Chapter 350 - Shirley's Match

"Then, Princess Shirley will fight against Zack! And none of them are allowed to hold back! We have just heard about the announcement from his majesty. This way, Zack will be fine if he injured Princess Shirley. Though that necessarily mean that Princess will be injured," Steven said.

Thanks to Albert's announcement, no one would think of holding back in the tournament whoever they are fighting. Though I don't think anyone who attended the training camp with me will hold back in the fight. If they do, Albert will be angry. No one wanted to feel the rage of the king.

"What do you mean by that, Steven? Do you think that Princess will win? Even though you just see how capable Zack is?" Dwight asked.

"The winner is still unknown before the match happened. But we, people of the Melk, especially the hunters and guards who protected the city from the Stampede few years back, have seen how capable princess is in fighting. And ever since, Princess Shirley must have grown a lot stronger than that time. As for Zack, we still don't know fully how good he is. But I expect some surprise to happen," Steven said.

"You expect the Princess to lose?" Dwight said.

"That's not what I said, you idiot! I said that Zack might still hiding some trump cards in the previous fight. He only used his ice magic then, right? Maybe he has a few more elements as strong as that," Steven said.

"You're probably right. And Princess Shirley herself is also an ice mage. We will witness two amazing ice mages fighting on the stage. And this won't be the last bout either! The capital team still has Angela, and the other also has another mage who haven't fight yet! We still won't know who will be the winner of this match!" Dwight said.

"And Kron has signaled the start of the battle! Let's see who will prevail!"

The battle hasn't started, but everyone is already excited since they will see Shirley fight again. Even outside, at the square, everyone is stopping what they're doing and have their eyes locked to the big screen.

Hey, you street vendor! That give that hotdog to the buyer already! If not, I will go there and take it from him! This is not a good time to stop their movement. And why is the buyer also stopped?

The match started with multiple ice magic attack. When Shirley attack, the opponent used ice shield. When the opponent attack with ice magic, Shirley defended with ice shield as well. So far, neither of them used their other element to fight.

"What an intense match we're seeing! Ice Spikes are flying all over the places. Some are deflected by the other's Ice Shield and went toward the audience seat, but thankfully, we have light mage prepared all around the stage to quickly cast Light Barrier just in case situation like that happen. Seems like not just the participants who are strong, even the officials are capable mages as well," Dwight said.

"Please refrain in commentating about the official at the moment. Can't you see that the Princess Shirley and Zack fighting on the stage? Comment about that instead!" Steven said to his twin brother.

"Then you do that! Their match is too amazing that I can't do my job to deliver properly. I don't even know who is attacking who!" Dwight shouted.

"Right now, it's… hmm… this is an amazing battle for all ice mage who watched it. They will learn a lot from this fight and can get stronger as well," Steven said.

"Now you're talking about other ice mages!" Dwight said angrily.

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I have to say that this match is much better than other fight I've watched before even if those two didn't commentate. Though hearing them just make things better.

But there's one thing that they didn't see. It's that Shirley is still looking calm, while the opponent can't no longer have the composure to continue the battle this way. He will probably use his other element soon.

And just as I expected, that guys used earth magic to attack Shirley from below. But Shirley managed to predict that as well, as she leaped to the sky and fly. Did she know that the opponent has earth element?

Oh, wait! They both are in the training camp! And since Shirley is someone who responsible on teaching the ice mages, she must have known that guy's other element. I guess those who attended training camp can't hide their elements to each other.

The opponent seems to have given up on winning. But he's still planning on making Shirley to waste her magic so the last fighter can win. The last fighter for that team is the summoner who has fire element as well. Combined with the Orc Wizard who can use fire magic as well, Shirley will have to fight two mages at the same time after this match.

But I guess the summoner needed to reserve his mana for the match against Angela. That's why this guy is trying to waste Shirley's mana and stamina at the same time.

"This is the longest bout I've witnessed ever since I started commentating. But it seems that Princess Shirley will be victorious. The opponent has spent too much mana that his Earth Wall finally broken by the Princess' Ice Spikes. But it seems to be tiring for the Princess as well. Will she be able to go on with the last opponent?" Dwight said.

The battle is not over yet. Turns out, the opponent still hadn't given up. He pretended to be tired and made the Earth Wall weak on purpose. It's all to get Shirley let down her guard. And as expected, Shirley let her guard down.

He got Shirley with a surprise attack using every last bit of his mana to use his most powerful Earth Pillar that raise and can reach Shirley who is flying. Shirley reacted too slow as her legs got hit by the pillar. That must have hurt. Her leg is broken. She needs to get healed soon.

But Shirley also hasn't given up as she used a Tornado to finally blow the opponent outside of the stage while enduring the pain.

"Th-the victory goes to Princess Shirley!" Steven announced the winner of the match.


The audience gives standing ovation toward not just Shirley, but her opponent as well. in the end, that match was too amazing for them to watch.

"That was intense! Who would have thought that after all that, Zack got defeated by leaving the stage?" Steven asked.

"That's wrong. Just look at Zack right now. He's unconscious. Even if he got blown away and landed on the stage, he would still lose because he's unable to fight any longer. But really, this battle is too great. Even his majesty is standing as well," Dwight said.

"But still, Zack is amazing. He pretended to be weak so Princess Shirley let down her guard. Had she reacted any slower, he would have won. But in the end, he still lost. Not just that, he even made Princess Shirley casted powerful magic in the end. This way, even if she continues the next match, she won't have enough mana left to cast other powerful magic," Steven said.

"Yeah, but she must have injured her leg quite badly from that last attack. The Princess already have a hard time standing. I doubt she will continue fighting," Dwight said.

Kron then asked Shirley if she wants to continue, and Shirley insisted on keep going.

"Oh! Princess Shirley decided to continue! Is it okay? She's injured badly there. I can see her right leg is swollen. I think it's broken," Steven said.

"But look at his majesty! He nodded and agree to let Princess Shirley fight! His majesty must have faith in his sister," Dwight said.

Or maybe he has faith in me as a doctor. I don't see anyone whom I taught about medical knowledge around here. That mean I will be the one performing the surgery if anything happened.

But to break the Princess' leg… that guy got guts. If her injury got worse, the opponent's team will be hated by the audience. Though Albert will stop it before it goes too far.

"Wendy, I'll be leaving," I said to Wendy who sat next to me. She has returned after scolding the stupid guy in the middle of Shirley's match.

"You won't watch the next match?"

"I'll watch it from the infirmary. Her leg is broken and I will fix it."

I also see that Sophie is leaving her seat and come this way after seeing me standing up. She knows that I will perform a surgery on Shirley and will come to assist me.

As for our healer, Kayla, she didn't move at all despite watching Shirley got injured.

Well, they are enemies at the moment. That's why Kayla won't help Shirley at least during the duration of the tournament.

That's fine since we can ask another healer to heal Shirley later. Though the difference in the quality of the healing magic will be huge.

Seems like Fred asked Shirley to leave the stage, but she refused. Well, I'll watch her lose from the infirmary.

I told Sonia to tell Angela to get someone to bring Shirley to the infirmary to be healed.

As I entered the infirmary with Sophie, the match is over. And Shirley lost. But the injury she received from before didn't seem to get worse. I guess the summoner didn't aim at her leg.

He only used fire magic and didn't call his Orc Wizard. And he aimed accurately at Shirley who is flying. Shirley was falling to the ground, but Angela caught her and told the others to bring Shirley here.

Albert look worried a bit, but he looked at the direction of the infirmary. Despite not having a see-through vision, he can tell that I'm already here.

"The patient will arrive soon. And they brought a healer as well. Tell me if you know her from the training camp or not, okay?"

"If the one coming here is the healer from the capital, then yes. She's from the training camp." Sophie said.

"I guess Shirley won't have to worry about not participating the next match then. Here we go."

Shirley arrived quickly while being carried by the male agent in her team. And the healer from the capital is the same person that Sophie told me. We quickly began the operation as the noise made by the audience can be heard here.

Seems like they decided to take a break before the last fight. It was too intense and the stage needed to be repaired. And the earth mage responsible in repairing it takes his time doing it.

I guess Shirley should be healed by the time Angela's fight started.

Chapter 351 - Quick Fight

I finished the surgery so quickly that Sophie had a hard time keeping up with my speed.

"As a surgeon, you need to have a good physical ability. Your speed, and precisions are important so the patient can be healed quickly. Your stamina is important for difficult surgery that might need hours to operate. Even in my past life, although I'm not a well-known surgeon, I still had to operate a patient for twenty hours straight," I said to Sophie who is catching her breath with just fifteen minutes operation. Though it's more like because of the pressure.

"I understand," Sophie said.

"Good. I don't need you to be as strong as I am. Don't overexert yourself," I said with concern.

"I know. Though a twenty hours operation? What kind of illness it is?" Sophie asked.

"Brain tumor," I replied.

"So, you cut open someone's skull and touched the brain directly?" Sophie asked.

"And that was still a normal operation. There is a more difficult patient that needed to be operated for seventy hours straight. It says that they needed several surgeons to operate one man," I said.

"Then what kind of patient is the most difficult? At least for you." Sophie asked.

"Pregnant woman," I replied without hesitation.

"What illness?"

"That's the thing. Pregnancy is not an illness. Even back then when I helped Marie, I'm not a hundred percent confident. Sometimes, the baby died for no reason after they are born. Sometimes, they died in the womb. Sometimes, the mother died even when they are healthy after giving birth. Every pregnancy is different. For me, they are the most difficult patient," I said.

"Hmm… and you want to have children in the future?" Sophie asked.

"Obviously! Delivering babies are the most rewarding when it succeeded. Whether it's through normal way, or through operation. After my first time delivering a baby, that was when I first realized that children are precious. Though that will still be in the future," I said.

I finished suturing Shirley's leg, and asked the healer to heal Shirley.

In the room, there are four of us if I don't include Victoria. Everyone here knows that this is my second life, so I don't mind telling them about it.

And during the operation, I used a gas to make Shirley not feel any pain while she's still conscious. So, she heard everything we talked.

"Alright, it's done. Victoria, support her leg. The people need to know that she's okay," I said.


"Is the match still not over?" Shirley raised her body and asked.

"It hasn't even started yet. The earth mage purposely let the reparation goes slow. It also to let the one who defeated you take some rest for the last bout. And everyone is still worried about you. Now go and show them that you're okay. I'll be watching from the audience seat," I said.

After that, all of us went to separate direction after leaving the infirmary. Shirley and the healer go to where her other teammates are, with Victoria as Shirley's support for her leg. As for Sophie, she returns to where Lina and the others are watching.

I also return back to my seat next to Wendy.

"How is she?" Wendy asked.

"She's fine. She will be healed for her next match," I said.

"I can't believe that the first one to be injured badly would be her. What about Zack?"


"The guy she defeated."

"Their healer is enough to heal him. He doesn't need any surgery," I said.

I looked at the stage and see that the reparation is completed. And the two commentators keep talking the whole time the reparation is undergoing. They are too good at talking.

"Oh! It seems like the last fight for the day will begin shortly. Who do you think will win, Steven?" Dwight asked.

"As someone who was born and raised in Melk, I want Angela to win obviously. Though I don't know how strong her opponent, Max, is. He only used Fireball to defeat her highness. Oh, look! Look at the bench for the capital team! Princess Shirley is healed and she will cheer for her team from the bench!" Steven said.

Hearing that, everyone's eyes looked at the capitals' bench. Even the camera operator also did the same to let those at the square see Shirley.

Shirley noticed that everyone is watching, so she smiled and waved her hand. Albert smiled slightly after seeing her seems healthy, and took a glance at me. That's his way of saying thank you, I guess.

"So far in the tournament, Princess Shirley is the first one to get seriously injured. But it seems like she is fully healed now. That mean she will be able play for her next fight in a few days," Steven said.

"I'm so glad that her condition is stable. Anyway, the main actor here is not the princess. It's the two who are already standing on the stage! Everyone, please welcome Max and Angela!" Dwight announced.

"Wait, the match hasn't started yet, so what is Max doing?" Steven asked.

"That's… he's summoning a monster! What a surprise, he's a summoner! And his summon is… oh my god! It's an Orc Wizard!" Dwight said.

Just like he said, Max summoned the Orc Wizard before the fight started. That's fine as long as it's not an attack magic toward the opponent.

"An Orc Wizard? That mean not just Angela has to face two enemies, but she has to face two mages! Can she handle fighting two at once? Even more, it was known that summoned monsters are much stronger than similar monsters in the wild. The odd seems not good for Angela…" Steven said.

"Yeah, but do you remember about the Orc Emperor case in the past? Where Kron and several other hunters defeated an entire Orc settlement led by the Orc Emperor? I remember that Angela and Kayla were there as well. In fact, it was her party who first found the settlement. She should at least have the strength to fight multiple Orcs at once. But since her enemies have human as well, it might still be difficult to win for her," Dwight said.

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Why do I keep being forgotten? It was me! That clown in the guild was me! Not even my name, they didn't even remember that a clown was there! I'm so sad and disappointed.

After analyzing the two fighters, Kron finally started the match. Max quickly split up with the orc and the two attacked Angela at the same time. Max with his fire magic, and the Orc Wizard with its earth magic.

Everyone is shocked, not by how Max attacked. But by how Angela used two attributes at the same time to defend herself. An earth magic more powerful than the Orc Wizard, and an Ice Shield to protect herself from the fire.

"What an amazing performance by Angela! She blocked two attack at the same time! And… what?"

Steven was confused while still commentating. And not just him, the audiences as well. it was because of Angela's magic.

Everyone is quiet now. Even the two commentators who can talk non-stop stopped talking.

What Angela did was simple.

After blocking the attacks, Angela flew to the sky, and used multiple magic at the same time to defeat the two. A Wind Slash to attack the Orc Wizard, and Fire Balls and Ice Spikes toward Max.

Max couldn't defend himself, so the Orc has no choice but to go there and protect him. That's the weakness of splitting up. They should have stayed together. Though the chance for them to win would still be small.

Angela's Wind Slash missed, but the Fireball hit the Orc Wizard's Earth Wall. As for the Ice Spikes, Max melted it with his fire before they reached him.

But now, the two enemies are at the same spot. Angela quickly landed on the stage, and raised a Dome shaped wall to block the two from escaping, and an opening in one side so Angela's attack will reach.

The two weren't prepared, but the Orc Wizard instinctively raised another Earth Wall in front of the opening. Unfortunately, Angela added more power in her fire magic. She added wind to make the fire bigger. It's not as big as when I added flammable gas since the wind not only carried the flammable gas, but it was still too powerful for the Earth Wall by the Orc Wizard to endure.

The wall got destroyed easily, and the two inside the dome got barbequed. Though I think Angela is still holding back since I know she has no intention in killing them.

The fire didn't damage the two directly, but the heat and the burnt oxygen made the two lose their consciousness. Angela won easily.


The first one to react is Kron. He knows how strong Angela is and has sparred with her several times, but this was also his first time seeing her fight like that. Is it the influence of going to college? I doubt it. She's not that smart academically. But her intuition and instinct are top-notch. She learned about magic from her surrounding, and improve them by herself. That's how much of a genius she is.


Finally, it was as if time moved again. Everyone cheered seeing her victory.

"Strong! Too Strong! The enemy has a powerful summon and it was as if she was outnumbered, but that is no problem for Angela! That's just how strong she is! She has become much more powerful than back then! I can't believe what I just saw! She finished the fight in an instant! And…"

Steven and Dwight can't stop their praises to the victor, Angela. And the person herself is smiling and waved at everyone in the audience.

I just looked at everyone's reaction and see mainly three difference expression.

First is those who seem to be excited at how strong someone can be. Then, those who think that reaching that height is impossible for them but got excited at her strength. Lastly, those who seem bitter.

Now, my job here is to investigate those who seem bitter at seeing Angela's strength. I'll skip the participants because they may just be bitter since they will face Angela in the future. As for the others, I hope I can remember their faces.. I'll check if they are from the cult or not.

Chapter 352 - Suspicious People

"The fight is over. Now, I have some work to do," I said as I stand from my seat.

"Work? Wait, did you find any of them?" Wendy next to me asked.

"Possibly. I won't be back at the hotel. And tell Kayla and Jewel that I might not be there for their match tomorrow. But if the job can be finished in one night, I'll come," I said.

After that, while no one is moving from their seats as they are enraptured by the quick and overwhelming victory of Angela.

As I stood from my seat, Albert is glancing at me. I just raise my hand slightly to say that I'm busy and he nodded. Even though he has no far sight like me, his vision is still good.

I left the Arena. This time, unlike yesterday, outside of the Arena is empty since most people are at the square watching the fight. But I still went to an empty alley just in case.

Then I opened a portal toward Victoria's location.

"Victoria, we had some work to do," I said.

"You found them?" Victoria asked as she release herself from Shirley's leg while creating clones to take over.

"I'll follow them for now. Let's go."

"What about Spot?"

"He'll follow me as soon as he noticed that I'm no longer in the Arena. Shirley, congrats on winning. See you later," I said to Shirley.

As for Fred, he was too focused to Angela on the stage as he doesn't notice me opening a portal. That's why I dare to use a portal even though I still haven't fully trusted him.

There are about three people from the Arena who seem bitter at Angela's strength. There are actually more, but those people are with other teams participating in the tournament. That's not enough to be suspicious of them. They are just analyzing their opponent.

Other than those three, there are five others with the same bitter expression watching from the square. I'll investigate them all to see if they are from the cult. If they are, since they don't have explosive device in their mouth, I can only suspect that they are expert level mages.

Let's see where they are going after the match. It's difficult to keep focusing my sight on eight of them. I need Victoria's help.

"Victoria, make a clone and turn them as small as possible. I will attach them to each one of them. Eight clones will do," I said.

"So, there are eight people. Understood," Victoria replied.

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Victoria did as I say, and now, I have eight peanut-sized Blobbies in my hand. Now, to attach them to the suspicious people while I still remember how they look.

The square is still crowded, and the five targets are having a problem getting out of the crowd. They just waited until everyone else leaving. And I use that chance.

If they are expert level mages, they should be able to notice when I threw the Blobbies at them. That's why I need to get close to them.

Luckily, there's someone who sells peanut for snacks during the fight. I'll just disguised myself as that guy who is leaving the square, and pretend to be selling peanuts. I stole some of them from that guy. Well, it doesn't count as stealing if I left some money behind, right? He was also happy to find the money and the note I left behind.

I get closer to the targets one-by-one, and when I'm near them close enough to touch them, I stuck a Blobby on their clothes. Those Blobbies then will move to the inner part of the clothes so they will be harder to find.

That's all five from the square, now it's the three in the Arena.

Hmm… luckily, some people from Melk are happily used their fire magic as a firework. Some of the spark hit other people, but it won't damage them. It's fine for me to threw the Blobbies at them I believe.

Everyone is merry at Angela's victory. Well, those who are from Melk I believe. And each time the person closest to the three shot a firework, I threw a Blobby.

They don't seem to notice the Blobby. Now all eight people are marked. Let's follow them.

First, two out of the three from the Arena, they are entering different private room for the participating team. I guess they are some kind of analyzer for the team. They seem bitter while telling the participants something.

I guess those two aren't cult members.

As for the other one… he's already gone. Let's follow the other people at the square first.

Three of them are crying. Don't tell me that they are gambling for Angela's team to lose? I guess the odd is quite huge after all. they must have spent a lot of money for gambling. Well, it's their own fault.

Then three left to go.

"Roy, the last guy from the Arena and one person from the square are meeting up," Victoria reported.

"Well, they are suspicious. Let's see about the other one from the square," I said.

"As for that last guy, I don't think you need to worry. He's someone from the same school as you, Kayla, and Angela. And whenever you're not around, that guy would try to flirt with either Angela or Kayla. He must be bitter because the gap between them have become too big," Victoria said.

"Is that so? I don't remember him at all," I said.

"I don't doubt that. But if you want, I'll keep all my clones to all eight of them," Victoria said.

"Yeah, do that. Let's follow those two now. Oh, and Spot is coming this way."

Spot flew toward me and as usual, he wrapped his body around my waist.

"Where are you going, Roy?" Spot asked.

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"Following suspicious people."

"Do we finally have someone to kill?"


Since Spot is here, I asked him to let us ride him. Flying is better than walking. Especially since he has camouflaging ability.

The last two people are moving farther than my Divine Vision's range, but Victoria told me where they're going.

They are entering the same inn. I doubt that those two men are staying in one room, but they entered a room with someone else in it. Let's eavesdrop on them.

I covered my body with Aura, as we dropped from Spot's body and landed on the rooftop. But since Spot can still use his camouflaging skill even in his small form, we are still invisible to normal people.

And with my Aura covering my body, expert level mages have a hard time detecting my presence. I got close enough to hear them talking with my heightened senses.

"How was the Princess' match? Is she strong?" the man waiting in the room asked.

"She is strong. It will be difficult to kidnap her and use her to blackmail the king," the man watching from the square replied.

"Sigh… I thought that since she doesn't have any royal guards with her, she would be an easy target. But she hasn't reached expert level yet, right?"

"That's right. But there's a surprise in the match as well. The Princess' teammate, the last one to fight, her name is Angela. And she's about as strong as expert level mage even though she hasn't reached that level yet."

"Seriously? Should we return to kidnapping at the king's son? But we keep failing. Everyone we sent were either killed or imprisoned."

"In any case, we need to find a way to conquer this kingdom. It's the Archbishop's order. This way, we can become closer to the True God and we will get promotion. Let's attack the king when he's resting tonight."

Yup. I don't need to hear anymore than that. They are saying about True God. That's the Evil God that the cult worshipped. Enough for me to confirm that they are from the cult. And since they are given the order directly from that Archbishop who is a master level mage, they must be expert level mages.

Good thing that they are in a single cramped room together. Now I can finish this mission before dinner.

I broke the window, entered the room, and quickly slashed the three cult members with Victosword. Unfortunately, one of them is still alive. The one who watched the match in the Arena.

He quickly used Wind Slash to attack me. I covered my body with Aura, and protect myself from the attack with my right arm covered with transformed Victoria. But the transformation is too slow. The Wind Slash is too fast that it managed to hit the unprotected area of my right arm before Victoria finished her transformation. Though I grabbed the tip of my Reizpear and killed the mage.

That Wind Slash not only injure my right arm. It also destroyed the wall to the next room and killed the person staying.

I need to get out of here before anyone noticed me.

"Victoria, don't loosen the grip on my arm. The bleeding is quite bad, but I need to get out of here fast. Spot, back to the hotel."

It's been a while since I was hurt like this. The last time was… when I fought Grandpa Werewolf.

The pain is still bearable, but I need Kayla to stop the bleeding before I lost too much blood. I also need to give report to Albert.. What a pain.

Chapter 353 - I Was Told To Rest

As soon as I entered the hotel, I quickly went to where Kayla is at.

"Oh, Roy. You're back already?" Candy asked.

"Yes. I finished some work but I might have more. Candy, Wendy, you two will come with me to meet him tonight," I said.

I just told Candy and Wendy that we will meet Albert. Even though I didn't name him because there are other people than us here, they know who I'm talking about. And as expected, Fred is confused.

And I saw Kayla descending from the stairs. Just to be quick, I raised my injured arm which is covered by Victoria.

"Kayla, heal," I said as I make Victoria unwrap herself from my arm so blood start dripping from my injury.

Seeing that I'm injured, those who know about my strength looked at me with concern. Kayla also hurriedly approach me to heal my arm.

"Did you let down your guard?" Kayla asked.

"And they are more resilience than I expected. Sorry," I apologized.

"Geez… When was the last time I need to heal you? You're leaving now?"

"Yeah. I don't know if I can cheer on you tomorrow, but good luck. You too, Jewel. And Sara. And the dude I don't know his name. And your fifth annoying member."

After my arm is healed, I took Candy and Wendy with me to meet Albert. We are riding on Spot's back.

It is the first time Wendy rode on Spot, so she was a little bit scared. But she got used to it quickly.

"Why are you taking us?" Wendy asked.

"So, you know what order to give to other agents. You two must have known all the other agents' face, right? Those who participated in the tournament and those who didn't? It's just to let the information spread faster. Though I'm sorry if in the end, it was unnecessary for you to come," I said.

"No problem. The fact that you called for us mean it was that urgent. Even if we are not needed, it's best if we at least listen to your report. You didn't get the others because you want them to focus on their matches, right?" Candy asked me. She knows what I'm thinking.

"Right. And I doubt they will lose the first match tomorrow."

"Even if their opponent is full of agents like Angela's opponent?" Wendy asked.

"…how many teams have the members full of the agents?" I asked.

"About seventeen. Two are the seeded teams," Wendy said.

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"What about this morning's team and yesterday's winners?" I asked.

"Yesterday afternoon was a match between two teams full of agents," Wendy answered.

Which mean that we already lost two teams full of agents. Why aren't the official made it so all the teams filled with the agents will fight those who aren't in the first round? That way, the second will be filled with all sixteen teams with powerful mages.

Maybe the officials made the draw fairly. That's why Angela's team faced against a powerful opponent right away.

As soon as we arrive at the mansion Albert is staying, we greeted Oleg who is still staying as his guard in Melk until Mustache arrive.

"Is Albert in?" I asked.

"He's inside. Should I come as well?" Oleg asked back worriedly since I didn't come here alone.

"If you want to."

He decided to follow us inside.

Albert has been notified by Sonia that we're arriving. As for Marie, I can see her sleeping with Lana and Alan. Sophie must have sneaked Lana to them after the match is over.

Once we meet Albert, I told him what I saw, what I heard, and what I did to him.

"So, they were the ones responsible for the kidnapping attempt for my son? Did you kill all of them?" Albert asked.

"I did. They are all expert level mages, and we are fighting at an inn. And someone else in the next room was killed as well. I don't know who," I said.

"Is there anything strange that you see after you killed them all and left the place?"

"No. Everyone there were scared, which is the normal reaction. They just got surprised that the room is suddenly destroyed. I don't think any of them are cult members. Though I might be wrong," I said.

"Sigh… just how many expert level mages do they have? They really thought that Angela is as powerful as expert level mage?" Albert asked again.

"Yes. After reporting to the guy waiting at the inn that kidnapping Shirley is too difficult, someone reported that Angela is too strong. They must have thought that Angela and Shirley are staying together and decided to return to kidnapping Alan. They said that they were sent by the Archbishop to conquer this kingdom."

"That mean they will keep sending people here. Or the capital. Since I'm away from the capital, they will target Hector," Albert said.

"Is he the Prime Minister already?" I asked.

"Yes. Hector will do the job as the Prime Minister. As for Lowe, he didn't retire. He just picked more difficult job which is to negotiate with some dangerous people to get information about new arrival at the capital."

"Well, now what? Should I go patrol more often?" I asked.

"No need. You brought Wendy and Candy so they can quickly report this to all the other agents, right? Those two will inform everything to other agents, while Oleg will inform the guards. Tell everyone to improve the security and investigate any suspicious people. Just like Roy said, you might need to observe their expression when they saw powerful participants. Don't be too conspicuous. Maybe send some agents as the street vendor at the square as well."

Albert started making some plans to increase the security around Melk. Tomorrow is a different day. There might be more arrivals coming from other place.

Even now, there are many people who stayed outside the gate and built a tent there just to watch the match. I guess I should check on those campers as well.

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The three quickly do the task given to them. But… what about me?

"As for you, you need to rest. Sonia told me that you were injured. Although Kayla should have healed you, you must have loss some blood. Just sleep here since Oleg will be gone for a while," Albert said.

I took his offer and sleep in the guest room. Because of the loss of blood, I was tired and quickly went into slumber.

"Wake up!"

I woke up after hearing someone is shouting. And it's not the gentle voice of any of my lovers. It's a male voice.

I looked at the source of the voice, and see a mustache.

"Oh, Mustache, you're already here?"

"His majesty told me to hurry, so I asked a wind mage to bring me here. Seems like there's a trouble, huh?" Mustache said.

"Not really. In fact, I just prevented the trouble from happening. What time is it?" I asked.

"The time for team from Cassau to fight. Don't you need to watch them?"

"After patrol the area. Seems like I sleep longer than I expected. Is Albert already at the Arena?"

"Yes. I was told to come here and wake you up before the match ended. His majesty said that you need to at least watch Jewel and Kayla fought." Mustache explained.

"What about the annoying dude?" I asked about the member of Cassau team who entered through bribery.

"He was covered in magic items, but he still lost quickly. That was also the first time someone used magic items in the tournament. Many people complained, but because the rule said that it's fine to use any magic items as long as they are not used for killing, everyone reluctantly accepted it," Mustache said.

"Well, he's going to be the laughingstock of everyone watching. I bet his father is losing face letting his son fight in the tournament. I don't think he has enough magic items to go for the final."

"Before I left the Arena, it was Sara's turn. She was the third fighter, but she defeated two opponents on her own. She's fighting the third one when his majesty asked me to come here," Mustache said.

"Two opponents? That mean she's strong enough for the cult members to take notice, right?" I asked.

"Even on my way here, I see some people doesn't like her to win. Just like you said, we are going to investigate them carefully. We will make sure those who are following them to not get too close since they are most likely expert level mages. Just leave the patrol to us. You need to watch the fight," Mustache said.

I guess I can still watch Jewel fight. I don't think Sara alone is enough to win the rest of the match. But for Jewel, she can do it. That mean Kayla won't have to fight.

I don't see Victoria and Spot around me. Albert must have brought them with him. That's why Mustache is fine leaving his side.

Since I didn't get a ticket, I watched the match from the rooftop. It was right at the time for Sara to win her third fight, and will fight the last fighter. I guess the other agent managed to defeat one opponent then.

Sara lost the match, but she was applauded by the audience for her strength. Everyone is now expecting a fight as great as yesterday, and Sara did it well.

Next turn is Jewel.. This should be a piece of cake for her.

Chapter 354 - Cassau University's Victory

"What a powerful fighter Sara was! She defeated three enemy's fighters on her own! But what a shame that she got defeated in the fourth fight. The opponent is a strong one, but the team from Cassau only need to send two people to defeat four of them," Dwight said.

"Two? What about the first one?" Steven asked.

"Other than the magic items he used, he was nothing special. Seriously, how did he qualified to participate in this tournament? At least he can be sent as the first fighter to scout the opponent's strength. As for Sara, if she's at her full strength, she should be able to defeat the last opponent. What a shame that she spent too much mana in the previous match. But what's more surprising is that she used air element to fight! That's the first time I've seen someone used air magic to defeat their opponent! Her match is a valuable lesson for air mages. If they are well-trained, no one can say that air element is weak," Dwight said.

"That's right. She raised a rock from the ground, and used it as some kind of projectile by pushing it with air. I don't know how she did it, but since it was not a wind magic, I'm sure that it was air magic," Steven said.

"You're an air mage as well, right? Do you think you can do that?" Dwight asked his brother.

"I will train hard after this match is over!" Steven said with determination.

"Good luck with that. Now, team from Cassau is sending the youngest participant in the whole tournament, Jewel. She attended college as soon as she finished her introductory school. But being able to represent her university, she must be quite strong," Dwight said.

"It's a shame that Kayla didn't step forward for this match. But if Cassau win, they can keep their trump card for the next round. Though they need to defeat the opponent first," Steven said.

Seems like Sara overwhelmed her opponents in the previous bouts. I couldn't see it since I was still sleeping, but she did well. Good thing I can still hear the report from the two commentators. Though I can still ask her later in the hotel.

Next up is Jewel. She seems confident. Well, the opponent is an earth mage. He defeated Sara because Sara used the earth as her projectiles, but this guy is better than her in earth magic.

Well, can't blame her. Sara is more focused on her air magic nowadays. Even more, she didn't use her gun. At least thanks to her, air mages are willing to get stronger and won't be underestimated again.

Even the two commentators are still talking about Sara's air element after Jewel stepped on the stage. Should I promote my class so more students will come apply to Cassau University? Nah, I don't think I want to keep teaching next year. By that time, Sara should be able to teach the others. Or Dean himself can.

"The fight started, and Andrew quickly attacked Jewel with Ground Spike! The range of that attack is wide and Jewel should be hit already. Don't tell me that the match is over already?" Steven looked at the stage curiously.

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"Yeah, that attack is too fast and difficult to dodge. I didn't see Jewel fly, so she's not a wind mage. Is she like the first fighter Cassau sent? Wait! She's still standing there! She didn't dodge, or block the Spikes with magic! Is that a magic item?" Dwight asked.

"That's… that's not a magic item! She's not taking any damage because she's a beastform mage! It's just a partial transformation, but the beast she transformed is a rhino! The animal with the highest defense in the world! Well, if you don't count turtles," Steven said.

Just as Steven said, Jewel is transformed into her half beast form. Which is the Jewel with the gray armor and horned mask. Seems like her defense increased. Is that Aura or the magic itself? I don't think that's Aura, so that mean the beast Jewel can get stronger? That's amazing.

All of you! Look at her! She's my disciple!

"I see. So that's a rhino transformation. Thanks for telling us, Walking Animal Encyclopedia," Dwight said.

"That name is too long."

"Sorry, walking animal."

"…one of these days, I'm going to tell our mom that you're the one ruining her dress twenty years ago," Steven said.

"Don't say that! Everyone can hear it! And mom is watching from the square!"

"That day is today!" Steven shouted.

Well, they are just acted like usual. I wonder if Alan and Lana will be as close as those two in the future?

"All those Spikes didn't damage her at all. she's invulnerable against earth magic. Well, at least the opponent's earth magic. Oh! She's transformed into a full rhino and charged straight at Andrew!" Steven continued commentating.

"Hey! Don't just continue on your own! Sorry, mom! It was because Steven being bad! Anyway, Andrew raised several layers of Earth Wall to protect himself from Jewel's charge. That should be enough for Andrew to block her charge and give him some time to think of a plan… oh, no! Jewel broke through all the walls down! Nothing can stop her!" Dwight said.

Jewel charged at the walls without stopping and hit the opponent with her body. If it was her horn, he would be dead already.

This is something that is unthinkable in a fight between mages. A direct hit with one's own part of the body. That's why for beastform mages, it's common for them to transform into a flying beast. Though I heard about a beastform mage turned into a wolf from the Werewolves, I doubt there are many of them right now. They just want to be safe and to fly in the sky.

Jewel's opponent knocked unconscious just with one attack, and the victory has been decided with Kayla not having to take part in the fight.

"The winner is Cassau University, with Jewel as the last fighter!" Dwight announced.

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"That is something. To transform into a rhinoceros. A beastform mage has one chance to think of what kind of animal would they like to transform. And Jewel must have thought a lot about transforming into a rhinoceros. I don't know the reason, but she must have considered it carefully and took a long time until she decided," Steven said.

That's wrong. Once she awakened her beastform and returned home, she already transformed in her own room without telling anyone. It took her less than an hour to decide that she wants to be a rhino. We were all worried that she might grows a horn on her nose.

But seeing how much she has gotten more powerful; I realize that she picked the best choice in becoming a rhino. As her Master, I'm very proud.

Well, now that the fight is over, and those with bitter expression this time are being taken care of by the agents and the guards. I guess I'll go check on those camping outside the wall.

…after eating some meal. I'm hungry.

Luckily, there are many food stalls nearby because of the tournament. I bought a lot of them that the seller is worried about what to sell for the second match. Why aren't you happy that I bought a lot?

With bread on my right and meat skewer on my left, I went outside the city.

Since the match is on and it's time for lunch, there should be no one outside right now. They are all must be inside the city. And I indeed found no one. So, I look over at what they have. Since there are many tents that still aren't being cleaned, which I guess because the campers are going to stay here until the final, there are some stuffs inside the tent.

I just glanced over at them slightly since I don't know what I should find. But I still found nothing.

Well, other than several goblins approaching the tents. Since everyone is watching the tournament, there are no one hunting. And the guild is practically empty. I guess I shall report the goblins' appearance to the guild.

I subjugated several goblins, while letting the rest escape. After that, I reported it to the guild. There will be an urgent subjugation request from the guild soon.

There are some tents that have been ransacked. Well, that's the fault of the campers for leaving the tent like that.

Anyway, after getting more meal to fill my belly, I returned to the Arena to watch the afternoon match. I see that Kayla is the only one inside the private room, so I went there.

"Kayla, congratulation on progressing to the second round. Where are the others?" I asked.

"I ask them to get some rest. Although Jewel didn't use much energy for her battle, I still told her to rest. As for the rich man's son, he was taken by his father. His father asked us to withdraw his son's participation for the next round, but because the officials have been given the list of the participants, I told him to ask the official instead. I doubt they will let him leave. And if he's thinking of withdrawing his own fight, the father will lose face for letting his weakling son participate. At least we won't have much trouble because of him now," Kayla said.

"Well, he got what he deserved. I'll watch the next match from here, is that okay?"

"That's fine. You're also our university professor after all."

The next match was not as intense as the previous two matches. But they brought a lot of supporters, so the Arena is lively.

Well, nothing happened today.. I hope it will continue until the end of the tournament.