
811 To the Monsters World with the Summoner and the Tamer

Today is the last day for us to perform. And it's as crowded as usual.

And we have that one fan who has been watching us from the first day we stared here. Sandra.

Also, Thomas' rival in love also watched our performance on the second day. Trying to insult and make fun of us. But he failed.

I was too amazing that he got too attracted with the show and forgot to insult us. Though I knew from the start that he came only to do that. But he forgot.

And after that, he never came back again. But I saw hm training so he can be better.

I thought that he only wanted Sandra. But I guess he's an excellent performer.

While the others just talking about how great we are, that guy just train on his own. What a great man.

Well, he can do that because after they got to know each other, Victoria spent a lot of her time with Sandra. So there's no one to bother him at night. No one to scare the shit out of him.

And thanks to Victoria getting along with Sandra, Sandra is more interested in Thomas now.


I don't know the detail, but from the agents who were stalking Sandra, it seems that making Victoria get along with her was a good idea. They even said good job to me.

Well, it's all thanks to Victoria though. So I'm sure their words of gratitude is for Victoria.

And so, after the last show in this city, Thomas is finally going on a date tomorrow. And he gathered everyone in the circus to teach him on what to do during the date.

...None of us are normal people who went on a date normally. They're all agents. Although they probably went on dates before, they were mostly to investigate. As for me, I have always been a weird one.

And so, I just transported us to my store in Cassau. This is when being a clothing store owner is an advantage.

It's already closed for the night. But I told the staffs to help us pick Thomas' outfit for the date. And Sonia is helping as well.

"This guy is my friend and also my boss in the circus. He's going on a date tomorrow. Please pick up nice outfits for him. I'll give you bonus for the ones that he pick," I said.

And obviously, they are excited with the bonus. Except for the manager. The one who has been here before the other staffs came after I saved them from the Monsters World.

"Excuse me, Boss. It's great that we will get a bonus for picking the outfit. But how about you take us to the circus as well? Even I have never been there before when you perform here because I have to watch the shop. I'm really interested to watch the circus that everyone is talking about," she said.

The others also wanted to go too it seems. Well, it's my fault that I haven't brought them to the circus. Why have I never brought them to the circus when I'm their boss?

"Then I'll bring you all during our next show. I also need to tell this to everyone else working in the other branches. Well, I'll tell you when you can go. Anyway, just pick his clothes. Pick a nice one that the girl will think that he's handsome. Don't worry about the cost," I said.

And so, Thomas then forced to dress up in many clothes by the staffs and Sonia. Though I don't think Sonia need any bonus. Does she want to watch the circus? Though she has watched us several times already.

The next day, Thomas is ready to go for his date.

"...Everyone, wish me luck!" Thomas said.

"Roy, I'll be going with him and give him some advise. I won't go with you to the Monsters World," Victoria said to me.

"Alright. Just don't ruin it for him," I said.

"I won't. It should be fine as long as he's being himself," Victoria said.

Then they both leave with Victoria is hiding as an ornament on Thomas' collar.

I just hope that Thomas won't be too nervous and say something he shouldn't say. Like the fact that we're on a mission to investigate the cult. Sandra doesn't need to know that yet.

"Hey, do you think that it will be fine for Sandra to know who we are?" I asked Burnes.

"I think it should be okay. She's not a bad person. And after the investigation, we found out that her husband died when he was saving a kid from the cult. Sandra knows that. And she hates the cult as much as everyone here. So I think she will support us instead," Burnes said.

"Well, if you say so. Then, I'll leave you to take care of the rest. I'll be going to the Monsters World with the summoner and the tamer," I said.

"Okay. Make sure that the horses can really be trusted," Burnes said.

I have told him my intention in going to the Monsters World. To see if we have more horse monsters that we can trust. That will be loyal to us or at least to Ray who will give them the order to obey us.

And I will bring the summoner and the tamer with me who will be looking for their new contracted monsters. Though I think I can tell what kind of monster they are looking from the weapon they picked.

I don't think that a two-handed sword is a good idea though. Maybe the monster he will make a contract with doesn't need to be something he can ride. Or maybe he will still fight on his own or cooperating with his monster.

I don't know what the summoner is thinking. As for the tamer, he has two spears. And he can decide to use one or two of them at the same time. And it should be fine to use them while riding on a horse.

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It's time to leave. With my telepathic message with Ray, even though he can't say anything, he told me with his emotion that it's safe to go to where he is now.

As for the circus, it will be fine. I have left them a lot after all. And even if not everyone is helping since some of them were stalking Thomas' date, it will still be fine.

The three of us then entered Monsters World. With the summoner has the two-handed sword sheathed on his back, and the tamer has two spears on his back.

They asked the blacksmith for something so that they can carry their weapon easily. Though in the city, their weapons will be covered in cloth so that no one will see them.

Not that we need to do it. It's just that it's strange for people in this world, in this era, to have weapons. Unless they are from the theater group. Though we are from the circus, so it should be fine, right?

As we entered the Monsters World directly to Ray's location, we are greeted by thousands of horses. There are so many of them.

But we still have more humans than horses. I guess we will not give those who can fly their ride. And we need to give the mages with powerful long-range attack horses that can fly.

"You got a lot of horse monsters, Ray. I'm proud of you," I said while brushing his hair with my hand.

"That's your horse? What an amazing creature. He looks so strong," the summoner said.

"I know, right? You can't have him. He's mine. And so, among the other horses, is there anything that you want to make a contract with?" I asked the summoner.

"I'll tame as many as I want. Ray, right? Can I ask you which horses I'm allowed to tame?"

Since he's a tamer, he can tame as much monsters as his mana allowed him to. And because he's also a master level mage, and an expert level in his ice element as well, it means that he can tame a lot of monsters.

The tamer excitedly pick at least one horse monsters from each species. There are a lot of horse monsters here. And not all of them are from the same species.

There's a pegasus that has wings and can fly, horses covered in flame, horses with icy hooves, unicorn, and other species. And the tamer tamed a lot of them.

"I think I'll pick..."

The summoner tried to pick a horse to be his familiar, but Ray stopped him.

"What is it, Ray? Did you find a good monster for him to make a contract with?" I asked.

Ray then nodded and told me to ride on his back. He will take us somewhere it seems.

So we waited for the tamer to finished taming the monsters he's interested in. Then he got on top of the icy horse while the summoner just rode on a unicorn.

And then Ray, leading the other horses, galloped toward the forest. We have so many horses here but going through the forest seems so easy. They can easily dodge the obstacles.

And then, we finally reached Ray's destination. This is where we can find the monster suitable for the summoner.

812 Centaurs

We were riding on horses. And there are many other horses following us. I guess Ray has done very well to get those other horses follow him.

But when the summoner was looking for a good monster to make a contract with, Ray brought us somewhere in the forest. And since the monster is not among the horses that followed him, I guess this one still didn't obey Ray.

The horses running swiftly in the forest. All of them are moving fast without hitting anything. If they have riders, the riders only need to worry to stay on their back instead of controlling where they go.

Some of the horses are almost as fast as Ray. And there are even some foals following. I wonder how amazing they will be in the future since we found them and trained them from young age?

And finally, we're here. The place where Ray is bringing us to.

I have seen the monster that Ray thought would be good for the summoner to make a contract with with my Divine Vision from afar. But now that we're facing each other, I can see them clearly. And I'm also excited about it.

Not only that there are a lot of them. But they look strong as well. And one of them is facing us like he's the leader of the others in the tribe.

They are centaurs. Creatures with the upper half of human body, and the lower half of a horse.

No, they don't have four limbs. They have six limbs. With four horse legs and two human arms.


The human upper body didn't start from the half-part of the horse. But it started from where the horse's neck supposed to be. And from there, they have a pair of human arms and a human head.

Does it mean that they have two bodies?

Well, when I looked inside their bodies to check their inner organs, I have to say that... I don't have anything to say. Just imagine it yourself how their inner organs worked.

"You came here again. And this time, you brought humans with you. What do you want?" the centaur that looks like the leader asked.

He's a strong-looking man. I mean the upper half is more muscular than the upper-half of other centaurs. As for the lower-half, There's not much difference.

...No one answering. Well, they are horses after all. But how do they communicate before?

"...Since no one is talking, shall I be the representative of the horses since I'm Ray's master?" I asked the other horses.

Ray nodded his head slightly and the other horses followed suit. Does it mean I'm the King of Horses now?

"Well, since no one deny it, I'll be the representative of the horses. You are centaurs, right? It's good that we can speak the same language. Maybe you have met Ray before and there might be some conflict or misunderstanding, but I will explain everything to you if you are willing to hear. May I?" I asked.

"Make it simple," the leader of the centaur said.

"Okay. Here's the simple version. The worlds, my world and this world, will be destroyed. So we're looking for allies to help us stop the destruction," I said.

This is the simplest way of explaining it. But it's also the most difficult explanation to be believed. There's no way anyone would believe that we're fighting for the world.

Well, I don't. I fight because I hate the cult. Though I ask other people to fight to protect the world.

Hearing my explanation, the centaurs have shocked expression pasted on their face. What is it? Don't tell me that they believed me right away? There's no way, right?

"...That's frightening. Can you explain it now in detail how the worlds will be destroyed?" the centaur asked.

"Wait, you believed me?! Well, that was easy. But now I'm questioning myself if we need to recruit you or not."

How could they believe me so easily? Something is wrong. If it this way, then I can't really trust them, can I?

If they are gullible creatures, it will be bad. What if a cult member is using tricks to gain their sympathy and make them believe the cult? Then they will easily join the cult.

"Ah, you must never have encountered us in your world. I know that there are two worlds. I heard about humans from my parents who heard it from their parents who heard it from—"

"Enough. It has been so long since human came into this world. I know. And it was only recently that I found other groups of humans coming here. So the one who spread the stories must be your ancestor," I said.

"Well, yes. I know you're not a monster from your smell. And for someone with that smell to be here, I guess you must be the human from another world they told us about," he said.

"Okay. But how did you believe me so fast? Even for some muscle-headed people, I need some convincing before they decided to follow us. Some were with force though. But it was mostly monsters, so it's fine."

"Because we are centaurs. We are born with the ability to detect lies. So if anyone is lying, we can tell," the centaur said.

A creature with the ability to detect lies? We have a lot of Alberts here!

This is great! This way, I don't need to bring Albert wherever I go anymore. Though since they are centaurs, it will be difficult for them to walk around in the city.

Maybe they are the creature that Albert's ancestor kill to get his Aura ability. I think his name was Rama. The one from the children's story.

But I thought the book said that he was weak as an Aura user. How did he managed to kill a centaur without using magic or other people help?

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Did he perhaps put one in a cage and made them weak by letting it starve before he killed them? Maybe.

There are too many questions I won't get the answer. So let's forget about unimportant part and focus on the important part. They can tell the differences between lies and truth.

"Is that your innate ability?" I asked the centaur.

"Other than this, we also had Future Vision. But even if we say future, the distant future is not something anyone could see," he said.

"Had? You mean you used to have one?" I asked.

"Yes. Today, we don't have anyone who can see the future anymore. They are already extremely rare in one tribe. But they went extinct. The last one I knew died when I was still a foal," he said.

I see. So while Albert's ancestor killed a centaur for their lie detection ability, Fabio's ancestor killed a special centaur for their Future Vision.

The current centaurs no longer have anyone with Future Vision. But their lie detection is already good.

And they have horse body and legs. They must be fast. But I wonder if they will allow someone to ride on their back?

"Alright. Since you want to listen to the full explanation, it will take some time. Are we going to talk here?" I asked.

"...Even though I know you didn't lie, it's not like we can just bring you to our village right away. We will listen to your full explanation and we will also ask you some questions. And then, we will decide on what to do. Even if we believed you, that doesn't mean that we are willing to join you. We are—"

"Let me guess. You don't want to obey the order of anyone weaker than you."

Before he could finish what he was about to say, I interrupted him. He's a monster. A leader of the centaurs. So I can pretty much guess what he's trying to say.

Damn. Here we go again. A fight to get them to join us.

Why does this happen every time I'm trying to recruit monsters? We even did it to test the strength of our new recruits in the alliance as well.

"That's right. Talk first, then we will decide with our strength if you are worthy to be our leader or not," the centaur said.

"I don't want to be your leader. I already have my slot for my familiars full," I said.

"But we're still monsters. You should know that we obey the law of the jungle. Survival of the fittest. Even if you don't want to be our leader, you still need to prove your worth with strength," the centaur said.

"Sigh... fine. For now, I will explain everything to you first then. But under one condition. That you should never tell this to anyone. Even to the other centaurs that belong to your tribe. I can wait here for you to bring everyone here if you want them to listen."

The centaur agreed to bring everyone else in their tribe here. And so I waited for them to come.

While waiting, I also informed about this encounter to Albert and I will bring him here. I want him to tell me that those centaurs are not lying when they say that they won't leak what I will tell them later to anyone else.

813 Training While Waiting

While waiting for the centaurs to come back, I called Albert about what's happening here.

"They have the ability to detect lies? I guess centaur is the creature that my ancestor killed then. And you want me to come there with you so I can tell if they are lying or not when they promised that they won't tell other people, right?" Albert asked.

"Yes. They are quite smart. Also, they used to have the ability to see the future as well. At least very few among their kind. But today, there are no more centaurs with the ability to see the future anymore," I said.

"So it's not just my ancestor. Fabio's ancestor also killed a certain type of centaur to get the ability to see the future. Do you want to get Fabio as well?" Albert asked.

"Not really. Also, there will be a fight. They said that they will listen, but they still need to fight to see if we're stronger than them. They won't follow anyone weaker than them. Just like most of the monsters who follow me," I said.

The werewolves and the weretigers are with us because I defeated the strongest ones. As for the angels, I think it was mostly because of threat. Though they followed me voluntarily now.

The elves, they followed Sunny. The flower that they worship. And since Sunny is Lina's familiar, who is my maid and lover, they followed me as well.

Next is vampires. Now they are addicted to my blood. I guess I'm some sort of drug dealer to them.

Though I'm still stronger than any of them. Even for those who haven't fought me, I can still defeat them.


"So this time, you're going to fight the strongest centaur?" Albert asked.

"No. This time, it won't be me. Those centaurs are still monsters. And I don't have any slot for more familiar. So I will let the master level summoner to fight that centaur. He will then make a contract with the centaur if he win. I'm currently teaching him how to use sword. If you're ready, contact me so I will bring you here," I said.

Then I hang up. He's still busy, but it seems like the centaurs' village is quite far. So we should have a bit of time.

I also opened a portal first to bring Graham here. He will be the healer in case someone is injured if the battle is commenced here. As for the battle, if the centaurs let us decide where we should fight, I will bring them to somewhere near the Monsters Village. Though it shouldn't be a village anymore. A city perhaps?

Well, I'll just call it Monsters Village as usual. Or maybe a country? Well, if the centaurs decided to join, then the monsters group will be bigger. I guess calling it a country is fine. But it will still be a village for me. Because it's annoying to change the name.

"Roy. I'm using two swords. But why do you only teach me to use one sword?" the summoner asked.

"You only touched those swords for a few days. It's impossible for you, even with your strength as a master level mage, to be familiar with those weapons. Using both hands to defend and attack at the same time is difficult for newbie like you. And if there's a fight, it will only be a one on one battle at best. So you should focus on using one sword," I said.

The summoner decided to pick two two-handed swords. Because of their length, he can use them to fight while riding a monster.

He has only been using it in practice for a few days. While he's also practicing for his performance in the circus. I think he will decide to give up on circus soon. Together with the other two master level mages.

Well, that's fine. If they want to get stronger, I will support them.

I taught the summoner how to wield a two-handed sword. Although I mostly use a katana, it's originally a two-handed weapon. So I know a bit about using it.

But there's a difference between the two. Like the blade on the katana is smaller and thinner than the two-handed sword. And after using them, I know that the katana is more specialized in slashing attack. Even the curve on the katana helped with the slashing. But for a longsword, even if they are good to use for slashing, it's not as good as the katana.

Well, in the end, the technique is the most important. Even if katana is better at slashing, if the longsword wielder is the better swordsman, the katana wielder will lose.

I taught the summoner while the tamer is learning about spear. And he's also using only one spear when he picked two from the blacksmith as well.

For the tamer, I can teach him well since I often used Reizpear as my main weapon. So I know a lot about using spear and taught him everything I know.

Even if he's not fighting right now, he should still train.

Should I teach him my special skill with spear? The... I forgot the names.

How could I forget the name of something I invented myself?! This is not fun.

Well, I'll just call it the Twisting Spear Thrust for now. Though I might change it later.

That skill is too much for the tamer even if he's a master level mage. He needs to twist his body as much as possible while pulling back his spear, then as he twist the spear and his body, he will thrust the spear ahead to his target. The tamer doesn't have enough flexibility in his body to do that.

Though I can at least show him how to do it.

"You two. Watch me. This is the skill I developed after using spear for so long. For the summoner, this might not be important. But it's always good to watch new technique. Maybe you can develop your own skill based on this skill later. Well, just watch. I won't use Aura so maybe you can reach this level one day," I said.

Then I take out Reizpear's pieces from my pocket and restore it back to normal.

I grabbed the spear with both hands. With my left hand in front holding the middle of the spear while the right hand is holding the butt of the spear.

Then I twisted my body and my right hand. While my left hand is holding the spear to hold the twisted spear so the spearhead. So while the spear twisting, the front part, the part where the blade is, doesn't twist and still aiming straight forward.

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Then I thrust the spear toward the tree in front of me as I removed my left hand. It was both quick and strong. And the tree in front of me can't stop my attack and got destroyed.

Not only the tree has a hole in it, the hole is as big as human's head. That's the damage that I did with a spear. Even though the tip of the spear is smaller than the hole.

Now that I used it again, I remember something. A skill is important. Maybe I'll try using the same trick with other weapons. Because after all, I'm still using various type of weapons.

"Whoa! That was amazing."

"To make a hole on the tree like that. It's an instant kill for anyone in front of you."

Right after their praises, the tree can no longer endure its own weight and fall down.

"For you, that skill is still too much. I'm just showing you so you can at least see what you can do in the future if you decide to go with close combat instead of magic. If I use Aura, my attack will be much stronger. But don't try this now. You need to be just strong enough to defeat the centaur you will be fighting," I said to the two.

If the summoner win, he can get a quite powerful and smart familiar.

I know from experience that if you ride a compatible monster, something or someone you can communicate with, then you can be stronger as well.

After teaching them both for a bit more, I opened a portal to bring Albert here. Then I got a contact from Victoria via telepathy.

"It's done! They're going out for real from now on!"

It hasn't been long since we left, right? Oh, well. Maybe it has. I lost track of time while teaching these two.

It's good. Thomas and Sandra are going out now. There will be party later. But not now.

"That's great. By the way, we're in Monsters World preparing to face a group of centaurs. Though we need to tell them about everything first. Apparently, they have the ability to detect lies. So I brought Albert here. You want to come as well?"

I invited Victoria if she wants to come. She's done spying on Thomas and Sandra. So she might be interested in this.

Victoria agreed to come. So I summoned her.

After I brought the two here, we still need to wait for the centaurs to come.

Why do they take so long? Maybe it's because they need to explain it to the others in their tribe as well after reaching there.

While waiting, Victoria made a comment to the summoner that cause disturbance in our mind.

"You suck at using sword. Change it."

...Well, do we have time until the centaurs return?

814 They are Expert Interrogators

"Wrong choice of weapon?" I asked Victoria.

"Yes. He's decent enough as a swordsman. But that's all he is. Why did you pick two-handed sword anyway? And two of them at that?" Victoria asked the summoner.

"Well, I'm good at using both hands. And two-handed sword seems to be longer and stronger than a normal one-handed sword. You said before that it was good for me," the summoner said.

Right. Back when he and the other master level mages were testing their weapons to find the one that suit them the most, both Victoria and Sonia agreed that he can use two-handed swords in both hands. But now, Victoria changed her mind.

"Yeah. You're good just because you can use them. But that's all. In fact, after watching you train today, I don't think you will grow anymore no matter how much you try. I don't know how strong the centaur is, but maybe you can still defeat them using a two-handed sword. But if you want to get stronger, you picked the wrong choice," Victoria said.

"Then what do we do? He will fight the centaur soon. He can't just change his weapon right now," I asked.

"We can let him fight with two-handed sword as it is, or get him a weapon that suit him right now and train until the centaur returned. They still haven't returned yet, right?" Victoria asked.

I checked the surrounding using my Divine Vision and I still didn't see any centaurs returning here. Seems like their village is so far. Or maybe it take a lot of convincing them all to come here.

Maybe it's best if we go there. But the centaur said that they don't let strangers into the village. So we can only wait.


So, while the tamer is making fun of the summoner for his poor choice of weapon, the summoner had Victoria to change into different type of weapon and tested them.

"You can't laugh at him. We also don't know if spear is the right choice for you or not. And you also picked two of them," I said to the tamer.

He's also an expert level ice mage. He can create a practice target from ice or even create his own weapons.

But since his magic control is not at the same level as Shirley or our other ice mages, he can't create his own weapon. So it's best for him to get used to his weapon first before he can make them with magic.

But for the tamer, he seems comfortable with those spears. If he used both at the same time, it will be impossible for him to use the twisting spear technique that I showed him before. But maybe he has some other ideas.

These two are strong. Physically. Magically, there are a lot of things to improve since they haven't used magic for at least a hundred years And barely learn about magic control.

We need to remind them again that they are also mages. They can't forget about their own magic. Even if they trained their bodies, their magic is as important for them to get stronger.

I looked at the summoner again and see that he has finally picked his weapon. Nice. Though I don't think it's a good time to pick the real weapon from the blacksmith. So let's get him use the Blobbies as weapons first.

It's good that the centaur is late. After two hours of waiting, while playing card games with Albert and Sonia who came by to watch and train the summoner and tamer, I finally see the group of centaurs.

As for the horse monsters that Ray brought here, they left somewhere else. If Ray called, they will gather here quickly. But there's no need for that.

"They're here. Everyone, get ready!"

Soon after, dozens of centaurs arrived. There are a lot of them. About more than twice the centaurs that previously came here.

The same centaur as before took the role as the leader and told me to start talking. But before that, I need to see if they're lying or not.

"The enemies are those who can come to this world as well and potentially come to you to recruit you or tame you. So I want all of you to promise me to not tell anyone about what I'm going to tell you," I said.

"We agreed to that," the centaur leader said.

"Just to make sure. You can detect lies, right? How about you ask the others if they are willing to keep their promise or not. If there is anyone who lies and can't keep a secret, or maybe they have been involved with the enemies, then we won't tell you anything," I said.

In fact, I would kill them all right away if they have gotten themselves involved with the cult.

The centaur then started talking to each other and see if anyone is telling lies. There don't seem to be anyone lying. Everyone is willing to keep their promise.

Is what we thought.

They said that they have confirmed that everyone is willing to keep the promise. Everyone except for one centaur.

I have been using Divine Vision to observe all the centaurs here. They have talked to each other, but there's someone they missed. She acted like she has been asked that question and is checking the other centaurs. So no one knows whether she has been asked or not.

By the way, the female centaurs are wearing clothes on their upper body. So their upper body is not naked. As for lower body, I guess they are not ashamed to show it to anyone.

"You! Tell me that you will not tell anything you heard here to anyone!" I shouted at the centaur.

"It is important for a secret to not be leaked after all. So it shouldn't be fine for anyone to leak the secret, right?"

Instead of answering, she just asked back.

"Just say yes or no!" I shouted.

"Well, the thing is that, a secret that is leaked can be dangerous for everyone involved. So a secret shouldn't be leaked at all," she said.

She's just speaking nonsense. Trying to not answer me at all.

"Hey. You all can detect lies, right? Then I will tell you all this. If she doesn't answer me right now, I will kill her and everyone precious to her. Tell me, am I lying or not?"

I also used a bit of pressure as an Aura Master to make them afraid of me. It's just a bit though, so they won't be afraid. But they will know that I'm serious about it. After all, I'm not lying.

And the centaur in question also noticed that I didn't lie at all. She's the one who is scared.

She looked around her to see that everyone is suspicious at her. Then she turn around and try to escape. But Ray is blocking her way. Ray just slammed his body to that female centaur and stopped her.

"I see that at least one of you has been involved with the enemy who is trying to destroy the world. Just to be safe, I will kill her. I don't want any tamer or summoner to hear her messages via telepathy," I said.

"Wait! We'll do it ourselves. The world is at risk but one of us is helping the group who will destroy it instead of protecting it. And we don't know how many more centaurs is involved. Let us ask them some questions first," the centaur leader said.

Well, that's fine with me. As long as we're working toward the destruction of the cult, that's fine. Though I haven't told the centaurs about anything yet.

Maybe they are the kind of race who is close to nature. I think that they can get along with the elves then.

They brought that female centaurs somewhere else. And I just talked to Albert.

"So, is there no one else other than her who lied?" I asked.

"No. I didn't sense anyone lying. So everyone is speaking the truth. Anyway, what are they doing?" Albert asked me about the centaurs.

"Well... they brought that centaur quite far from here. I can't tell what they're talking about. But Sonia is there following them so you can ask her later. Let me just say this. They are expert interrogators and torturers. It's far, but I think that female centaur is screaming non-stop," I said.

What I see is something... I don't know what to call it, but evil is the closest thing to it. They just tortured the female centaur to talk until she speak the truth. Until they can't detect any lies from her.

It took a while. And when that female centaur is no longer breathing, they just left her there and return back to us.

...They are so cruel to their own kind. But as a human, I can't say anything about it.

"Sorry about that. Apparently, she has been in contact with a certain cult. So, is that cult the reason for the world destruction?" the centaur leader asked.

"If that cult is the same cult as what we're going to talk about, then yes. Anyway, I want to introduce you to this man, Albert. He's the king of a kingdom in our world. I think even if you can detect lies, you will believe him more than me," I said.

And so, I let Albert explain to them about what happened that can lead to the destruction of the world.

815 Convincing Monsters Can Only be Done with Strength

Albert told the information we have to the centaurs. Unsurprisingly, they are doubtful of many things.

"We can tell when someone is telling lies or truth. And we can also tell if there are some things that you are doubtful about, we can tell right away," the centaur leader said.

I guess their lie detection ability is more advanced than Albert's. Albert can't tell if I'm telling lies or not even if I said something I'm doubtful about. But the centaurs can.

As expected, they are more useful than Albert. If possible, I'd like to get close to just one of them so I can bring that one anywhere I go instead of Albert since he has many things to do. Though I don't think it will be their leader since it will be the master level summoner who will make a contract with the leader.

"So, which part are you doubtful of?" Albert asked the centaur after he told them everything.

The centaurs then asked more to Albert and Albert patiently explained what he knows. There are some things we know but we lack evidence of. Maybe those are the things that they are doubtful of.

Though since they have promised to us to never say anything they hear in tis place to anyone else, I guess it's fine to tell them. since the two master level mages here also agreed to not tell anyone when they joined us, we can tell everything.

The centaurs keep asking questions until there's one last question that Albert can't really answer.

"Are they really evil? Other than the fact that they killed your people? I mean we are monsters. We kill each other or even our own kind for survival. I don't think it's considered evil at all just to kill someone," the centaur leader asked.


"Well... I guess it's just the difference of our upbringing. As human beings, we need to protect each other from harm since we can't do everything on our own. So..."

"Enough about that. You're already doubtful enough of what you said. Tell us something true," the centaur leader said.

And I just laughed hearing that comment from the centaur.

"Haha! Albert, you don't believe that we must protect each other? I guess you have turned evil according to your own explanation then," I said.

"It's all thanks to you though. Because you can do many things alone, I thought that maybe there's a way for someone to be on their own without anyone's help. But I can't just tell that to the centaurs confidently. After all, I am someone who needs other people help. One can't become a king if they don't have the people," Albert said.

"Then I'll explain it to you. I'm the king of some monsters now. So I'm more used to talking to monsters than you," I said.

Then I stepped forward. As the centaurs are all looking at me.

I took a deep breath and shouted loudly.


"...I guess that's how it ended up, huh? Do I even need to be here?" Albert talked to himself.

Then I continued talking.

"You already learned what we want to do. We want to recruit you to help us with the mission to destroy the cult who will bring harm to the world. Whether you believe us or not, I don't care. And you don't care either. You just want your own survival. All I can say is for you to see it with your eyes once you join us. But I know you won't let anyone weaker than you to give you order. So let's have a fight. Pick your strongest fighter and fight that guy. He's a summoner. And if you lose, your leader will make a contract with him. And the rest of you will obey us," I said.

Let's make things simple. Even if they are monsters with intellect and wisdom, they are still monsters. They prefer things to be simple.

Asking what they're doubtful about? That's for them to learn new things.

Though it's good that I know a lot about monsters now. Because it's easier to interact with them.

And it's nice to be able to meet them first. Because if the cult found them first, then these centaurs will be our enemy. Because the cult members truly believed that the destruction of the world can bring salvation. And they didn't doubt it at all.

If that female centaur has been staying with them for a bit longer, the the cult would have gotten into their village. But good thing she's dead now.

After telling them that it's time to fight, they look so happy.

"Where will we fight?" the centaur leader asked. He has a mace on his hand. Given to him by another centaur. He's ready to fight.

I guess he will be the one who fight the summoner. He seems to be the strongest indeed.

"If possible, we need to do it in an open area. A plain field. Also, do you mind if I ride a horse during the fight? And my weapons are made of monsters as well. But I will still be the one fighting. You don't mind, right?" the summoner asked.

"That's fine. I already heard about that Black Slime's ability. But there's no open place nearby. It will take us half a day to reach the closest plain," the centaur said.

"We can use my portal. I know a place. Also, now that you learned about the cult from that female centaur, what will you do? I'm sure she has informed them about your village's location," I said.

"We will find another place to settle," the centaur leader said.

"Then I will bring you all to the place where you will fight. It's close to the Monsters Village. Whether you win or lose, you can move there if you want," I said.

"I'll think about it after the fight is over."

And then, I opened several large portal and let everyone enter. It's close to the village. An open field where the horses and centaurs can run freely. We prepared this place after sending Ray to get as many horses as possible.

Everyone entered the portals and moved to another place. I have informed Shelia that there will be an addition of centaurs in the village. And as usual, the result will depend by the match fought between the two representatives.

And so, the open field is now crowded by monsters who are interested in watching the fight.

"...There are so many of them. And you still want us?" the centaur leader asked.

"The more the merrier."

Then I told everyone to not get in the way of the fight. The centaur is fast. And the summoner is also riding a fast horse. It's not a normal horse. It's an ordinary horse monster. Still a monster so it's not considered as animal. Though horse monsters are omnivores. They eat meat as well.

And the weapons that Victoria had her Blobbies transformed into is a shield and a lance. Not a spear like Reizpear, but a lance that can be held with one hand. Only the tip is sharp as there's no blade on it. It shaped like a cone. And I know that it's heavy as well.

It can be used as a blunt weapon if it's swung. And this one is what Victoria and Sonia agreed that the summoner is good at. A lance and a shield.

And he's also wearing an armor. It's an ordinary armor that the blacksmith modified hurriedly when the summoner was training. I used portal to get it from him.

As for the centaur, he's also getting himself ready. There are some centaurs carrying armor for him to wear in the fight. But why is it that only him who have it while the others don't wear any armor?

I asked one of the centaur nearby. And he said that it's because all the other armors are no longer usable. And that's the only one that has been maintained well enough to be worn in a duel.

They said that they want to have some armor, but there's no one who can make it. Maybe I can bribe them with armor since we have a blacksmith now.

And so, I brought the blacksmith here to watch as well. Not because I want to introduce him to the centaur. Though that is for later.

He said that he wants to see how well the armor he made in a fight against the centaur. And he wants to ask the summoner later if there's anything that needed to be changed.

As for the other master level mages, they are still haven't decided their weapon of choice yet. But the blacksmith said that they might need armor. So he wants to ask the summoner if there's anything that can be improved.

I also asked him to made a shield for the summoner back then. But seems like he can only finish one product at that time. So I asked for an armor instead. Because even if he practiced using shield, it was still his first time using a lance and a shield. And he will need to adapt to using it as well.

But for armor, as long as he can move while wearing it, then it will be fine.

Now that the two sides are ready. Both are wearing armor. But the centaur also have some armor protecting the horse part of his body. While the summoner's horse doesn't wear any.

"I guess I need to make armor for horses as well," the blacksmith said before the match started.

Well... he might be right. Though for now, let's focus on the match.

816 The Summoner Versus the Centaur

In the plain field near the Monsters Village, a battle between a summoner and a centaur is taking place.

The two are prepared to fight. The centaur with a mace in his hand and fully covered in armor, including on the horse part of his body, and the summoner covered in armor equipped with a shield and a lance.

The two get some distance between each other. The distance that is wide enough for both sides to reach their full speed right in the middle. They are thinking of finishing each other in one attack even before the match started. And everyone here knows that.

By the way, Albert also has decided a horse for him to ride. His personal horse. He's going to watch the match while riding that horse next to me who is sitting on Ray's back.

The horse he picked is a silver horse with long hair and tail.

"Don't I look very kingly when I'm riding on this one?"

That's what Albert told me. Though that horse is not as good as the others. It's just look good. Though it's still faster than ordinary horse because after all, this one is still considered as a monster. That horse is even chewing on a whole chicken that it found nearby.

"...If you think that the horse with blood dripping from its mouth is kingly, then you might be a vampire," I said.

"Once I take this one back to my palace, I will get the chef to cook him some meat so he won't eat anymore living animal. Just like the werewolves. The horse monsters might be interested in cooked meat from then on and can no longer eat anything raw," Albert said.


Well, if that's what he thinks.

"I will also ask the blacksmith to prepare some amazing armor for this one to wear. For now, I will think of a good name for this," Albert said.

"Want me to help?"

"Anyone but you. I want to think of a name properly," Albert said.

"Well, that's fine. But don't you think that this horse is not as strong as the others?" I asked.

He's slower than the other. And since this one look fancier than the others, I can find it easily. Especially when it was breathing heavily after we run to the forest to meet the centaur. This one has low stamina as well as being weak.

Hearing what I said, the horse looked at me angrily. I guess horse monsters can still understand what we're saying. Though that's obviously why Ray picked these horses. Because they can understand what we're talking.

"This one is the most beautiful. That's all I needed as a king. To show off. In a real situation, I don't think I will go into the frontline with this horse. So it's fine even if he's not as fast as the others. I have other people to protect me after all. Or they can just bring me to safety," Albert said. And his horse stood proudly hearing that.

Well, if it's just for look, I guess this horse is the best-looking one indeed.

"Okay then. Good for you. Since both sides are ready, then I will start the match. Graham, don't get too far from Albert. Make sure to protect him," I said to Graham.

And then, I ride to the middle of the centaur and the summoner to act as the referee.

"Then, if you're both ready, let's begin the match!"

I started the match. And the two sides started to run forward as fast as possible.

The summoner, whose lance was originally pointed upward, is now had his lance pointed forward. That's the only thing he trained in before as soon as he found out that he's compatible with that weapon.

Wielding that huge lance with supposedly heavy weight in front of it with one hand, he moved forward on his horse as fast as possible and strike the lance toward the target without ever changing his posture. That's what he was training.

I also tried to be his testing target. With Victoshield and Aura, I don't need to worry about getting injured.

...I lied. It was still painful. He's still a master level mage. But my ribs are fine even though the lance hit me right on the chest when I didn't block it with Victoshield. Thanks to the Blobbylance he used being dull at the tip, it didn't pierce me at all.

But this time, it's a real lance. The tip is not dulled like before. And if it hits the heart, the target will die. Good thing we have a lot of angels prepared to cast healing magic.

This battle will end in an instant.

The two are going to meet in the middle soon. They are moving rapidly. And the centaur started raising his mace high preparing to hit the summoner. While the summoner didn't move his lance at all. But he moved his shield so he can protect himself from the mace.

And then, the two meet.

The centaur swing down his mace while the summoner still keep his posture with the lance as the shield he has is ready to guard him.

It was at the same time. They hit each other and get hit at the same time.

While the mace hit the shield, it was still too strong for the summoner to receive. So the shield got pushed back and hit his body.

As for the centaur, the lance hit him straight in the chest. The armor that he wore is dented but it's still protected the centaur. Though I can see a few broken ribs.

It's confusing but I'll say it. Centaurs have two sets of ribs. The one protecting the upper human body's organ, and the other that's protecting the lower horse body's organ. As for their inner organs, it's difficult to say. Because I myself who is looking at their inner organ is also confused.

And now the after effect of that clash. The centaur got blown back because of the hit and even had to stand on his two hind legs. He even dropped his mace.

As for the summoner, he got hit strongly. The shield is unusable anymore. Though that is Blobbies, but he wanted a fair fight. So he'll consider that shield as unusable anymore even though it can recover.

And he was also blown back from the hit. He fell from his horse as his horse continued to run.

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But he still has his lance in his right hand. He quickly recover himself as he ignores the damage on his body, and stand up. He then prepared his lance and instead of stabbing, he swung it and use the large area of the lance to hit the centaur.

The centaur can't dodge it so he can only receive it. He tried to block the lance with his arms. But the summoner's strength is too strong and he finally fell.

The summoner stood up and pointed his lance toward the centaur's throat. The match is over with the summoner's victory. Though that was a close call.

"I won. With this, will you make a contract with me to be my familiar?" the summoner asked.

"Huff... sure. You win, Master."


The centaur accepted his loss and agreed to be the summoner's familiar.

Wait, if they became partner, won't it be difficult for him to fight? If he has lance and the centaur has mace, how will they fight? The summoner would get his vision blocked by the centaur then.

As I was thinking about that, before the angels could go there to heal the two, another creature approached the summoner first. It's the horse that the summoner rode. The one that's supposedly be ridden by him for this battle only.

Seems like that one is already close with the summoner after training for a while and went through a battle together.

Which mean that while the summoner ride that horse, he can still get the centaur to fight by his side. Which is great.

"The winner is... the Summoner!" I shouted.

"Try to remember people's name, goddammit!!!"

Right. The summoner's name is... the Summoner. And the tamer's name is the Tamer. Let's keep things simple. Even if it's the king himself who is complaining.

And so, the battle is won. We now have the centaurs in our army. And the leader of the centaurs is now the summoner's familiar.

Though everyone is still excited after the match. So the tamer decided to fight the second strongest centaur to see if he can tame him since asking nicely didn't work.

The tamer also win. But it was a close fight. At least no one died.

I told the centaurs that they should move to this village now that they will join us in the fight. They agreed. And just like the weretigers and the werewolves, they are excited to be able to fight each other.

As usual, I informed them that fighting to death among the monsters in the village is not permitted. They have to have at least one angel to witness their fight so they can be healed right away even if they have self-recovery ability.

This is great. Today, I just hope to see how Ray's doing. But not only we got the horse monsters, we also got another monster tribe to join us.

Not only that. The summoner and the tamer also showed their fighting ability. If only they trained from young age, they could become Aura users.

Whatever the case, today we got the best result. So let's return back to the circus now.

817 Farewell to Sandra's Circus

The battle is over. And now, I'm bringing Albert back to his palace, the tamer to the circus, and the blacksmith who have finished watching how well the armor was back to my place in the capital. Albert brought back the silver horse and the tamer is taking the horse with ice element with him. If the horse didn't use any magic, it look like an ordinary white horse. So no one will know that the horse is a magic horse.

As for the summoner, he can return back to the circus anytime he wants. He can open a portal to return to the circus. He's a summoner after all.

He's talking with the centaur he made a contract with for now. And not just that. The horse he rode during the match is also with him. I guess he will bring back his horse as well.

Hmm... maybe we will have two horse riders in the circus now. Three if I count myself. I think we can have more performance to show if the horses can learn some tricks. Like jumping over obstacles.

When I said what I was thinking, Victoria added a suggestion.

"Then we can add jousting in the show. Everyone loves gambling. They can place their bet on either the summoner or the tamer. Then if the one they put their bet on win, they can get money. Though that's no longer a circus. But it can be added as a new performance. As a warmup for the circus," Victoria said.

I see. To put a gambling and use it as a show to make everyone interested in the circus. We can also advertise the circus then.

I agree with Victoria. Using something to hype the circus might be profitable. Though the seats are all taken most of the time though. So it might not change anything.

But if we can profit from the gamble as well, then that would be fine. I have to ask Thomas first about it though.


But more importantly, I need to ask Victoria something.

"What is jousting?" I asked.

"Well, you saw the match before, right? Imagine both side start the fight like the summoner did. Both with a lance and a shield. Then they crashed at full speed. Those who fall from the horse will lose. It was interesting show in the medieval era in my world. So it might be good to do in this world as well. Sometimes, it was used as a way for knights to solve disagreement," Victoria said.

"But won't that be obvious to the cult that we're fighting like that? What if they started investigating the circus? I think we need to ask Burnes and the other agents first. Though maybe we can use it to ambush the cult. If they started to investigating us, it will be easier for the agents to find them," I said.

Also, if that jousting become more popular, there might be more people interested in doing it. Other master level mages and everyone will be willing to learn horse-riding.

Well, it's just for show anyway. Even if the cult is suspicious, we're a circus troupe. If anyone ask, we'll just say that it's part of the training for the show for the circus.

Though if we do that, I think we might need a bigger place to perform. The tent we usually perform is too small for the horses to run at full speed.

And bigger tent means bigger performances. We might be able to add other performance that we thought would be impossible in the small tent.

And it also means more audience. I think if I say that, Thomas will agree.

"Let's put that jousting aside for now. I think Thomas is not in any condition to talk about other things yet. He just had a girlfriend," I said.

"You're right. Next time I see Sandra, I will tell her that I will travel more for research for my new book so that she won't look for me anymore if I'm not with you. It's all now up to Thomas to keep their relationship," Victoria said.

The centaurs will now move to the Monsters Village. The summoner is helping the centaurs. While I informed them about how to live in that place. Not that there will be any special rule or something. Just that to not fight between each other until death.

I think the blacksmith will have a lot more order that he needs to complete now. I hope he got a lot of disciple so he won't work alone. And his disciple will be talented as well. There are too many people that they need to make weapons for. Just one blacksmith is not enough.

I returned back to the circus. It's late now and everything has been prepared for our next journey. We're getting closer to Consenza and should be there before next month.

"Congrats, Thomas. Though why are you here and not with Sandra?" I asked.

Thomas is here at the inn we're staying instead of being together with Sandra.

"She's also going to travel with her circus troupe. She said that this will be her last tour before she can come to me. So she wants to focus on her circus first," Thomas said.

"Then what? She will join us?" I asked.

I haven't heard of any other circus troupe who will travel around the continent. So I think Sandra's group will at most travel within Varadis only. Which mean she will be done sooner than us.

As for us, we still have a bit of Varadis, the whole Consenza, and a bit of Tatrama as well. So it will be a while until we can finish the tour.

I think we still have one or two more place to go before we can go to Consenza. And if we find any villages or cities not listed in the place we're supposed to go to, we will still perform there.

"She said that if possible, she wants to join up with us. But I told her to wait in Cassau instead after she's done with the circus. What do you think?" Thomas asked.

"You want someone to escort her to Cassau? I can ask someone to do it. And I'm sure she won't get bored waiting for you there," I said.

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"Thanks. She said that she will be done in twenty days at most. But..."

"Don't worry about that. When we were together, I already attached my clone to her without her knowing. So after twenty days, I'll get Roy to bring someone to her using portal closest to my clone attached to her. It won't be hard. I have told her about Kayla and the others. And she's interested in meeting them as well. I'm sure she can get along with anyone Roy will bring," Victoria said to interrupt Thomas' word.

"Thanks, Victoria. I won't be able to get her if it's not for you," Thomas said.

I guess I can only get someone from my harem to safely escort Sandra to Cassau then. Well, I'm sure it will be fine. And it's not like they train every day anyway. They need to take a break once in a while.

The next day, we're ready to leave. And we're meeting with Sandra's group as well on the gate. Though we will go to different location.

From the look of it, that guy who was supposed to be Thomas' rival was crying the whole night. I guess he must have learned that Sandra is now Thomas' girlfriend.

"Are you sure it's okay to leave her with them? What if he's trying to do something to her?" I asked Burnes.

"Don't worry. We have said that we will support Thomas' love life. So one of us will leave to make sure that she will be safe at all time. Sandra's last location for their tour is also his hometown. So he can take a break there as well. So it will be fine," Burnes said.

"Well, if you say so," I said.

Now that I look around, the guy he's talking about, the tightrope walker, is not nearby. Then I looked up and see that he's standing in the middle of a drying rope for laundry of someone's house. Why though? Just to tell me that you're there?

The owner of the house then found him and about to scold him. Only to realize that he's somewhat famous. Maybe she watched the circus. Then she asked for his autograph before he disappears.

Once Sandra's circus is over, I'll just use portal to the Blobby attached on him.

Thomas and Sandra said their farewell. But Thomas look so shy and timid while Sandra is just smiling.

"What are you doing standing there? Just kiss her already!" I said.

Thomas was too shy, so it was Sandra who make the approach.

It was a short kiss. But Thomas' face is too red now. Is this the first time that they were kissing?

I know that Sandra is a widow. So she must have experience with it at least. As for Thomas, I never really asked him. Though it was not important. What's important is that Thomas' girlfriend is Sandra now.

After saying our farewell, we leave the city together before we split up. This might not be any different than our other shows. But for Thomas, I think the event in this city is something unforgettable.

Well, now that everyone have someone to tease. So it's just fun for us.

Though none of us forget that we still have the cult to destroy if we want Thomas and Sandra to have their happily ever after story.

818 Kron About to Breakthrough

The tour continued. We are going to city after city. Just as planned.

We found some traces of the cult several times. But they are mostly just low level members who still have the explosive device in their mouth. I just let the agents do their job. I won't interfere at all if they are only at that level.

The tour is boring. But it was worth it to perform in the next city. And as usual, we have the seats completely filled.

But it's still boring in the journey. Especially since I'm a genius who can learn any tricks at first try.

Well, it's all thanks to the fact that I'm an Aura Master. Copying someone's move is easy now.

"Sigh... We didn't find much about the cult in the tour, huh?" I said to Burnes.

"It's not like the tour is over already. We have just entered Consenza's territory. It will take months before we can finish. Also, you might not know it. But in every city where we thought to be suspicious, we made sure to mark every single one of them so that the nearby agents will focus on the investigation there. They will do better since unlike us, they have the time to do it," Burnes said.

"Is that so?" I asked.

"Yes. It's like we're just the scout. The real investigator experts are going to investigate those places later on. And they will contact the king of the territory if they find any trace of the cult or not. So, we might have found a lot more than expected," Burnes said.


It means that it's possible for the investigators to have located the real headquarter of the cult. But they need to make sure of it.

I asked Albert and the other kings about it via text messages, and they told me that they indeed have located some suspicious places. But before they can find the evidence that they are truly related to the cult, they won't say anything. At least to me.

Maybe they have shared their information to each other. Well, that's the point of having an alliance after all.

Maybe I should check the forum more often. Some of them might have related information about what the circus has found.

...Maybe not. Too many topics. It's difficult to read them all. Especially with Victoria posting the most. Most of them is difficult to understand unless it's from Victoria's fan who have read her books.

Her books don't always contain romance between men as the main point. But it's still there, right? If so, there must be a lot of the characters based on me or my experience. Reading a bit of it in the past is already enough for me.

Though for her to have a lot of fans among the royalty, she is truly amazing. I guess that's how everything in her world is.

But maybe some of the stories she wrote is not original stories. They are based on the stories from her world. But because there's no one here who knows about them, so no one will think that she's plagiarizing.

If there's anything important, Victoria will tell me about it. She's on the phone most of the time anyway. Even right now, she's in my pocket playing with her phone.

Soon, I'm going to gather all the kings again for another meeting. This time, it will be in Monsters World. And the topic will be horse-riding. Everyone will learn and pick the horse that suit them.

From the last time I went to Monsters World a few days ago, Ray has done well in splitting the horses. It's so that each country will have a group of horses for the army.

Obviously, the bigger countries will have more horses. And the smaller countries will have fewer.

But Ray hasn't finished it yet. Because it seems like he just got another batch of horse monsters with him and he's currently training them.

Though thanks to the centaur, they also helped the horse monsters to adapt.

Though it's mostly thanks to the fact that the horse monsters were promised to be fed regularly so that they won't have to hunt food themselves. As expected, cooked meals are better than raw.

We continued our journey. The next stop is a city in Consenza. Then we will go to a small kingdom nearby. Good thing the king has given us the permission to perform there. He has joined our alliance after all.

But on the way, I got a call from Kron. It's rare for him to call me. in fact, this is the first time he called me. I think this might also be the first time he used his phone.

"Kron. What's up?" I asked.

"Yo! I'm about to breakthrough! I'm going to be a master level mage!" Kron shouted at his phone.

It's here. One of us finally about to reach master level. And as expected, it is Kron who will reach that stage first. He has the wind spirit with him after all.

"I'll inform the others and prepare a place for you to breakthrough. Though it would either be at the peak of the mountain near Rygis, or at Andro's back. I think that Andro's back is better, but now that we know that the cullt has entered Monsters World, they might feel it when you're breaking through. I will let you make the decision. So, where will it be?" I asked.

"Hmm... I think on Andro's back is better. Even if the cult is there, they will only see Andro first. And since Andro is always moving, there will be less enemy who will try to approach me," Kron said.

"Alright. I'll inform everyone so that they can protect you. Let's go when you're ready. Anyway, do you have anywhere you want to go before breaking through? I can get you there," I asked.

"Nowhere. Just bring me back to Cassau and meet everyone," Kron said.

"Okay. See you... now."

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Before I hang up the phone, I already opened a portal to Kron's location.

"Using portal is cheating. Anyway, aren't you busy with the circus?" Kron asked.

"Everyone will be fine without me. I'll bring you back to Cassau first. Victoria has already informed everyone that you're going to breakthrough," I said.

"That was quick. This phone thing is really amazing. If it has the function like the television, then it would be more amazing," Kron said.

"I know, right? That's still work in progress. With the blacksmith joined us recently, we should be able to do it soon," Victoria said.

To have that television thing in your pocket. What a technology!

"Oh, seems like they will delay the meeting for the horses. Because we don't know how long it will take for you to breakthrough. Well, that's fine. Let's go home now," I said as I opened a portal back to Cassau.

After a long time, Kron finally returned to Cassau. It feels like he used his room like a hotel and only stayed for a while before moving around. Though that's fine. He's Kron after all.

Kayla and the others are already waiting for him after they learned that he's going to breakthrough. One of the ten master level mages who is a wind mage is there as well. Good. Kron can ask her for some guidance.

We can also ask Patricia. But we already have one here, so there's no need to go to Rygis.

After taking him back to Cassau, I also brought everyone who wants to come to Cassau. They are all those who will protect him from any attack during the time Kron is trying to breakthrough. Including Kayla, Angela, Shirley, Sunglasses, and the usual group. Plus we have several master level mages who are interested in seeing the Kaiser Dragon, Andro.

But first, I need to inform Andro about Kron going to breakthrough on his back.

"That's okay. I'll make sure that the flight will be as stable as possible. I'll fly near your Monsters Village if that's fine with you," Andro said.

"No. Just fly over somewhere else. If the cult noticed that there's a village of several species of monsters gathering together, they will realize that something is wrong. And they will probably start attacking the village. We can't have that. Just fly above the ocean," I suggested.

"Okay. But I can't stay in one spot. So those who will protect him will need the ability to fly," Andro said.

"Don't worry about that. I have new monsters who can help," I said.

"You sure know a lot of monsters even though you're just a human. You're interesting as usual. Fine, you can stay as long as you want. I also need some help with scratching my back again. It started feeling itchy now," Andro said.

"I'll do that now. I can't have you feel itchy when Kron is trying to breakthrough," I said.

And so, I spend one hour to scratch Andro's giant back. He also has a phone now, but there's only one contact and he can't use the forum. And the only contact he has is mine. As for the reason, it's just that it's difficult to share contact with anyone else other than me.

Soon, we will have an extra master level wind mage. And later, there will be more.

I wonder how the agents in those islands are doing? Have they find anything yet? I can't wait to conquer those islands so we can get an Earth Spirit helping us.

819 On Andro's Back

We're here already. On Andro's head.

We didn't transport to his back near his wings right away. But to his head first so that we can talk with Andro.

"Please take care of me, Andro," Kron said.

"Sure. I just need to fly straight and as stable as possible so you guys won't have to worry about losing balance. But if there are enemies in front of me, I might use my breath attack to kill them. The shockwave might hit you, so be careful," Andro said.

"Don't worry about us. We will be fine," I said.

After that, I transported everyone to Andro's back near his wings. As usual, the power of just a flap of his wings is strong enough to generate small storm. But thanks to Andro flying slowly now, the wings moved slower. But the wind is still strong enough to blow the lighter people away.

...And the heavier people were pretending to be blown away for fun.

Though there's someone who is having fun here. Breezy. The wind spirit.

"WOOOHOOO!!! This is awesome!" Breezy said.


"Breezy, don't get blown away too far! Or no one will be able to catch you!" Airy scolded her spirit brother.

One is an adventurous spirit who goes around with Kron, and the other is a foody spirit who stays with me. One has been going around to many places, and the other has been eating in many places.

The two have different personalities but they are treating each other as siblings still even after they are separated. Even though they are not really siblings.

Then I opened another portal to bring the rest here. The monsters.

The werewolves, vampires, angels, weretigers, and surprisingly, the centaurs joined.

"Are you sure you want to be here? We're in the sky and we will fight flying monsters mostly. So you who can't fly and don't have any long-range attack won't be able to do much," I said to the centaur.

His master, the summoner, is also here. In fact, all the ten master level mages from the village in the Magicless Area are here. With the wind mage already next to Kron to give him some advise.

"We actually fight better in a group than individually. If it's just for protecting one person, we're confident we can do it. So you don't have to worry about the monsters you didn't kill. Let them charge at the target and we will kill them," the centaur leader said.

"Alright. As for the humans, those who can't fly, get on the horses that can. Though I only bring those who can fly like pegasus or horses with wind magic. Sunglasses, you will be in charge of leading everyone here. We don't know how long it will take for Kron to reach master level. It might take days or weeks. So use a strategy that won't make everyone tired at once," I said to Sunglasses.

This is also a good way for him to improve his leadership. Especially since we don't know when we will start the attack to those islands north of Varadis.

"Don't worry. I also have Kayla, Candy, and Randy as sub-leaders. They are good enough to lead a large force. But with smaller force, they will give better order. I might not have Elsie with me, but I can leave everything to Sonia who will help us with locating the enemies," Sunglasses said.

Sonia has her phone in hand already prepared to contact Sunglasses' phone and tell him everything she sees.

He doesn't think this situation is an important situation where Elsie's presence is necessary for him to see everything. It's also possible that Elsie's ability to share her vision won't work in the future battle. That's why he's thinking of other way he can survey the battlefield without Elsie's help.

And right now, he's trying to use Sonia for that. Though there are other ways that he wants to try to improve his skill.

With several skilled leaders as the sub-leaders, the group can do more. And even with the centaurs and the weretigers recently joined us, Sunglasses has prepared their roles in the fight just based on what I told him about those monsters.

Centaurs can't fly but strong physically, while the weretigers have similar strength as werewolves but just better individually. Though in groups, the werewolves are better.

Well, except that Shelia is still better fighter than Tiger. Other than her, even Jack lost against another weretiger who is the second strongest.

But when it come to a group battle, I heard from Shelia that the werewolves have overwhelming victory. That's the difference between experience.

Though I don't know if the weretigers can be that good in the future or not. But at least I know the weretigers' and the werewolves' rivalry is great for their development.

"Kron, you're going to do it over there?" I asked Kron after seeing him stopped walking and finding the perfect spot to cultivate.

"Yeah. This place is good enough," he replied.

"Alright. Victoria, get your clones for him to sit on. Make sure that Kron will feel comfortable and won't move even when Andro is upside down," I said.

"What kind of situation that needs Andro to be upside down?" Victoria asked.

"I don't know. Let's just hope that won't be the case at all," I said.

Everyone is ready. Those who can't fly are already riding on the horses. Though those horses are not the horses that they picked personally. We still didn't have the time for them to find one that is compatible with them. We just look for the horses that can fly for now.

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For the time when they picked their own horses, it should be soon. But because of Kron about to reach master level, we delayed it. Though everyone is willing because we now will have an extra master level mage. And he has learned magic control more than the other master level mages who have joined us. So he might be stronger than them.

So, soon Kron will be the strongest mage in our group. But that won't take long at all because I know that there could be some other people who will reach that level sooner or later.

Like Shirley for example. The princess is here and is now asking Breezy to come with her after Kron reached master level. She promised him that she will bring him to a place that he had never been to with Kron. And Breezy agreed.

Maybe I'll get Airy to stay with Sara as well. She has better chance to reach master level in air element than me. Sara just need to promise Airy to give a lot of cakes.

Kron is now sitting cross-legged and everyone can feel the magic power in the surrounding area has started to fluctuating. Even Andro's whole body is shaking for a bit.

"Has it started? Good luck, everyone," Andro's loud voice can be heard all the way from his back. Even though the distance is so great from his head to his back. This is a dragon the size of a small continent after all.

Though if we say something from here, he will not hear us at all.

"Everyone, get ready," Sunglasses said.

"Hmm... we're on top of a moving dragon. So even if there are some monsters coming this way, it will take some time before they can catch up from behind even if Andro is slowing down. Let's focus more on the enemies from the front," Kayla said.

"That's right. Roy, please don't do too much as usual," Sunglasses said.

"Okay. I'll make sure that everyone is safe. Including Andro. You don't need to worry on the attack that landed on his back. He's very strong. Though don't forget to occasionally ask someone to heal his back. When it became so itchy for Andro, I will be the one scratching his back after all. I don't want to do that too often," I said.

Then I used my Divine Vision to check the surrounding. And I can see that several monsters are flying this way from below.

"Incoming from below... wait, you don't have to worry about them. It's the serpents family," I said with a big smile on my face.

He's here to help. I didn't tell him and his family that we need their help. But they're coming here anyway.

Spot and his five children. And now, the five sea serpents can fly just like their father.

His children shouldn't be able to fly as they are just sea serpent. But I guess since they stayed here, the sky serpent's blood in their body remind them that they can fly just like their father. Even though they're just a quarter sky serpents. Not even half.

Though the thing is, they don't seem to know that Andro is our ally. And they are coming here just like any other monsters. To attack the source of the fluctuating magic power.

"Everyone, I'll go and greet Spot and his children first. I need to inform them that we're allies," I said before I jumped down with Ray to where Spot and his children are coming.

They seem to have grown stronger than before. Maybe they can fight the Kraken now.

820 Five More Flying Serpents

I jumped down with Ray to meet Spot and his children who are coming up here.

"Roy? So it's you as expected. There's no way we will feel anything like this unless it came from the Kaiser Dragon. And the one closest to the dragon that he can use the dragon's back for whatever reason is you," Spot said.

"Nice deduction, Spot. Yes, Kron is breaking through to master level stage in his wind element. And I asked Andro to let him breakthrough on his back. It's easier here since the enemies will be monsters. If we do it in our world, there might be a lot of human enemies coming," I said.

"He's about to reach master level? That's great! Then, it's a good chance for my children to use what they learned. They will help you. As for me, I'll just watch them like you do. I know that you would have sent some other people to protect Kron so that they can gain experience. Tell them that my children is for them to command," Spot said.

I looked at the five serpents who are flying behind Spot. They look like they gained a lot of confidence after being in this world for a while. Not only they can now fly, they must have learned something else. They gained some scars. Proof that staying here is not easy. But they have the look of confidence in their eyes.

"They can fly on their own now? I guess it's time for the children to not rely on being carried by their father again," I said.

"Saying it that way make me feel a bit sad. They always have the ability to fly. After all, they are my children who is half sky serpent. Once they entered Monsters World and fighting various strong beasts and monsters, their sky serpent's blood in their body remind them that they can fly. Unlike me who can fly as soon as I was born, they need some training. But now, they can do it well," Spot said.

"Cool. How long do you think it will take until they carry their father on their back?" I asked Spot.

"Hah! Even if they are my own children, I won't let them surpass me! I will continue to be the strongest serpent until I die!" Spot said confidently.


Is that why he's flying in front of his children? I guess it's the pride of a father who doesn't want his children to surpass him yet.

"By the way, are you guys strong enough to face the Kraken now?" I asked.

"I think we can give him some trouble now. But defeating it is another question. Will we start fighting him soon?" Spot asked.

"No, not yet. They haven't finished with the investigation yet. I'll contact you when we're ready. For now, let's protect Kron. The monsters are starting to chase Andro," I said..

I used my phone to tell Sunglasses to get ready to receive extra help from five serpents.

"Oh, right. Just a reminder that you shouldn't attack the werewolves, angels, vampires, weretigers, and the centaurs. They are all our allies," I said.

"It increased? I know that you got the weretigers recently. But now, you have centaurs?" Spot asked.

"Not just centaurs. We have other horse monsters as well. It's thanks to Ray's effort. Now, almost everyone who fight over there are riding a flying horse," I said.

"Now we have more flying monsters. Well, It means that that I will be used as a transportation even less than before. But at least that means I have more chance to fight," Spot said.

"None of them are as fast as Ray or you. Unless they use portal obviously," I said.

Soon after, we reached Andro's back near the base of his wings. Spot's children had some trouble going there because of the flap of Andro's wings. But they quickly gotten used to it.

"So, what else did they learn? Can they use camouflage?" I asked Spot who just like me, is watching the fight.

He's not in his large form anymore and just using his small form and wrapped himself around waist.

"No. They just learned to fly and to do breath attack. It's still weak. We will improve them again before we face the Kraken," he said.

If all his children can do breath attack even just half as powerful as Spot's breath attack, that would be an amazing sight. It will be a total destruction if all five of them are together.

Well, unless we face too many master level mages and a lot of powerful monsters. But at least they can protect themselves better now.

I'm sure that at this time, the cult is still continuing cultivating their believers to reach master level, and to search for more monsters.

...We're doing the same thing though. We're making sure that our own people can reach master level, then I recruited more monsters without taming them. We're also recruiting people. But that's what the cult has been doing from the start.

The difference between us is our goal. And we're less cruel than the cult. At least on the surface.

I said that because I have killed a lot of people. Most of them are with the cult though, so it's fine.

Several birds then started approaching. There aren't many of them, so Sunglasses let the werewolves and the weretigers to fight them first. We don't need to waste our strength, stamina, and mana right from the start. Because we don't know how long it will take for Kron to reach master level.

Kron has Breezy and Airy with him. I don't know if there will be any effect or not when Breezy is with him. As for Airy, she's worried about Breezy who is worried about Kron. So she stayed there with him.

The first wave is done rather quickly. Because they are too weak. They are just fast. And the weretigers and werewolves can hit them easily since they know that those bird monsters are only aiming at Kron.

While we were waiting for the next wave, I landed next to the master level wind mage whom I brought here.

"How long did it take for you to breakthrough to master level?" I asked.

"At that time, I think it was a year. But for everyone, it's different. Maybe it's because I was trying in a place not suitable for me. I'm a wind mage but I hide myself underground where there's no wind just because I'm afraid to be bothered by other people or monsters. But for Kron, here, and having a wind spirit with him, I think it will not take long. I say about a week or two at most," the master level wind mage said.

But it's just a guess, right? It might take more than a year even with everything here suitable with Kron's element.

I guess I will have to work hard as well even if I don't participate in the fight. Like bringing in supply every day and report everything to Albert and the others.

Then I also need to ask them if there's something that they need us to do. If so, then I will have to do it myself first. Or I will swap with someone who can do it and fight in their place.

"Hmm... I guess I'll look around the ground. Maybe we can find some traces of the cult," I said.

"Then you can go with Ray. I'll stay here and watch the others. Don't worry, I won't let anyone die," Spot said.

So I left Spot to watch the others. Though I think he will only focus on his children. But that's fine.

As for the others, I asked Kayla to make sure that everyone is okay.

I can ask the master level mages, but they want to fight by themselves. And they want to test their strength now that they learned about magic control. I guess asking Kayla to do it is the best way.

By the way, she's an earth mage. But it's on Andro's back, so there's no soil or other mineral. So Kayla lent her wand that allow her to bring soil to anywhere to Celestine who rode on a pegasus, and had her bring a lot of soil from the ground.

...I guess I need to wash Andro's back and scratch it later.

I move around on the land within the distance where I can still feel the fluctuating magic. I asked Andro to fly quite high. But there's still a large area where I can still feel someone is trying to breakthtough.

Luckily, I didn't find anyone. As for the monsters, once they sensed the mana in the surrounding changed, they looked at the source above. Those who can't fly just looked above without being able to do anything. As those that can fly, I killed some who are on my way.

Andro is flying toward the ocean. This way, the chance of a cult member noticing that someone is about to breakthrough is lessened. Unless they are living on the ocean. Which I don't think they are.

The ocean is really large. Even if Andro is flying straight, he said that it will take weeks in his usual speed. But now that he's slower than usual, it might take months just to cross the ocean.

I guess we don't have to worry about the cult finding out about us. So I returned back to Andro's back when he's right above the ocean and return to watch the others protecting Kron.