
821 First Day is Over

More monsters are coming. But we can protect Kron just fine.

The Kron whose hair got burned by the cult and had to wear bandana to cover his bald spot. Though I wonder why he's still growing the hair on the back. He can just shave them all off instead.

He had just started attempting to breakthrough a while ago. And we were greeted by several bird monsters whom got defeated easily by the werewolves and the weretigers.

Apparently, they are competing with each other on how many enemies they can defeat until Kron breakthrough to master level.

After the werewolves were taught basic math, they started to count how many enemies they have defeated. And I heard from Shelia that the werewolves started teaching the newly joined tribes to read, write, and also teaching them basic math as well. Previously, it was the weretigers. But now, after the centaurs joined, they teach the centaurs as well.

From what I heard, the centaurs are smarter than the other tribes in the village. They can learn everything faster than the others. Maybe they can be tasked as the role of a leader in the future. The leader of the monsters. Just during the fight against the cult at least. Or the werewolves and weretigers won't obey them at all.

Well, it would be great if they can do that. If not, at least the monsters will still obey me.

During the past few days, the centaurs have started getting along with the others. And by getting along means that they have challenged the others to fight.

From what Red told me, the one who became the representative for the werewolves since the strongest, Shelia, is often go out and fight, they have made it a tradition for the newly recruited tribe in the village to challenge the others first.


The vampires skipped the tradition since they live on Earth. But after I brought the vampires here to help, they said that they are willing to do the tradition sooner or later. At least after Kron finished attempting his breakthrough to master level first.

The werewolves, elves, and angels agreed on it when they had a discussion before. To make the newly joined members in the future to do this tradition. It was before the weretigers joined.

And so, the weretigers did it first. Then now, it's the centaurs turn. They're all agreed to do it. Though it's not finished yet since I asked them to protect Kron.

As for the elves, more of them started to fight as well. They are not that good yet, but they are growing quickly.

They might not be as fast as the other races, but in the forest, they are the most agile. So if we have a mission in the forest, I'm thinking of asking them to fight.

And after we got the blacksmith, although it wasn't that long ago, Victoria told the blacksmith to at least finished making one bow and a set of arrow as soon as possible. And the blacksmith did it.

Victoria then gave the bow to the Elf Queen, Tia. And she showed us great markmanship. And how she can quickly grab an arrow from the quiver on her back and nock it to the bow, it's as if she's born for archery.

When the other used it, they are not as good as Tia. But they are still better than other race who tried it. Including me when I was curious about it and wanted to try. And as expected, a gun is better for me.

And so, the elves can start joining the fight. But that's only when they want to. They are using this tradition of the new tribes to fight the older tribes in the village as a training.

I heard that the result was horrible. They lost a lot since they are not experienced. They are just good at moving around and shooting from distance. And in the Colosseum, it's impossible for them to use their Plant magic and there's nowhere to hide. So except for the few individuals, most of the elves lost.

Though I think just being an archer is not good enough. I mean we already have mages who can shoot magic from long distance.

But when I consulted with Sunglasses, he said that there are things that only the elves can do. But we won't ask them to help now. We're on top of a moving dragon after all. Not a forest.

"If you're thinking about what the elves can do, don't forget about the treasures we got from looting Timmy's treasure vaults. We have a lot of magic bow and magic arrows. Though I think we need to ask the blacksmith to see if they can still be used or not," I said.

Oh, right! I forgot that I got a lot of treasures that I haven't used or given to anyone yet. Now that I think about it, there are several magic armor and some normal armors. Maybe some will suit for someone.

"Victoria, remind me again later to bring the master level mages to see the treasures. I think I have something they can use," I said.

Most of the armors are too heavy for ordinary mages to wear. That's why I couldn't give them to Albert. As for expert level mages, they will have to adapt in using them and will probably change their fighting method if they wear them. That's what Candy told me when I consulted it with her. So those armors will probably end up with the master level mages.

I think I'll show all the treasures I got from Timmy's treasure vault to the blacksmith later. They have all been appraised, but we don't know if they can still be used or not since the durability might have been decreased after so many years being stored.

More monsters are coming. But they still got defeated by the weretigers and the werewolves. The others still don't have a chance to fight yet.

Especially the centaurs. They can only fight those who have landed on Andro's back. They can't do anything about enemy who can fly.

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At least we can be assured knowing that even if some monsters passed through the others, the centaurs will be there waiting and protecting Kron.

Oh, I can see more monsters coming now. The number is higher than before. I think everyone will have a chance to fight now.

I won't tell Sunglasses about what I see yet. He said that unless it's an emergency, he won't depend on my vision too much.

"They are here. The numbers is about five hundreds. They're all wyverns."

I heard Sonia is reporting to Sunglasses about the incoming enemies. That's what Sunglasses will depend on in this battle. Sonia's scouting report.

Five hundreds. Though we have a lot of monsters here. So I don't think we need to worry. Even if some of us get injured, the angels are ready to heal them.

Sunglasses then give the order to Kayla's and Candy's group to move. They will bring some mages and monsters to fight the wyverns. After that, Randy's group will be behind them taking care of those who passed Kayla's group and Candy's group. Then the summoner is at ready with the centaurs.

The wyverns are not that strong. And since Angela is in Kayla's group, she used her magic to defeat many wyverns at once. So the number of wyverns decreased significantly.

"Don't go all out right away! It might take days, weeks, months, or even years for Kron to breakthrough! Save your mana as much as possible. Use a bit of mana to cast magic to injure the enemies, then focus on another enemies as the injured ones will be taken care of by those behind you! And even if they managed to survive and continue moving forward, the centaurs will be there to finish them!"

Sunglasses' orders are on point. We don't know if in the next day, or even in the next week, there could even be a monster as big and as strong as Andro coming here. Wasting our stamina on the first day is a bad idea.

Though if Kron can finish breaking through in just one day, then it will be fine. But I doubt it.

The sight of humans riding flying horses is great. The mages can also focus more on attacking. As for dodging, the horses will take care of that.

Though the horse and the rider still need to be in sync. They need to work together more. And the rider also need to get along more with the horse. Maybe even take care of the horse in their home. Bringing them home, and caring them. giving them meals and making sure that the horses won't be uncomfortable with them.

This is the start of horse monsters' domesticating. As for normal horses, we already done that.

And just like that, the first day is over. Spot and I didn't do anything. Spot's children are excellent as well. Because they helped the mage riders who are not yet used to riding a horse who fell.

I guess it will take time for the mages and their horses to get along. But I'm sure that by the time we attack the islands north of Varadis, everyone is already getting along well with their horses.

822 The Second Day

The first day is over. It was a sleepless night for some since even at night, the monster won't stop coming.

But it wasn't all that bad. Because we're on the back of a living creature. And we didn't stop moving at all.

Though it was the first time that I see Andro sleeping while flying. Or should I say gliding?

Before it was dark, Andro called me saying that he's going to sleep. He won't know what will happen when he's sleeping so he told me to be careful. He just told me that he should fly straight when he's sleeping.

And as he sleeps, the speed we're moving keeps reducing gradually. And we're also descending a bit gradually. But it was stable on his back as he glides in the night sky. So we're fine until the morning when Andro wakes up.

Even with how loud we are on his back, he didn't wake up at all. Must be a nice sleep.

As for me, I didn't sleep at all. I want to see their plan to fight at night. I'll start sleeping from tonight on Andro's head. Since looking at his sleeping face, it seems like it was a really good sleep and I felt sleepy as well.

It's the morning and Andro had just woken up. There are still some people fighting on his back trying to protect Kron. And there's even a mountain of soil and rocks on his back. I helped the earth mage to bring them there since I was not busy.

After Kron reached master level, we will clean up Andro's back again. All the remains of the fight will be cleaned up properly. Just to make sure that there won't be any other creatures started living there. Other than us. If we need to.


"Oh, right. Andro, did you ever sleep back before you meet me? I don't think with how much pain on your back, it would be easy for you to sleep," I asked Andro curiously.

"Actually, I have never been able to sleep ever since I got an itchy back. After you cleaned my back and scratched it, I started to sleep again. It was such a great sleep that I want to do it again. So, now I would always sleep at night. Especially since the monsters would rarely get close to me at night for some reason. Well, tonight is different, right? But I have you guys to do something even if there are strong monsters coming," Andro said confidently.

"Well, thank you for putting so much trust in us. By the way, do you know any other flying creatures who might be as strong or even stronger than you? It would be great if we have more information on which monster we should be wary of," I said.

"I think all the creatures that I have seen are all weaker than me. At least that's from what I can remember. So you can't really rely on me for that information," Andro said.

"Do you think that there are other Kaiser Dragon like you in this world?" I asked again.

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"If there are any, I think you would have meet them first before I do anyway with those eyes of yours," Andro said.

He's right. I might not be able to see the difference between a giant monster and a mountain if I look at their outer appearance. But with my Divine Vision, I can see their inner organ. Unless those monsters have different color for their blood, I can tell the differences between a mountain and a huge monsters.

If the color of their blood is anything other than red, I will be curious first before I can tell if they are living creatures. I don't know if I will see some other magical sight or not.

After chatting with Andro for a while, I move to his back to see how the others are doing. Just like usual, there are a lot of monsters coming. And everyone is working hard fighting the enemies.

As expected, the first one to get tired is the monsters group. Especially the werewolves and the weretigers.

Thanks to their rivalry, they would go all out from the start. They are still defeating a lot of monsters now. But I can tell that their movements are slightly more sluggish than yesterday. I bet they didn't even take a proper rest.

Then I approached Sunglasses who is riding on a pegasus.

"Hey, Sunglasses. Will that be a problem?" I asked.

"What is?" he asked back.

"I mean the werewolves and the weretigers. They have been fighting non-stop and they started to move more sluggish than yesterday. Instead of fighting the monsters, it's like they are facing each other," I said.

"They follow you, right? Then you can just tell them to do something about it," Sunglasses said.

"Did you forget that you're the one in charge of this operation? Even if they follow me, you are still someone who lead. It's just them who are doing it now. But in the future, there might be more people who won't obey you just because of your position. You have to think of what to do with them," I advised the general of this troop.

"You're right. I'll take care of it. It's a good chance to do it now since there's not many monsters right now. Kayla, you will be in charge temporarily while I take care of this problem."

"Sure. Leave it to me," Kayla replied as Sunglasses is flying toward where Tiger and Shelia is.

Then, Sunglasses gave some order to the werewolves and the weretigers to split into several groups. That way, only some groups will be active while the others will be resting.

"If you do this well, I'll ask Roy to accept any challenge from you. And he won't be able to refuse it," Sunglasses said.

Hearing that only make them more excited. Did he just use me as a bargaining chip?

Well, using whatever means necessary is important to gain victory. In that matter, Sunglasses is doing well.

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...Hey, that offer should only for the weretigers and the werewolves. Why is the other who heard that is getting excited about it?

Though I think I know who will be the first one to challenge me. It would be Kron. He's going to test his new power against me whom he thinks that there won't be any problem at all if he used all his power.

I feel like being a shooting target for his magic. A living and moving one. But that's fine. He also need someone equal or stronger than him to fight so he knows how strong he is currently.

Most of the flying monsters are generally weak. But they are still useful. So the tamer started looking for some who might be stronger than usual, and tame them. I feel like he might be creating another Monsters Village with his tamed monsters.

"Hey, how many more monsters can you tame?"

I approached the tamer and asked him a question.

"Still a lot more. Then I will have at least three open slot for my tamed monsters at all time. In case I encountered some really strong monster. By the way, how about this Kaiser Dragon? Does he want to be under contract?" the tamer asked.

"He said that he doesn't want to. And it's not like we need to. He will help us without the contract anyway. But you can ask him again if you want. Maybe he will change his mind," I said.

"I don't think he will change his mind. But I'll ask him later. Though I don't think he will be able to go to our world easily seeing how big he is," the tamer said.

Yeah. It would take a lot of mana just to move him using portal. As for summoning magic that I can use to my contracted monsters, I don't need to open a portal. But if it's Andro, even if I don't need to open a portal to summon him, it will still take a lot of mana to do it.

I still have one more slot for a monster. I think I want an aquatic monster. Possibly, an amphibious monster like Spot. A monster that can live underwater or on land just fine, but extremely strong.

Like the Kraken maybe? But I think that one is way too dangerous. Maybe someone that I can understand instead of having to force them.

Oh, I can see Spot's children are fighting other sky serpents. Those sky serpents are creatures from this world. Unlike Spot's children who were born and raised on Earth. So they should be more powerful.

But Spot's children managed to defeat them. I guess they are already stronger than the same species from this world.

Wait, they are sea serpents and only a quarter sky serpents. Maybe it's because sea serpents are stronger than sky serpents?

Whatever the case, they are strong. So strong that the tamer is picking a fight with Spot if he could tame any one of them. The tamer gave up when Spot said that he won't help us anymore if he's forcing him or his children to be tamed.

There's no need to make a contract with monsters who are already willing to help us. If the tamer is forcing them to make a contract with him, then I will interfere.

Though I think I might do it soon seeing how the tamer look so angry.

Well, other than that, there's nothing big that needs my interference today as well. I hope this will continue until Kron reach master level.

Be quick, Kron. We don't know when the cult is going to make their move.

823 One Week Later

One week already passed without Kron reaching master level yet. It took one week without seeing any result. But we will continue waiting patiently and protect Kron.

In the past week, I didn't always stay there. I would return back to the circus whenever we stopped at a city to perform. I can do that because it's not like everyone needs my protection at all time.

Everyone is working hard so that they won't need my protection all the time. And even if I'm not there, if they need anything, they can ask Andro to do something about it. Using his intimidation, doing a flip, or whatever he can do, he can protect everyone anyway. Though he hasn't been asked to do anything yet.

It's good that his back is a good place for wind mages to breakthrough. If it's other elements, then we will stay in a place without moving and only have ourselves to rely on.

So, when the others are breaking through, it will be harder than what we're currently experiencing while protecting Kron.

And if it's Carmen, a water mage, then we might need to let her breakthrough to master level underwater. And there's not many of us who can fight underwater. Probably just me, Spot, and Spot's children.

If even Kron needs a long time to reach master level, what about the others? He's good since he's in a place where we can protect him and there won't be many powerful enemies. But what if it's Kayla? Celestine? Candy?

Then what about Angela? She will breakthrough all her four elements. No, they are already fused into one element. She might take the longest to breakthrough later.

Where is the right location for her to do that? And when she's the one who will do it, we have to stop all our operation just to protect her.


At this time, the kings can still ask other agents to do something. But for Angela, someone who will be the strongest mage in our group, to breakthrough, she might lure every dangerous creatures to go for her. And we need more people than ever.

Especially the most dangerous creature. Humans. Even more if those humans are with the cult.

Well, for now, it's Kron's turn. And we can still rest easy with the monsters coming since they are not that strong and everyone can protect him.

When I left for the circus, Victoria stayed behind. And she's riding on Ray as she helped kill many monsters. And that helped me a lot to reach master level in my summoning element.

The master level summoner said that I need to fight strong monsters barehanded when I want to reach master level. But before that, I need to fill my experience first so that I can start doing it. And before my experience point is filled, even if I try to do it, I won't ever be able to reach master level.

At this time, everyone is fighting. So I can just do nothing while the experience is slowly being filled. Having four familiars, seems like I need to get more experience than what the master level summoner needed back when he reached master level summoner.

Victoria and Ray is teaming up since Victoria needed Ray so she can use Aura. Shelia is fighting almost all the time. While Graham, although he's focusing more on healing the injured people, he also helped fighting some monsters when he has the time. So everyone is helping me get experience. But I don't know how much more I needed to reach master level.

And tamer is similar as well. Us summoners and tamers won't take time when we're trying to reach master level. But while the other mages needed to breakthrough by meditating, we need to fight.

"Good job as usual, Roy. We will continue our tour in two days and will probably reach the next city in five. You're going back to Monsters World?"

Burnes asked me after the last show in this city is over. The others are going to prepare to leave and move on to the next city. But as Burnes said, I will return back to Monsters World.

"Yes. I want to witness someone reaching master level. Also, how about the agents who witnessed Kron who is trying to breakthrough? Have you heard anything from them?" I asked.

The cult has a lot of master level mages. and from my experience of witnessing Kron trying to breakthrough to master level, the effect in the surrounding area must be quite large. And that means the cult have a really big territory where they can attempt to breakthrough. And the location is not anywhere that we have gone to before.

I asked the agents to experience the fluctuating of mana from Kron's meditation. Because each time, a mage trying to breakthrough, from beginner to intermediate, from intermediate to advanced, from advanced to expert, and from expert to master level, the quality of mana in the surrounding is different. So the agents who experienced it will try to find any location where they could feel the same.

"They haven't found any. But using this trick might be better than looking around aimlessly. If we decide where our people can attempt to breakthrough, then we just need to look for other place that are not our designated location and have the agents investigating those places. By the way, how about you? You helped everyone trying to breakthrough before. But I have never heard of anyone helping you trying to breakthrough. You're also an air mage, right? An expert level one at that. So you must have needed some protection," Burnes asked.

"I did it in Monsters Village. Everyone is happy that I tried to do it without asking the humans for help. So that the werewolves can have all the enemies for themselves," I said.

And as an air mage, the fluctuating mana doesn't seem to be that much difference than normal air. So no one would imagine that someone is actually attempting to breakthrough. This is something I know after I returned to the past. In my past life, I know no such thing at all.

And when I attempted to breakthrough, there weren't that many monster waves. So the werewolves were quite disappointed. Even the monsters who came are not that strong. They are just more sensitive to the atmosphere around them.

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"Must be great to be close to you. For us to reach expert level, we can't just ask you to help easily. Because we're also considered as our kingdom's army even though we mostly did things behind the scenes. We have our prides. So we can't just ask you to help us breakthrough. There are other reason but you don't need me to tell you that, right?"

Burnes is right. I don't need him to tell me why he won't ask me for help.

It's so that they can be independent.

I have said it before, and I will keep saying it again in the future. I have no more plan after the cult is destroyed other than having a peaceful life. So if the kingdoms can take care of their problem on their own, that would be perfect.

After I bid my farewell to Burnes and the other circus members, I returned back to Monsters World. To Victoria's location. Who is actually moving around quite a lot because there are more monsters than before.

So right after I opened the portal, Victoria who actually noticed it didn't care and just fight the monsters while riding on Ray's back. And I who entered the portal just free falling to the ground since we're already quite a bit away from Andro's back.

And before any monsters could enter the portal, I closed it.

"Oh, everyone is busy. Even though it's night, the monsters still coming in waves," I said while free falling.

I can just walk or run on air. But I want to check the ocean underneath us to see if there's anything wrong with it. So I just let gravity to its job.

Everyone who was flying was shocked when they see that someone is falling. But when they realized that it was me, they returned their focus back to the monsters they are facing.

Does that mean they put so much trust on me? Or do they wish for my demise? I don't think they want me dead, so they just have a lot of trust in me.

I checked the ocean and see that nothing is wrong around. I thought that maybe if the cult has a sea monster who noticed us, they would ask the monster to follow us closely. But I didn't see anything that is chasing us at all. So I guess we're fine from the cult.

As I opened another portal to Victoria's location, this time, I didn't let myself free falling to the ocean. I just run and sat on Ray's back. With Victoria sitting in front of me while fighting monsters.

"Anything strange when I'm gone?" I asked Victoria.

"Except the fact that the master level tamer turned crazy after taming so many monsters? Everything is normal?" Victoria said.

So the problem is not the monsters moving toward Kron. But it might be the tamer who is the problem.

Well, let's see if I can do something about it.

824 The Tamer is Going Insane

The tamer has turned mad. Being in this world, he tamed so many monsters that now, if all the tamed monsters are landed, they could cover a small part of Andro's back.

I need to remind everyone that Kaiser is as huge as a continent. So those monsters, if gathered together, they would be more than enough to cover several cities.

Most of them are flying monsters though. Some of them are stronger than most, but they are still not that strong.

And the tamer himself doesn't care about what his tamed monsters were doing. Even when we don't know which monsters are tamed and which aren't, and we ended up killing his tamed monsters, he just doesn't care.

In fact, he was happier that he will have more open slot for even stronger monsters that he could find. Even if those stronger monsters died, he was still happy.

"It will be bad if he continue thinking that monsters are expendable. We need to put him in his place," I said to myself.

"How? And in this situation?" Victoria asked.

"I think we still have some leeway for that," I said.

Tamer has more slots for monsters than us summoners. But even then, they still have their limits. Probably since he's already reached master level, and also an expert level in ice element, we still can't see his limit yet.


But if he keeps letting monsters be used as expendables, it will be bad. Because then we can't really trust him to fight with us. After all, we have a lot of monsters.

And what if he keep doesn't care about anything? Maybe even letting humans die and he can pretends to be the king of the monsters.

I can't have that. I'm already the king of the monsters here. We don't need two.

Now that I think about it, I have never fought against him, right? Even if the timing is bad right now, that doesn't mean that I shouldn't do it. But should I be the one doing it?

As I thought so, I can see the tamer has an evil smile on his face after he stabbed some sort of large bird-type monster on its body. The monster didn't die. And the tamer used that chance when the monster is so weak to tame it.

Even after being tamed, the monster is still dying. So the tamer asked an angel to heal that monster.

Then, while focusing on healing the monster, the angel didn't notice that the tamer is approaching him with two spears in both hands. He's going to attack even the angel? To make him submit?

I can't watch it any longer. So I transformed Victoria into a sniper rifle and shoot the tamer on his arm. While making sure that the wound would not leave a permanent injury on his body.

But the tamer was quick to react. He used his spear to block the bullet. But what he didn't expect was that there's another bullet shot even though there's only one sound of gunshot.


Seeing the tamer injured, the others nearby stopped momentarily. Including the angel who have just healed the monster that just got tamed.

Kayla was the first to react. Seeing that the wound on the tamer's hand is from a bullet, something she's familiar with since she's the one who has been fighting alongside me the longest other than Angela, she looked at me for a moment and instantly realized what happened.

"Ignore him! Roy will take care of it!" Kayla shouted.

Just by saying that I will take care of it, everyone resumed their battle and ignored the tamer. Even the angel closest to him who was about to heal the tamer stopped. He didn't heal the tamer even when the tamer asked for it.

I approached the tamer who is still asking to be healed.

"Hey, are you crazy? Have you gone mad?" I asked the tamer after telling thee angel to stay and not to heal the tamer.

"Me? What about you? You shot your own ally?" the tamer complained.

While we're making a conversation, the summoner and several centaurs came over. They can't fly so they just watched us while the others are busy in the air.

"And you tried to harm an angel to tame him without asking for his permission. Didn't I tell you that you can tame anyone in the Monsters Village as long as you get their permission? You tried to tame an angel who is healing a monster you just tamed without asking for consent. Who betrays who?" I asked.


The tamer can't say anything. Why did he do this? Did he really think that with more monsters, he can do anything?

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"...Does it matter why?"

"Fine. I won't ask you anything else. But I will show you that just because you have a lot of monsters, you won't be able to do everything," I said.

"You think you can?" the tamer asked me as if to challenge me.

"Not me. I'll get the vampires to fight you and your monster army. There are only twenty vampires here. While you have tamed more than fifty in the past week. You can fight as well. But for the vampires, they can't ask for help. Not even from me," I said.

Then I informed the others about what happened, and asked the vampires to fight. The monsters that the tamer had are not something that he really cares. So I don't mind if they got killed as well.

"Are you sure to do it right now?" Arin asked.

"Just because he has more numbers doesn't mean that he is the strongest. We already experienced a lot of it ever since we picked a fight against the cult. We're almost always outnumbered by the enemy, but we always won. If that tamer continued thinking of using monsters as sacrifices instead of letting them grow, he won't get any stronger. So we'll show him here and now that he can't do much even with so many monsters. Hey, summoner over there! This is also for you so you won't get complacent just because you have an entire tribe of monster with you," I said to the summoner as well.

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"Don't worry. I already know a lot about it since the centaurs often told me how they could lose against even the angels. I won't become like him. Also, hit him as hard as possible to put him in his place," the summoner said with no mercy.

"Arin, you heard that? Then, if both sides are ready, you can start fighting. You can heal him and his monsters now," I said to the angel who was almost get tamed.

He reluctantly healed the tamer and then stood next to me to watch the fight.

Soon the two sides started fighting. The tamer with no strategy at all just used number against the vampires. While the vampires only send five people to fight. Arin didn't do anything and just watch. As for those five, the Vampire Duke who was following the Vampire King before is leading. I think her name is Car... something. Carlos? I don't think so.

"Oh, Carrie is leading the other vampires to fight," Victoria commented.

Right! Her name is Carrie. And as of now, he's the second strongest vampire in the group. Only second after Arin.

Just five vampires and they can easily kill the monsters that the tamer has tamed. And Carrie herself is facing the tamer one on one.

The vampire with her blood sword, and the tamer with his two spears. The winner is obvious even if the tamer used ice magic to fight as well. And the vampires gained victory.

...Which the tamer couldn't accept.

"They are just stronger than average monsters! If I could tame them, I would get even stronger!" the tamer shouted.

"Really? But they lost a lot against our expert level mages though. You're a master level tamer who trained his body, and also an expert level ice mage. but you still lose even when those vampires kept losing against Shirley when she only used her ice magic. She's better at her wind magic though. Doesn't that mean you're just weak? This is why I'm going to put you in place so you won't cross the line again," I said.

All the monsters that he tamed during the time he's here are dead. He's on his own. Though he still has his centaur and his horse.

He still hasn't given up. Why though? What happened during the time he stayed in the village in the Magicless Area to make him the most stubborn person who seeks to be the strongest?

"He's always like that. As soon as he entered the village back then, he said that he's the strongest. He even brought hundreds of monsters with him. Though we killed all his monsters. Then he decided to improve his physical strength.

Oh, he's a lost cause from the start, huh?

If he got defeated by monsters, then he will make an excuse that if he could tame the monsters, he could be the strongest. In the end, we need a human to stop him.

And that human will be me since I'm the strongest.

And as soon as I thought of that, he tried to make a contract with another monster. The biggest monster here. Andro. He tried to use his magic while he's away from Andro's head.

Well, technically, we're still on a part of Andro's body. So his taming magic might work.

...Now what? Will we end up fighting Andro?

I need to stop him fast!

825 Andro's Anger


All of a sudden, a shout infused with powerful intimidation can be heard by everyone here. Not only the monsters stopped fighting. They also lost their consciousness.

The same happened to the humans as well. Except for Kron who is focused on his meditation so he can't afford to pay attention to other things.

Some lost their consciousness. Some barely managed to stay conscious. Even a few master level mages had to drop to their knee.

Maybe because they trained their mentality, they can still stay conscious after kicking their horses to not faint. Like Sunglasses, Kayla, and some others.

But with just one shout, everything stopped. Andro is so powerful.

As for the tamer, seems like the recoil from failed forceful taming hit him hard as he started vomiting blood. That's pathetic.

Just because he's powerful doesn't mean that there's no other more powerful beings than him. And now, he learned it.

Without any magic, any physical strength, or any other power. Just a shout. Filled with killing intent enough to make anyone lose their consciousness.


This is strength as well. Power to make anyone lose their will to fight.

As for me, I'm perfectly fine. Victoria and Ray as well. And Spot is flying around trying to get everyone who is falling to the ocean because they lost their consciousness mid-air. Including his own children.

I guess we're all those who have experienced Andro's intimidation at full-power when we first met. Excluding Ray. Though for him, he's the closest one to death because he's an Abyss Horse. Maybe killing intent doesn't work on him.

And so, I walked toward the vomiting tamer.

"I have been around a lot of monsters ever since I first met the werewolves. They have their own civilization. And they are smart. They also have a lot of pride. So it would be difficult for them to agree to be your subordinate. I got two of my familiars by luck. And the other two, I got them to respect me after I fought them. You can beat any monster and give them order. But the stronger their mentality is, the more they will refuse the order that they don't like. Don't you remember about what I told everyone before? About the tamed dragons in those islands?" I asked the tamer.

There are four dragons in that island before. Fire dragon, wind dragon, ice dragon, and earth dragon. They are so strong. But because of their luck, they had no choice but to be under someone weaker than them.

If possible, they would try to break the contract binding them. But that's difficult. Just disobeying some orders already took a lot of effort from them. And they said to me that if they put more effort, they will end up losing their mind instead. And they will be mindless monsters who will obey their master's order.

The tamer here, mostly got his monsters to make contract with him after he hurt them until they are unable to fight. Except for a very few.

But just because of that, his power gets into his head and he started to think that with so many monsters under him, there won't be anyone who can win against him.

Well, he's wrong. And he even lost against a few vampires. All the monsters that he make a contract with ever since we came here, are dead. Only leaving a centaur and several horses with him.

And from the look of it, the centaur seem disappointed to his master. But he can't do anything about it. Because that centaur lost against the tamer in a fair fight.

"Now you know, right? There's no such thing as omnipotent power. Even master level mages can still be killed. And monsters can still refuse your contract magic even if you are a master level tamer," I said.

"But that's just one angel! No matter how many of them obeying you, I can't just trust them to obey you willingly when they're not under contract. If I can tame everyone, it will be safer for us, right?" the tamer asked as if he was begging me.

"Then they will grow to hate us instead of the cult. And we can't trust those who hate us, right? Also, the monsters have their own reason why they joined us. It was mostly because they love fighting the most. But that's not the case for everyone," I said.

The werewolves, weretigers, and probably the centaurs as well, they love fighting. They will never back down from a fight unless their king, me, told them to. Though I don't know if the centaur has declared that I'm their king or not. But if I defeat the summoner who made a contract with the strongest centaur, I think they will.

As for the angels, they were forced at first. But now, after seeing Graham's sister's condition, they hate the cult to the bone. I heard that she's slowly recovering. Though she still can't speak and doesn't know who she is.

For the elves, it was mostly because of gratitude. And the fact that the creature they worshiped is Sunny. Lina's familiar. So they want to be as close to Sunny as possible.

There are other various monsters as well at first. But due to various reasons, after they stayed for a while in Monsters Village, they left. Probably because they feel different since they are the only one from their race. So they left with some Blobbies saying that if we want their help, we can ask them.

...Though I think I will forget about them soon. If only they stayed in Monsters Village, then I would be able to remember them. But they left.

At least we know some more monsters. And if they can find their own tribe and bring them to the Monsters Village, that would be great.

"Anyway, stop thinking of what you're doing. No more taming our friends. Because if you do, they will think of you as an enemy instead. But if you want to tame them, you can just ask them. If they are the kind who will obey those stronger than them, then you can defeat them like what you did to the centaur," I said.

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Though I think for that centaur, even though he's tamed by the tamer, he will put the summoner as priority since the summoner make a contract with the leader of the centaurs.

"You're not in a condition to fight. So just rest for now. The others also took a lot of effort to protect themselves from Andro's intimidation. From now, until all of you have recovered enough to fight on your own, I will fight. Those who can still move are free to fight as well," I said.

As I said so, Spot returned. His children has regained their consciousness. Because they fell to the ocean. They're fine because they're sea serpents.

As for Spot, he returned with other monsters and people on his back. All of them returned back to Andro's back feeling exhausted.

"You hear me, Spot? How about you show your children how strong their father is? There's a large group of monsters coming here. Let's get the other rest for a moment so we are free to fight as many as we want," I said.

"Yeah. They seem to grow cocky after fighting some weaklings. I will show my children the strength they need to aim," Spot said.

"Good. Though I have some other business first. You can go ahead to that place where most of them are gathered. It will be best if you can defeat all of them on your own though," I said as I pointed to the right side of Andro where many monsters are coming from.

I think because of Andro's powerful intimidation, the ones coming are stronger than before. But this is fine.

Other than me and Spot, there are some others who can still fight. Like Angela, Shelia, Graham, and Tiger. Just like Spot, they fly toward where he's going.

As for me, I rode Ray's back and run forward to Andro's head. He might still be angry. So I need to apologize for the rude behavior of the tamer to a friend.

"Hey, Andro. Sorry about before. He's acting up because he tamed too many monsters these past few days," I said.

"And then he didn't get enough so he tried to tame me? That's rude, don't you think?" Andro asked back.

"Don't worry. Because of your intimidation, I'm sure that he won't do that again," I replied.

I also told the summoner to get his centaur ask the tamer if he will do it again or not. Until the tamer can truthfully say that he won't do it again, he won't be put into action anymore.

"That's good. But because of me, many are fallen from my back, right? I feel a bit lighter now," Andro said.

"We got Spot to capture them all before they fall to their death, so it's fine. Also, it shows how powerful the cult is. If someone like you will end up getting killed by them in the future, then what we have right now is still not enough. They were discussing something before I left. As for Kron, what you did didn't disturb him at all. He's still focusing on breaking through," I said.

I think from now on, unless they are crazy, there won't be anyone thinking of doing the same thing as the tamer did. Trying to tame our own friends. So it will be fine.

Now, let's show everyone how strong I am... not.

Spot and the others have defeated all the monsters coming. I guess I still won't have my turn now.

826 My Turn

Now that the ones fighting are much fewer in number than before, they can go wild. And that resulted in how easy it seems for them all to defeat the monsters.

"I see. So for Angela to be able to use her hundred percent of strength, she needs to at least have that much distance from other people. Or we can get all the durable mages and monsters be with her so she doesn't need to mind them when she's casting her magic."

That's what Sunglasses said after seeing Angela's fighting without his order. Or should I say hearing the report from Sonia?

As he said, Angela can move more freely without given an order. But whether or not that is good for the bigger picture, I don't know. But Sunglasses can figure out what he needs to do to let Angela use all her strength in the future battle.

"By the way, those are not her full strength at all. If I have to say, it's just twenty five percent since she only used one element instead of combining it with her other elements. She hasn't even used multiple element at once other than for flying and other magic. So she still hasn't shown you her full strength yet," I said.

Angela is too strong for an expert level mage. She could even kill a master level mage easily. Breaking their magic barrier and kill them. Unless they are really powerful master level mage and not the weak ones.

I have nothing to do. Angela, Spot, and the others are defeating all the monsters coming from that side. And there's no other monsters coming, so I'm just on standby.

The others are still tired after experiencing Andro's intimidation. Some who have experienced it are better. But most of them, even the master level mages, have never experienced it. So they feel exhausted after experiencing it once.

And I got curious. They became master level mage without having many experience in real battle? Or is it that the battle in their era is not as intense as it is today? Or maybe it's just Andro's intimidation which is too strong?


And I can't forget that these people decided to left their time as a mages and focus more on their physical strength in the last hundred years or so. Maybe living too peacefully dulled their fighting spirit.

I'm not interested in their past. I just want to know if they can really help us in future battle or not. Especially since the tamer had just done something crazy.

They have passed Albert's lie detection test. But that doesn't mean their feelings won't change. That's why we never expected that the tamer would do something like that to our own ally.

Then I noticed that another larger group of monsters is coming from the other side.

I looked around first and see that everyone is still resting and just watching Angela and the others fight. I guess I'll do it alone then.

"Sunglasses, there's another group coming from the other side. Since you all need to rest, I'll do it by myself," I said.

"Hmm... I can't sense it at all. Must be nice having Divine Vision. How about you bring Sonia with you to watch? She can carry that magic tool called camera, and you can bring the television here so we can watch. You want to show the tamer and the others as well how strong you are so they won't dare to betray you, right?I think doing it this way is a good idea," Sunglasses said.

I agree with him. So I opened a portal and grabbed a camera, only for Albert and the others found out about it. So they wanted to watch as well.

Because of the development of the phone, Marie managed to send magical signal all the way from Monsters World, or the Moon, to the Earth. So they can watch it live from wherever they are.

I returned back to Andro's back carrying a camera for Sonia and a large TV. Now everyone can watch me fight.

After that, I rode on Ray's back together with Sonia toward the enemies. With Victokatana in my hand and the magic armor covered my body.

When I get close to the enemies, I jumped from Ray's back. I will fight on my own here.

Ray, with Sonia riding him, took some distance so the camera can capture everything.

I looked at the monsters coming. There are about a hundred of them. And they seem to be stronger than the previous monsters the others have been fighting before.

But I don't care. All I need to know is how I could defeat the most monsters with one slash. Should I swing the sword horizontally? Vertically? Or diagonally?

I didn't use Reizpear to show the tamer, who have seen my spear technique, that I can still fight so well.

I found out soon enough that I can kill the most monsters if I swing the sword vertically, I can kill a lot of monsters with one attack.

Using my Aura filled sword, I swung the sword powerfully. And I cut down a lot of monsters.

Some of them didn't die right away. But since I cut their wings that made them able to fly, they will die anyway if they fall to the ocean.

I looked at Sonia and see that she's in a good position to show how strong I am. I'm sure everyone can see it.

But I didn't stop. As soon as I finished with that one slash, I swung my sword again. This time, I swung it diagonally.

And just like that, with two slashes, there are less than half of the monsters coming. It wasn't hard.

"This guy is a freak of nature! No wonder someone killed all the Aura users to extinction in the past. They are scared of someone like him to appear!"

Sonia commented while broadcasting the fight. I guess it's to tell everyone how she feels. And she actually feels proud because she was an Aura user.

Then she started commenting on how Aura users was so great in the past. And for some reason, Victoria is gone and changed into Blobbysword. As for Victoria herself, she's with Sonia on Ray's back adding her own opinion on the matter.

Let's ignore them. Now there are only twenty monsters left. And I killed them all with ease before I returned back to Andro's back.


I asked everyone who is looking at me as soon as I returned. Including Angela and the others who have finished their fight right before I arrived to where my enemies were.

I guess they must be shocked to see how strong I am. Though some were thinking that it's natural for me to be that strong.

"If I went alone and no one is following me, I can do better than that and faster than that. I just don't want anyone to get hurt," Spot said.

"Yeah, if it's you, I'm sure you can use your breath attack to destroy everything. Anyway, does anyone else feel the atmosphere is changing?" I asked.

Unlike before I left Andro's back, it feels like something has changed from before.

Everyone also felt the same. Then the master level wind mage gave us the answer.

"Oh, so soon! It's from Kron. As he was about to breakthrough the bottleneck, the mana in the surrounding area became thicker. In about an hour, he will be a master level mage," the master level wind mage said.

Finally! It took him about one week to reach master level! And it's already faster than others normally. So this is really great!

"But this means that even stronger monsters will come in large numbers. Everyone, be careful," the master level wind mage said.

Well, more monsters and stronger as well. Then it should be good for the tamer to come.

"So, Tamer, what will you do? If you still think of harming or taming your own allies without permission, then I will open a portal and bring you somewhere. If you promise that you will never do it again, then I can allow you to fight here and tame the monsters that will be coming," I asked the Tamer.

"I promise. I won't do anything that harm our friends anymore and I will ask for permission next time I'm trying to tame any monsters in the alliance," the tamer said.

Then I looked at the centaur leader who was tamed by the summoner to see if the tamer speak the truth or there's still some doubt in his words.

"It's the truth. There's no doubt at all in his words," the centaur said.

"Good. Then you can tame as many monsters as you want. Sunglasses, let's do it!"

"Alright. Everyone is still seem tired because of Andro's intimidation. So I want you to help as well," Sunglasses asked for my help. Which I agree to do it willingly.

For now, thanks to the previous two groups got defeated by us, we have a bit of time before the next and probably the last wave coming.

And finally, after about thirty minutes of waiting, they finally arrive.

"...They came from every direction. From the left, right, front, back, above, and below. Don't worry about the monsters at the front since Andro will use his breath attack to kill them all. We only need to focus on the rest," I said.

Being surrounded from all directions, even from above and below, means that we will have to be split up. But it's fine. I'm confident that we can protect Kron without any casualties.

827 Finally Reached Master Level

"So the plan is for Roy and Angela to take the enemies below. And above will be Spot and his children. The front will mostly taken care of by Andro. But some of the monsters might pass him by. Randy's group will take care of them. As for the rest, Kayla's group, Candy's group, and the monsters, will take care of the monsters from the side and the back. There's no more need to hold your strength since Kron is supposed to breakthrough soon. Just go all out," Sunglasses said.

Everyone has slightly recovered after they felt Andro's intimidation. So they will fight.

I wonder if Andro's intimidation triggered Kron to reach master level sooner. If so, then I think for other people to reach master level, they need to do it here.

Though it's just a guess. But if it's true, that would be great.

Maybe for the next wind mage who will attempt to reach master level, I'll ask Andro to use that intimidation soon after the one making an attempt started meditating.

If my guess is correct, then we can get more master level mage faster. But I'll ask Kron himself if his stage is already solid or not because of Andro's intimidation. Because if it's not, then it's better to not do it in the future. And doing it on Andro's back will be a bad idea.

But if it's true, it could also means that the more dangerous the situation is, the faster that the mages can breakthrough to master level. Maybe putting someone in danger is the right answer.

Though for that, we just need Andro to use his intimidation. Or maybe me since I have learned to focus my intimidation only on one target. While Andro just used his intimidation on everywhere in his surrounding.

In any case, what we need to do now is to protect Kron. He should be able to reach master level within thirty minutes more or less. And after that, there wil still be monsters coming.


Though it's good for everyone to gain some experience, they have been fighting for a week already. Maybe I'll return the all home first before I kill the rest of the monsters myself.

Angela rode on Ray's back with me after we jumped down from Andro's back. Seems like Sunglasses know that Angela is best staying with anyone who can handle how strong she is.

Though I wonder why I didn't get picked to take care of the enemies above. I think Spot and his children is better to fight below Andro since they can also fly as fast as possible to help our allies who are falling to the ocean.

"I think it's because of your Divine Vision. With your eyes, you can see if there are anyone who is falling. Also, for those above, it will be hard for them to detect any enemies from below simply because Andro is too big. It even need a few seconds of free falling for someone from Andro's back to reach the bottom of his foot. That's how big he is. And you can handle anyone fast enough. Even if you can't reach them in time with Ray, you have portal," Victoria said.

"I see. I guess Sunglasses has thought about it. And we also have to protect Andro's belly from any attack as well. While the monsters above will focus more on Kron. Oh, right. I need to tell Andro that he is free to fly a bit faster as long as the flight is stable," I said.

I took out my phone and called Andro to tell him that he can fly a bit faster. With this, it will be hard for monsters from behind to catch up.

I also told Sunglasses to not let anyone fly too far because too many of them are slower than Andro. But if it's Ray, Angela, Spot, and his children, they can catch up quickly.

I guess that's why Sunglasses told us to fight those above and below.

Andro picked up some pace as the monsters are trying to catch up to him. I can also see that Andro is breathing in a lot of air. He's going to use his breath attack.

Even without using Divine Vision, I can see the destruction caused by Andro's breath. Good thing I told him to never get his head looking toward where the Monsters Village is. Or we won't know when the village is gone all of a sudden.

"Well, the monsters are closing in. Angela, let's go!"

Angela who was sitting behind me jumped from Ray's back and flies on her own. As for me, I will continue fighting while still on riding on Ray. It's faster this way.

The battle under Andro's belly started. With a lot of magic used by Angela. Even a simple Fireball from her is enough to destroy a wyvern's wing now. So she just used as many small magic as possible. She's not fighting like how she fought with Spot and the others before.

I guess the number is just too much for her to go all out right away. So she will reserve some mana before even stronger monsters approaching.

I also fought with my Reizpear. Using the Twisted Spear technique fused with my Aura as an Aura Master, I pierced through a lot of enemies. A lot of them are falling to the ocean. But there are still a lot of them left.

I also don't want to spend too much power using Aura like this too many times. So I fought them normally instead of using powerful technique like before.

"You're using Reizpear like a lance now?" Victoria asked.

"Yes. It's simple. I just need to aim the spear forward, and when I see the target, I'll just thrust to their vitals and pull it back. It's easy and simple. And I don't need to waste a lot of times since Ray will continue going for the next enemy," I said.

While saying that, I killed five monsters already. This make it so easy.

"I am the second best stabber in the world!" I shouted.

"Second? Why not the first?" Victoria asked.

"I'm not a tailor!"

Obviously, being a tailor means that they have to stab a needle over and over again. And no matter how much I train, I don't think I can surpass how many times any tailor has pierced their needle through a piece of cloth.

We don't know how long we have been fighting. Maybe thirty minutes as we estimated before, or maybe much longer than that. We don't care. We just need to make sure that Kron can reach master level safely.

And all of a sudden, we all feel something happening on Andro's back. We can feel the change in the mana before it finally stopped fluctuating.

Angela, Ray, Victoria, and I, and even the monsters, are all looking up to where the source of it. When the change of the mana in the surrounding suddenly stopped. All of us just look up from under Andro's back.

"He finally did it. We finally have an extra master level mage. And his name is Kron," I said.

"Finally! Now, what should we do?" Victoria asked.

"Still the same as before. Kill all the monsters that we see! Even if he has reached master level, the monsters won't stop coming for a while," I said.

I looked at Angela who is still stopping mid-air instead of continuing the fight.

"Angela, you can go up there now. I'll take care of things here. I'm sure you're curious to see Kron, right? And you must have a lot of questions to him. Leave everything here to me. I'll take care of them all before I come up," I said.

Angela then nodded before she flies on her own to where Kron is. I don't think Kron is ready to fight yet. He should be adjusting the new level and his body. because his strength should be the same as other master level mages by now. So he needs to be careful just to move around.

"Then you can run on your own. I'll fight with Ray's help," Victoria said.


Then we split up. Victoria and Ray on one side, and I'm on another side.

Now that Kron has safely reached master level, there's no more need for us to hold back. So I used powerful techniques to defeat dozens of them at once.

In a few minutes, there's no more monsters for us to fight. So I opened a portal to someone on Andro's back so we can get there right away.

I can see that Kron is getting some guidance from other master level mages to adapt to his new strength. His physical strength and magic strength.

"There are still monsters coming. How about you test it on them?" Sunglasses suggested.

And so, everyone stopped to see how strong Kron is. Except for the tamer who is still taming monsters that are coming. We killed a lot of his tamed monsters after all.

Then there are other monsters who don't care about Kron reaching master level. They just want to fight.

As for Spot and his children, they are still above us in the sky. I guess I'll take care of the rest of the monsters then. The ones on the opposite side of where Kron will be going.

828 Time to Go Home

"Kron, which way will you go? I'll take the other side," I asked Kron.

Ha had just reached master level and he's going to fight the monsters to adapt with his new strength.

And when he's going to fight the enemies on one side, I will take care of the other side. Because everyone is still there wishing to see how powerful a master level mage is. A real master level mage who also learned magic control.

So unlike other master level mages we managed to recruit, everyone's expectation of Kron's strength is that he's much stronger than ordinary master level mages. It's even to the point that the master level mages here are interested in seeing how strong Kron is.

As for me, I experienced it firsthand. Not just master level mage. But it was an Aura Master and a mage who has reached the stage beyond master level. Timmy.

I know how strong he is. And even without learning magic control, he could be that strong. So I don't think Kron's magic will be stronger than Timmy even if their elements are different.

I'm a bit curious, but there's something I need to do first. To take care of the monsters. And it's not like I have to see how strong he is.

I don't care how strong he is. I just want to know if he's stronger than the cult's strongest mage. So even if he used powerful magic, much stronger than he could use previously, I still wish him to get stronger. Strong enough to defeat the organization who will destroy the world.

So unless someone finally reached the stage beyond master level, then there's no need for me to be watching them unless it's necessary. What I know is that we have someone powerful now.


"I'll go to the right side of Andro. Spot and... are those his children? They are above, right? And you just came up from below. So It's either right side or the left. I'll pick the right," Kron said.

"Then I'll pick the left side after I tell Andro that he can fly freely now," I said.

Then I opened a portal to Andro's head and told him that Kron has reached master level.

"Hey, Andro. Thanks for the ride. Kron has finally reached master level," I said.

"That's good, right? I just don't want anyone to mess with me like before. As long as you remind your friends to not try to harm me or make a contract with me, feel free to call me for help. I know that at least there are several other people among you who will breakthrough on my back again. When that happens, just contact me first before they can start breaking through. Or I might get disturbed by something on my back and do barrel roll," Andro said.

Barrel roll is something that Victoria taught Andro. It's some kind of air maneuver for something called a plane from her world. Or it's a winged vehicle that can fly.

And she taught it to Andro. And ever since then, Andro would do it once in a while. Especially when there's something on his back that annoy him greatly.

It's good to get rid of monsters landing on his back. They will have to fall and have to fly on their own.

But if Andro do a Barrel Roll while everyone is on his back like right now, then they all will fall. And if Andro did it fast enough and get to below those who are falling, everyone might hit his back again as he returned to his original position. It's because he's too big. And then everyone might die from the damage.

Though now that almost everyone has flying horses, it should be fine. But if those horses are too slow, it will be too late if such things happened.

"Well, that's that. Now you are free to fly anywhere you want. I will take care of the monsters coming before we leave," I said.

"Okay. Once everyone leaves, just tell me so that I can do a Barrel Roll," Andro said.

...It seems like he loves doing a Barrel Roll. Not because it removes everything attached on his back, but he just loves flying like that.

Well, as long as he enjoys it, that's fine with me.

I fly with Ray to where the monsters are and started killing them one by one. They are not organized and it's easy to kill them. And I don't want to use too much Aura to kill them. Stabbing them with a lance is better.

I didn't just stab the lance. I also practiced properly. After all, this is a weapon that I have never used before. Though it is similar to a spear.

So, I tried using it with my right hand, left hand, swing it, and even throwing it. Though I think transforming Victolance to something else before swinging it or throwing it is better. But it's lance training after all.

Lance and horse-riding. I never thought that there's a deadly combination like that. Though it has an obvious weakness. Which is that it's weak against an attack from behind.

But that can be taken care of if the horse is fast enough to not get caught up with an attack from behind.

And I even tested how I can fight with two lances on both hands. Not a lance and a shield, but lances on both hands.

"You are weird. But it works against multiple enemies because you're a powerful Aura Master," Victoria commented about how I used two lances.

"Right. Well, I think if it's me or any other Aura users in the past, they can just use any kind of weapons while riding a horse or other mount. Because we can simply attack from distance with a swing of any weapon," I said.

Maybe in Victoria's era, or even long before that, there are many Aura users who fought while riding on horses. Though they have all died. So I guess I will not be able to find the truth for that. Not that I care.

I killed all the monsters here. But seems like Kron has finished taking care of the rest of the monsters on the other side as he came here afterward.

"You're slow, Roy!"

The Sexiest Game Of 2023! Not For Kids



От Рианны до Ким Кардашьян — это 5 самых богатых женщин-миллиардеров


Reaching master level in his wind element, his flying speed is much faster than before. I wonder if he's faster than Ray or not.

"Have you checked above? I think Spot and his children are still there," I said while pointing up to the sky. Though we're in the sky already.

"Yeah, I'll go there right now. I think I will ask Spot for a spar after this. The others are waiting. Why don't you return them all first?"

Kron didn't challenge me but Spot instead? Well, that's fine with me. I don't need to fight him then. And since he didn't ask me, I won't watch their fight as well.

"Have you adjusted to your strength yet?" I asked.

"A bit. Even my ice element is now stronger than before while it's still in expert level. As for wind, well, I think I'm already stronger than other master level wind mages who joined our alliance. Though it won't be for long, I guess. I know my limit. I'm sure that the others will become stronger than me. But for now, I'll enjoy being the strongest mage we have," Kron said as he flies to the sky. To where Spot's children are fighting other monsters.

I think it will be over soon. So I returned back to where the others are. Then I transported the monsters back to Monsters Village. As for the humans, they said that they're going to wait for Kron to returns.

"He said that he's going to challenge Spot. Maybe they're fighting right now already," I said.

As soon as I said that, Kron and the serpent family come over. I guess they will fight after resting a bit.

"Roy, he said that he's challenging me. Where should we fight?" Spot asked.

"Wherever you want. You both can fly, so I'm sure you don't want to fight in a restricted location, right? Or is there any other requirement that you want?" I asked.

"I'm going to show my children how strong I am. But I'm worried that someone will be injured. So I want you to get as many angels as possible just in case," Spot said.

"Then stay close to the Monsters Village and you two can fight tomorrow after you both rested enough. Go to the sea where you raced Ray before and fight in the sky near there or to the plain close to the village. Bring as many angels as you want. Also, some other monsters might want to watch. So maybe get them to ride on your children's back so they can watch together. That would be great," I said.

"Okay. I guess you don't want to watch. Then take us to Monsters Village now," Spot said.

"What about you, Kron? Will you stay in Monsters Village?" I asked.

"Hmm... I'm hungry. I'll return to Cassau then. How long has it been?" Kron asked.

"A week," I replied.

"No wonder I'm starving. I'll fight tomorrow, the summoner can take me to Monsters Village tomorrow," Kron said.

It seems like the summoner wanted to come and watch. I guess that means I don't have to bring them there myself. That's good.

And so, after I brought everyone back, I returned to the circus. I hope after watching how powerful Kron has become, the others will focus on getting even stronger.

829 The Second Master Level Mage

The day after Kron reached master level, I'm still with the circus. I didn't bring Kron and the others back to Monsters Village for Kron's battle against Spot. It's because there is already someone else to bring them there. The Centaur Summoner.

After Kron reached master level, I brought everyone back to Cassau. Just the humans. Not the monsters.

As for the monsters, I brought them all back to Monsters Village. Except for Andro who is too big.

All the monsters, including the monsters that the Tamer during the time we were protecting Kron, were all brought to Monsters Village. He managed to tame quite a lot of monsters even after the vampires killed all his tamed monsters. He's quite good.

Those tamed monsters were not that smart. They can't communicate with humans, and they only move instinctively. But now that they have been tamed, they will obey Tamer's order to not attack other monsters and just hunt their own food near the Monsters Village.

Even if they do attack other monsters, they will be the one to die. They are not that strong anyway. Just stronger than average flying monsters. But compared to the other residents of the village, they are much weaker.

Though if they aimed for the centaurs who can't fight their enemies from long distance, then they can still win with hit and run tactic.

Anyway, even though it's time for Kron to fight Spot, I didn't bring them to Monsters Village. And it's the Summoner who will transport them.

He might have just only one familiar. The leader of the centaurs. But that centaur is in Monsters Village, so it's easy for the Summoner to go there right away bringing everyone who wants to watch.


And after the battle is over, the Summoner can bring everyone back to Cassau. If they need someone to bring them to another location, then they can ask me later.

I'm not interested in seeing a match. It happened too many times that I got bored of it. I don't want to watch

Gaining experience by watching the fight? That might be the case for other people. But I'm an air mage and a summoner. I'm also an Aura user.

As a summoner, I just need to get my familiars to fight. It's easy.

As an air mage, I'm the one who invented how to use air magic during a battle. I'm in the position of teaching others in air element instead of being taught. Even if Sara is the one fighting, I don't think she can teach me anything.

As an Aura user, well, I'm the only Aura user in the world. I can get some guidance and instruction from Victoria or Sonia who were Aura users back when they were still humans. But now, I'm already an Aura Master. I'm far stronger than they were. So unless I'm the one fighting, it's difficult for me to grow stronger just by watching.

Summoner, air mage, and an Aura Master. With all those three things that I need to improve, I'm in the position to teach others with how much I know about each of those thing. And there's no one else who can teach me any of those.

Maybe I can ask Victoria to tell me more about her knowledge from her world. But in the end, I will still be the one who combined those knowledge with practice.

And so, there's no point in me watching a match knowing that I can't get stronger by watching it.

Is it arrogant for me to think that way? Maybe. But it's the truth.

I wasn't like this in my past life. I would try many things that interest me. Even watching a street fight was interesting to me back then.

But I guess it's because I have a clear goal in my mind now that I'm different. I want the cult to be gone. And until they are gone, I don't think I can enjoy other things as much as I enjoyed them in my past life.

I do still enjoy many things. But those are less enjoyable now than in my past life.

I guess because I have many things that I liked, when I was killed by the cult and returned back to the past, the only thing I can think of is revenge. So I enjoyed other things less than before.

But I still have many things that I enjoy more now than in my past life. Like the fact that I have a harem of beautiful girls. Woo-hoo!

And most of the girls are now watching another man fighting a serpent. Though I'm not jealous.

Maybe after everything is over, I can start enjoying other things again. Though one thing is true is that I love circus in both my past life and present life. That's why I never got bored of it.

And now, the circus is still in the middle of a travel. And I'm also practicing new tricks to perform. If possible, it needs to be a trick that anyone can do, without Victoria's shapeshifting ability to help, without magic, and without Aura. Just by my own physical ability. But it can't be to the point that only I can do it.

And I practiced with the other clowns. It is a fun day today.

Later in the evening, I heard that the battle is over with Spot's victory. That was to be expected to be honest.

Kron had just adapting to his new power. And Spot has grown much stronger than when I first met him.

We can't tell how strong a monster's level is, so it's difficult to guess. But when they grow stronger, they improved their abilities greatly.

From what I heard, Spot is still faster and stronger. So the only way for Kron to win is if his use of his magic is better.

Kron must have improved a lot. But he still lost against Spot. I believe no one will think that reaching master level is not that great. Instead, they will think that Spot is too strong even for master level mages. Especially for Kron.

I bet Kron is now thinking of a new way to use his new power. Maybe he will try improving his ice element to master level as well.

As for the others, they should be thinking the same way. If they don't, then they shouldn't get involved with the war anymore.

Spot even called me and said that his children is so proud of him after watching him won against Kron. And that only make them more motivated to get even stronger.

"The next time we meet, I'm confident that we can defeat the Kraken," Spot said before he hung up.

I hope so. They are growing stronger as well.

And so, I resumed the circus tour with everyone. From what I can see, it looks like everyone here other than Thomas is improving their magic as well. I'm sure it's because they heard the news of Kron reaching master level. Just one person reaching that level and everyone become more motivated.

By the time the tour is over, I hope there will be at least one other person who can reach master level. I hope it will be Angela, but it seems like from our original group, she will be the last one to reach master level knowing that she's getting all her elements to improve at once.

"Thomas, when will we reach the next city?" I asked Thomas.

"I think we'll get there in four days," Thomas said.

"Do you want me to get you there sooner?" I asked.

"No need. We're already faster than usual with this pace. Are you in a hurry?" Thomas asked.

"No. I just thought that maybe I should return back home once in a while and go on a date. Then, I'll be back in four days. If you need anything, just call me," I said.

Yeah. Everyone is busy with training and get stronger or smarter. But it's not like they can't enjoy life. So let's go on a date with them.

Where to go? Just in Cassau, go to Varadis, Arturo, Consenza, or other smaller kingdoms they have never been to? Or to Monsters World?

Just enjoying life. To make sure that even after we reach the goal, there's something we can look forward to. It will still take a long time for us to finally be able to destroy the cult. But that doesn't mean they can focus on just destroying the cult.

And so, I spent many days relaxing with the girls. I even brought them to watch the circus. And when someone ask me for a spar, I will entertain them.

Before long, two months has passed already. And the tour is over without any incident in Consenza and Tatrama.

Thomas meet up with Sandra in Cassau as they will stay here for a while. The blacksmith is busy making more armors, weapons, and teaching his apprentices.

And I got a challenge from our second person who has reached master level in this two months other than Kron. Wendy.

830 Sparring with Wendy

Wendy. My first crush. My former teacher. But nowadays, we're treating each other like friends and companion during battle.

To be honest, I still love her. But I don't think it's something romantic now that I have girlfriends. It was just admiration for her beauty and intellect. But the young me will still think that she was my first crush.

She is still a precious someone for me. She has helped us in many ways in the fight against the cult. But now, we're not going out.

I'm sure that I will be happier if she becomes my girlfriend. But I'm also sure that if there's any beautiful girl is added as a new member in my harem, I will be happier. Which is why I don't think that she will be happy if I ask her to be my girlfriend.

Though if she's one of the girl who is actually interested in me according to Victoria's and Kayla's observation, then that would be great. But I won't say or do anything about it until Wendy said it herself.

She's doing her best as not only our mage in battle, but also as a teacher. She's still teaching in college. In fact, she has been invited to other universities in the four big countries in this continent to give lectures about wind magic and fire magic.

She can then do two of her jobs. Teaching, and investigating as agents. She brought other agents as her helper. And they will conduct investigation somewhere Wendy can't go because she gained some kind of fame in education for her interesting way of teaching a bit of magic control for fire element and wind element.

No, she didn't tell everything she knows about those two elements. Those are still things that we're afraid will be abused by the cult if they learned how to do it. She just gave lectures on how to do it slightly.

With her busy schedule, I could never imagine that she would be the second one among our group to reach master level.


When I say about our group, it doesn't include Sunglasses, the monsters, and other master level mages. It's us who have been so close for a long time already.

It's me, Angela, Kayla, Sophie, Candy, Wendy, Lina, Kron, Victoria, Sonia, Veronica, Celestine, Jewel, and Shirley. Though Sophie and Lina shouldn't be included in battle.

And there's also Hannah. But even after she became advanced level mage, I still think of her as a kid. So I didn't really consider her as part of the group. Sorry.

There are also other people we know well for a long time already other than the kings. But they rarely join us because they rather focus on their own country. So I just called us the usual group.

Anyway, I never expected that it would be Wendy who will reach master level first. I thought that it would be Shirley. Because even if they're both busy, I always thought that Shirley has more free time to cultivate. And she's even the one with Breezy right now. A wind spirit that helped wind mages to improve at a much faster rate. So I really thought that it would be Shirley who called me first saying that she would attempt to breakthrough.

But no. It was Wendy who called me. And the process took just three days for her to reach master level. She's faster at getting there than Kron.

Just like Kron, she did it on Andro's back. There were a lot of monsters like usual, but protecting Wendy wasn't a problem for us. In fact, I only get the monsters to protect her while I came by once in a while.

And so, Wendy reached master level safely. In her wind element. As for fire element, I think it will still be a while until she get there.

After a few days of adjusting with her new power, she called me and challenged me for a fight.

"Sure. I'll do it."

That's my answer after she knocked into my room to challenge me. The tour is over and now we're waiting for the investigation on the islands to be over. And everyone is trying to improve their strength.

I let Airy stay with Sara because I think she can reach master level sooner than I could. In fact, I still don't expect that I can reach that level. So I just lent Airy to her. Though I made sure that Sara will buy Airy a lot of desserts. Airy loves sweets after all.

I think I heard a rumor of a sweet loving noble recently. It could be Sara.

Well, with how much Airy loves sweets, I think it's normal to think that way. And since she can't be seen, it would be Sara who ended up being thought as the one who buy them for herself.

She's a noble now, right? I guess she will have to get married with someone soon and leave a heir. I hope she won't get too busy teaching the students so she can find a good partner.

After our preparation, I transferred Wendy to Monsters World for our spar. The fight will be in an open area near the Monsters Village. Where the Summoner and the centaur were dueling before.

It's a vast area. Though we both can fly, so the battle might take place in the sky more.

What I need to be careful is that she's also an expert level fire mage. She can use her wind magic to improve the power of her fire and make it bigger. Though for heat, I don't think I have met anyone with hotter fire than the Blacksmith. He's great in increasing heat.

"Roy, are you ready?" Wendy asked.

Right now, we're being surrounded by monsters. Not enemy monsters. But monsters from the village under me. They are interested in watching a fight as usual. Though I don't know if they can keep up or not.

As for the humans, they are focusing more in improving their strength rather than seeing someone else fighting. So none of them are here watching. I guess they are bored to keep watching someone else fighting. They would rather be in a fight instead.

"I'm ready."

I have Victorifle in my hand. To show her that I won't use other weapon. But well, this is just a feint. Victoria can change into any shape after all.

It's just precaution. Wendy is a wind mage, so she can easily gain some distance as soon as the fight started. I might be able to catch up with her, but it's best if I can hit her from distance.

And using long distance slash attack is useless. Because it's obvious where I will attack. Wendy just need to focus on where I'm slashing and dodge it.

От Рианны до Ким Кардашьян — это 5 самых богатых женщин-миллиардеров



The Sexiest Game Of 2023! Not For Kids


Shooting a bullet is faster. So I'll use a rifle instead.

As soon as the match started, Wendy didn't choose to gain some distance. But instead, she rushed forward as I aimed the rifle at her.

Well, I shot at her anyway. And she used wind magic to block it and push the bullet away. She knows that if the bullet is too close to her, the sleeping gas inside the bullet will affect her no matter how slightly the effect is.

Then I changed into a spear as she got closer while dodging her attack. Only then she gained some distance.

I see. She's looking for a certain distance where it's too far for my melee attack, but too close for a long-range attack.

"That strategy won't work on me, you know?"

So, instead of using melee weapons, I transformed Victoria and some Blobbies into two guns. Now I'm wielding dual guns. One on my right, and another on my left.

"I can just use a gun as melee weapon as well," I said.

"...Fuck. I forgot about it," Wendy said before she flies to the sky.

So I run up after her while shooting at her. She's so fast. But my reaction speed is faster.

In a short distance, I'm faster than her. But after a few more meters, she gains more distance from me.

"Then I'll just attack you while moving around!" Wendy said.

Yup. That's a problem for me. But as long as she doesn't use powerful magic, I can endure anything thrown at me.

I didn't wear the magic armor or I will rely on it too much. And this is a spar to improve my skill.

In the future, I'm sure there will be many opponents who will do what Wendy is doing now. If they are any slower than Wendy, then I can catch up to them easily. But some might actually by faster than Wendy.

I can get Ray's help then. But what if there's some reason why I can't summon a familiar with me in future battle? Then Ray won't be of help.

This is why I'd rather be in a fight than watching it. This way, I can improve.

Now, should I find a way to attack Wendy, or should I waste her mana?

Since this is training, I should find a way to attack Wendy instead of being passive.

"Well, the real fight starts from now. Let's enjoy ourselves!"